MTL - Ninth in The World-v3 Chapter 1265 Higher level of possibility

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Di Jiu spent a full month on Zhai Yun's sage's throne, and no one came to him. Di Jiu knew that no one would take care of it.

It ’s not that the top saints do n’t know that they come here, it should be that the truly powerful saints of the Holy Place did not take this matter to heart.

Even if he trapped the Holy Place Square, he could n’t even get in or out of the Nine Heavens anymore. The only possibility is that the real purpose of most saints here is not to continue to control the vast universe, but as Say Zhai Yun said. , Want to pursue a higher level of divine realm.

Di Jiu practiced the rule of law. Although staying in this holy place can temper his primordial spirit, this slow progress Di Jiu didn't even care.

The Holy Place Square was completely sealed by him, even if he wanted to enter the Nine Heavens, it was extremely troublesome, and he even needed to practice to the perfect level of the forged environment. After rebuilding a new cosmic world with Ye Mo and Ning Cheng, he fell into the realm of creation even though his strength was stronger.

Since the saint here doesn't bother him, he naturally has to ask what is going on in the ninth floor of Shenjing.

Di Jiu still had some doubts in his heart, but so many saints here only cared about the ninth floor of the **** realm, not even Jiu Chongtian, he naturally had to figure it out. Regarding the ninth floor of the Divine Realm, Sage Zun Yun told him a lot. Di Jiu estimated that Sage Zun Yun was a small role here, and he knew that it should be limited.

Di Jiu thought that the trapped formation could not be broken now. Naturally, most of the saints and saints here were again as before, sitting on their own holy seats to absorb the vitality and condense their souls.

What Di Jiu did not expect was that after he left the throne, he found that most of the saints did not continue to stay in their holy place, but just like him, he hurried out outside.

In the middle of the Holy Place, there is also a golden hall. On the huge square outside the hall, there are many saints trading.

Di Jiu came to the square outside the Golden Hall, and found that most of the transactions here were the best spiritual veins.

To be honest, after the third step of cultivation, the usefulness of the Need for Divine Veins is unrestricted. After the fourth step of cultivation, the role of the Need for Divine Veins is even weaker. He really doesn't understand why so many saints are trading the best spirits here.

"Sage Zhai Yun, congratulations, you have found a good physical body. Are you going to stay here, it is better to trade those useless and best-in-class spirit veins to me. I promise you will not be disappointed, you can choose the material magic ... … "A sudden voice sounded behind Di Jiu.

Di Jiu passed two breaths before he realized it. The other party was calling him. It should be that Zhai Yunsheng's humane breath from him made him recognize it.

Di Jiu clenched his fists and sighed, "My seizure has some problems, and it has not been solved now, so I came here to find some Dao fruit with more integration of soul and body ..."

Speaking of which, Di Jiu's words were even more apologetic, "Sorry, I just remember that Taoist friends are familiar, and the name can't even be remembered for a while."

The saint in front of him should not have taken away, or he was the body of the primordial spirit. Yuanshen is very solid, and looks not much different from having a physical body. The face is long, with a little triangle starlight on the eyebrows ...

Wait ... There's a little triangular starlight in the eyebrows, this is a bit familiar. Soon Di Jiu thought about it. He was indeed familiar. When he had not entered the Holy Place Square, he had seen the statue of this saint, called the saint Haiyi. It took a long time to control the vast universe. It seems that it was the seven hundred and seventy-six thousand six hundred and seventy-one meeting eight hundred and twenty-one years, experienced seven mass robbery ...

"It turns out to be you ..." The sage of Haiyi stretched out his hand to Di Jiu, his eyes showing a sudden look.

As for what Di Jiu said after the seizure, there was a problem, and he could not recognize him. The sage of the Haiyi sage is huh, huh, such a child would have to lie to him. At this moment, he was sure that Di Jiu was the guy who entered the Holy Place Square and arranged the trapped array. Or the sage Zhai Yun failed to win the house, but was destroyed by the other party.

Di Jiu clapped his hands before the Haiyi Sage spoke out, "Oh, I remember, Haiyi Daoyou, I'm so sorry ... Oh yes, just now you said what did you mean?"

Di Jiu's expression was confused.

Seeing Di Jiu actually recognize him, the Saint of Haiyi said a little embarrassedly, "It turns out that you really have a problem with the competition. I just thought you were the strong man who came in and arranged the troubled array."

"What kind of sleepy arrangement?" Di Jiu was at a loss. "I have been stabilizing my primordial spirit and flesh after I won the house. I just came out. Is there something I don't know?"

After Di Jiu recognized himself, Saint Haiyi no longer doubted Di Jiu, and there was nothing to hide the thing that locked the trapped square of the Holy Place. Because the saints were taken away and they wanted to spy on each other's memories, that possibility was almost zero.

After hearing this, Di Jiu was terrified and said, "Haiyi Taoist, if I didn't recognize you just now, would you want to do something to me ..."

Before Di Jiu finished his speech, the sage of Haiyi said with a smile, "Dai Yun Daoyou, you may be wrong. In fact, including the sage of Taihong, almost everyone in the Holy Place now knows that the layout is difficult. The people hiding in the Holy Place Square. But no one cares. The Taihong Saints are not most concerned about the monk who arranges the trapped array, but how to leave here and find a way to enter the fifth step of the **** realm. So even You are not a sage Zhai Yun. At most, I am just asking you for some superb divine soul veins. It wo n’t be a problem. "

"The fifth step has something to do with the Need for Divine Vein?" Di Jiu frowned slightly.

Hearing the Need for Divine Spirit, the Saint of Yiyi immediately came to spirit, "Sage Qin Ji has just returned from chaos. He and Taihong Sage and Douyi Sage and many other Taoists have derived a seemingly feasible means ..."

Hearing that there was really a viable means of nine levels of divine realm, Di Jiu's eyes lighted up immediately. If there is really a way to go to a higher level of God Realm, he will never miss it. It is a pity that there is no way to pass the news to Ye Mo and Ning Cheng. Anyway, this matter is not in a hurry, it seems that the sage of Haiyi Yi is still in the middle of it.

"What way?" Di Jiu asked eagerly.

The sage of Haiyi looked at Di Jiu with some doubt, "Dai Yun Daoyou, haven't you longed to be in control of the vast universe again? Are you also interested in finding a higher level of divine realm?"

Di Jiu said helplessly, "I did want to control the vastness before, but now the Taihong Saints are obviously not interested in breaking the traps here. If the traps can't be broken, even if I perfect my body, I need to go to When can we construct our own vast universe? Besides, even if it is constructed, it will not face mass robbery in the end.

Of course, these are not the most important, how many are the most important saints this time? There are hundreds if not a thousand, right? So many saints have a complete body, hehe ... "

The sage of Haiyi smiled haha, "Zhai Yun Daoyou's thoughts are really transparent. In fact, the sage Taihong thought of this problem, which is also one of the reasons why the sage Taihong did not want to open the trap. , Who will continue to control the vastness from the nineth heaven.

Now you think about it, so many saints have complete flesh, so who is the first to control the vast universe? Once the trap is broken, the entire Nine Heavens will be destroyed by the war of these saints. As a matter of fact, everyone knows it well, so it is extremely rare now that the Need for God's Spiritual Vessels is being contested by everyone. "

Speaking of this, the sage of Haiyi no longer waited for Di Jiu to ask, and took the initiative to say, "Based on the saints such as Qin Ji and Tai Hong, and the exploration in the endless chaos, the conclusion drawn must be heavier than Jiu The place where the sky is higher is the place where there is infinite chaos between the place and the Nineth Heaven. UU reading book

Any saint in the fourth step cannot survive in this infinite chaos. Even Qin Ji Saint can only stay in the chaos for a short time, so if you want to go through the chaos, you must use the means of burning the spirit vein. Must contribute at least 30 million Need for God Veins ... "

Di Jiu took a breath. In addition to shocking the sage Qin Ji can survive in the chaos outside Jiuzhongtian, he also shocked 30 million superb divine soul veins.

In the real vast chaos, he couldn't even move. If he didn't join Ye Mo and Ning Cheng to open up a new universe, he could only be crushed into nothingness in the end. Sage Qin Ji can walk in chaos, and can also search for chaos. What strength is this?

Secondly, there are 30 million Needy Spirit Veins. He has opened the universe world of many third-step strongmen, and he has also killed the Sage Zhai Yun. The Needy Spirit Vessels in the world are piled up like mountains, but there are no 30 million.

The Need for God's Spiritual Vessel can range from a thousand feet to three thousand feet in length. It looks like a continuous mountain range. In fact, the magnitude of the sum can only reach about ten million, or even not yet.

(Today's update is here, good night friends!)