MTL - Nine Cents Refining-Chapter 24 Start practicing

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Sun Hao sat in the practice room, holding "Year Wood" in his hand and began to plan his own cultivation.

At present, Sun Hao urgently needs to cultivate the "Year of the Wood", guiding the gas into the body, becoming a refining monk is a top priority.

Secondly, it is the "Five Elements of the Wheels", which is an auxiliary practice method, and has a specific line of qi, but after the completion of the "Year of the Wood", it can promote the effect of the true gas walking of "Year Wood";

Then there is "Firepower", which is closely related to the fire, and should continue to grow.

In the end, it is extremely simple. There is only a hundred words of "Qing Xin Yu". This thing is actually not a practice, because it has no line of action or something. But this thing can make Sun Hao calm down, refreshing, and it takes less time to practice. After cultivation, it is very good for sleep. It seems to improve memory and continue to practice.

In addition to the "Five Elements Wheels", the other three doors should be cultivated at the same time.

Then, Sun Hao thought that the most urgent task is to thoroughly understand the "Year of the Wood", understand its principles, keep in mind the route of qi, and keep in mind the introduction of Aura. This is the first step.

Taking a deep breath, Sun Hao set his heart and began to study "Year of the Wood". "There are people who have the age, the rafts of the rafts; one year and one turn, the millennium becomes fine; the swallowing of the moon, the adults of the grass...", in the Tibetan scriptures After reading the article, Sun Hao has basically remembered the full text of the exercises. At this time, reading again, a moment of hard work, the full text of the exercises has been kept in mind. Since the beginning of the six-year-old cultivation of "Qing Xin", Sun Hao's memory is super good, not to mention a single line, never forget, but not too much.

Of course, remembering does not mean understanding.

Sun Hao put down the heavy wood, sat down on his knees, closed his eyes, and began to carefully study the exercises.

The whole work is a whole, there is no segmentation, but from its content, it should be split into five parts. At least, Sun Hao understands this.

The first part should be the essence of the practice, that is, the introduction of the principle of the practice of the law, carefully try to figure out, this method seems to draw on the principle of grass and wood cultivation, according to its introduction, the grass is the most important foundation, its gas is mellow, long Life and life, and the cultivation process should be gradual, steady, and solid, one year old.

According to the practice of self-defeating, this is the "king of the wood" method of the wood attribute method, the law has a saying: "Ten round wood into, he is Qiping; hundred rounds of wood into the same level, invincible; thousands of rounds of wood, enchanting Its name; Wanlunmu, no one in ancient and modern...", simple understanding, in the case of a layer of refining, it is that ten rounds of wood can be compared with other layers of refining, and one hundred rounds can sweep the same level. As for what is the same level, Sun Hao is not very understanding at present. Thousands of rounds of wood are very enchanting. Wan Wan is estimated to have been smelted since ancient times. Also, the first layer of refining has been cultivated to Wanlunmu. It is estimated that only the woods of Shouyuan are far away.

The second part is the method of guiding gas into the body. According to the introduction of the exercises, the wood aura is everywhere. The first step of guiding the gas into the body should be the sense of qi. Use the mouth of the "Thousand Wheels" to feel the space. The wood is aura, and then enters the body through breathing and specific acupoints.

The difficulty in this part of cultivation lies in the state of entering, according to the introduction of the law, to feel the anger, to guide the gas, first of all to enter an "air spirit" state, "like seems to have no, there is no me," the ethereal, in this state The sense of gas will be more effective.

"Empty" state? Sun Hao studied the exercises and tried to figure out the spirit. He felt very familiar with this ethereal state. When he thought about it, it was very similar to the state after he practiced Qingxin. However, in the past, Sun Hao was after that state. Into sleep, a night without dreams, blinking overnight sleep.

If you have a heart, can you practice the "Year of the Wood" after practicing "Qing Xin"?

Determined to wait, Sun Hao put down the second part and continued to study "Year Wood"

The third part of the content is well understood, the first avenue of gas refining, and the first layer of refining on the first round of wood, ten rounds, hundred rounds of wood, thousand wheel wood, Wanlun wood, the standard There are clouds: "Ten rounds of wood have lines, ten lines into hundreds of rounds; hundred rounds of wood like shuttles, thousands of rounds of wood like snails..." Because there is no cultivation, judging these states, Sun Hao still seems to understand.

The fourth and fifth parts are the cultivation method and state judgment of the second and third layers of refining. There is still a long way to go for Sun Hao. The principle is a little reference, but the benefits are not great. The article will also stop.

When the high-rise buildings are flat, the practice of refining and gas begins from the "air spirit."

This is the first day for new disciples to choose their exercises. According to the experience of their predecessors, they should be guided to enter the body. The fastest is March and May, and the slower is two or three years. Of course, in Qingmuzong, there is no repatriation of origin in one year. .

Therefore, this cultivation process is also anxious.

Set my heart, Sun Hao opened his eyes, look at the hour, actually it is already very sunset, unconsciously, Sun Hao has been sitting in the practice room for a few hours.

Sun Hao was immersed in the practice, and unconsciously, this time passed quickly.

Get up, go back to his own house, exclusive Shantou Xiaozhu, reading a book at the door of his room, seeing him come in, and quickly got up: "Young master, finished the work," she also admire in her heart, this young master is actually practicing for the first time. I have been sitting for almost a whole day, very diligent, just do not know if he can become a refiner.

Similar to Xiaozhu, this is also the kind of gimmick. Their position in the yard is closely related to their young master. The young master is very powerful and their status is high.

"Bamboo sister ~", Sun Hao smiled, this girl is a few years older than herself, and is taller than herself, but overall it is still small and exquisite, with a handsome face, Sun Hao to her The senses are good: "What book? Show me."

One of Sun Hao’s biggest hobbies is reading. Seeing Xiaozhu’s study is a lot better for her.

"Young master, call me Xiaozhu", see Sun Hao smiled, Xiaozhu appeared a blush on his face, it looked very happy: "This is a basic analysis of the basics, the home to find me, I have nothing to look at Look at" Sun Hao took a thin book and looked through a few pages. It should be a cultivation principle of the water attribute method. It seems that these gimmicks can also be cultivated. . By the way, Tong Li’s **** is still taking text lessons with him.

At the current level of Sun Hao, this practice also does not see any famous temples, and I will give back to Xiaozhu: "I am hungry, get some food."

"Okay, young master", Xiaozhu took the book and got up and went to dinner.

In fact, what Sun Hao doesn't know is that the Qingmu Zong several hospitals have a personal gimmick, and some important service personnel are spiritual roots. For example, Lao Zhang currently has two layers of refining, and these people are not getting sensible. The fate, or a miscellaneous disciple who continues to stay in the Zongmen after entering the body for one year, can enter the Zongmen as a servant disciple, which also requires a door.

For many years, there are many examples of the late martial arts disciples. Of course, more often, the fate of these disciples is closely related to their own service objects, such as Xiaozhu. If Sun Hao is successful in the future, then in the course of a long time, Can point her to her, maybe she can change her fate. Even becoming an acolyte is also a way out.

Simply finish the dinner and wash it.

Sun Hao once again walked into the practice room and prepared to continue practicing at night. Qu You gave him unprecedented pressure, and he could not lose to the kid.

This time, Sun Hao is really trying to cultivate. He is prepared to practice "Firepower" according to his habits at home, and then "Qing Xin", and began to practice "Year Wood" when he is asleep, to see "Qingxin" Whether the state after 诀 is an ethereal state.