MTL - Nine Sun God King-Chapter 3355 Desolation

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Hearing the cry of the ancient beast, Qin Yun secretly despised him. This ancient beast still had to personally kill the son of the enemy, and he was sure to have a look.

The strength of the Failing Son is indeed very strong, but he fell into Qin Yun's array of methods, this is Qin Yun has long been a good bureau, so Qin Yun has to take down the spirit of the Emperor has no problem.

The spirit of the spirit heard the ancient beast shouting Qin Yun, sneer: "It turns out that Qin Yun is here, I took him to the father, I am the leader of the spirit of the spirit, must be valued!"

Both Qin Yun and Xiao Yuemei were slightly surprised. The spirit of the spirit of the spirit knows that Qin Yun’s is here. This shows that the cosmic spirit has transmitted Qin Yun’s message to these spirits.

The spirit of the spirit has already known that Qin Yun is ambushing him, but he is not afraid at all, but he is happy about it and thinks he will win Qin Yun.

Qin Yun immediately sent the ancient beast away, the first floor of the Jiuyang Optimus Tower, only the Faling Son.

"Qin Yun, you are strong, you go down and kill the arrogant guy! If you can, try to beat him to death, and give me the harvest of his life!"

After the ancient beast came back, he was relieved a lot, at least not in the place and fighting with the spirit of the spirit.

"He is dead!"

Qin Yun said: "These spirits are really strong and must be destroyed as soon as possible, otherwise they will have a great threat once they grow up!"

Qin Yun immediately controlled the opening of the big array, and the energy gathered inside the **** sky box suddenly exploded, and it came out from several directions and gathered at one point.

The spirit of the spirit of the spirit yelled: "Qin Yun, you start me with me, only anger my father."

"The cosmic spirit has created you, but it is just an experiment! You are dead, he can create it again... Only he can't create it, he will feel pity.

For example, I..." Qin Yun laughed, and then pushed the big array.

"And me...and he can't create it!"

The ancient beast also shouted.

Inside the Jiuyang Optimus Tower, the energy is tumbling, it seems to be blasting the entire Jiuyang Optimus Tower.

However, Qin Yun controls that force is very appropriate, always gathered in a range, will not rush out of the outer wall of the Jiuyang Optimus Tower.

Boom! A burst of muffled sounds in the first layer of the Jiuyang Optimus Tower, the energy that fluctuated, was absorbed by the **** sky box, and will not leak out.

In the second layer of the ancient beast and Xiao Yuemei, you can clearly see that the body of the spirit of the spirit of the Son of Heaven, the super-powered mad thunder penetrated the body, as if to tear the body of the spirit of the spirit! However, the body of Failing is very strong, and its resilience is amazing. Even if it is torn by a tear, it can heal quickly! The most terrible thing is that this spirited child did not feel the pain, just stood there and suffered a powerful energy shock! "This guy... is there no pain?"

Qin Yun frowned: "I have to say that the magical spirit created by the cosmic spirit is indeed something, very strong!"

"Brother, what should I do next?

Are you going to play?

Will it be dangerous? ”

Xiao Yuemei suddenly has some concerns.

"Qin Yun, do you want us to join hands?"

At this time, the ancient beast also saw how strong the body of the spirit of the spirit, and it is no wonder that he had repeatedly collided before, and failed to injure the other's body.

Qin Yun is thinking, because he found that the body of this spiritual spirit seems to be a little early, so it looks so powerful.

However, it is far from the true beginning. This shows that the cosmic spirit has also touched this aspect. It can be seen that for many years, the universe of the spirits has carried out a variety of experiments, and there are still great achievements.

This may be the existence of the most powerful body created by the cosmic spirit, so it is the standard to create a large group of spiritual spirits.

The cosmic spirit is a multi-faceted experiment, creating many people who want to transcend the universe, such as the nine-day Fa Ling, the Emperor, the Phoenix ancestors, etc., which are all experiments by the universe.

"I will deal with this guy myself!"

Qin Yun took out the knife of the Emperor.

In his view, the power of the state of the Emperor's peak should be similar to that of the Faling.

The difference is that the body of Fa Ling is much stronger, but the knife of the Emperor can open the other's body.

Qin Yun sent to the first floor and came to the Faling Son! "Qin Yun, you finally appeared!"

The spirit of the Emperor Lingling stared at Qin Yun, and his eyes suddenly filled with fanatical colors. "Father said about you, saying that you are so perfect so far, and that... he can’t create such a perfect person, it’s all thanks. In nature!"

"is it?

What did he say? ”

Qin Yun asked, he had been thinking about it before, whether he was considered to be the creation of the universe, and now the cosmic spirit said that he can grow up to the present, and it is all made by nature.

It is also true, because he was very weak from the beginning, and it took many years to grow to this point.

Whether it is the spirit of the Emperor, or the Emperor or the nine days of Fa Ling, they are very strong at birth.

"My father also said that he is only a cosmic spirit, not the entire universe! And you are growing up in this universe, influenced by nature.

Although you are strong and perfect, the human beings he created will definitely kill you! Prove that he is more brilliant than the universe! ”

Said the spirit of the spirit.

"Do you want to prove this now?"

Qin Yun caressed the blade and smiled.

"Yes! Although the father thinks that we are not worthy of you, so in the retreat to create a stronger human, in fact, this is superfluous, because I am enough to destroy you, prove that he is the highest creation of the world!"

When the spirit of the emperor finished, he walked toward Qin Yun step by step.

The spirit of the spirit is very incomparably careful, heads up from the chest, not in a hurry, as if he walked over and can shoot Qin Yun, the look of arrogance and contempt.

Qin Yun shook his head and injected the inoperable force into the blade. Then he brushed against the front of the Faling, and instantly pulled out thousands of knives! In the blink of an eye, this big piece is broken into pieces, each piece is so even! Then, a powerful soul, with shock, anger and fear floating out, made a roar! dead! Qin Yun's super gravity was released, and at the same time, he released the hemorrhagic veins, and he was punched up and down, and he also went back and forth several times to completely burn the spirits of the spirits into ashes.

The soul of the spirit of the Emperor of the Spirit is released by Qin Yun, the soul of the gods, to swallow and refine! "Not very strong!"

Qin Yun looked at the pile of white ash, then went back to the second floor and smiled at Xiao Yuemei: "Yuemei, start working! Turn the pony into a mysterious green, we will kill a magical son!" ”

The ancient beast said nothing, he thought that he and Qin Yun could tie a tie, but now it seems that even half an hour can not hold, it will become gray! "Qin Yun, I seduce them together."

The ancient beast said: "With your strength, single-handedly a few of them should not be a problem?

This will save some time! ”