MTL - Number of People-Chapter 2612 Guizijuan is all about winning this battle

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  Chapter 2612 Guizi Juan Everything is just to win this battle

"Savage Jurchen?" Feng Ziying's heart trembled. This is also a tribe no less than the Haixi Jurchen, but its resistance to the Jianzhou Jurchen is much lower than that of the Haixi Jurchen. Nurhachi's wrist is fully reflected in the conquest of the Savage Jurchen. Maybe this is Nurhachi's backhand?

"The five thousand savage Jurchens are strong, and they began to train at Tarumwei last year?" Feng Ziying pondered. It has become the cannon fodder of World War I. Besides, there are still nearly 10,000 Eight Banners garrisons behind the Jianzhou control area. If these scattered garrisons are assembled, they should not be underestimated.

  I have somewhat ignored these scattered small groups of troops.

"Your Excellency, are you worried about this army?" Wu Yaoqing also rubbed his temples, "There should only be about 5,000 people, but because they have been outside Guangshun Pass and the distance is a bit far, we have not seen a large army entering Anle Prefecture and Tieling Guard. line,..."

Feng Ziying shook her head: "If Nurhachi had the heart, he would not let this army enter the area where our scouts can find it. If I were Nurhachi, if I wanted to go, I would go outside the north wall of Zhenbei Pass and walk along the outside wall. Come here, come in from Liaohetao, can we notice it?"

  Wu Yaoqing took a deep breath, "Sir, it will be a long way around, at least twice the distance, and the Liaohe Tao outside the side wall is too difficult to walk, forests, mud, swamps,..."

"No matter how difficult it is to go, as long as you can avoid our eyes, it is worth it, and they now control the passes along the lines of Yongning Fort, Qingyun Fort, and Qinghe Pass. Supplies can be quietly transported out of the side wall from these forts. Resupply, the difficulty can be greatly reduced, and walking along the side wall, as long as you don’t enter the side wall, it will be much easier.” Feng Ziying shook her head, and his eyes fell on the side wall of Liaohetao.

  Going from the map to the sand table, Feng Ziying stared at the side wall along the line of Liaohetao with burning eyes.

The side wall of Dazhou presents an irregular "M" shape in Liaodong, and the left half bend is slightly lower, and it extends obliquely downward until it reaches Shanhaiguan and even extends to the territory of Shuntian Prefecture. , and the bend on the right is higher. The top of the bend is the arc line of Qingyangbao and Zhenbeiguan in Anlezhou, and it drags down to the junction of Jiulian City and North Korea's Uiju.

  The downward zigzag in the middle is Liaohe Tao.

During this period, the Liaohe Tao was dominated by swamps, mixed with other terrains such as forests, grasslands, and plains, and extended southward to the line of Xining Fort, Dongchang Fort, and Dongsheng Fort. Changbao passes through the side wall and flows southward into the sea.

The side wall zigzags along the Liaohe River to the south. To the west is the Weiwei of Guangning, and to the east is the Weiwei of Dongning and Dingliao. Now that Shenyang, Tieling and Anlezhou are lost, it means that if the Jianzhou Army wants to To avoid the eyes and ears of the Zhou army inside the side wall, you can walk outside the side wall and stick to the side wall, because now this line of side wall is within the control range of Jianzhou, and you will not enter the side wall until you go to the area of ​​Jingyuan Fort At that time, the battlefield will be very close.

  East Liaodong has widespread eyeliner in Shenyang, Tieling and even Anlezhou, but who will arrange eyeliner outside the side wall now? The side wall is under the control of Jianzhou, who would have thought that there could be any weird things outside the side wall?

But if the new troops like the Savage and Jurchen, and maybe even the scattered Eight Banners troops stationed in the rear in Jianzhou, quietly assembled, went around the side wall, and suddenly inserted from the side wall from the most suitable place. , then I am afraid that it is really a new force that cannot be underestimated. If it suddenly appears at the most suitable time, it may even become a killer.

Wu Yaoqing also followed Feng Ziying to the side of the sand table, subconsciously said: "If the army of Savage Jurchen is going to come around from the side wall, at least they have already set off now, from Zhenbei Pass, Qingyang Fort, Ancient Tree Fort , Xin'anguan, and Laomiwan, the road is rough and difficult, and it takes time and effort,..."

   "Yaoqing, I just want to ask, can this avoid our eyeliner?" Feng Ziying asked back.

  Wu Yaoqing was silent for a long time before whispering: "It is indeed possible to avoid our eyeliner."

"Look again, these fortresses on this line were originally owned by our Liaodong Army, and all kinds of facilities are quite complete. If Nurhachi had planned it a long time ago, from last year to this year, he would have stored enough grain and grass materials in these fortresses and quietly transported them to the border. Can this army go to the area of ​​Jingyuan Fort?" Feng Ziying asked again.

  Wu Yaoqing was speechless.

"I have always wondered why Nurhachi would take such a risky gamble, even if the opponent had various reasons, but Nurhachi's success was not accidental, and the daring to take the risk was also based on the premise of sufficient certainty. Weakness, Wang Yiping and Bai Qice's internal reaction, I have thought about it, and it can indeed be regarded as his confidence, but as a trump card, I still feel a little unreliable. From the flanks, bursting out at the most critical time, I think we may really be defeated."

  Feng Ziying's self-questioning and self-answering seems to be releasing pressure and persuading herself.

   Facing such a big battle that concerns the overall situation, and even the fate of the entire Liaodong, Feng Ziying, who claims to be the son of destiny and the protagonist halo, also feels that she is not very sure.

Knowing that continuing to persist in the war of attrition can win the final victory, but he has to take this step. From the bottom of his heart, he still has some resistance, but Liu Dongyang still persuaded him, and really let the main force of Jianzhou Jurchen flee back to Hetuala He went to the old nest in the north and east, and it might really take ten years to completely wipe out the opponent. This battle might win five years, and this moved him.

   Fortunately, I am not unprepared.

   "What's going on with the Jizhen Army?" Feng Ziying suppressed her inner emotions and asked in a deep voice.

   "Donghai Fort has already landed. According to the news from there, it is expected to arrive at Xining Fort within ten days." Wu Yaoqing replied immediately.

  As early as two months ago, Feng Ziying secretly ordered Jizhen to quietly gather more than 20,000 people. Instead of choosing Dagu, they chose to board a ship from Yuguan and arrive at Donghaibao by sea.

Donghai Fort is located on the east coast of Youtunwei, Guangning, more than 200 miles away from Niuzhuang. I was worried that there would be secret agents of Jianzhou Jurchen at Niuzhuang, so I docked at Donghai Fort, a rather crude wharf in advance. Let more than 20,000 Jizhen troops land from here and walk the front line on the west side of Liaohetao to quietly enter the battlefield. ,

   "Ten days?" Feng Ziying calculated silently, pressed his hands on the edge of the sand table, and looked forward, so that he could get closer to the line of Tiger Skin Station-Wujingying-Changyong Fort on the sand table.

  If my predictions are correct, the armies of more than 200,000 from both sides may have a full-scale confrontation on this sixty-mile-long ground.

"It should be in time. If the savage Jurchen and Nurhaci who are worried about the adults gather the soldiers and horses assembled by the Eight Banners behind them to go around the side wall, it is estimated that it will take so long to reach the line of Jingyuan Fort. Now we will It is possible to send spy scouts to investigate in a targeted manner,..."

  Wu Yaoqing comforted Feng Ziying.

"Well, you can arrange it right away, I have to be sure." Feng Ziying said in a deep voice: "Nurhachi must have considered all kinds of possibilities, so he prepared a few moves, just in case one of them is difficult to exert the expected effect. , then the other one or two moves will have an effect, this is the real scheming."

   "Aren't you the same, my lord? Count all the possibilities of Nurhachi, and then make corresponding countermeasures, you are the one who will win." Wu Yaoqing flattered.

"Yaoqing, there is no need to say such things between you and me. If I want to be sure of winning, I shouldn't take this step, but what Dong Yang said is right, there must be a certain price corresponding to what you give and what you get. Such a risk is worth taking." Feng Ziying sighed and shook her head, "But at this point, we must take all kinds of countermeasures, and the troops on the southern front must also be prepared. Once we win the northern front, we will not have any If there is any delay, the southern front will also have to attack in an all-round way, and the Jianzhou army cannot be allowed to escape."

"Don't worry, my lord. Lord Cao and Lord Mao are quite aware of this. Now they are clinging to the Southern Front Jianzhou Army. In addition, Li Yongfang still sent someone to see him. Jin Yuhe may be a little moved. But he may want a letter from your lord to guarantee that he will..."

  Wu Yaoqing glanced at Feng Ziying.

Jin Yuhe was recruited and bought by Li Yongfang in the last battle, and he can be regarded as the culprit. However, as the situation changed, although Shenyang and Tielingwei were both under the control of Jianzhou, Jin Yuhe had already sensed that the situation was not good. Bian also keenly observed this, so he took the initiative to contact Jin Yuhe.

  The other party wanted to make a move, but he was worried that he would be liquidated if he rebelled, so he kept hesitating. Besides, he might not dare to trust the other party easily, so Wu Yaoqing also felt that it was a icing on the cake.

"Yes, but I also have conditions. He must attract more people and play a prominent role in the next battle. If he wants a letter, I will give it to him, but in the letter I have to write clearly. If To be able to play a special role, I can guarantee that the court will pardon his previous crimes in the name of Governor Ji Liao,..."

   At this time, Feng Ziying couldn't care less, as long as he could get more help and buy more insurance for this battle, he would not hesitate to offer various conditions, all just to win this battle.

  (end of this chapter)