MTL - Nine Cents Refining-v3 Chapter 2903 Wanzu source

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The gods and the demon have been guarding Tianyuan's **** for many years. However, they did not run around, but when they heard this, the two looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

After a while, Tenjin stood up and said slowly: "The true deity of the gods, the inheritance of the ancient gods, the true devil, and the land of the ancestors of the true demon of our true gods, is actually the home of the ancient true gods and true devils. Land, but it is not the origin of the true devil, and it is said that..."

After a pause, the gods slowly said: "According to each other, in the more ancient times, the true gods are actually chaotic, the true gods and gods are not divided, the land of the ancestors, and the twins."

Tianmo added: "Yes, in the legend, the twins are just after the chaotic gods are seated, the divine magic is separated, turned into the source of the source of the gods and the source of the magic, thus generating a large domain, but what is the origin of the chaotic demon? On the mainland, what time is it in the end, time is too long, it is impossible to study."

Poseidon stood up and said: "All seas are similar to the Mori. The origin of the ancestral land should be a continent. However, I seriously explored the waters of the Milky Way and found that it is not a source of sea."

The emperor Hao Anyi reveals such a will expression: "Yes, after reviewing a lot of information, I came to a more interesting conclusion, that is, if it is not done well, the people of the Uighurs trace their roots, and the last source of the ancestral source, In fact, they should all be in one place, we can call it the source of the people."

The source of the family?

The will of the ancient tree will be shaken: "If this is the case, then we may find it easier to find it. After all, as long as there is a race that records the exact location of the source, then we should I can find out where it is, and, from this situation analysis, the possibility that the virtual world **** appears in the source of the people, up to 80%."

The devil nodded and said: "Well, it is this meaning, the imaginary world, inspired by the gods, the birth of wisdom, this is very likely, and the area closest to the gods should be the source of the people."

Hao Anyi’s will sighed a long time: “It’s not easy to find it. It’s not easy to find it. The real world of the virtual world may be unique. After all, the time is too long, and the shape of the source, the source The names are all changing. The land of the ancestral source is still not there, and it is not necessarily. More importantly, even if the source exists, it will be quite difficult to find..."

After a pause, Hao Anyi continued to say: "I have consulted a large number of virtual materials and found that our virtual world seems to have many layers of eggshell structure, the first source of birth, located in the eggshell. At the core, from the inside to the outside, gradually expanding, forming the vast void of the present, forming the current starry sky, that is to say, in fact, the land of the ancestors of the ancestors should be in the core of the virtual world."

Hao Anyi said this paragraph is not very clear, but everyone immediately understood his meaning, could not help but gently frowned.

The current pattern of the virtual world is that the upper virtual is higher than the middle virtual, the middle virtual is higher than the lower virtual, and the lower virtual is higher than the lower bound of the virtual boundary.

According to Hao Anyi, it is the real land of the ancestral source of the people, that is the real place of the lower bound.

If you analyze according to the shape of the egg, the upper virtual ratio is bigger than the virtual one. When it comes to the lower virtual, the lower bound is indeed a lot less than the virtual one. At first glance, it should be especially good to find.

The Terran does not always say that three thousand lower bounds? Three thousand, compared to the vast void, it is so good to find.

In theory, this is indeed the case.

However, there is a huge problem in the middle. That is, the number of lower bounds is actually uncertain. Three thousand is just a virtual number, indicating that there are more lower bounds.

This is a difficult point. The second difficulty lies in the fact that many of the small worlds in the three thousand lower bounds have completely lost contact, not in the hands of any monk of the monks.

Some of the lower bounds have been completely overcome by the wild beasts and become a paradise for wild beasts.

Some of the lower bounds have been overcome by the Zerg, and all over the place are small bugs.

There are also lower bounds that have been occupied by the undead and become the sea of ​​death.

The lower bound of such a state loses control. It can be said that even if it is a Mahayana monk, it cannot find a path into it.

Basically, that is, once you meet the lower bounds that have lost contact, or say that once the land of the ancestral ancestors is in the lower bounds of the lost state, isn’t the situation terrible?

There is no chance to find it, there is no way to think about it.

Once this is the case, even if everyone is a great Mahayana master, it will be dumbfounded.

Silent and half-sounding, too old and ancient trees asked: "So, what is the final result of your work? The land of the ancestral source of the people is not the lower bound of the loss."

Hao Anyi nodded, and everyone could not help but sink.

However, Hao Anyi shook his head and said: "To say, it is not completely lost. I have a lot of good news as a result of this research. Maybe it will help you find the source of the people..."

In any case, the source of all ethnic groups is the origin of the people of the world, compared with other lower bounds, there are still many essential differences.

One of the biggest differences is that the source of the Wan people is the core area where the virtual world begins to develop. In a sense, it is equivalent to the core area of ​​the virtual world. The most basic point is that it will not be destroyed.

Just like a creature, the most important organs are not easily damaged. The source of the family will not easily die.

Everyone can't find it now, but it doesn't exist.

This is good news.

In addition, there is another characteristic of the source of the people, that is, always accessing all places in the virtual world as a hub, perhaps losing the information and losing the connection with the virtual family, but the source of the people can definitely There is a chance to have a chance to lead to the virtual.

Of course, from a theoretical point of view, the difficulty of the emergence of the tens of thousands of people in the imaginary is also great. After all, the distance from the 10,000 is the farthest place.

This is another good news.

The third is that the source of the Wan people is the origin of the people, it is definitely the birth of wisdom life even if it is occupied by the beast here, as long as the past few days, the beast will develop into A wise demon will develop different general civilizations.

Moreover, the biggest feature of the source of the people is the diversity of the creatures, the diversity of the landscape, and the wisdom of the creatures.

According to Hao Anyi, that is the big tree of the source of the people. As long as it reaches a certain level, it can become a tree demon and a weak wisdom.

This is the characteristic of the source of the people.

When I heard these characteristics mentioned by Hao Anyi, Sun Hao’s heart could not help but create a very strange idea.

The source of the Wan people in Hao Anyi's mouth has many points of convergence with the Tianling continent where he was born.

Can it be said that the Tianling continent is the land of the ancestors of the people?

But then, a few words of Hao Anyi, let Sun Hao fall into contemplation.

Hao Anyi said that in view of these characteristics of the source of the family, then, correspondingly, there will be several characteristics in the performance of the virtual, the most typical one is the loss of association.

The root cause of the loss of connection is not the other, but the difficulty of flying is too great, because the distance between the virtual and the virtual is the farthest, so the monks of the land of the ancestral ancestors want to break the difficulty of flying, it is too big to imagine .

Therefore, Hao Anyi’s suggestion is that any continent that can fly to a monk, especially more than one flying monk, should be excluded.

Because that's incredible.

If Hao Anyi’s judgment is correct, then there is no doubt that the Tianling continent cannot be the source of the people.

After all, after Sun Hao, the monks who have been soaring in the Tianling continent have appeared several times. There are no fewer than ten people before and after. This is a lot of lower bounds in the whole virtual world. ) Download the free reader!!