MTL - Not Spare the Years-Chapter 30

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The marketing department moved a house, and the move was in a panic and everyone was in danger. No one knows why President Zhou suddenly asked the marketing department to move so close to the chairman's office.

How close is it?

As long as Zhou Zhenyue opened the blinds, he could clearly see each of their computer screens.

Because everyone was a little uneasy, they didn't pay much attention to the new little clerk.

Mu Xueyi knew how to say hello one by one according to the official rank of the ministry.

The director of the marketing department was Song Jie, a middle-aged man in his forties. He was good at talking, and he was polite to Mu Xueyi.

The deputy director is called Fu Qian, a beautiful woman about the same age as Zhou Zhenyue, but she is not as easy to contact as Zhou Zhenyue. When Mu Xueyi greeted her, she looked Mu Xueyi up and down with scrutiny eyes, and asked:

"Have you bought all the coffee?"

Mu Xueyi didn't understand: "What?"

Another little clerk next to him hurriedly reminded in a low voice, "New here, new arrival, you have to buy coffee for everyone."

"Ah..." Mu Xueyi nodded to Fu Qian, "I'm sorry, I'll go buy it now."

Mu Xueyi's immediate supervisor is Jia Yihang, the first-level supervisor of the lower Fu Qian. Seeing this, Jia Yihang hurriedly came over and called Mu Xueyi aside, and said to her with a low voice:

"Today the department moved, everyone is busy and tired, why don't you have any eyesight? You need someone to teach you about buying coffee? If the deputy director doesn't like you because of this trivial matter, I will follow you. Unlucky together, you know!"

Mu Xueyi lowered her head and said sorry.

Jia Yihang: "Hurry up, hurry up."

Back at the workstation, Mu Xueyi turned on the phone and searched carefully, but couldn't find enough money.

The old man did give her tens of thousands of yuan before, but she kept it to death, and she didn't bring out the cash. At first glance, the marketing department must have around 30 people, and each one has a cup of coffee, which must be less than 1,000 people.

There was really no way, Mu Xueyi could only click on Zhou Zhenyue's WeChat.

【Ayue, can you lend me some money? Want to buy some coffee, please. 】

Click Send.

Mu Xueyi pressed the screen to turn off the phone and waited anxiously.

Before Zhou Zhenyue's reply, the door of the chairman's office suddenly opened. Everyone unanimously paid attention to the people who came out.

It wasn't Zhou Zhenyue who came out, it was Xiao Ai.

Xiao Ai is the closest assistant to Zhou Zhenyue. She also holds three positions as secretary, assistant and driver. Although her rank is not high, if she blows her ear to Zhou Zhenyue, the effect is not comparable to that of ordinary employee reports. Therefore, everyone in the company respects this assistant very much without exception, and would rather offend her immediate supervisor than offend her.

Seeing Xiao Ai approaching, Song Jie and Fu Qian both stood up and greeted her politely.

Xiao Ai coughed: "Is it convenient for me to have a word with this new employee in your department?"

Song Jie: "Of course, she's just here and she doesn't have a job at hand, you can say whatever."

Xiao Ai waved to Mu Xueyi in a pretentious manner: "New here, come here!"

Mu Xueyi had never seen Xiao Ai act like this, so she held back her laughter and followed behind her.

The two walked to the stairwell. Xiao Ai glanced around and saw that there was no one else around, and immediately changed her smile: "Hehe, Second Miss, please forgive me."

Mu Xueyi smiled gently: "It's okay."

Xiao Ai took out a thin card and handed it to Mu Xueyi with both hands, "This is what Mr. Zhou asked me to send. It's the membership card of the cafe downstairs. There should be a balance of six or seven thousand left in it. Use it, tell me when you're done."

Mu Xueyi took it and said, "I just use it today, and I'll give it back to her in a while."

Xiao Ai waved her hand: "No, you should take it."

Mu Xueyi: "Why?"

Xiao Ai smiled and said: "You think, if the card has been with you, the coffee every day of the week..." She raised her eyebrows flexibly, "Don't you have to buy it all?"

"You think a lot." Mu Xueyi smiled, "It's okay, I'll go first."

Xiao Ai: "Okay, you can find me if you have something!"

After returning home, Mu Xueyi carefully counted the number of heads in the department, and then went downstairs to the cafe. Twenty-five cups of coffee, which the clerk has to make for quite a while.

While waiting, Mu Xueyi turned on the phone and clicked into the WeChat interface.

Although Zhou Zhenyue asked Xiao Ai to send her a membership card, she still did not reply to her on WeChat.

Mu Xueyi thought for a while, then typed another line and sent it.

【Coffee is making, thank you~】

She opened the emoji and sent an emoji of the kitten wink.

Holding the phone, she waited tormented for a reply, but she couldn't wait.

The twenty-five cups of coffee were finished, and when Mu Xueyi was about to start carrying in batches, the phone finally shook.

She was busy opening WeChat.

But it wasn't Zhou Zhenyue's reply, it was a message from Xiaoai:

[Second miss, Mr. Zhou said that if you send private messages during work hours, don’t think about your performance this month [Frown]]

Mu Xueyi chuckled.

On the first day of work, Mu Xueyi did all the work of serving tea and water. When she was about to get off work, Fu Qian temporarily gave her a form to sort out, so she obediently stayed and worked overtime. Since I was not yet proficient at it, it took more than two hours to complete it.

When I was done, I looked up and it was dark outside.

There was no one in the office for a long time, except for her work station, a light was still on, and the huge room was so dark that it was so quiet that you could hear a needle drop.

Mu Xueyi looked in the direction of the chairman's office.

The lights were already out there, and no one was there.

She was out of her mind for a while, picked up her bag, and set foot on the way home alone.

On the corner of the adjacent street outside the Zhou Group, a black Bentley was parked hidden. Xiao Ai was lying on the steering wheel, waiting to yawn.

I don't know how long I waited, and Mu Xueyi finally came out from the carport on her pink car.

Zhou Zhenyue, who had been silent in the back row, also said, "Keep up."

Xiao Ai started the engine and shook her head.

After a flash, I suddenly remembered something: "By the way, President Zhou, Zhu Hong came to me again this afternoon. She said that the money was spent last time, and she wanted to ask you for some."

Zhou Zhenyue closed her eyes: "Give her as much as she wants. Tell her, as long as she doesn't disturb Xueyi, I can raise her until she is put into an urn."

Xiao Ai couldn't help complaining: "The old woman obviously wanted to make money from the second lady, and she came to knock on you after knocking on the Mu family. She was so greedy because she decided that you would protect the second lady. Tsk... The second lady is really enough. Unlucky, what kind of parents and sisters are these!"

Zhou Zhenyue: "...don't say this in front of Xueyi."

Xiao Ai sighed angrily: "But Mr. Zhou, you always keep silent like this. Second Miss, she will never know that you have done so much for her."

Half of Zhou Zhenyue's face was hidden in the darkness without the lights on, and her voice was faint:

"She doesn't need to know."

The two of them walked back to the old house slowly.

Mu Xueyi thought that Zhou Zhenyue had come back long ago, but she didn't expect Zhou Zhenyue to enter the door behind her, and she was a little surprised.

However, when it comes to Zhou Zhenyue's personal itinerary, she doesn't ask much.

After dinner, they went back to their room. Since there was no work left over, the two of them sat together on the balcony and drank tea. The tea was the ginseng tea specially made by the old man to make them healthy.

Zhou Zhenyue only took a sip and put it down, as if she wasn't used to the strange taste. When covering the cup, she asked casually, "How do you feel on your first day at work?"

Mu Xueyi was also not used to drinking it, but she still drank half a cup, half a mouthful of ginseng tea in her mouth, and answered Zhou Zhenyue vaguely: "...very good."

Zhou Zhenyue took out a piece of paper and handed it over: "Don't drink it if it's bad."

Mu Xueyi still swallowed hard, took the paper and pressed it at the corner of his mouth, "After all, it is the heart of the elders, so I have to drink more."

Zhou Zhenyue smiled like a smile: "Do you do everything your elders ask you to do?"

Mu Xueyi chuckled lightly: "Elder, it's not all to please."

Zhou Zhenyue: "You think so?... No wonder the elders like you so much."

Mu Xueyi smiled and shook his head: "Not all of them like me. Like my father, he never liked me since he was a child."

Zhou Zhenyue picked up the lid of the teacup, and instead of drinking, she just scraped the rim with the lid.

After a long while, she said softly, "I don't seem to have heard you talk about your childhood."

Mu Xueyi's eyes froze and fell into silence.

I don't know how long she was silent before she smiled covertly: "Can't you guess what happened in the Mu family?"

"What about before going to Mu's house?" Zhou Zhenyue folded her hands on the back of the chair, her posture was very casual, and she didn't look as serious as before, like the most ordinary family chatting, "Go to Mu What was your life like before home?"

Mu Xueyi smiled reluctantly: "You...want to hear?"

Of course Zhou Zhenyue wanted to hear it.

She can find out the past when Mu Xueyi was kicked back and forth as a ball, and she can find out the past when Mu Xueyi swallowed his voice in the Mu family, but she doesn't know anything about the past before Mu Xueyi returned to the Mu family. . Zhu Hong and Xiao Xueyi, who have not yet come into contact with Mu Guocheng, are the two most common little people in the market. No one will leave any impression on such little people, so she can't check them, and she has no way to ask.

Zhou Zhenyue's fingertips holding the lid of the cup involuntarily clenched tightly, but her voice was as calm as ever: "Tell me about it."

Mu Xueyi pursed her lips and intertwined her fingers.

After brewing for a long time, she let out a long breath, as if she had finally made up her mind.

"All right."

Zhou Zhenyue adjusted her sitting posture and looked attentively.

Mu Xueyi reminded: "Listen and listen, don't take it too seriously, after all, it's all in the past."

Zhou Zhenyue: "Go ahead."

Mu Xueyi blinked and began to recall slowly.

"I was six years old when I returned to Mu's house. Before the age of six, my mother and I lived in an urban village. We were not rich and lived in a small place. At that time, it was difficult to make a living, let alone go to kindergarten. , so, I stay at home almost every day."

"Our house is an illegal building built by the landlord himself. The structure of the house is not good, the position of the windows is not careful, the sun does not get in all the year round, and the furniture will grow a layer of mildew every few days. After so many years, I have I can't remember exactly what the house looked like, but I can remember the musty smell of the old sofa, and it's hard to breathe when it rains."

"You may not know that my mother is the kind of profession in the clubhouse, and the neighbors look down on her. Usually when I walk on the road, people will point at me, saying that I am a wild breed without a father."

"The adults said that I was a wild breed, and the children learned a lot after listening to them. They called me a little wild breed. They threw small stones at my window across several floors. It was like a competition, whoever smashed harder, The more I can show off my strength in the crowd of children. Because I was afraid that those stones would hit me, when I was a child, I would rather hide in that house where I could hardly breathe for many days, and dare not step out of the door. "

"I was a little sad at first, but then... I also felt that they were right. I was indeed a child born in the gutter. Like my mother... I couldn't see the light."

Mu Xueyi raised her chin, her long curly hair coiled around her forearm. She looked at the night sky in the distance, the light in her eyes was soft and soft. It seems to be just a story of someone else.

"Sometimes, my mother will take guests to the place where they live. Some guests will keep staring at me, but fortunately, every time I am vigilant and slip away first. My mother told me that the world is full of There is such a type of person who only likes little girls. She asked me: You don't want to sleep with them like your mother? I said I don't. She said: Then you have to hold on to your father's life-saving straw, only life Under the protection of the Mu family, you don't have to live like your mother."

"I realized after a long time that I don't have to seize the Mu family in order to live, work an ordinary job, and I can live with dignity." Mu Xueyi smiled bitterly, "But my mother didn't tell me that. After passing me, she just wanted to have a relationship with the Mu family through me, because only the money of the Mu family is enough to fill the loopholes in her extravagant and lustful life."

"However, when I understood this truth, it was too late for me to withdraw from the Mu family. My father and sister felt that after eating their meal, I would always contribute to the Mu family. I stole your documents before, but after that, it might be Take me to marry, marry a boss, or a son of a boss, in exchange for a long-term and stable business cooperation."

"So, Ah Yue," Mu Xueyi's eyes were wet, looking at Zhou Zhenyue, "If I didn't have you, my whole life would be like this, first used by my mother, then by my father and sister, maybe until death. I don't even know what the meaning of my life is. If it wasn't for falling in love with you, I might never have the courage to escape from the Mu family, nor would I understand that liking someone can also be one of the meanings of life. ."

Zhou Zhenyue's hand was already clenched into a fist, and her phalanx was white.

"I really never dreamed that there would be someone in the world who cares about me like you do, fully understands what I am missing, and uses all my heart to send all the things I lack in front of me," Mu Xueyi smiled with tears in her eyes. , "The toys, the little duck, the bike, those two blocks, and this decent job right now. I'm really, really thankful to God for letting me meet you, and for making you... so... so... so so nice to me." "

After a pause, Mu Xueyi whispered again: "I really thank God."

Zhou Zhenyue suppressed the dark emotions in her eyes, curved the corners of her lips lightly, and made a mocking tone:

"You should thank me directly, thank God."

Mu Xueyi smiled, looked at the crescent moon in the night sky, and said softly:

"You're not an outsider, so why are you being polite?"

The author has something to say: do you still remember, there is a sentence in chapter 15

"She is sad that Mu Xueyi has always regarded her as an outsider"

Now I am not an outsider~.

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: Ming Ye's

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ComedyRomanceSlice Of Life