MTL - Ninja World: Insect Princess From Konoha-Chapter 817 Check it for me

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Chapter 817 Check it out for me

The special investigation team made rapid progress, and in less than a week, a steady stream of reports arrived at Tsunade's office.

Things are simple.

It can be confirmed as an accident.

Due to operational errors, the deadly virus was leaked and spread rapidly through the air, causing a large number of people to quickly become sick and die.

Tsunade looked at the photo.

It feels a bit absurd despite being miserable.

The symptom is osteosclerosis, also known as osteolithiasis, which is a rare congenital genetic disease.

In Tsunade's career, she has only seen two cases. As a systemic abnormal development of bone structure, the entire onset process is long and torturous. The whole body will gradually become marbled, and the bone fragility will increase easily and fractures will occur. It will be accompanied by anemia, eyesight, etc. Symptoms include malaise, deafness, etc., until the whole body becomes completely hardened, the organs become petrified, stop moving, and die.

The symptoms caused by this virus are similar but more rapid.

Fortunately, it does not pose a greater risk of large-scale contagion.

Tsunade looked at the photos taken. The entire town was filled with people who died after hardening, like stone sculptures. The hardened bone plates broke through the clothes and skin, exposing them to the outside. The lime-textured bones were covered with rough burrs, floating in the air. Full of finely divided ashes.

In a short period of time, bone hardening occurs throughout the body, including the internal organs and brain, and life is quickly taken away.

Intuitively, it feels a bit like the rampage of Corpse Veins.

Tsunade continued to read, and what she thought was indeed correct.

The experimental project is the study of cadaver bone veins, a project established to manufacture composite tempered materials of biological bone for application in construction and other industries. On the surface, everything seems normal.

Meiji has many similar projects under her name.

Such as fungal bioplastics, self-healing fungal biobricks, etc.

Applied in all aspects of daily life.


Tsunade paused slightly and stared at the photo in front of her.

It is very normal for biological experiments to be applied to experimental animals. Regarding all aspects of this content, Meiji has customized strict regulations, which require strict review and has a special experimental animal breeding base.

In other words, human experimentation is expressly prohibited.

So, what kind of serious experiments would use a large number of human experiments?

Tsunade checked the contents of the file.

The experimental animals in this laboratory were brought in under the guise of experimental animals.

Its source points to the major prisons in Konoha.

Some people who should have been sentenced to death were secretly transferred to major laboratories under Mei Ji's name after they were nominally executed.


Mei Ji always knew.

With one hand on her face, Tsunade's eyes were filled with uncertainty as she looked at the strange experimental animals in the photo.

It’s really like covering the sky with one hand.

It's been hidden from me for too long.

If it hadn't been for this accidental exposure, it wouldn't be surprising to have been kept in the dark.

In Konoha, not only the research institutions were established by Mihime, but also the prison system was rebuilt by Mihime.

I never expected that two systems that were incompatible with each other would be linked together in this situation.

In fact, even Konoha Hospital is inseparable and involved in it.

"Keep checking!"

Tsunade said through gritted teeth.

"Follow the clue!"

"Ha!" the leading ninja of the investigation responded, kneeling on one knee.

"By the way, block the good news." Tsunade waved her hand and said, "Bring the person in charge of the laboratory up. I have something to ask him!"


Watching the ninja leave, Tsunade clenched her fists slightly.

That's my attitude.

So, what will you do, Maggie?

What to do, of course, is to clean up the mess.

Konoha's prison for serious criminals, Konoha's No. 1 prison, has been undergoing reforms for many years, and most of the people it recruits are social recruits, but fundamentally it is still in the hands of the Uchiha clan.

Especially as the base of the former Skeleton Undead Anbu, it still serves as a certain base function.

In the deep underground corridor, a jailer walked quickly and came to a cell.

The imprisoned person looked like an intellectual. Under his gold-rimmed glasses, he looked as gentle as a villain, and his prison uniform could not hide his gentleness. When he saw the visitor, he stood up involuntarily, grabbed the railing, and looked a little embarrassed. He said anxiously: "I want to see Lady Chongji!"

The only one who can save him is Chong Ji.

Although the unexpected loss this time was huge, it was not irreparable.

The relevant punishment is to have your skin peeled off even if you don't die.

Slightly pressing the brim of his hat, revealing the Uchiha and Aburame clan emblems on his chest, Uchiha Kama said in a cold voice: "Professor, Lord Bughime ordered you to die."

Mei Ji has been conducting research on corpse bone veins.

It is not a composite tempered material, but a related research on killing the ashes together.

Follow the clues to trace the origin, but make little progress.

"How is that possible!?" He took a step back in disbelief, and the man looked at Uchiha Kama absentmindedly.

"Impossible!" The man shouted out of control, "Who are you! Lady Chongji cannot give up on me! Over the years! I have made great contributions!"

"It's useless to talk more." Uchiha Kama dropped a dagger and said, "Because of your arrogance and mistakes, commit suicide."

"No!" The man still wanted to struggle, but suddenly his body shook violently and stopped.

A look of ecstasy appeared on his face involuntarily.

She is coming.

Lord Chongji.

"Okay, stop crying and crying."

A cold female voice sounded in my ears.

"Lord Chongji! Forgive me! I will never mess it up again next time!"

"Really?" an emotionless female voice whispered in the ear: "Speaking of which, you guys have done a lot of unnecessary things on your own without telling me."

Hearing this, the man's eyes narrowed sharply.

"Isn't this your default?"

"It's really ridiculous." The female voice said, "I just don't have time to take care of it. I'm not allowing you to mess around."

"Lord Chongji! Me."

"Shut up, or say, you want to experience a more unforgettable punishment."

"Because it's still useful, I let you go over the line. I didn't expect you to be so incompetent. The experiment was out of control. You didn't follow the safety management I have always emphasized."

"As the person in charge, what else do you have to say? Just pay for your incompetence."

"Lord Chongji! Please! Give me another chance! I will definitely do it next time!"



The man's eyes were filled with death.

Uchiha Kama's lowered eyes flashed coldly.


The leading investigator looked at the laboratory director who committed suicide in the cell, and his eyes narrowed.

What happened! ?

The bells rang loudly throughout the prison, and tension instantly rose, and all entrances and exits were blocked.

"Check it for me!"

The person in charge of the prison smiled apologetically at the commissioner.

"This guy must have committed suicide out of fear of crime."

"Our prison has always been extremely safe. There has never been an accident like this, let alone murder."

The investigator looked at the warden.

"Bring out the surveillance!"

"Ok, no problem!"