MTL - Non-Human Sub-district Office-Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

"I have done it." Emperor House gently pushed the jade to the side, picked up the phone and looked at the news that Lin Mu had just sent, and there was no unexpected look.

He gave the forest a "know" and snorted: "The stupid little man who vented the letter."

The woods over there turned over the books that the old turtles had left for him. Looking at the text messages returned by the Emperor House, they suddenly realized that the Emperor House was also a tree.

He glanced at the contents of the book, picked up the phone and sent a text message to the house, asking him how he should become stronger.

After receiving the text message, Emperor House was asked to stay.

How to become stronger, ask Di Xiu and Emperor House, they really have nothing.

After all, it is a natural cultivation of the gods and trees that grow up in the sun and the moon. When they open their minds and become a demon, they are very strong.

Their tyranny is born.

Emperor House thought about it and carefully recalled how a group of old friends raised their children, so they simply replied: First beaten.

After saying that it was not appropriate, I chased and replied: You are still young, only to wake up, not so anxious.

If it is normal, Lin Mu knows that he is a half demon from the beginning, now he should be a milk doll, and more time is for him to come slowly.

Even if the half-devil's growth period is many times shorter than the normal monster, it should not grow as fast as humans, especially the slow-moving Shenmu, which is famous for its growth rate.

The Emperor’s house bombed the emperor’s brain, but he could understand the practice of Di Xiu.

The existence of oneself has been discovered, and it is too late to rescue the soldiers. The first reaction is of course to quickly hold the presence of the wife and the aunt.

I spent a lot of effort to cross the sea and cover the existence of my family. I guess I was also badly hurt. It is normal to roll over.

Since he can't protect his wife and children, it is better to let the child who has inherited his own blood know nothing about it. As a human being, he is always better than his own.

Only the world is impermanent, no one would have thought that Linmu should have only suddenly had a fork in his life for just over a hundred years, and went straight to the road outside the accident.

Emperor House reached out and took the jade with the emperor's remnant soul and took it in his pocket. He shot: "There is a fox, but the breath is not right. Maybe it is the fox, hey, you don't have to worry about it anyway."

I think fortunately fortunately.

Jade turned two turns in his pocket.

The Emperor’s house made a phone call to the monster who prayed to himself, and then cleaned up the traces left by himself.

After packing up these things, Emperor House left a mark in several corners of the room. After the work, he looked at the room that became a cage and grinned: "Hey, I want to catch me."

"Go away." He patted the jade that was quiet in his pocket, flipped through the information stored in his cell phone, slammed his waist, and put on his coat and walked out of the room slowly.

This is a luxury resort. The Emperor House has taken the door from the door and lifted the long-legged car waiting at the door, taking the car away.

Emperor House sat in the car and flipped the phone lazily. The small piece of jade slipped out of his pocket, rolled a few laps, and slowly moved back, kneeling beside him, not moving.

The emperor's house is murderous, and he can dispel his grievances as soon as possible.

The ugly mottled plaque on the jade has now disappeared a lot.

Emperor House poked him gently and whispered: "I still can't find a cure for the elixir..."

When I first found the human version of Tan’s name, I also wanted to try to catch a human with this talent, or a monster hidden in humans.

Who can think of the first person that the human being introduced to him, the son of Dixiu.

Also pulled out the imp, this unlucky one.

The Emperor House smashed two jade stones: "If you can't find it, we have to think about it."

This is near, referring to the forest.

Emperor Xiu turned a few laps in the hands of the Imperial House and was not happy.

The monsters in the wilderness are relatively independent, just like the Xuanjing will be thrown into the most chaotic place in the wilderness by his relatives and aunts, but if they are really dead, they will be saved.

The things that the older generation need to deal with themselves, usually do not go to the next generation.

This is the most basic self-esteem of the elders.

The emperor is not happy.

However, the Imperial House has experienced so many broken things in these years, but it does not matter at all.

I didn't go directly to the forest. It was because I happened to know the things of the emperor, and I happened to catch the emperor when I was fishing my body and the soul.

Taking into account the face of Emperor Hugh, I will go farther, or else he will look around for monsters that will plant elixir.

Except for a small number of monsters and human beings born with elixir, no one really has a benign influence on the water and soil of the emperor.

"That's it." Tee House made a decision on the unilateral side. "Looking at it now, I will take back a little bit of remnant, and you will go early."

When Emperor Hugh listened to this, he simply did not move.

This week, Lin Mu moved his desk to the window of the east end of the office. When no one came to handle the business, he squatted in the chair and sunbathed.

Because the old turtle gave him the book:

Get the sun and the moon, take the deep water, the time is long, open the wisdom to repair the human form, get nine miles, another three thousand years, become a big demon.

Translation is -

Drink more water.

More sun.

After three thousand years, it is a big monster.

When Lin Mugang saw it, he even felt that he was being played.

After the question was asked about the Emperor House, the Emperor House said that this is indeed the case.

- Anyway, it's much more reliable than first hitting this answer.

Before I thought of Xuanjing, I also said that different monsters have different cultivation methods. The trees that have been confirmed by the Emperor House have been moved to the desk and placed on the window of the sun all day.

After becoming a monster, having a demon power, and being exposed to a bunch of strange powers, Lin Mu found that he was not only savvy, but also more powerful. It seemed that even the sun that gradually became violent in the summer did not feel the sun.

This is probably the cold and heat that the book says.

The forest faced the setting sun, and the hat was placed on the table by him. He was reading the book in his hand at the light of the setting sun.

The small seedlings on top of his head stretched five leaves in the sunset, and the scattered light and dust floated out of the five leaves, like the light group falling from the big trees seen in the forest dreams.

The woods slowly turned over a few copies of the hand, except that two days ago, I learned that there should be no other harvest as a plant.

He sighed, closed the book, took a look at the time, got up and got off work.

The work in the office is really not busy.

Because of the office of their work, there are quite a few domestic ones. Many monsters coming from the wilderness will choose the climate environment that they can adapt to settle down. In fact, it is not too much to take over the forest.

What's more, his recent demon power has soared, and he has entered the office to handle business. Basically, he is very peaceful and gentle under the comfort of Emperor Xiu, and even his speech is succinct.

Lin Mu put on his hat and bought a roast chicken and cantaloupe in the supermarket near the mall. He rode the electric elf and took the sunset back home.

Xuan Xuan once again waited at the gate of the yard.

He has been coming very often recently, and he has made a lot of ghosts.

But the forest doesn't mind much—probably because there is always a big monster coming, so there is no sense of security. Toffee goes to bed every night to sleep with him.

Being so close to the cat like a cat, Lin Mu is too happy to be there. It is so beautiful to hold the dog to sleep and feel the fluffy velvet every day.

"I bought a roast chicken!" Lin Mu said to Xuan Jing.

Cantaloupe is used to squeeze juice for a few little monsters.

The small yard was hollowed out to the ground of the Bailaiping, and the foundation of the glass house was made. Several small monsters were busy here every day. The villagers had fewer people, and there was only one family separated by more than 100 meters. Otherwise, they were afraid of being early. People find it wrong.

These little monsters like to drink juice, and they are slightly repulsive to food. The forests buy different fruits and vegetables every day and come back to give them juice.

Yan Xuanjing glanced at the roast chicken in the woods and nodded.

Several little monsters saw Lin Mu and Yan Xuanjing walk in together and stopped the pace of approaching.

——They are very close to the forest, but the expressionless look of Xuan Jingjing is really scary.

Lin Mu took the roast chicken into the kitchen, gave the roast chicken to the Xuanjing, and squeezed four cups of juice to the end, and found that there was a small point.

Lin looked at the three little monsters that had come together, took a small mimosa's head and asked, "Small ginseng?"

The little mimosa blushes, and the sound is like a mosquito: "Ginseng brother pulled out a few elixir to go to the mountains to help the tree untreated."

Lin Muyi: "Going alone?"

The bigger mimosa nodded: "Well."

Lin Mu looked at the big grass and looked at him with a red face. He raised his hands and licked the heads of three little monsters.

He went back to the house and looked at the straight and straight, and looked at the sacred scene of the roast chicken on the plate. He said: "The little ginseng went alone in the mountains, I..."

"Don't worry." Yan Xuanjing put down the chopsticks in his hand. "There is no danger in the mountains."

After he threw all the things that the little monsters had come up with, the monsters that believed in the existence of the nine-tailed fox would not dare to take the lead.

The Qingshan Mountain God, who was originally ruined by the monster conflict, is now free to play fart, lying on the mountain every day to fish and bask in the sun. When I went to see the reply of the big wilderness two days ago, Yan Xuanjing was dragged by him. Fight the landlord in the afternoon.

Lin Mu listened to Xuan Jing, and he simply let go of his heart.

After all, the brain circuit of Yan Xuanjing is basically not turning, and basically does not say anything exaggerated.

He said that security is safe.

The woods are simply tied to the apron to make dinner for themselves.

After Xuanjing finished eating the roast chicken and watching the busy back of the forest, I only felt that the life of this little emperor was really monotonous.

When I was eating, Lin Shu said: "I still want to learn to fly."

Yu Xuan’s sights nodded.

Lin Mu said what it is.

The forest was mentally prepared. After the meal, the food was finished. He was ready to climb the roof and jumped upstairs in the beautiful moonlight. As soon as he stepped on the stairs, he was smashed into the sky by the Xuanjingjing chicken.

The fox leaned down and looked at the small poached egg-shaped small yard on the ground, and thought about it. This height is about the same.

The woods hold the neck of Xuanjingjing tightly, and the rafters look at the clouds that are within reach, and they don’t even reach out to touch the clouds.

He tightened the clothes under his hand and asked on alert: "What do you want to do?"

"Throw you down," said Xuan Jingjing.

Lin Mu heard the words, looked down at the small yard under his feet and took a deep breath: "Okay."

From which jump is not a jump.

It is very good.

Yan Xuanjing watched the forest slowly loosen him, and the hand sent it directly to the forest from the sky.




I fuck!

I fuck! !

I fuck! ! !

The trees are closed, the feeling of weightlessness is very bad, the wind is like a knife on the body, the body is even unaware, and the whole brain is dead.

Yan Xuan Jing face with no expression, tightly followed by the forest, swooping down, watching even the eyes did not dare to open the shackles of the forest, reaching out to catch the forest.

The forest was shocked and slowly opened his eyes. He glanced at the ground separated by a distance. He took a moment and reacted: "Failed?"

"Yeah." Yan Xuanjing looked at the pale forest, holding him slowly and falling, sinking for a while, said: "You probably don't fit this."

Thinking about it, the forest is still experiencing too little.

There is almost no thinking ability in this critical situation.

Fighting is learning fast.

Yan Xuanjing held the forest steady and fell in the yard. From his memory, he searched for any other ways to learn to fly. When he looked up, he saw the little ginseng jumping from the outside and coming back. Also followed by a white fluffy velvet that looks exactly the same as the toffee.

The small ginseng opened the door with the foot and put the dog in. He said happily: "Forest trees, I am coming back with the toffee!"

Yan Xuanjing stared at the fluffy flufflessly, and there was a coldness that refused to be thousands of miles away.

The fluffy velvet was unconscious, and I looked at this small yard with great interest. The final gaze fell on 晏玄景, and I walked up to him, squatting down and looking up at him.

- Toffee, Dad is here.

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