MTL - Old Chapters-v18 Chapter 33 final day (4)

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Lin Tong, who was standing in the distance, looked at the women who were helping them out, and nodded.

In this cruel world, it takes a lot of courage to survive. If they don't even have the courage to come out, then being burned to death may be a better ending.

Of course, even if they didn't come out, Lin Tong would rescue them again.

Remote control of the Ouroboros, the temperature of the entire stronghold suddenly rose, and the fire rose uncontrollably, purifying the sin inside.

Lin Tong took out the communicator and dialed the channel of the Countermeasures Bureau. He was going to report the incident to the headquarters and call for some rescue. Whether it was himself or the women who were tortured, they all needed treatment.

Just the next moment, a fighter jet with a sci-fi atmosphere fell and hit the women. The huge kinetic energy instantly mixed the flesh and soil to the point of indistinguishable from each other.

Well, to survive in this cruel world, apart from courage, you also need some luck.

From the logo on the fighter, it is not difficult to see that this is the Air Force of Vietnam.

"Is the situation so bad?" Even the Air Force of the Dayuet Dynasty dispatched peacekeeping, and was beaten down. From the fist mark on the fighter plane, it can be seen that this was not blown down by some missile, but Was beaten down with a fist.

Don't look at sci-fi movies, those heroes are extremely simple to fight fighters, but in fact, with the military technology of the Great Yue Dynasty, the speed of general fighters is extremely fast, and the average speed is around Mach, about 2500 km/h.

With the speed of human reaction, even Lin Tong needs to prepare to take down the fighter plane, and he also needs the support of intelligence props.

"Hello, I'm Lin Tong." Lin Tong said quickly when he saw the connected communicator.

"G1334 Lintong? According to the SAN inspection equipment in your body, you have been contaminated, so for the sake of human purity, commit suicide." The person in the communicator said coldly.

"According to the rules of the Countermeasures Bureau, this is not the case." Lin Tong's expression changed.

"That was before. Now, the Countermeasures Bureau has changed its name to the Human Continuity Security Bureau, which is separated from the ownership of the Dayuet Dynasty. The Noah's Ark Project has been launched. If you don't want to commit suicide, then please do it yourself."

The communicator was hung up, and Lin Tong only felt his body was cold. He knew that the Noah's Ark plan was an extremely shrinking plan, and it was generally activated when humans thought that they were powerless to resist.

The so-called Noah's Ark is a special space, the core of which is the summary of human civilization, the second layer is the elite of human beings, and the third layer is various animals, plants and cultural relics representing the earth's civilization.

On the periphery of this space are various protective circles and a large number of old seals. It must be ensured that the sight of the evil **** will not be placed on them, and then they will exist in this space, waiting for the end of the final day.

According to their knowledge of the evil gods, once the final day has passed, these evil gods have absolutely no interest in paying attention to these insignificant humans.

At that time, they will be able to live and become the ancestors of the new mankind.

"It's really funny, how can humans defeat those monsters!" Outside Noah's Ark, a person put down the communicator in his hand, thinking of those indescribable figures, involuntarily flashed a trace of fear.

Human beings themselves have limits that belong to human beings. Those members of the Countermeasures Bureau who wanted to compete with the evil gods all died overnight, which allowed them to take power and start the Noah's Ark plan.

"We are the future of mankind." This person boarded the teleportation array and entered Noah's Ark. After the person left, the self-destruction program of the teleportation array was activated.

In Noah's Ark, the second floor is an extremely luxurious space, and these guys who call themselves the elites of human beings have a cup in the cocktail party.

The multiverse is so big, they want to see it, there are so many worlds, why do they have to stick to the main world?

People paralyzed themselves in the drinking party. Suddenly, in the crowd, a beautiful woman attracted everyone's attention. Whether it was a man or a woman, when they saw the woman in the middle of the party, they all fell into a state of shock. Why do human beings It can be so beautiful.

Of course, some people noticed something was wrong and hurriedly searched for the woman's information. Noah's Ark Security Director narrowed his eyes: "Gao Xiaowen? Why didn't anyone find her before?"

"Of course it's because there's no need to hide it anymore." Gao Xiaowen's crisp voice sounded: "Put into the arms of the black goat."

"Alarm! Alert! The space of Noah's Ark is infected by unknown life forms, and the space structure begins to become life. It is judged that Noah's Ark will mutate into a special monster, and the final plan is launched, and the Star of Civilization is launched."

In the core layer of Noah's Ark, a crystal-like thing was introduced into the void, flew into the distance of the multiverse, and then found a qualified world, rushed into that world, and found a teenage boy Human teenagers become hosts.

"The Star of Civilization has been activated and is scanning the host's situation." Such a voice suddenly appeared in the mind of the high school teenager who was in class.

"The host is a human body in the marginal universe, and it is undergoing genetic correction to turn it into a pure-blooded human. The leader template is starting..."

The high school teenager shivered, and when he saw the tablemates without any abnormality around him, a surge of ecstasy flooded into his heart. He usually likes to watch those. Any ordinary high school teenager who acquires Tianwai technology will either rebuild a new civilization or establish a new civilization. What the main **** space.

Did the identity of the protagonist finally fall on me today?

"Leader template to start." The high school boy suddenly changed his expression, the ecstasy on his face turned into a dull expression, and for some reason, something called charisma began to appear on the boy.

He took out his book and started planning to write a book called "Mein Kampf" or "On Contradiction" and "On Protracted War"?

How can the future of mankind be placed on an ignorant high school teenager, so the first step is to brainwash, in the leader template, collect information on how many great leaders from the past to the present, pour in together, and directly destroy the personality of the high school teenager, Turn it into a personality sufficient to lead human development.

It's just that the expression of the high school teenager changed in the next moment, and he ran out of the classroom desperately. The teacher was about to scold when he saw the sky outside the classroom.

The gorgeous colors burst out there. Human language cannot describe this beauty. Everyone looked at this indescribable color and fell into a deadly obsession.

Only high school teenagers flashed despair in their eyes. This gorgeous color is recorded in the Star of Civilization, which is the color of the destruction of the world.

The high school teenager collapsed, and the Star of Civilization broke out and flew out of this world again, but he found in despair that the entire multiverse was collapsing.

This is not the destruction of the world, but the demise of the multiverse.

Read The Duke's Passion