MTL - Nine Astra Skies-Chapter 227 Lingmu

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"Don't say this first, father, you should treat this gray medlar first." Ye Chen went to the side of the gray head, and entered a sigh of sigh in his body, and took out another one. The demon dan, fed the gray eagle head.

Ye Zhantian and others hurriedly greeted the tribes and wrapped the wounds for the gray meditation. They knew that in the future, these gray meditations would become one of the main forces of Yejia, and one could not lose!

The crowd began to get busy, and the gray and eagle stood in the same place, combing their feathers, and the young people of Yejia’s family were not afraid of these gray medlars. They all gathered up and curiously touched them. .

There are so many gray medlars in the valley, and there is a george level, and all the people are happy.

Ye Chen calmed down and used the soul to discover the minds of these gray meditations. After these gray meditations became Ye Chen's monsters, they would voluntarily give Ye Chen some news.

From the minds of these gray meditations, Ye Chen got some messages. This team is a patrol of the Temple of the Wolf, responsible for patrolling the eastern part of the Seibu Empire, knowing that it is the patrol of the Wolf King Hall, Ye Chen. My heart was shocked.

The Wolf King Hall lost such a team of gray meditation, will it trace the Lianyun Mountains?

After continuing to explore, Ye Chen understood that he thought too much. The power of the Wolf King Hall was extremely large. The commanding monsters and tribes were extremely vast. The territory was also extremely vast. There were thousands of flying monsters patrolling on this territory. There are so many tens of thousands of teams, there are often some small teams inexplicably missing or encountering with the enemy, the damage is also inevitable, the Wolf King Hall is too lazy to pursue.

From the minds of these gray meditations, Ye Chen clearly recognized the terribleness of the Temple of the Wolf, and their power was really tyrannical. It is no wonder that the Lion King Hall also retreated and kept shrinking the site.

The war between these beasts is far more alarming than the war between nations and nations.

Ye Chen took a deep breath, although there were some hidden concerns in his heart, but no one could share it for him. Looking at these simple people, Ye Chen knows that guarding the family is his responsibility to escape.

The people in the valley began to help the ash carving on the cliff to build a nest, let the ash carvings carry the craftsmen up, the craftsmen built with materials such as black mysterious iron, this time the Ye family was busy again.

Back to this valley, Ye Chen's wandering heart finally had some feeling of tranquility, feeling the taste of the home, chatting with a group of relatives, and feeling very cordial.

A raccoon knows that his people are still alive. After returning to this valley, they are not as sad as before.

After Wings and Otaru came here, they were even more excited because there were so many children in the valley that they were so big. They finally played, and they had fun with the children of Ye Family. What they played Yes - kick the ball!

In one corner of the valley, there is a flat lawn, just over ten meters away from the lake.

Ye Chen only brought a raccoon. He looked around and thought that this place was good. He took out the same thing in the arm guard space, and it was the wood that was bought from the auction.

On this piece of dead wood, there is a hint of greenness, so that Ye Chen has always been very curious about it. I don't know what this dead wood can grow.

It is necessary to use the wood system to promote its growth. Ye Chen runs from the green wood, and drinks a low voice. The surrounding wood is mysterious, and he is gathered by him. Ye Chen’s body meridians have also been wood. It is full of Xuanqi.

A raccoon stood on Ye Chen's shoulder and stared intently at the dead wood in Ye Chen's hand.

Ye Chen Shen sighed, and the raging woody Xuanqi was poured into the dead wood. The dead wood seemed to be activated instantly, madly absorbing the woody mystery, like an amazing whirlpool.

So fast!

Ye Chen gradually felt that his supply of mysterious gas could not keep up, and he could only keep pushing the flying knife.

Among the five elements, wood can make fire, and the same, water can produce wood!

Ye Chen entered the territory of the road, and at the same time, the water gods and the green wood rafts, the water system on the lakeside, also madly surging, wood-based, water-assisted, with aquatic wood, a steady stream.

The wood system that supplies the dead wood is more and more, about half an hour. Under the supply of huge amount of wood, the green wood on the dead wood is thicker, and gradually, a bud is grown on it. The buds grew up and opened three green leaves.

A group of people in Yejia felt the abnormal fluctuations of Xuanqi here. They all rushed over and found that Ye Chen was running a mysterious spirit. The two lines of Xuanqi formed a huge vortex in Ye Chen’s body. They didn't dare to approach, just watching from a distance.

"What is the patriarch doing?"

They noticed what Ye Chen was holding in his hand, and his heart was full of curiosity.

At this point, a ray of sunlight projected from above the valley and shined on the green leaves.

Suddenly, the difference is steep!

The branches and leaves on the dead wood grow upwards at a speed visible to the naked eye, the branches become thicker and thicker, and the long roots grow under the dead wood. Ye Chen feels the dramatic changes in the dead wood in his hands and is scared. After a jump, I quickly threw the wood out of my hand.

This thing is really a hell!

The speed of its growth is too fast and too fast. It is so fast that Ye Chen can't accept it. Ye Chen thought that he was urging the dead wood to grow a bud and buried it in the soil. After careful care, he could grow up slowly. I know that it’s a blink of an eye. This thing has grown a few meters high. The long roots are like countless tentacles, which makes people feel scared.

After being thrown out by Ye Chen and falling on the ground, its roots had to touch the ground, only to hear a loud bang, these roots had to be plunged into the soil, and the roots quickly became thicker, as if they were inflated. The balloon is generally, and constantly drilled into the mud, hitting the hard rock inside the earth, only listening to the bang, the rock is instantly pierced by its roots, a root must travel a few meters, extending to the distance Next to the lake, hey, only a moment, Ye Chen felt that the water level on the lake fell down a lot.

The roots grow at a very mad speed, and the trunks and leaves above are growing at an incredible speed. Their trunks quickly become thick, from one finger to thick, to thick thighs, to one. Only when people can hold it up, and then to the big tree that three people can hold together, it takes less than half a minute, and its height is constantly rising, from a few meters to a dozen meters, then to tens of meters, just Then for a moment, it became a towering tree.

My God!

A group of people saw with their own eyes that a towering tree of three people grew up in half a minute, and they thought they were dreaming.

Ye Chen looked at the towering tree in front of him and secretly stunned it. The soul of the **** shrouded it and observed it carefully. He was afraid that this guy was a monster. He even had a fire system and was ready to destroy it. However, Ye Chen’s spirit did not observe any abnormalities. This towering tree has no special features except for its vitality.

When it was about 30 meters long, it stopped growing and became extremely quiet.

Ye Chen was relieved that if he had been growing at the speed of its growth, I am afraid that it will not take long before the valley where Ye’s painstaking efforts are to be destroyed. Maybe it grows, there is also a limit.

"The patriarch, what is this tree?"

A group of people gathered together.

"I don't know." Ye Chen shook his head. The tree grew too fast, and Ye Chen was caught off guard. He hadn't had time to check the information to see what tree it was. It has grown. This is the case.

Around the tree, there is a very strong woody mysteriousness. There should be some advantages to the cultivation of the woody mysteriousness. However, the Yejia people only cultivate the Leidi, and it seems that they cannot be used.

A group of people talked about it, and they grew up so fast, they saw it for the first time.

"The old patriarch is coming."

Ye Zhantian and Ye Cangxuan saw that there was such a towering tree here, and they were a little surprised.

"Chen, what is going on?" Ye Zhantian asked in confusion.

"Father, this is the case. Before I bought a piece of dead wood in the emerald capital, I found that I poured wood into the dead wood. This dead wood actually has a little life. I thought, I will bring the dead wood back to Yejia. I have cultivated a trace of seedlings, and then researched what kind of tree it is. I just didn't expect it. When I got here, I injected it into the air. After it touched the sun, it suddenly grew violently. It has grown into such a big tree." Ye Chen explained.

"Between the dozens of interest?" Ye Cang Xuan took a moment, he has never heard of it, there are such tree species, actually can grow so much in a few occasions, "I have never heard of There is such a tree, this tree grows so fast, I am afraid it is also a kind of spiritual wood?"

"It seems that we have to go back and check the family code." Ye Zhantian was quite shocked.

They also had some curiosity about this big tree. I don't know what the role of this tree is. If it is a kind of heaven and earth, it is a pity to waste it.

A group of people surrounded the big tree and talked about it.

"It won't continue to grow any longer?"

"It should be." A group of people are still quite afraid of its horrible growth rate.

"Before you don't know what tree it is called, call it Lingmu," said a tribe.

The rest of the people accepted this statement.

Ye Chen did not participate in the discussion. Instead, he used his soul to observe its branches and leaves. While reading through the descriptions of various trees left by the guardian arm, the number of magical trees recorded by the guardian arm was as many as tens of thousands. Those species have different uses, some can be used to make medicinal herbs, some can be detoxified, and some can be highly toxic.

After more than an hour, Ye Chen still did not find out, what tree it is, the soul of the tree pays attention to the leaves of this big tree, the leaves of this big tree is a weird pentagram, on the green leaves, It is like a drop of water, under the illumination of the sun, like a little starlight.

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