MTL - Not Spare the Years-Chapter 40

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After the New Year's Day, Lu Yan, the vice president of the branch, came to the head office to give a report.

When going to the chairman's office, Lu Yan first passed by the marketing department outside.

She was walking when she bumped into an employee who was holding a stack of folders, and immediately helped her subconsciously. Looking up, I was taken aback: "Yo, this is not Mu Er..."

Mu Xueyi hurriedly shook her head at her.

Fu Qian saw it from a distance, hurriedly walked over with her high heels, and apologized to Lu Yan: "I'm so sorry, Vice President Lu." She immediately scolded Mu Xueyi: "How do you see the road? It's not too late to apologize to Vice President Lu. !"

Mu Xueyi obediently apologized: "I'm sorry, Vice President Lu."

Lu Yan couldn't help laughing. Although she didn't know what was going on, she responded cooperatively, "It's alright."

Fu Qian seemed to want to establish an image in front of Lu Yan, but she just grabbed Mu Xueyi's mistake and started making a big fuss: "Tell me about you, it's fortunate that I bumped into Vice President Lu today, and Vice President Lu can't get along. You care about it, you are so sloppy, and you turn your head and bump into someone else, who do you think can be so generous?"

Lu Yan advised: "Forget it, Xiao Fu, don't embarrass her."

Fu Qian: "Vice President Lu, you don't need to speak for her, I train her for her own good."

"Uh..." Lu Yan glanced at Mu Xueyi, "Xiao Fu, I told you not to embarrass her, but also... for your own good."

Fu Qian was a little puzzled: "...Ah?"

Lu Yan waved her hand: "Forget it, let's just let this go. Everyone is a company, and kindness is the most valuable."

Fu Qian said a few more polite words, but Lu Yan kept staring at Mu Xueyi with intriguing eyes.

After dealing with these people in the marketing department, Lu Yan entered the chairman's office.

She didn't say much, and sat down opposite Zhou Zhenyue, looking through the one-way glass to Mu Xueyi, who was obediently listening to Fu Qian's reprimand, and swaying back and forth on the swivel chair with interest .

"What are you two doing? Office private romance play?" She asked with a smile.

Zhou Zhenyue pushed a cup of tea in front of Lu Yan, "Don't talk nonsense. She wants to work like an ordinary person, so I just arranged her to work in the company."

Lu Yan narrowed her eyes and looked at Zhou Zhenyue.

In her eyes, Zhou Zhenyue raised the corners of her lips unhurriedly: "Of course, it is personal selfishness to arrange her so close."

Lu Yan picked up the tea and glanced at it, but didn't drink it, "Then you don't feel bad for seeing her being scolded all day long? Fu Qian has been in the branch for a year, I know her too well, she is very mean, Especially for a beautiful woman like your second Miss Mu, especially mean."

"...Why don't you feel bad." Zhou Zhenyue picked up the lid of the teacup, put it down gently, and looked at Mu Xueyi outside the window lightly, "But Xueyi said she can handle it herself, so I think, I really can't see it when it arrives. It's better to come forward when you're down."

Lu Yan sighed and shook her head: "If she wants to go to work, you really want her surnamed Mu to join the company, and if she wants to handle interpersonal relationships by herself, you really endure it. know? Sometimes I really don't think it's worth it for you. You are too attentive to Mu Xueyi, but what has Mu Xueyi done for you? I only see how good you are to her, and I don't see how good she is to you at all."

Zhou Zhenyue turned her eyes, "How can you say that?"

Lu Yan rolled her eyes: "Why can't I say that? Am I wrong?"

Zhou Zhenyue: "Of course not."

Lu Yan: "?"

Zhou Zhenyue looked at Lu Yan very seriously, "I already have a lot of money and power, so I can do a lot of good things for her easily with my fingers, and you will think that I have done a lot. If I want to This feeling is even stronger when giving up something for her. But Xueyi has nothing at all. Even if she wants to give up something for me, she has nothing to give up. What do you want her to do? "

Lu Yan frowned.

Zhou Zhenyue: "Everyone's background is different, and the world is not equal. If this is the case, how can we only measure feelings by the amount of superficial skills."

"Besides, I'm just using the resources around me to take care of her," Zhou Zhenyue looked at Mu Xueyi, whose brows were pleasing to the eye, and her voice became lighter, "But she... is against her nature to love me."

Lu Yan repeated softly: "...Nature?"

"Yes... nature. She was originally a character that broke her teeth and swallowed blood. You can see that she is now scolded like this by Fu Qian, and she can endure it infinitely." Zhou Zhenyue looked at Mu Xueyi, her voice soft. It's more like talking to herself, "But for me, she is willing to try to tell her deepest emotions, try not to bear it anymore, and try to talk to me, a person who has no blood relationship with her. She is not willing to show weakness, but she is willing to show weakness in front of me, she does not believe that there is someone in the world to rely on, but she is willing to rely on me."

"She was constantly going against her nature, against her instincts."

"Ayan, you said... Among lovers, there are many who are willing to spend money for each other, and there are also many who are willing to show care and tenderness, but are willing to go against nature and instinct... How many?"

After Zhou Zhenyue's remarks fell, Lu Yan's heart suddenly became enlightened, and she had never been so thorough.

Zhou Zhenyue held up the teacup and smiled, "So, don't say whether it's worth it or not. In my heart, she deserves everything."

Mu Xueyi outside the window finished the training, raised his head, and glanced at the window subconsciously.

Although she couldn't see Zhou Zhenyue through this one-way glass, she seemed to know that Zhou Zhenyue must be looking at her. From an angle that other colleagues couldn't see, she deliberately wrinkled her eyebrows in a lovely arc.

Like coquettish.

Zhou Zhenyue smiled even deeper.

Before leaving get off work in the afternoon, Jia Yihang told Mu Xueyi that the department was going to have a dinner party. Song Jie had already packed the hotel room, and they would go there together after work.

Jia Yihang didn't mean to ask Mu Xueyi's opinion at all, he just notified him.

A small clerk like Mu Xueyi does not have the right to refuse.

After telling Zhou Zhenyue about this through WeChat, Zhou Zhenyue sent a message asking her to go to the party with peace of mind.

When we arrived at the reserved box, the people who arrived stood on the side chatting in twos and threes. Mu Xueyi found a quiet corner, pulled out the stool and sat down silently.

Just sitting down, Jia Yihang came over immediately and scolded in a low voice: "Who allowed you to sit? You dare to take your seat before the superior arrives?"

Mu Xueyi hurriedly stood up.

Song Jie came late, and they stood by the side for a long time before they sat down. Today, Mu Xueyi was dispatched to run several times, her ankles were swollen, and this station was even more sore.

Toasts must be toasted before the banquet, from the subordinates to the superiors in turn, and those who take the initiative to toast must drink up, and the superiors are free.

Before the stool was hot, Mu Xueyi got up again to make a toast. For a junior clerk like her, almost everyone present is of a higher rank than her. She has too many people to respect, so she doesn't dare to fill the cup, only a little.

But what the men at the wine table liked the most was to drink the beauties, and they all clamored for her to pour more.

Song Jie: "Xiao Mu, look at you, that's all, we don't have a children's table for you to sit on here!"

Mu Xueyi laughed along: "Director Song, I really can't drink too much."

Jia Yihang tapped the table with a spoon and clicked his tongue: "Xiao Mu, you are not giving face to Director Song, do you want to be promoted in the future?"

Even Xue Xiaobai excitedly told her to drink more.

Mu Xueyi thought that she didn't want to be promoted at all, but politely refused.

As soon as she refused, the men on the table who had just persuaded to drink felt unable to hang their faces, and shook their heads one after another, with an expression that the little girl didn't know how to lift.

Fu Qian snorted coldly and said to Xue Xiaobai, "This kind of woman who doesn't know how to be a human being depends on her."

Xue Xiaobai said with a smile: "Hey, that's fine, as a woman, just keep her duty. If she is particularly good at climbing up and crawling back on my head, where will I put my face as a big man?"

Hearing their words, Mu Xueyi smiled, but just lowered her head and scraped the cake with a fork.

During a meal, everyone at the table was all false and condescending, pretending to deal with it.

The faces of the people in the wine bureau are somewhat ugly. Those who want to be in a relationship, who want to entrust others to do things, and those who want to wipe the oil of female colleagues are slowly revealed as the wine is poured in.

The smell of tobacco and alcohol mixed together, adding a bit of nausea.

Someone in the middle went out to the toilet, and when they came back, they shouted to everyone: "It's raining heavily outside, if you want to call DiDi, hurry up and call in advance, otherwise you will have to queue for a long time on the app!"

It's winter now, but Anyang City is located in the south, so it rarely snows, and most of it rains in winter.

Mu Xueyi took out her phone and looked at the weather, it was really raining or thunderstorms.

She just drank some wine, thinking that it would not be safe to take a taxi or drop back, so she quietly called Zhou Zhenyue.

After the call was connected, before she could speak, Zhou Zhenyue asked, "Do you want me to pick you up?"

Mu Xueyi: "Well. I'll stay by myself after a while, and I'll give you a call when everyone is finished. If you come here at this time, you won't bump into them."

As soon as the voice fell, the phone was suddenly taken away from the back.

Mu Xueyi hurriedly turned around and saw Xue Xiaobai holding her mobile phone in triumph, her expression changed: "Director Xue, give it back to me!"

Xue Xiaobai deliberately raised the phone, "Is this your legendary object? Why, why are you avoiding us?"

Mu Xueyi repeated in a serious tone: "Director Xue, return the phone to me."

Xue Xiaobai smiled nonchalantly, put the phone directly to his ear, and said loudly, "You are Xiao Mu's target? Dude, what kind of bullfrog? Dare to chase such a beautiful woman? Treasure it well, I didn't pick it up once after get off work, and I didn't even send flowers during the festival, bah! If you know each other, break up with Xiao Mu quickly, don't ask me to find you, then you will know how many meters thick Wang Ba's shell is !"

Mu Xueyi was speechless and wanted to stop Xue Xiaobai, but Xue Xiaobai just drank too much, so she ignored her stop.

"Grandson, let me tell you," Xue Xiaobai continued to scold, "if you are a person, come over today, let's see what a **** you are! If you don't even have the guts to come over to pick up Xiao Mu, I'll take it today. Xiao Mu brought it back to my house, did you hear that, grandson?!"

Mu Xueyi worked hard and finally took back the phone from Xue Xiaobai's hand.

Just as she was about to say something, the screen of her mobile phone went dark, and Zhou Zhenyue hung up the call.

I was choked up in my heart.

Everyone had almost eaten, and one after another, they put on their clothes and prepared to go home.

It was still raining heavily outside, and everyone was brought over by a taxi called by Song Jie after work. The vehicles were still in the company, so they could only call Didi. It is not easy to arrange numbers on rainy days, and everyone can only wait silently under the eaves at the entrance of the hotel.

Mu Xueyi's mobile phone was forcibly taken away by Xue Xiaobai again. Xue Xiaobai refused to return it, and stubbornly said:

"You don't want to tip off your partner, I'm standing here today, I have to see this guy with my own eyes." He waved at everyone, "Don't leave! Everyone wait here and see, see What kind of object is our little Mu, who has fascinated our big beauty Mu!"

"Director Xue, you..." Mu Xueyi couldn't get her phone, so she didn't know what to say.

Song Jie shook his head with a smile: "Xiao Mu, don't you think you have no target at all, and you've been making up nonsense to lie to us? It's not such a way to pretend to be a face."

Fu Qian glanced at Mu Xueyi with a contemptuous sneer on her face.

Mu Xueyi hurriedly explained: "Director Song, I really don't have..."

Xue Xiaobai interrupted: "It's alright, alright, don't make up for it, you'll find out if you're really fake in a while? But it's okay, if no one comes to pick you up today, you really have no reason to reject me..."

Someone suddenly said, "Hey, hey, there seems to be a black car driving over there!"

Xue Xiaobai lifted his spirits, pointed to the foggy car and asked Mu Xueyi, "Is that so?"

"..." Mu Xueyi pressed his temples, not daring to look at the next picture.

The car stopped outside the hotel gate, and the driver's door was opened.

A person got off the driver's seat, but did not come directly, but trotted all the way around to the back row, opened the door for the person in the back row, and respectfully handed over the umbrella.

In the heavy rain, a slender woman came down from the back row. She was wearing a decent business suit and a gray woolen coat, revealing a small section of her shirt cuff with a dark blue tiger eye stone nailed on it. Cufflinks.

Holding a **** umbrella, she walked over unhurriedly and unhurriedly.

When she got closer and saw the face under the umbrella, the audience was silent.

The wind blew through the drenched leaves.

Rain beats on the black umbrella.

In the distance, there was a thunderclap.

The author has something to say: oh yo~