MTL - Nine Astra Skies-Chapter 928 Imperial skeleton

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"Hello!" Ye Chen and Liang Mu nodded and said hello.

Liang Mu also nodded, and he looked at Ye Chen.

Without the amazing contempt talent of the coffin family, he did not know that Ye Chen was a human being, and thought that Ye Chen was a strong man of the Golden Horn family.

Liang Mu’s body has an amazing chill, which is the talent of the Tianhan family. Liang Mu's character is very harmonious, mixed in the world of the gods, making more friends, and building fewer enemies is the best rule of survival here.

The gods of the world are gathered, and a seemingly inconspicuous person is probably some hidden master.

"Small, who is this person?" At this time, another young man next to the coffin came over and watched Ye Chen with vigilance.

His contempt ability is worse than that of Xiaoyan. He could not see that Ye Chen was a human being and thought it was a golden horn.

"Small, farther away from the Golden Horn family, the Golden Horn family is very cruel. Many of us have died in the hands of the Golden Horn family!" The young man voiced to Xiao Xiaodao.

Xiao Xiao smiled at the young man and did not tell him that Ye Chen was a human being. She smiled and introduced to Ye Chen: "He is Wu Qi, my family!"

Ye Chen nodded.

Uchi strangely stared at Ye Chen and asked: "Why are you not with your family?"

The population of the Golden Horn family is very large and rarely touches other races, so Uchi is very confused, why Ye Chen is with them.

The Jinjiao family and the Lingbi family are not very opposite, so Wuqi is hostile to himself, and Ye Chen can understand. Some people can’t understand that, as a coffin, Xiaoxuan can see that he is not a golden horn. It is a human being, but Uchi does not see it.

Feeling about strength, Uchi is stronger than Xiaoyan.

Ye Chen thought about it, it may be some reason for talent, Xiao Yan’s contempt talent is stronger than Uchi! However, as can be seen from some of Wu Qi’s actions, Wu Qi seems to be only a guard of Xiao Yan.

It seems that Xiaoxiao is among the coffins, and identity should not be simple.

Ye Chen had a bit of curiosity about this kind of clan who was friendly with the human race.

After a period of rest, other people gathered and they will soon leave.

Ye Chen found that some teams in the distance also stood up and began to take action.

It seems that every time you enter Jinhu Lake, there is a fixed time. Only when they have reached a fixed time will they leave.

“噗通” and “噗通”, the scenes by the lake are very spectacular, and a group of people jumped into the Jinhu Lake. Those teams tend to have a large number of people, two or three hundred people, three to five hundred people abound.

Seeing those people jumping into the lake, Liang Mu was very calmly waiting for something, and those behind him were not in a hurry, waiting quietly for Liang Mu’s orders.

As a declining Tianhan, the ability of so many powerful ethnic masters to be so convinced by Liang Mu, Liang Mu is still very capable.

"Follow!" Suddenly, Liang Mu’s eyes flashed, and he jumped into the lake first, like a fish volley.

A group of people followed the back of Liang Mu and jumped into the lake, closely following Liang Mu.


A figure walked through the lake.

Ye Chen also jumped into the lake and looked far away. A monster with only a golden scale was frantically besieging those strong people.

The water is turbulent, some monsters are killed by the weapons in the hands of the strong, the golden blood is flowing, making this water area become pale gold, and some strong people are *dropped, their bodies slowly Floated up.

As those monsters were attracted, Liang Mu and his party went very smoothly all the way to the depths of the lake, lightning fast.

Looking towards the deep bottom of the lake, you can see a golden palace.

There is a remnant left by a vain god!

Then, a strong sigh of breath, swept over here.

"The **** of the domain god?" Uchi and others behind Liang Mu have changed.

"Calm, no one should move!" Liang Mu drank a sigh.

Liang Mu took everyone in the lake and did not move.

The gods of that domain were swept away by them, and they quickly left. In the distance, the gods passed by, and as fast as the horror, they quickly entered the golden palace below.

Uchi and others looked at it with admiration. The gods of the roads represent the strongest of a domain **** and even the gods. Only they can quickly pass the enchantment of the golden palace and enter. The interior of the palace.

These people can only get some cheap outside the golden palace.

Seeing that it is getting closer and closer to the Golden Palace, Ye Chen feels that the body is full of indescribably refreshing, and the mysterious power contained in the golden light continues to enter the Dantian world through the pores of the whole body.

This is completely another level of power!

Ye Chen felt the golden bone behind him, and he continued to expand outwards and had spread five bones.

I don't know when I can consolidate into a real bone!

In the body of Dantian in the body, Tianjun’s fineness constantly nourishes the purple villain and makes it stronger.

The golden temple in the distance of Ye Chen looked at it. If he could find a way to enter the golden temple, even if he couldn't find any treasures, it would be enough for him to cultivate for a period of time, which would make him improve greatly and even break through to the level of heaven.

Xiao Yan looked at Ye Chen, and her coffin can clearly see the slight changes in Ye Chen's body.

"Ye Chen brother is a genius with the emperor's bone?" Xiao Yan looked at Ye Chen with amazement, and said.

"Divine bone? What is it?" Ye Chen stunned and asked in confusion.

"Ye Chen's brother doesn't know?" Xiaoyan asked doubtfully. After a while, he said, "Ye Chen's brother just came from the lower bound, naturally I don't know. In the gods, the gods, gods, and fines are divided into several Levels, including Xuan, Zong, Sheng, there are seventy-two Xuan, thirty-six, eighteen, a total of one hundred and twenty-six kinds. In the holy bones, the emperor bone is a very powerful one, only second Yu Zu Shen Gu! Everyone who has a holy bone is a worldly genius!"

The original **** bone, the **** blood and the fine scorpion are also divided into equal steps. The higher the order of the **** bone, the **** blood and the fine scorpion, the stronger the cultivation talent.

The bones that Ye Chen condensed out belonged to a very high kind among the gods!

"I can see it because I have a celestial spirit. Ye Chen’s brother has the things of the emperor's bones. It is best not to tell other people, otherwise it may lead to the murder!" Xiao Yu Ye Chen said.

"Understood!" Ye Chen slightly decapitated, it seems that the Emperor's bones are a must-have thing. I don't know what the heavenly spirits are. It is estimated to be some very powerful inheritance talent among the coffins.

Seeing Xiaoyan talking to Ye Chen from time to time, Wu Qi was not happy, and looked over frequently, his brow was locked. Although Uchi is only a small guard, but for Xiao Yan, there is an indescribable possessive desire. Seeing that Xiao Yan and Ye Chen are talking and laughing, they are very unhappy, even if Ye Chen is a golden horn.

Wu Qi blocked in the middle of Ye Chen and Xiao Yan.

"Miss, this guy is very speculative, Miss is careful!" Uchi said to Xiaoxuan.

Xiaoxiu's eyebrows wrinkled, revealing an unpleasant look. As a guard, Wuqi didn't seem to put her in the eye too much.

"I have a number!" Xiao Yu whispered, and screamed uncomfortably. Ye Chen is not a golden horn, but Wu Qi can't see it.

"I am thinking about the safety of the lady. The guy of the Golden Horn family is inexplicably approaching you. There must be some attempts!" Uchi quickly explained.

"Uchi, I still can't take care of you, and I have to explain that it is not that Ye Chen's brother is approaching me, but I am approaching him!" Xiao Yan said unscrupulously, "Do you even have good people and bad people? Can't you see it? What do you want to use this day!"

Wu Qi opened his mouth, but he couldn't say anything. Tianling was really amazing. He could even see a person's character, but Xiao Yan was so close to Ye Chen that Wu Qi was not happy.

"Yes, Miss!" If you continue to talk about it, I am afraid that it will cause a little disgust, and Uchi can only retire.

"It seems that this guard likes you very much!" Ye Chen sneaked.

Xiao Yan’s white cheeks suddenly turned red, saying: “Uchi’s character is good, but his heart is not wide enough.”

Xiao Yan is very cute, and gentle and sensible, let Ye Chen think of the child, Ye Chen heart treats Xiao Xiao as a sister.

Under the leadership of Liang Mu, they have entered the depths of the lake. On the outskirts of the golden palace, it is magnificent, and there are some strange fish swimming around from time to time. In the garden of the palace, there are also countless gods.

"Two-stage medicinal algae!" Seeing a few seaweeds floating in the distance, a strong ancestor of the ancestral family was very pleasantly surprised, and plunged away in the distance, trying to grab those pieces of seaweed.

"Come back, don't go!" Liang Mu angered.

But the strong man of the ancestral family turned a deaf ear and continued to pluck the pieces of seaweed.


A golden light fell and bombarded on the body of the ancestral strong family. The strong ancestor of the ancestral spirit was instantly smashed into the residue by the golden light containing the divine power, and even the soul did not stay.

The rest of the new ones immediately stood still and did not dare to move any more.

These newcomers did not listen to Liang Mu’s orders, so they couldn’t help but see the elixir, but the fastest man was the worst, and the rest rushed back.

"Tell you to listen to my orders, and if you still act arbitrarily, like that person, it is self-seeking!" Liang Mu snorted.

It’s obvious that the old players are already eccentric. They are very good at Liang Mu. When they see this scene, they don’t dare to make their own claims.


Under the leadership of Liang Mu, they crossed a long corridor, and a beautiful garden in the distance appeared in their sight.

"There is the nursery of the Nether God!" Even Liang Mu, but also the color of excitement.

~~(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)