MTL - Number One Zombie Wife-Chapter 517

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After so many years, he finally found this lost and recovered baby, and his life was full of life again.

"You are Beitian in reality? Beitian is you in reality?" Mu Yifan murmured, never dreaming that Beitian in reality and Beitian in the book were the same person.

He asked quickly: "So how did you get through?"

Zhan Beitian couldn't help but recall the things in the book: "After you left for a year, Optimus told me that you are not a person in this world and cannot stay in this world. You stay in the book and it will change a lot of things. I'm sorry to hear it, but thinking that since you can wear it in the book, then I should be able to wear it to the reality you said. After that, in addition to rectifying Shuicheng and finishing most of the plot in your novel, I let the sky Nan finds a way to travel in the realm in the memory of the practitioner, and then, as long as I have free time, I will practice in the space, improve my ability, and join forces with Optimus to open the space in the book and wear it into reality. Before coming, Optimus told me that, because I am the soul of the book, I may not be able to reach your world safely, nor can I determine the exact time and location where you are. There will be various unexpected events along the way. It ’s an accident, that ’s why you lose your body and memory. ”

Mu Yifan still couldn't believe it: "You really are Bei Tian in reality, Bei Tian in reality is you in the book? Is this really true?"

"it is true."

Mu Yifan only returned to God after a long time, angry and staring at Bei Tian: "Then why did you just lie to me and someone will disappear."

Zhan Beitian's eyes flashed a smile: "I just want to know who you love more."

In fact, he is eating his own vinegar.

When thinking about everything in the book, he didn't want Mu Yifan to be with Mu Zhanfan in reality, then he forgot the pain in Mu Yifan's death, and tried to find Mu Yifan in order to recover Mu Yifan. This method catches up to that battle in reality.

However, from the standpoint of fighting Bei Tian in reality, he really wanted to know how much Mu Yifan loved him, because in reality he treats Mu Yifan as a treasure and caressing and petting, reluctantly He hurt Mu Yifan a little bit, not even daring to show his love, let alone say love. He was so careful about loving that he was only worried that Mu Yifan would ignore him because of his twisted love.

Before he was with Mu Yifan, he was very distressed. After Mu Yifan was with him, Mu Yifan never said he loved him, so I wanted to know that the actual battle Bei Tian was in Mu Yifan's heart. How important it really is.

"You are really too much, do you know how worried I was just now that one of you would disappear." Mu Yifan buried his face in his chest and wept.

Zhan Beitian frowned: "Sorry, I won't do this again."

He picked up Mu Yifan's face with distress, but saw that Mu Yifan was crying with a smile, which made him really see the meaning of the word joyful and cry, and made him cry and laugh: "Are you crying or laughing?"

"Of course I'm laughing. I'm very happy now because I never expected to see you again."

Zhan Beitian gently wiped the tears on his face with his thumb: "Then how do you shed tears?"

Mu Yifan held his hand on his face and smirked: "You are Bei Tian in the book, and Bei Tian in reality, how good!"

Zhan Beitian was teased by his stupidity: "How good?"

Mu Yifan touched his chest: "This heart is finally complete again. There is no need to divide it into two halves to love two people and no more tangles. It is really good to be able to love a person with all my heart."

Zhan Beitian's heart throbbed, and he couldn't help kissing his mouth.

Mu Yifan opened a happy smile in his mouth: "Beitian, I love you. When I died in the book, I wanted to say it, but I didn't even have the strength to speak at that time, I didn't expect to have a chance now speak out."

Zhan Beitian hugged him, although it had been decades or even a hundred years for him, but as long as he thought of that time, his heart still felt very painful, and he would never forget Mu Mu died in his life. The situation in your arms.

However, he will not let this happen again in the future.

"Beitian, I love you." Mu Yifan said again affectionately, "This is what I told Zhan Beitian in reality. Before, because there was Beitian in the book deep in my heart, these words have been I didn't say it in my heart, because I want to say these three words to you when I really let go of everything. I don't know if it will be too late. "

"No." Zhan Beitian touched his face. "It would be better if I could say more times."

"How many times do you want to hear?" Mu Yifan asked with a smile, "I'll tell you all my life?"

"Okay." Zhan Beitian saw the dark circles in his eyes and said, distressed, "there will be a break, if anything wakes up."

"But I have a lot of things to ask, such as how did Optimus go after I left, will he look like you when he grows up?"

"I'll tell you later. I'll tell you all my life."

Yes, they will be together for the rest of their lives.

Mu Yifan didn't ask again, hugged Zhan Beitian, closed his eyes with a smile.

Chapter 374 Reality (14)

At 1 pm, Zhan Guoxiong and Yang Fengqing came to the hospital again with the cooked soup. When they entered the ward, Zhan Beitian was leaning on the bedside to look at the documents, and rubbed Mu Yifan's hair with his other hand. .

Mu Yifan was asleep, but his hands were firmly holding Zhan Beitian, as if he was afraid that Zhan Beitian would disappear.

Zhan Beitian saw them coming and said faintly, "Grandpa, mom."

Yang Fengqing lowered her voice and whispered, "Do you still have a headache? I have stewed fish soup for you. Would you like to drink now?"

"Wait until Mumu wakes up."

Zhan Beitian always said that he was the best. Yang Fengqing didn't say anything. He filled Mu Yifan with a bowl of fish soup and took it outside the hall.

Zhan Guoxiong looked at the document in the hand of Beitian: "Why didn't you take a break when you just woke up? The company's affairs can be handled after you leave the hospital."

"No problem."

Zhan Beitian's words are concise and powerful, even revealing a momentum that others must not disturb.

Sengoku Xiong squinted.

After his grandson woke up, the whole man's momentum seemed to be more stable and indifferent than before, especially the deep black eyes, as if washed and precipitated by countless years, more sharp, wise and calm than before. Anything can make them a wave.

Zhan Guoxiong didn't bother them. After sitting in the ward for a while, he left with Yang Fengqing.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Jing Jun, who had been rushed home to rest, appeared in the ward by appointment, like an appointment.

At this point, Mu Yifan has woke up, holding the freshly cooked meal, and eating it with Zhan Beitian, and his actions are very close.

Seeing them so loving, Jing Junlin also felt relieved.

Before, I heard Shen Qinyang said that when Mu Yifan and Zhan Beitian were together, they did n’t believe that Mu Yifan was changing so fast, thinking whether it would be Mu Yifan's covetousness for a while, and then they would become men. Zhan Beitian together.

But when I saw Mu Yifan staying beside Zhan Beitian without eating, drinking, or sleeping, he was immediately convinced by Mu Yifan. This person who has been held in his hand since he was a child also knows how to feel bad. It is not easy. Heartily bless them.

When Yan Lei saw Zhan Beitian and they were eating almost, he took the lead to say: "Bei Tian, ​​why are you with Mumu, why don't you tell us, so that we are still worried about you in private."

Zhan Beitian drank boiled water, wiped the corners of his mouth with a paper towel, and said quietly: "I wanted to say that after dinner, and was interrupted by Jing Feng at the back."