MTL - Number One Player-Chapter 293 famine of civilization

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It is against this background that Shang Yinhe emerged.

Those civilizations that are not devoured - this is what many civilizations call "civilization suture monsters" - the parts that are completely digested, those enslaved races that have fallen to the bottom of the devourer civilization, the residual ideas and cultures of those devoured civilizations, those who occasionally get The cultured civilization that knew the truth gave birth to waves of resistance.

In these revolts, Shang Yinhe appeared.

He is the "savior", who was once regarded as the savior of the living saint by countless civilizations.

He rose from the dust and revealed the truth to the civilizations that were cultivated, monitored, and to be harvested. He walked in the gaps of the universe, bringing the flame of civilization development. There were many civilizations that developed rapidly because of the technology and information he brought, blooming bright flowers of civilization, they respected him as a prophet and a guide, and finally this title unified into a "savior".

He is also the "Demon King", who was once regarded as a major concern by the Devourer civilization.

"Demon King" is the name given to him by the Devourer civilization.

This is not a slander, in order to win, in order to destroy the Devourer civilization, he has indeed done a lot of Demon King-style things.

Eventually even the civilizations he was trying to save began to call him the Demon Lord.

Because, Shang Yinhe will bring the attention of the Devourer civilization, will bring bad luck and misfortune, and will bring about the destruction of civilization.

This is not the devil, what is the devil?

From the savior to the devil, Shang Yinhe has experienced too much.

At the height of his glory, he used to be the leader of the Civilization Rebel Army. He responded to every call, walked among endless civilizations, and united the technology trees of many different civilizations. He could almost fight against the Devourer civilization, and victory seemed to be in sight.

But in the end, the overlord who had been standing at the peak for a long time gave him a slap in the face.

He failed.

But he didn't give up, he started endless escapes and endless attempts.

And his game system is the "artifact" he finally created by mixing the technology and materials of the Devourer civilization and the technology and materials of many rebels in his many resistance and escape careers.

This artifact combines many black technologies such as cosmic cloud computing, causality, reality simulation, dimensional change, relative time, etc., combined with the packaging of fool-like panels and fool-like guidance processes, gives Shang Galaxy the possibility of endless attempts, and also Brings a hopeful path to victory...

"...system error! System error!"

The constant screams of the system pulled Shang Yinhe back from his past memories. At this time, he realized that the system was still trying to report errors.

"Shut up." Shang Yinhe rubbed his forehead. He still had a headache because he received a lot of memory information in a short period of time.

The sound of the system's error message stopped instantly, and the game space suddenly became quiet.

In a place that seemed very far away, but not far away, the [Distant Eye] was still staring at him, chaos, despair, silence, death, those dark, strange and awkward feelings constantly washed over him, bringing bursts of Mental pollution.

The originally empty and boundless dark universe seemed to have turned into a dark and terrifying crimson world, as if the true face of the world had been revealed.

Is the world like this?

"It doesn't matter what the world looks like," Shang Yinhe and [Distant Eye] looked at each other again, and commanded indifferently, "Start the game."

That look was like a key, unlocking the lock of memory.

- So I am such a person.

- Turns out I've tried it countless times.

-I see.

Shang Yinhe sorted out the long memories in the past, and all the doubts during the amnesia period were explained at once.

Why is the text in the game world is Mandarin?

Because the creator of the game world is Shang Yinhe, and Shang Yinhe now speaks Mandarin. The game system is an artifact created by Shang Yinhe itself. Many programs have been preset, and it exists to adapt to him.

Why didn't the numb, still time in the game world, the long journey with almost no end in sight, cause him to break down and have any mental problems?

Because he is not an ordinary person in essence, those dull, boring repetitions, that long journey with almost no end in sight, he has already experienced, he has even experienced the deepest, most bottomless despair, that It is an extreme blow to self-confidence caused by the confluence of countless failures. In comparison, what is the game process repeated tens of thousands of times?

When he was an ordinary person on earth, he would be happy about some situations, lost about some situations, frustrated and excited, but all the baptism of the long time in the game world would not cause too much damage to his mind. The many distractions allowed him to endure the boring, long, seemingly endless, and lifeless life of the game space from the very beginning.

But now, the sudden recovery of the memory fragments means that there is not much time left, and he must hurry up.

With the sound of Shang Yinhe's command to start the game, the game system was slowly loaded. The uncontaminated cosmic picture slowly covered the dark and terrifying crimson world, like a layer of wallpaper barely covering the dirty wall.

In Shang Galaxy's game system, most of the technology originated from the Devourer civilization, and the power of time and cause is itself the focus of the Devourer civilization's technology tree.

The more this power is used, the easier it is to be found by Devourer civilizations.

In fact, as long as you start using the game system on this timeline, the countdown will start immediately, and eventually the Devourer civilization will come to you.

Staring at the crimson world being covered by the game card "Cosmic Wallpaper", Shang Yinhe couldn't help frowning:

However, the time for the Devourer civilization to find it is getting faster and faster. This time it has only been a year, and even the last game has not been supported...

Shang Yinhe's memory lock was originally set to be discovered by [Distant Eye].

As a master of karma, for Devourer civilization, when you know me, I also know you.

The reason why Shang Yinhe sealed his memory and opened the game system as an ordinary person on earth was to avoid being found quickly and to buy more time.

But even so, it was only a delay of a year.

And now that he has been discovered, as long as he leaves the game system, he will be blocked at the door immediately...

This is an extremely urgent fact, but thinking of this, Shang Yinhe, who has recovered his memory, couldn't help but twitch his lips.

In Shang Yinhe's swirling thoughts, the uncontaminated cosmic picture finally covered the entire field of vision, and the dark and eerie [Distant Eye] had been completely blocked under the game card cosmic wallpaper.

The game is loaded.

Immediately afterwards, the voice of the narrator came as promised. His voice seemed to be completely unaffected by all these accidents, and was still so excited and frustrated:

"There is a civilization."

"He looks forward to all fresh inspiration."

"He devours the civilization of endless time and space."

"He's like an insatiable glutton."

"Someone called him—"

"Famine of Civilization."

After experiencing the awakening of his memory, he heard the voice of the narrator again, and Shang Yinhe couldn't help but feel a little dazed, and the voice of the narrator became more and more high-pitched and excited, which was heartbreaking:

"Defeat it, my devil!"