MTL - Number One Lazy Merchant of the Beast World-Chapter 45 Unmarried beast

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After saying this, Principal Stern gave Rong students another authority in the past, that is, all classes in the entire college, whether it is advanced class or primary class, even including engraver apprentice class, all courses are listening and netting. Listening to qualifications.

Then, the strong-minded Sterling principal patted Rong's ... ball seat, "Rong classmates, the labyrinth ball can also enhance the perception, but in the end it is limited, you need to seriously understand those theoretical courses, don't bias Branch."

President Stri said that he did not reject the truth.

Rong Xiaobaozi was so floating that the ball seat came out of the principal's room.

I opened the timetable sent by the headmaster of the school, and the master class was only taught in three days...

The library has a fixed opening time and it will take a few days.

As a result, Rong Xiaobao, who does not belong to any other class, slipped into the energy stone warehouse of the college and mixed with a group of warehouse-assisted robots to open the college network listening theory course.

At this time, the housekeeper who is part-time in the warehouse is not too close to "seeing" their little leopard.

This little leopard is watching the video of the theory class, while letting the ball seat float back and forth behind a group of auxiliary robots.

Obviously, it is very pleasant and relaxed, but the housekeeper has a different feeling.

... too lonely.

The housekeeper is considering how to find a companion for the little leopard. When there is no marshal adult, it is also possible to have other orcs as friends.

As a result, the housekeeper has entered the college student list system and went to screen the appropriate orcs.

At the same time, the butler was concerned that the little leopard was another falcon who was disguised as a guard robot and stood behind the lion's leopard, carrying a deadly weapon.

From this angle, he can see at a glance what his protection goal is now.

The theoretical course of the engraver apprentice class.

So, what did their chief executive protect him as an apprentice class at the Engraver Academy?

Carrying a deadly weapon to protect an animal-shaped student?

The eagle, who has always been worshipped by the sergeant, suddenly suspects that this is a joke that the chief has opened with him...

Rong Xiaobao’s swaying for a while, there is a feeling of drowsiness.

Therefore, Rong Xiaobao pushed the net listening interface to the side and logged into the star network to use his heart and soul to view the giant energy stone he ordered.

According to the time, I should be able to get home this evening.

After checking this, Rong Xiaobao was logged into his own small online shop to check the delivery of seal sculptures.

Already signed, the empire's courier service is almost quick.

Therefore, Rong Xiaobaozi opened the two images of the shackles while listening to the theoretical class.

Ready to sculpt another order.

Rong Xiaobao looked at this sturdy adult body, some envious... This is what the big cat should look like.

Strong body, long limbs, brown eyes, imposing power

The tail is thick like him, but the tail hair of the family looks thick and strong, and his hair looks fluffy and soft.

Rong Xiaobao continued to zoom in and out, observing the shape and characteristics of the cockroach, and trying to see every detail clearly.

After zooming in, Rong Xiaobao discovered that the leg of the donkey was injured.

Under the thick brownish white fur, there is a hint of deep red blood that has spread.

Rong Xiaobaozi slightly licked his head and looked at the young body.

The small shackles that shrunk into a group seemed to be smaller than the kittens. They shivered under the rocks. The hairs in the body were all in a state of trepidation. The cockroaches of the young body did not move. Therefore, the singer’s leopard could only be vague. See a little injured leg.

It is inevitable that the symptoms of the extreme state of the juvenile body can be provided.

The two sets of pictures may be just the time difference between the last second and the next second.

Just the outbreak of mania, let the same orc happen in such a different state.

This is a heartbreaking fact...

Rong Xiaobao spit out a sigh of relief, shook his spirits, jumped from the ball seat, and climbed around the stone shelves of the warehouse to pick the materials.

猞猁 is a light brown hue, white fluff on the belly, black tufts on the ears...

This variegated low-order energy stone was the easiest to find, and the Jung Leopard quickly picked out a desirable stone, jumped from the stone frame and climbed into the seat.

At this time, the entire eagle that was disguised behind him was not very good.

That he knows, that is the captain of the reconnaissance team...

Then, Eagle Tan saw something even more incredible. The little leopard was sitting in the seat in a dangerous position. After fixing a low-grade energy stone, he took out a leopard-claw tool from the space button and then started the leopard. The fine tools in the claws slashed against the stone.

The idea of ​​Rong Xiaobaozi is still the same as that of the adult and the young.

He used a knife to outline the structure, the injured crouched on the ground, the side of the ear, the other side of the ear with black tufts slightly pulled, slightly turned to look at the injured leg .

And Xiao Yan was sitting next to the big cockroach, stretching two thick front paws to try to stop the blood from seeping the legs of the big cockroach, fluffy little cockroaches, two black tufts firm and flying Standing, the brown hazelnuts are persistent and serious.

One big one and two small cymbals, Rong Ming used very fine carvings, and the place where the size is located, Rong Xiaobao directly opened the big knife in the leopard claw tool, and the energy stone was neatly 劈The slashing and smashing, the feeling of the axe chiseling.

At this time, although the light brain of Rong Xiaobaozi still has the web listening interface of the theoretical class, once the engraving is full of the glory of the leopard, it can be said that... did not listen to a word.

In the end, Rong Xiaobao’s signature on the corner of the rock and stone, put away the leopard paws.

Looking at another completed work, Rong Xiaobao, carrying his claws and licking his face, called the courier service from the star network and immediately sent the customized engraving.

From beginning to end, Rong Xiaobao is a familiar and neat state.

And behind him, he saw a fake guard robot, the entire entire process, and the fact that the whole person was almost not seen by himself. This is actually the energy stone engraver who can engrave the hidden overflow force!

No wonder the sergeant asked him to carry a deadly weapon to protect him. He now really wants to drive the armed fighters together.

This little leopard is a special soldier who strengthens the company and can't help it!

Eagle Tan really wants to hide this shopkeeper to hide it!

This wish swayed the will of the eagle, let him quietly send a message to the marshal.

"Sir, can I hide the little leopard?"

At this time, the marshal adults looked at their majesty with a blank expression.

Under the arm of the empire stood a girl with a gorgeous face and a bright face, and a pair of bright eyes almost looked at him for a moment.

"Your Majesty, the manor under the court is too full, nowhere to entertain guests."

Fiorya, the daughter of the Duke of Oran, whispered, "Marshal, Fiatya only stays for two days and will not bother you."

"Your Majesty, the unmarried beast under the court is an engraver. All the rooms are used to store the energy stone. Only the unmarried beasts under the court can be squeezed into a bed."

The empire that heard this twitched and twitched, and said to Fiatya, "Since the marshal said this, Fidia, you still live in the college dormitory, President Stri said, the conditions there are also very good."

"His brother..."

"Well, Fiatya, go back first."

At this time, Sangha received the news of the eagle, and the face of a **** dragon instantly became colder.

This kid is fat, want to hide his snow leopard? !

A **** dragon replied coldly, "If you want to go to the asteroid, you can try it!"

Eagle Tan looked at the replies of the sergeant, naturally knowing that this is not the meaning, he certainly will not violate the military order.

However, if you can hide this owner, even if you go to squat, he also recognizes it.

After sending the sculpture out, the singer Leopard who went to the sculpture to go to the sculpture, then lifted his paw and licked his own ear, and returned the course of the net listening and started to look again.

The two sets of military confidence center under the Rong Xiaobaozi side, because to hide the address and the consignee, after several conversion locations, the final two sculptures arrived at the same time in the military information.

A group of information elites crowded together, curiosity waiting to open the parcel.

When the two carvings were placed at the same time, the chaos of the general control room calmed down.

This is a subversion of all their previous cognitions. No engraver will combine the two forms of an orc in a sculpture, and no one will add any other lining beyond the shape of the animal. The most important thing is No engraver will bring the low-level energy stone carving to such a superb level! This is simply a miniature version of the captain of the reconnaissance and the second captain of the seal reconnaissance!

"Go and test the energy data!"

No matter how exquisite this carving is, this is the most important part for them.

The two testers were quickly delivered and the two sculptures were placed at the same time.

When the value jumps, the air in the entire control center is stagnation, and almost everyone's breathing is stuck there.

Until both data are steadily stopped at 100% of this data.

Everyone gave a cheer!

It’s more exciting than playing a victory!

"This is too great..."

An information elite responsible for the subscription system said.

"Unfortunately, the deputy commander took the leave, and the sculpture will be sent to the front line. He has no chance to see it."

Another person responsible for the order system said.

At this time, the deputy commander was wearing two fox ears, pressing the peacock on the top of his head with a proud crown feather to explore the meaning of life in depth...

After the two sculptures were archived and sent away by military transport aircraft, the three information elites responsible for the ordering system were very responsible for boarding the buyer exchange area of ​​the Star.

- Thanks to the owner, the order is very satisfactory!

——The owner is almost awesome, and this order is awesome!

After these two messages, the engravings of the skulls and seals and their energy test data are attached.

Then, the buyer exchange area under the custom auction of the Time Artisan House boiled up.

- Hey, big one and one small! Actually it is a big one!

- The owner is much amazing! How did you think of it? !

- This white rounded seal and the little ears that are seriously erected are crying! This is simply to cure the rhythm of mania!

——So, these two orders have been completed, and the shopkeeper is still unable to open the order of the low-end energy stone. How do I feel particularly unconcerned...

- Hey, upstairs, don't crow mouth! Resent the spirit! Resent the spirit!

- How did the crow offend you? !

- I suddenly don't want to say that the owner is lazy, the shopkeeper is very diligent, very diligent! Very diligent, so be sure to order!

At this point, just after reading a class, Rong Xiaobao received a confirmation of the receipt of the goods, and saw that there was another 400,000 stars in the money. A little leopard’s beautiful lips, I couldn’t help but want to open another order. Desire to be a diligent shopkeeper.

But thinking about the giant energy stone that will be home tonight, Rong Xiaobao has retracted the paws of the order, ordered and made money, and is not in a hurry.