MTL - Number One Player of Time and Space-Chapter 4 Raiders memory

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Under the tireless attack of the black ghost, the tide of corpses that had just gathered for a short time was swept away in just a few minutes, and the rotting corpses were piled up on the ground near the kiosk.

The pungent smell of the air was so strong that it could hardly be opened.

This killing battle almost killed nearly two-thirds of the zombies in the square. No large group of corpses could be seen in the field of vision, and sporadic zombies were slowly wandering only at the periphery.

The black ghost has less than a minute of existence, and Luo Jie directly turns it into IBM particles and recovers it, and then begins to count his gains habitually.

Although he had been mentally prepared, when he opened the leaderboard, he was surprised by the amazing number of points.


Don't say it's a newcomer, even for most first-tier players, I'm afraid that the pure kill points you can get in each fantasy are not much more than this number.

Alas, he only took just five minutes.

What a trough this is ...

Miluo Jie didn't have much obvious feeling at first. It wasn't until he saw this group of numbers that he suddenly realized what kind of horrible initial advantage this EX [Asian] bloodline gave him.

Unfortunately, the continuation of the black ghost is too pit. It typically charges for eight hours and fights for five minutes. It can only be used as a rescue card and cannot be used as a regular skill.

Luo Luojie suddenly laughed at himself, obviously possessing the dream-like EX bloodline that all players dream of, and he also wanted to be able to push the power of fantasy, and the original sin of greed really existed in everyone's nature.

"Let's advance first."

Luo Luojie called out the translucent main panel interface full of sci-fi feeling again, and a stepped red exclamation mark appeared in the step below the name.

At the same time, several lines of red prompt text jump out in the field of vision.

[You have met the upgrade requirements. Do you want to upgrade your existing rank? 】

提示 [Tip: Upgrading to the first level will consume 100 points, physical and mental attributes will rise to 100 each, and open the data storage space at the same time. 】

提示 [Tip: After upgrading, consume 1 medal every 60 natural days. (The commemorative medal is a must-have item for customs clearance and cannot be traded.)]

警告 [Warning: If you do n’t pay the medal in time, the player will automatically drop back to the zero level, all attributes are halved permanently, points and items are cleared, and the player is permanently disqualified. 】

警告 This warning means that once you have strengthened, you must take the initiative to take a fantasy adventure at least once every two months, or you will be punished.

Empty points are empty. It is quite powerful to drop back to the zero-order attribute and halve it. The initial attributes of a person are no more than one hundred, and the halving is basically equivalent to the semi-disabled state.

The scariest thing is that this halving is permanent, which means it will not be restored for life.

Luo Luojie still remembers that when the survivors of previous lives first saw this red reminder, the mistakes and struggles on their faces instantly appeared.

Some people even yelled at the overlord clause on the spot.

However, Luo Jie felt that this was reasonable.

To play other people's games, they must follow the rules established by others. This is the reason that children know.

It is too willful to want both benefits and risks.

"Ascending Order."

Miluo Jie made the decision without hesitation.

At the same time that the number of points decreased by 100, his rank on the personal attribute interface became "first order", and his physical attributes directly rose to 100 points. His spiritual attributes increased by the [Asian] pedigree and soared to 200. point.

Countless blue and white grids lit up from Luo Jie's body surface, and a surging force poured out of his body from nothing, filling his whole body without warning.

Miluo Jie jumped a few times in place, and quickly made several punches, then closed her eyes, experiencing a long absence of power.

After a moment, he opened his eyes and sighed.

"Still weak ..."

I was accustomed to the power of a single attribute in the previous life, Luo Jie really had a hard time adapting to this weak chicken-like body.

Although theoretically speaking, the first-order strengthening is enough to make him stand at the pinnacle of ordinary human physical fitness.

After strengthening, Luo Jie did not rush to leave, but found it in various tourist souvenirs placed in the kiosk.

"Hah, I found it, it really is here."

Luo Luo held a half-open paper-sized print, happy as a child who found candy.

[You have obtained the props-Good Luck City Tourist Map, do you spend 50 points for certification? 】

Illusion is like a game, but it is not a game.

Except for a few unique illusions, most of them are open world frameworks. There is no so-called mainline task, and there is no NPC that reads lines following the plot.

与 此 But at the same time, there are countless hidden tasks and props in the world of fantasy, as long as you look for it with care, you will always get surprises.

Before Luo Jie was reborn, there was a special player called "Explorer" who did not blindly pursue powerful strength like ordinary players, but was diligently digging into the tasks and hidden in each illusion. Rare props, write their discoveries as a guide, and publish them in the Explorer's Journal, "Unreal Decryption".

Of course, the explorers are not volunteers. Most of the low-level fantasy strategies for newcomers announced in "Unreal Demystification", while the current mainstream advanced fantasy strategies require a lot of points to buy.

Until he was reborn, the free Raiders of "Unreal Fantasy" has been banned to the level 5 fantasy, and a little content of the level 6 fantasy.

The first-level fantasy like "Zombie Besieged City" has been dug up by generations of old and new explorers for no longer a secret.

Because there are too many hidden contents and long time lapse, Luo Jie can't remember everything.

Fortunately, he has always been accustomed to organizing notes. For each new strategy, he will choose some high-quality or cost-effective tasks to record separately, so I am still very impressed by these personally written things.

For example, like this [Good Luck City Tourist Map].

入 When he entered the illusion in the beginning of the previous life, no one had thought that such a useful item was in a kiosk close to them.

"Certified map."

Although it can be used like a normal map without authentication, Luo Jie chose to pay a high authentication fee for authentication.

Maps are a special kind of props. Their function is not only to understand the terrain, but to show their true functions only after authentication.

With a blue and white grid flashing, the map in Luo Jie's hand disappeared out of thin air.

At the same time, a translucent, miniature map appeared in the upper right corner of his field of vision, and the green arrow in the middle represented his position.

"Expand 3D mode display."

Immediately after the speech, Luo Jie immediately appeared in front of a 3D holographic projection of the city of good luck. The interior decoration of various micro-displays was wonderful, which was much clearer than the abstract flat map before.

Of course, in addition to the scenery on the square being updated in real time, the other scenes show the good luck city before the outbreak of the zombie crisis, only for reference.

The holographic projection map is rotated and zoomed at various angles with gestures. Luo Jie looks at those familiar scenes on the map, and his long-held memories begin to wake up one after another, becoming clearer and clearer in his mind.

In all honesty, "Zombie Siege" is a fantasy that is very suitable for newcomers. The difficulty is the highest in all first-level fantasy.

At the same time of low difficulty, it basically means low income. Except for some hidden props, this illusion does not have much suitable for deep digging.

But here is not nothing, at least the difficulty of obtaining equipment is very low, there are so many in the central commercial street that you can pick it up casually.

For a long time in the previous life, this "zombie siege" illusion was one of the largest production places of whiteboard cold weapons on the market.

"Ah, the growth of points has stopped. In terms of time, Jia Shuai's group should have arrived in the safe house ..."

After taking a moment to look at the standings, Luo Jie said to himself with arms folded.

Although the opponent does not have a map, Luo Jie remembers that the survivor's team had a otaku little fat man. In the previous life, he successfully found the only safe house in the fantasy world based on his vague memory of the game.

There is a small amount of food and drinking water in the safe house. At least until these supplies are exhausted, UU reading books Jia Shuai and his party will not take any action.

Then the next thing is his Show_time.

But before that, I have to leave a little gift for the sunglasses man and Jia Shuai.

Luo Luo picked up a commemorative lighter with the Good Luck City logo on the counter, lit a brand-new map and threw it out of the window.

In the bright fire, a mysterious smile gradually hung from the corner of his mouth.

"I really want to see how happy they are when they receive this gift ..."

Uh ...

At the same time, good luck in the city.

At the same time, Jia Shuai and Sunglasses men in different rooms of the branch office received an email with the title of "Good Luck City Map".


The two people's faces are inexorably happy at this moment. Under the circumstances where the two eyes are obscured at this moment, a map represents what is naturally self-evident.

However, when they tried to open the e-mail, a pop-up system prompt could not help but yell at them.

"Who is this night owl? A broken map actually requires 500 points? Why not grab it!"

Uh ...

As soon as Luo Luojie left the kiosk for sale, he received a system email prompt.

The map that was previously issued to the sunglasses man has been bought by the other party. After deducting 50 points for postage and 50 points for authentication, the net profit of 400 points is in hand.

Luo Sunglasses would buy this quickly so completely expected by Luo Jie.

After all, as a senior player, the sunglasses man knows the importance of this map more than anyone.

And the price of 500 points is also very delicate. For the other side, the pain is affirmative, but it is not enough to hurt the muscles.

As for whether Jia Shuai can sell it, I'm afraid it depends on luck.