MTL - Noble Emblem-Chapter 1084 Rewards and thanks

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The landing phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken ... Similarly, Elis, who has lost her divinity, is essentially an ordinary human girl who still has some divine power.

Beta sees this clearly. In the front, Elise can take Beta's full-fledged sword skill attack empty-handed, and then press the sword with one hand in the back, but she bleeds, and now ... Facing Beta's attack, she can only dodge and is still Hit back.

Her divine power is constantly being consumed. Without her divine power, her strength is really not good.

When I heard Beta again that she was an ordinary girl, Iris had an angry expression on her face, and she even bit her own lower lip heavily. That look, like Beta said, is indeed an ordinary human being. little girl.

It's just that this little girl looks extremely beautiful.

Elise, who had managed to stand still, took a deep breath and raised her hands.

The immense green divine light emerged from Elise's body, and Beta saw this scene and retreated at a very fast speed.

Soon, the dense green divine light spots formed a circle with a radius of about 20 meters around Elise.

Beta can feel that if he dares to break in, he will definitely die without leaving any residue, even if it becomes Yunlong form, it may not be a benefit.

And Elise, a black hair, turned snow white.

"You are abominable, but one day, I will come to you again." Elise looked weak at this time, but her eyes were very tax-profit.

Then these green dots emitted a dazzling light, and soon Iris, Gale, and Cossiemen gradually disappeared in this layer of light.

Beta didn't watch, he threw at least five powerful magics against the light, but none of them worked.

Just watch them disappear.

With a long sigh, Beta was helpless. At this time, the shouting and killing around her had subsided. The situation was fixed. It stands to reason that they had won, but Cossiemen and Gail did not die, which made Beta somewhat depressed.

Kyle came over and pointed to the green ball of energy next to him: "What about that thing?"

Because of the loss of the master, this group of energy **** containing powerful vitality has become increasingly unstable and is on the verge of explosion.

Once this thing explodes, the city is full of vitality. Professionals have strong vitality, can accept it, and can even be regarded as a big supplement, but for ordinary people, it is no different from poison. People in half of the city have to become aliens and monsters.

Beta immediately sinks her thoughts into the spiritual link: "Let Judy bring the lucky cat, the forest elves, Jessica all of them, and by the way Monica can call them."

The forest elves contributed a lot this time and took the initiative to ask for help. It makes sense that, of course, they can't get their share of good things.

Then Beta stepped in front of the green energy life ball, stabilized it temporarily with mental power, and then took out the material to draw a magic array on the ground.

When the magic array is finished, everyone is assembled.

Beta slapped her fingers, and the magic circle shrouded all around.

Looking at the people around him, Beta said, "This life energy ball contains powerful power. Later it will explode. Everyone can absorb vitality into the body, as much as they can. This is an enhanced strength for us. Great opportunity. "

Everyone was surprised, they didn't expect that there was such a good thing.

Monica looked at Beta, her eyes bright. She knew that if she could stand here, she should also be regarded as her own person.

Then, Beta actively detonated the life energy ball with mental force. The green energy light shards scattered around, but flew into the air, and were crushed down by the magic enchantment.

These green light chips touch the human body and they will not enter.

Being invaded by vitality, everyone's feelings are different, soreness and pain can be caused.

Most people are either sour or painful, but Emilia ’s feeling is the most peculiar. She has all four feelings and feels very weird. She stands in the outer circle of the crowd and no one notices her. And her legs rubbed uncontrollably, and watching Beta's eyes seemed to drip spring water.

About fourteen minutes later, the energy of life in the enchantment had completely disappeared. Except for a small amount of infiltration into the ground, everything else was absorbed by everyone.

Beta looked at her own experience bar and rose at least a third.

Others, more or less, have improved significantly. After all, their strength is not strong and it is quite convenient to improve.

After absorbing the energy ball of life, Beta transmitted all of Kyle and others back to Okinawa City, and he remained.

Monica looked at the soldiers and temple guards who were cleaning the battlefield around her. She stepped forward and said to Beta: "It's the end, but it's the beginning. May I ask for your help!"

"Don't be so polite, let's say, I can help if I can."

"Protect me until I'm crowned Pope."

"no problem."

If there are any major events that have caused a sensation throughout the world this year, then the evil **** event is considered to be one, and now, one more must be added, the life gods fight internally, the former pope died, and the new pope is actually a woman. Pretty woman.

A woman is not qualified to become a pope. When she was crowned, many priests and nobles questioned in person, but then a green pillar of light fell from the sky and shrouded her. The breath of life and deity seemed to spread the whole world.

This is the protection of the goddess, and also the goddess of the goddess.

From this moment, no one can question her identity as Pope.

Late that night, the entire holy city of life was still carnival, and after completing all the coronation processes, Monica returned to her holy home, and then turned into countless spiders and disappeared.

By the time she appeared again, she was already in another civilian room in the city.

Beta sat up from her bed ~ ~ looking at Monica, who looked extremely noble in her elven pope robe, asked with a little surprise: "What kind of moment do you come to me for at this crucial moment?"

"thank you."

The pope's robe dropped, revealing Monica's beautiful white body.

But she still has the Pope's crown on her head, which makes her look noble and depraved and ambivalent.

"no need."

"Yes, it's necessary." Monica, who had a red cheek and a fast heartbeat, stood before the bed: "Grace will always disappear, and the benefits are not reliable. Only love and affection can last long. . "

She looked at Beta charmingly: "I hope that I can use my body to build a bridge between the two sects to help each other and trust each other."

Beta thought for a while, and stretched out an inviting hand.

Monica smiled and rolled down onto the bed.