MTL - Not Spare the Years-Chapter 13

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Shen Huaixing found that Mu Xueyi was staring at a painting in the distance, and reminded softly: "Xueyi, why don't you go back and think about it, it doesn't matter if you answer me after thinking about it, I can wait, wait for you to think about it..."

Mu Xueyi looked at Shen Huaixing, her tone suddenly a little hurried:

"Teacher, let's talk about this later, I have something to do right now."

Shen Huaixing asked, "Why are you so anxious?"

Mu Xueyi didn't explain too much, only answered vaguely: "Go back."

Mu Xueyi turned around and hurriedly walked out, the hand in his pocket squeezed the ticket tightly, and his heart that had been hanging for two days suddenly settled down.

Sign up for today.

She really wanted to see her right away.

Want to see the eyes she stared into the painting, the fingers she held the paintbrush.

Most importantly, see if she is the same person as she was when she painted this picture.

Mu Xueyi left in a hurry and didn't have time to tell anyone that she was going to find Zhou Zhenyue today. She has never been out of Anyang City since she was a child, she has never been on a plane, and it took a lot of effort to check in.

When she checked in, she knew for the first time that the original ticket could not be presented or transferred.

Knowing the good intentions of the old man, she felt sour and warm in her heart.

She didn't know the address of the hotel where Zhou Zhenyue stayed, and she had never been to that city. Fortunately, Xiao Ai flew here to help Zhou Zhenyue the day before. She contacted Xiao Ai after she landed, and Xiao Ai hurriedly drove to pick her up as soon as possible.

When we got to the hotel, it was already dark.

Xiao Ai took her into the suite where Zhou Zhenyue lived, lowered her voice and said, "Second miss, you came a bit suddenly, if you told me in advance, President Zhou would not be at the party tonight. "

Mu Xueyi looked around the living room and didn't see Zhou Zhenyue, so she asked, "She hasn't come back yet?"

Xiao Ai helped put away the bag, but her voice was still suppressed: "I'm back, but I drank some wine and lay there." She pointed to the bedroom.

When he realized that Zheng and Zhou Zhenyue were close at hand, Mu Xueyi's heart instantly spread a warm feeling.

She asked Xiao Ai, "Can I go in and see her?"

Xiao Ai smiled: "Of course you can. I'll go downstairs to buy some supper, and you can take care of President Zhou first."

After Xiao Ai left, Mu Xueyi approached the bedroom gently. When I opened the door, my breathing was much quicker due to the tension.

The headlights in the room were not turned on, except for a warm yellow lamp on the bedside table. Zhou Zhenyue was lying on the side of the bed, her eyes were open but not focused.

Mu Xueyi walked to Zhou Zhenyue's side, squatted down, and carefully observed her eyes.

It should be... drunk, yes.

She called her: "Ayue."

Zhou Zhenyue's pupils shrank a little, she raised her eyes to look at Mu Xueyi, but there was no other reaction.

Mu Xueyi looked at Zhou Zhenyue's hand beside the pillow. She knew that when Zhou Zhenyue was awake, she would definitely not be allowed to hold her hand.

But now she is drunk.

Mu Xueyi couldn't help raising her hand, and slowly stroked every inch of Zhou Zhenyue's palm lines, softly and meticulously. When the fingertips reached the base of her finger, carefully crossed the five fingers with hers, and clenched gently and firmly.

Zhou Zhenyue's fingers trembled, but she didn't respond.

Mu Xueyi remembered that a long time ago, Zhou Zhenyue was drunk every time she socialized, and she would quietly squeeze her hand like this. She would even call her "sister" while she was unconscious.

Zhou Zhenyue is thirty-one years old, and she is three years older than her. In the Zhou family's family with many strict ancestors, she has a very clear sense of age and generation, and she is unwilling to call a girl younger than herself no matter what." elder sister". Therefore, Mu Xueyi could only coax her to call her like this every time she was drunk.

Mu Xueyi stared at Zhou Zhenyue's blushing cheeks, her heart was soft, and she deliberately coaxed her as before: "Ayue, my name is sister."

Zhou Zhenyue's eyes slowly turned, and her eyes were focused on Mu Xueyi's face.

Mu Xueyi gently guided again: "Call me sister."

Zhou Zhenyue just looked at her and said nothing.

Mu Xueyi raised the other hand that didn't hold her, touched her eyebrows gently, and said:

"Why are you not good today? You used to call me."

Zhou Zhenyue still didn't speak. I watched her silently for a while, then looked away.

There was a sound from the door outside, it should be Xiao Ai coming back.

Mu Xueyi let go of Zhou Zhenyue's hand and stood up, looked at her quiet face with nostalgia, and walked out of the room to see Xiaoai.

Xiao Ai put two plastic bags on the coffee table. As soon as they were opened, steaming steam came out. They were some very delicate Cantonese-style refreshments.

Mu Xueyi sat down beside the sofa and said casually: "Next time I ask Ah Yue to drink less, I'm always so drunk, it's easy to get sick."

Xiao Ai couldn't help laughing: "What did the second miss say? President Zhou is not drunk."

The chopsticks froze in the air.

Mu Xueyi's expression froze on her face, she stammered and asked, "What, what did you say?"

Xiaoai: "Second Miss, don't you know? President Zhou never lets himself get drunk."

Mu Xueyi: " said...what?"

Seeing how she didn't want to believe it, Xiao Ai had to explain: "I have followed Mr. Zhou since he took over the Zhou family. For so many years and so many wine bureaus, there is nothing wrong with it. Mr. Zhou said that drinking in business Being drunk will make mistakes, so she controls it very well every time, and has never been really drunk. On the way back to her, she also explained to me tomorrow's itinerary. "

Mu Xueyi's face suddenly flushed red when she thought of what she had just done.

But then, the surging joy in the subconscious instantly overshadowed the embarrassment.

She suddenly realized that Zhou Zhenyue was not drunk, which meant... She just acquiesced herself to hold her hand?

However, it didn't take long for him to be happy, and there was another buzzing sound in his mind. She realized something more.

Zhou Zhenyue has never been drunk before, so many times she called her "sister"...

It turned out that in the past few years, her self-righteous "success" was all Zhou Zhenyue's quiet accommodation.

Mu Xueyi looked at the closed door of the bedroom, her whole body tensed involuntarily, and the fragile disposable chopsticks were almost crushed in her hands.

When Xiao Ai left, she arranged Mu Xueyi's accommodation. There were two bedrooms in this suite, and Mu Xueyi happened to live in the spare second bedroom.

They spoke in low voices, but obviously, a thin bedroom door couldn't block much.

Zhou Zhenyue half-dazed, waiting for the quiet outside.

Two or three hours later, she estimated that Mu Xueyi had almost gone to sleep, and clenched the hand she had just held tightly. I propped up the bed, sat up slowly, and wanted to go to the living room to pour a glass of water.

In the darkness, she groped her way to the coffee table, looking for the position of the kettle little by little on the table.

Suddenly, a cold hand grabbed her finger. Immediately afterwards, a glass jug filled with warm water was stuffed into her hand.

Zhou Zhenyue maintained a half-bent position and froze for a while.

"Ayue," Mu Xueyi's voice came from the darkness, "The cup is also by your hand."

She paused and said softly, "I know that you will be thirsty in the middle of the night when you drink, and you don't have a kettle in your bedroom, so..." Her tone was cautious for fear of angering the other party, "I... thought about giving it to you. It's good to pour, but it'll be cold soon after pouring it out."

Zhou Zhenyue's hand holding the kettle was shaking slightly. But in the blink of an eye, she was able to control her disorder.

She picked up the water glass and poured a little water, and only spit out three words: "I haven't sleep yet."

Mu Xueyi: "Can't sleep."

After a while of silence, she said again, "I'm thinking about something."

Zhou Zhenyue didn't ask any further questions, she didn't seem to be very interested.

Mu Xueyi took a deep breath and used all the courage to support herself to say the deepest words in her heart: "Sometimes I think you don't like me anymore, and sometimes...I think you never gave up on me."

She raised her eyes and stared at Zhou Zhenyue's face through the darkness, her voice very soft:

"Ayue, do we still have a chance to start over?"

The night fell silent for a while.

Zhou Zhenyue took a sip of water, put down the water cup, and the bottom of the cup and the coffee table made a crisp sound.

When she spoke, her voice was as rational as always: "Mu Xueyi, if you don't just say a word to start over, all the past can be ignored. When you took that document and left without saying a word, did you think about us? Is it possible to start over?"

Mu Xueyi forcibly endured the soreness in her nose, her throat choked: "You...still don't want to forgive me?"

Zhou Zhenyue stared at Mu Xueyi in the dark with intuition, and said coldly:

"You used to be the only person I trusted except my grandfather. Thanks to you, I can't even trust Xiao Ai completely now. Whether it's in the office or at home, all drawers are locked. Every time Packing up the documents, every time I open the drawer, I can remember what you did in those days, day after day, for three years. For three years, I even slept thinking about whether someone would betray me again. Mu Xueyi , you ask yourself, can you really talk to me about the word 'forgiveness' with a clear conscience?"

Mu Xueyi didn't answer for a long time, and after a while, her hoarse voice sounded:

"...Sorry, I asked for too much."

Zhou Zhenyue closed her eyes, and the memories buried in the old days seemed to pass before her eyes again.

She thought that she had forgotten the hatred and unwillingness. She thought that after Mu Xueyi came back, she tied her with a contract, and they always had a chance to turn around. But she suddenly discovered that when she had laid out the past clearly, it was not so easy for herself to cross this hurdle.

Mu Xueyi chuckled lightly, but she could hear that there was no smile in her voice: "I thought you didn't refuse in the bedroom just's fine..." She seemed to be trying her best to suppress her choking, "I'm sorry, I didn't get your consent today. Just come here."

She lowered her head and said softly, "I'll be leaving tomorrow morning."

Zhou Zhenyue said lightly, "Whatever."

After he finished speaking, he went back to the bedroom. The door slammed shut.

Mu Xueyi was sitting on the sofa, and in the darkness, she couldn't see her expression clearly.

The next morning, there was a rare rainstorm.

Zhou Zhenyue simply packed up and left the hotel. When she left the entrance, she looked back at the door of the second bedroom.

The door was closed, and no one could be seen inside.

There was no trace of that person left in the living room. What happened last night seemed like a hallucination after drinking.

Xiao Ai has been waiting downstairs, and when Zhou Zhenyue arrives, she will pick her up in the car and go to the company.

In the car, Zhou Zhenyue sat by the rear window with her chin propped, as if thinking about something. Xiao Ai and her report today's to-do list, and the tedious things are one after another. Just listening to it makes me feel annoyed.

Xiaoai: "...By the way, Mr. Zhou, I forgot to tell you that the second lady left this morning."

The car fell silent for a while.

After a long time, Zhou Zhenyue hummed.

Xiao Ai said something else, and Zhou Zhenyue still listened quietly. Her thumb tightly pressed the jade ring on her index finger, and the lines on the ring surface were embedded in her fingerprints.

"This month's ledger and subject account have just been sent to your mailbox, and the branch's asset statement and profit and loss statement have not been submitted yet. After the financial department has completed the summary data, I will arrange it and send it to you together."


"The financial statements for the last quarter that the partner needs have been bound into a book and placed in Director Lu's office. Director Lu said that by the way, she will bring you the relevant information of the branch that was sorted out yesterday. You asked her to sort out the audit last time. The table is also sorted. By the way, she also asked me to ask you if I can have dinner with you tomorrow night."


"Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow are fully booked. If you want to make an appointment, I may have to help you arrange the dinner for this weekend, but... I'm afraid it will take up your only rest time this week..."

"If she's not on the plane, upgrade her to first class."

Zhou Zhenyue suddenly spoke.

Xiao Ai was stunned for a while, and turned her thoughts around abruptly: "Ah? You... said, said Second Miss?"

Zhou Zhenyue gave a low hum.

Xiao Ai couldn't help stammering: "Um... President Zhou, Second Miss... she didn't fly."

Zhou Zhenyue frowned and looked at the driver's seat.

Xiao Ai hurriedly explained: "I said I wanted to buy a ticket for her, but she didn't want to spend your money. Do you remember the card you gave me last time? I didn't spend a dime."

Zhou Zhenyue frowned deeper: "Then how did she go back?"

"Second miss doesn't have much money anymore, so she..." Xiao Ai glanced at Zhou Zhenyue in the rearview mirror with her neck shrunk, "She, the bus she's on."

Zhou Zhenyue did not speak.

Xiao Ai whispered again: "It takes more than ten hours to sit, and it's still a mountain road..."

Zhou Zhenyue didn't respond any more, but her frowning brows never loosened.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and the windshield wipers on the glass are opened to the fastest speed and the vision is limited.

When the company is busy, time flies much faster, and some worries are inadvertently put aside.

Before I knew it, ten hours passed.

Zhou Zhenyue had a one-day meeting, and in the evening she was going to discuss business at the dinner table, so she had no time to spare.

This project, which has been busy recently, is very important. This time she came to the branch and said that she wanted to inspect, but in fact, it was mainly to contact the people of the partner. The quotation table was negotiated many times before it was negotiated, and the contract must be signed as soon as possible.

When she was in the car, she asked Xiao Ai to turn on the radio and listen to the investment trends of the past few days.

With the dull voice of the hostess, she closed her eyes and leaned against the window, her throbbing temples were blocked by the cold car glass, and the burning nerves eased a little.

Halfway through the news broadcast, when the hotel was only 500 meters away, the male host suddenly interjected in a very urgent tone—

"Insert an emergency message. Due to the impact of heavy rain, the mountain road leading to Anyang City suffered two landslides. Three buses heading for Anyang City lost contact. The police are currently searching for and rescue. Citizens are requested to choose other options when they travel. mode of transportation, avoid the collapsed road section and the search and rescue scene…”

Xiao Ai hurriedly looked in the rearview mirror.

In the mirror, Zhou Zhenyue's face was unprecedentedly pale.