MTL - No One Can Leave The Beginner’s Village-Chapter 11 undead human beings

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"Remember, you must be surrounded and beaten! The more people there are, the more powerful it is, so try to get a rabbit every second!"

In the crowd, the backbones of various guilds shouted, reminding everyone what to do.

But Wang Mingchen, Zhang Mei, Fang Ling, and Chen Chuanwen smelled an ominous premonition, especially after seeing those rabbits just running, but not looking in fear, this ominous feeling became stronger.

"They're just a bunch of first-level rabbits, shouldn't they have such high intelligence?" Several people thought so in their hearts, so they didn't stop everyone from charging.

Just as the last player rushed out of the novice village, Yi Zheng smiled, and the radish suddenly stood up: "Kick them around for me!"

The big rabbits who were retreating just a moment ago suddenly braked, then turned back sharply, and shouted: "Roar!"

The roar directly covered the shouting and killing of the human players.

"No, hurry up!" Wang Mingchen shouted first.

But it was too late. The earth was shaking. Looking around, a red light lit up on the green grassland before, and it was countless rabbits rushing towards.

The big rabbits were catching snakes in one hand and chickens in the other. Before they came, the chickens in their hands had already been thrown at the crowd like bricks.

Overwhelming chickens, a white light lit up in the crowd that was instantly smashed...

What's more terrifying is that these chickens are also very powerful in combat. They also have the ability to kill a level 1 player in seconds. With a single stroke of their wings, a player turns into white light...

The players were so frightened that they hurriedly avoided the chicken's attack, and the dense formation collapsed instantly.

And this is the beginning of their nightmare!

Because those rabbits were killed, and these rabbits had poisonous snakes in their hands, and whoever got caught would turn into white light, no exception!

What's even more terrifying is that these snakes will spray poison in the air, and the blood volume will drop down with a rush of poison. In the face of the poisonous AOE attack, the player is turned into white light piece by piece...

The most desperate thing is that the players are in a group, and the players inside cannot attack the rabbits outside.

But the rabbits outside can quickly surround a player with three or five, and then one rabbit, one foot, and one snake whip...

"Beasts, beasts! The attributes have been suppressed like this, and you are still kicking in circles! Do more and less? How afraid of death are you!" The players couldn't help cursing up to the sky.

But the answer to them was a piece of flying chicken!

The 6,000 players, faced with the beatings of 30,000 big rabbits, 30,000 chickens, and 30,000 snakes, were almost powerless to resist, and they were flattened in an instant.

The battle took just over an hour from start to finish.

And here, most of the time, it is the time that the rabbits use to lead the players out of the novice village.

The real battle ended in 20 minutes, and all 6,000 players turned into white light, leaving behind the ground covered in cloth, cloth shoes, and wooden swords.

"It's too weak." Yi Zheng shook his head, jumped on a big rock, and sat directly on it, looking like he was begging for defeat: "If these guys only have this level, then they don't want to go out in this life. already."

Then Yi Zheng glanced at his level, and he actually reached the terrifying 6th level!

Name: Rabbit King

gender: male

Category: Rabbit

Level: Small Boss

Age: 1 year old [life expectancy of 6 years]

Level: Level 6

Life: 18400 points [Physical*200]

Mana: 13200 points [mental power * 100]

Constitution: 92 points

Strength: 92 points

Agility: 92 points

Mental strength: 132 points

Attack Power: 410 points [Strength*5]

Armor: 184 points [Physical*2]

Magic Resistance: 264 points [Mental Power*2]

Skill: Carrot Strike, jump up and smash enemies in a small area with the weapon carrot, causing 1320 magic damage and consuming 30 mana.

BOSS Skill: Carrot attack, summon carrots out of thin air, throw them out to smash people, cause a small-scale explosion, cause 2640 points of magic damage, and consume 60 points of mana.

You can also eat it yourself, and immediately recover 1320 HP and 610 mana.

Summon Rabbit: Instantly summon 3 rabbit guards to assist in combat. The Rabbit Guard's stats are half of your personal stats.

Summon Rabbits: Can summon all rabbits to gather, but can only be used in non-combat state.

Command the group of rabbits: The group of rabbits is connected to your spirit, and you can command the group of rabbits to fight through your thoughts.

Experience sharing: You share half of the experience points gained by the rabbits.

Free attribute points: 60 points.

Yi Zheng glanced at the 60-point attribute, but didn't click on it for the time being.

At first, he knew too little about the game, and he was not sure what to maximize the benefits.

Second, his attributes are sufficient now, so don't be in a hurry.

After being happy, Yi Zheng glanced at the experience points needed to level up to level 7, and it was as high as 6400 points, which was equivalent to slaughtering all human players in order to level up!

But human players have already been slaughtered twice, and it is definitely not that easy to fool them all out and slaughter them.

Yi Zheng touched his chin. For the first time, he regretted that he was too cruel...

Yi is having a headache, and so are the players.

"Everyone, everyone has seen the combat power of rabbits, it is a comprehensive crush in terms of attributes and numbers! They even have wisdom!

Now that it is basically determined, there is no chance for a head-to-head confrontation. Let's think of a way to see how you can kill it. "The most calm Chen Chuanwen stood up and shouted.

But everyone was silent. They had already felt the power of the rabbit. Not to mention so many rabbits, one alone is enough for them to drink a pot.

"I think this game is a bit ridiculous. How can a level 1 monster be so perverted? Forget the rabbit, that rabbit still has a level 2 snake and a level 1 chicken as a weapon!" Wang Meng complained.

Robebe said, "It's too scary. How can we fight this?"

Zeng Shao said: "The group fight is definitely over, I think, if it's really not possible, let's play elite battles. We try to seduce a few to come over, let some people upgrade, and the level goes up, if we can burst out some good equipment, no Sorrow can't kill it."

Zhang Mei said: "Many players have tried your idea. Those rabbits look stupid, but they don't act alone at all. They either swarm around to kick you, or run away, and you can't catch up.

Although their strength is very strong, but if you want to be one-on-one, he will not give you a chance at all. "

Zeng Shao frowned and said, "Then... how can we fight this?"

Fang Lingdao: "Otherwise, let's try long-distance. They can throw chickens to hit us, we can hit them with stones, maybe we can do it."

"I tried it, and I threw a stone, and threw more than 20 large stones on the opposite side, as if it was raining! He came terrifyingly!" It was the fat man Luo Cheng who spoke.

Everyone was speechless for a while...

"Since everyone has nothing to say, let me say a few words?" Wang Mingchen opened his mouth.

Everyone looked at Wang Mingchen.

Yun Ying said, "You've sold your shit, hurry up and say it."

Wang Mingchen smiled slightly and said, "What Zeng Shao said just now reminded me, that is equipment! It is obviously impossible for us to upgrade now, but we can arm a team of well-equipped fighters. Maybe we can fight the rabbit! "