MTL - Nine Astra Skies-Chapter 969 Terran army

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"I became a nine-order powerhouse?" Tian Kui stared blankly and muttered to himself.

It all happened only in an instant, so Tiankui felt like being in a dream.

At this point, the whole family is boiling.

"What happened? I feel that my strength has improved a lot!"

"Me too, I am actually tenth?!"

All the second and third orders in the family have become the ninth-order powerhouse, and all the five-sixth-order ranks have become the tenth-order powerhouse. As for the ninth-order patriarch, they directly entered the ranks of the land.

After the second-level race, even a newly born baby has at least a fifth-order physical strength! The strength of each level of the strong, there has been a significant improvement.

"The patriarch, what is going on?" Everyone looked at the patriarch and asked excitedly and puzzledly.

"According to some ancient books of our Tianyu Star, the ancient people of the ancient times, even the newly born babies, are at least the realm of the Emperor and the gods, and the talents are amazing, but as time goes by, the human race After being suppressed, the strength of the Terran has been weakened. Now our talent is not as good as it used to be. I guess it may be a certain power, and we have earned a chance for our people, so our strength can be so amazing."

When I heard the patriarchs, these people understood a lot.

"A certain Terran is working hard for our human race. We must seize the opportunity and strive to become stronger! Become the help of the human race!"

"Strive to cultivate and fight for the human race!"

The people are boiling and practicing harder.

When I heard the words of the elders, Tiankui held a fist and looked at the void. One day, my Tiankui would also become the pillar of the human race, killing the glory of the human race!

After the defeat of the gods, the footprints of the Terran throughout the universe, among the ancient people, there are many hidden in the deep void, their descendants continue to multiply, become a large starry tribe.

Holy River Star Field.

This is a star field controlled by the human race. The entire star field has hundreds of millions of life stars, and the human race is countless. This is one of the most prosperous stars in the universe.

Among the holy rivers, there are six of the most powerful forces, and there are tens of thousands of them reaching the peak of the star.

At the moment when the Terran was promoted to the second-level race, almost all of the Terran Powers felt their own strength and talent changes.

A few old men sitting in the void suddenly opened their eyes.

"I feel it, we are promoted to the second-level race!"

Some old people have tears in their eyes: "We are human, have new leaders finally born?"

"There was finally a Terran leader who took us to the second-level race!"

The strongest of these stars and peaks have risen up, and it is hard to suppress themselves.

"Hurry up and prepare us for the ship! We are going to find the leader of the Terran!"

"Quick, go get ready for the ship! We will be leaving now!"

A few hours later, hundreds of thousands of Shenzhou ships carrying billionaires from the holy river, and heading in all directions, they did not know which star in the human race, but all this could not stop them. Looking for a bright determination. They want to find the leader of the human race, follow him, fight for the human race!

Although many of the history of the Terran have been annihilated in the long river of time, many stories have been passed down from word to mouth, and they have never been forgotten the glory of their ancestors.

Ancient 岚 star field, blue river star field, holy dragon star field, jade print star field...

The Terrans of millions of stars are in turmoil.

Many Terrans are in the universe, living in the cracks of various strong races, they live to survive, but the blood of their ancestors flows through their chests!

"Fighting for the glory of the Terran!"

In the endless universe, the human beings living in the cracks, the moment when humans are promoted to the second-class race, the glory in their memory is finally awakened, they are no longer willing to crouch, they are going to follow the leader of the human race!

A ship of godships opened up the journey of time and space, looking for the trace of the leader of the human race in the vast universe.

There are some godships on some planets, and countless Terrans are looking forward to them.

A ship of godship passed through these stars, and then slowly landed. Numerous Terran strong men poured into these godships, and the ship of God slowly opened, leaving these human strongmen to leave.

Hundreds of millions of Shenzhou ships are like a mighty flood, passing through a star field.

They searched between the stars, and found no human leaders. They carried the human races in these stars and set foot on the journey. Perhaps they could not find the leader of the human race in their lifetime, and perhaps many people will die in the universe, but they still have no hesitation.

The various races in the universe found the human riots, and they were all very confused.

"These races seem to be crazy!"

"What do they seem to be looking for?"

Some hostile races of the Terran killed these Terrans along the way. A ship was hit and exploded in the universe, turning into a burning flame. Every time a star field passes, the Terran suffers huge losses, but this still can't stop them. Almost every star field, these Shenzhou regiments will continue to expand.

It is like a group of migratory birds migrating, they are always driving deep into the starry sky.

Although the Terran is a weak race, but on the broad distribution and the size of the population, no race can be compared with the Terran. The traces of the Terran are almost all over the universe.

The Milky Way star field, the Earth.

The people here live quietly. With the development of science and technology, humans on the earth constantly explore the stars, but no traces of other races have been found in the entire Galaxy. It seems to be a world abandoned by the gods.

There is no such thing as the power of mysterious and time-spaced lines. All races cannot be cultivated in the Milky Way, so many races have moved out of the Galaxy Stars tens of millions of years ago.

However, there are still some forgotten races here.

“In the live broadcast of the news, according to the latest news from the stars, the Star Explorer discovered a sixth planet relic in the depths of the universe. This planet remains the same as the previous five planet relics. Traces! Brick research shows that the civilizations of these races are very different from ours. They have very powerful powers to open mountains and reclamation. Is it a race in some myths?"

"The Star Explorer will bring back the skeletons of these races. Studying these skeletons will help us further uncover the mysteries of the universe!"

A submarine is slowly sinking in the deep Pacific Ocean.

"When the mountains are reclaimed, how can there be such a race in the universe?" A big man with a beard on the submarine looked at the TV and laughed.

"Captain, the laser detector found something, Captain, look! What is it?" A young man pointed at the display screen on the ship and was astonished.

Seeing that scene, the big man with a beard and his eyes widened his eyes and looked incredulous. He saw that there was a tomb standing quietly in the depths of the sea. There were magnificent sculptures around the tomb. A huge dragon sculpture.

One of the dragon's mouths is holding a gleaming object.

"What is that?" The big man with a beard of his beard rounded his eyes and watched it with trepidation.

"It seems to be a fragment of a weapon!"

"Returning the news quickly, this is definitely a big discovery of human civilization. We are rich!" After the reaction of the big man with a beard, the ecstasy was incomparable.

Half an hour later, another shocking news spread on the earth.

"Life submarine found a tomb in the depths of the sea. According to the carbon half-life test, the age of this tomb must be pushed forward for more than 100,000 years. Who is this tomb? Please continue to pay attention to this news. ""

The results of the tomb detection have not yet come out, and another message has shaken the nerves of everyone in the world.

“The latest news from Star Explorers found a large number of starships on the edge of the Milky Way, which is the image of the Star Explorer!”

The image is very clear. In the vast starry sky, a huge star-ship battleship is innumerable, covering the entire starry sky. These huge star-ship battleships are heading towards the earth. These starships are completely ignored. The existence of the star explorer.

Hundreds of millions of star-studded warships passed by in front of them, and the scene was too shocking.

Among the submarines, the bearded man looked at the TV and found that his news was headlined. He was quite satisfied, but his news was just less than half a minute, and the news suddenly switched to the Star Explorer.

"Grass, sooner or later you smashed your star explorer and grabbed the headlines with Lao Tzu!" The beard was cursed with a curse, and when he saw the picture from the next Star Explorer, he widened his eyes and mouth. Zhang got the boss.

Several young people on the submarine were stupid, and several of them squinted and wondered if they were wrong.

"Alien invasion?"

"Is the Star Wars coming soon?"

The whole earth has fallen into an unprecedented panic. Six billion humans are sitting in front of the TV and paying attention to the news from the Star Explorer. Although the technology of the earth has developed to a very amazing degree, it is shocking to see this scene. The scene, hundreds of millions of huge godships, all countries have given up their plans to resist.

Because this alien fleet is too big, they are not able to resist it. Even if they use all the super weapons on the earth, they will not be able to smash them all.

This is a huge amount of difference, there is no need to fight!

Half a month later, a ship of the gods entered the atmosphere, suspended in the void, and the strongest of several star masters swept out, and their thoughts instantly enveloped the whole earth.

"There is also a human race in this wild land?"

"Unfortunately, there is no power of mysterious and time-spaced lines. Among these people, there is not a practitioner!"

"With or without cultivation, it is my people!"

~~(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)