MTL - Okay, I Can’t Eat This-Chapter 17

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It wasn't that Xie Chi was making a fuss, but he only saw it during the day. It was the one who took Xie Wenqingfei to preach to others.

How could he be here? It's not very scientific.

Xie Chi hesitated for a while, but walked over: "Why are you?"

The young man probably didn't expect that there were still living people here, and was startled, but he quickly calmed down, presumably he wanted to maintain a high-level demeanor in front of Xie Chi: "I'll come out to investigate the situation, it's very dangerous here, How did you get here?"

Oh, it turned out to be accidentally involved when he came out to investigate the Liu Shaoyu incident, Xie Chi said calmly after reading his words: "I came with Xie Wenqing, we found a very strange place, you have to come and see see?"

"Wait! Xie Wenqing is here too? What are you doing when you don't sleep in the middle of the night?" The young man's expression was a little ugly, mainly because this place was really dangerous. If only Xie Chi was the only one, he should be able to barely protect him. Stay, another Xie Wenqing...

dying to die...

Xie Chi still remembers the lie Xie Wenqing told before. At this time, he can only follow it: "I only met Xie Wenqing after I came here. What's the use of talking about it now? Let's go and have a look first."

The young man was very helpless, so he could only follow Xie Chi back, and babble as he walked: "You young people, one or two of you don't know how to cherish life, and you always like to get involved in dangerous things, in case something goes wrong. It's too late to regret!"

"My teacher... my 40-year-old elder brother likes to say that too."

"Are you connoting that I am old?" The young man asked with a little anger amid his doubts.

"No, say you are mature and stable."

"Hehe, I tell you that I hold grudges very much. Be careful I don't care if you are in danger. In this kind of place, only I can protect you, because it is very likely that there are ghosts here!" The young man said with a somber expression.

Xie Chi glanced at him sideways, but didn't say anything, probably because he felt that Xie Chi was cowardly, the young man immediately became complacent, and those who didn't know thought he had won a shocking victory.

The live broadcast room immediately became lively:

'Why is this scene so familiar? ’

"Please refer to the one you met in the last live broadcast, but every time you live broadcast, you will encounter strange people wearing Taoist robes, which is a bit fake."

'Actor please? But the script is interesting'

'I have a bad feeling... a moment of silence for this brother in advance'

The two quickly returned to the classroom, and the young man suddenly grabbed Xie Chi: "Wait! Don't go in! It's so ghostly, there's something wrong with this place!"

"Sir, you must believe in science." Xie Chi said with great dedication: "I believe that there are no ghosts in this world, most of the anomalies are man-made, even if people really have souls, they will never form so-called evil ghosts. , or why do you want the police? If you are killed, you can turn into a ghost to take revenge, the world has long been in chaos."


'It makes sense, I am speechless! ’

'Zibuyu's strange power is insane. I think what the host said is very reasonable. If people really turn into ghosts after death, then no murderer can live to be punished by the Ming Dynasty.'

"It can't be said that, whether you believe it or not, but most of the so-called Taoists on the market are indeed liars."

'But there are a lot of things that science can't explain'

'Science is not omnipotent, science is also a law discovered by human beings after all, some things should be just that human beings have not discovered, not that science cannot explain it, just like at first people thought that the earth is a round place, and later invented the heliocentric theory, people only Knowing that the earth is round, not the center of the world, that the times have developed, and the heliocentric theory has also been abandoned, this is an inevitable law'

Xie Chi didn't know how serious the noise in the live broadcast room was, because the official assigned her a special administrator, and some of the more vulgar barrages would be cleaned up after they were sent out, and she didn't need to care about them at all.

The young man also felt that Xie Chi was unreasonable, and started a quarrel with her about whether there were ghosts in this world, and the two of them walked to the door of the room after arguing.

What made the two of them stop arguing was a scream from the room. Although the voice changed a bit, it was definitely Xie Wenqing.

The two quickly opened the door, and as soon as they entered, they saw Xie Wenqing burst into tears, squatting on the chair and trembling, the young man's expression was serious: "What's the matter! Did you encounter a ghost?"

Xie Wenqing did encounter a ghost. He saw a hand, which came out of the drawer, and was slapped back by the black air ball that Xie Chi put on him.

But he firmly remembered Xie Chi's instructions, so he choked up and said, "What... what the hell? I just saw a spider, it's so big, it's so scary."

If your image becomes a mother, you will become a mother. It can be regarded as a sacrifice for Xie Chi's career. It is a work injury.


"In short, we can't stay in this place any longer, let's go out first."

In his eyes, these classrooms are shrouded in thick yin, and they are the most dangerous places in the entire ruins. If he comes alone, he will definitely investigate carefully, but if he brings two ordinary people with him , of course, the farther away the better.

Ordinary person Xie Chi: "Then let's go out first."

The three of them went out of the door, but the young man was still not willing to let such clues go. He wanted to go back to the house and search again by himself, but he would not let the two of them follow up again, so that he could not protect him from danger.

After the young man entered, Xie Wenqing leaned into Xie Chi's ear and said in a low voice, "Is it alright to let him in? I saw it in the drawer... um, spider."

"He shouldn't be afraid of spiders." Xie Chi said with a smile in his voice: "Isn't it bitten by spiders?"

"No..." Xie Wenqing feels more secure now, mainly because he didn't expect the black dumpling that Xie Chi gave him to be so reliable. As soon as the ghost hand stretched out, before it touched the corner of his clothes, he was brutally shot by the black dumpling. Go back, the method is steady and precise.

"That's good." Xie Chi hadn't sensed the ghost's breath in that room before, he just didn't know where it came from.

However, Xie Wenqing was frightened when she ensured safety, and she was still a little embarrassed.

The young man came out soon, his expression full of confidence: "I caught their little tails, and I will pull them out and prove that there are really ghosts in this world."

The young man took out the peach wood sword and held it in his hand, then quickly took out a few talisman papers from his pocket and stuck them on the door of the teacher's office.

Xie Wenqing only felt that his voice was very rhythmic, and Xie Wenqing could understand every word he read, but after putting it together, his face was blank: "This is?"

"Taoist spells." Xie Chi whispered: "It is said that different sects have different spells, but I haven't learned them, so I don't know whether he is a true Taoist or a fake Taoist."

"Does such a thing really exist?" Xie Wenqing exclaimed.

"Probably yes, if you look closely at his steps, is there a rhythm? This is called Bu Gang Treadou. Legend has it that Xia Yu invented it, so it is also called Yu Bu. It is said that serious Taoist priests should be equipped with this when reciting incantations." Xie Chi Although he didn't learn well, he still has a good eye.

After she finished speaking, she remembered that she was still running the live broadcast, and she coughed and added: "Qin Jian, which was unearthed a few years ago, is said to have a simple spell, just like the first time after the New Year's Eve. Just like setting off firecrackers on the side of the road when driving out, the ancients also had a special "spell" for safety when they traveled far away.

"That's right." Xie Wenqing suddenly realized.

Xie Chi filmed all the movements of the youth and showed them to the audience in the live broadcast room. 'Ghost'."

She gave herself a bad review in her heart. She didn't work for a few days, and it was a little worse. This is not good... not good...

But the nephew also said that no matter what, as long as you kill him, there will be no ghosts in this world.

Before the youth's spell was finished, a hand suddenly stretched out from the back of the room. Xie Chi didn't know how to describe that hand. After soaking in water for a long time, it became swollen.

Then the owner of the arm made a thin voice: "You... what are you going to do?"

"Come out!" The peach wood sword in the young man's hand pointed at it: "Don't hide, where are the other ghosts?"

The owner of the arm seemed a little scared, and slowly moved out from the back of the room. It was a girl in a school uniform. Although her face was too white, it was still within the normal range. The only strange thing was its left hand, which was the one His left hand was swollen like a corpse that had been soaked in water for a long time.

But its right hand is normal, white and thin. When the hand lifts the school uniform sleeve and slides down, revealing half of the lotus root-like arm, and the swollen one on the left, which fully supports the school uniform sleeve and forms a distinct arm. Compared.

The limbs are not coordinated, and the two arms are thick on one side and thin on the other, so the visual effect is particularly scary.

"It turned out to be a drowned ghost." The young man frowned: "You shouldn't stay in this world, just let me save you."

Wow, there were several children running out of the back of the house, ranging in age from eleven to fourteen or fifteen. Most of them were normal in appearance, and some had some unique features of drowned ghosts.

"Don't bully Sister Xuxu!" The little ghosts guarded the first female ghost in school uniform to appear, and stared at the young man fiercely.

One of them didn't know if he died late or what, and he couldn't hide his death. Blood was flowing out of his teeth and seven orifices, and his face was swollen.

Xie Chi: !

Is it too late to turn off the camera now? How can she make it up!

The author has something to say: I feel so bad today?_>

Thank you Xianyu for throwing a mine Throwing time: 2019-09-04 21:04:39

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