MTL - Old Chapters-v2 Chapter 15 ghoul

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Walking out of the witch's cabin, Xu Haoran and Hu Wenxu were no longer around. The door of the wooden cabin behind him closed automatically. He didn't know what the witch was going to talk about with Gao Xiaowen, but it was no longer Lu Li's business.

Lu Li headed to the west, the sunlight projected from the leaves, forming mottled spots of light. It was easy to lose time walking alone in the forest. Lu Li could only roughly feel that he had been walking for a while, and even walked out of the witch. After all, life has begun to appear around, and even a few traces of human activities can occasionally be seen. If you want to go out and go in this direction, there should be a human village or town.

A strange perception reminded Lu Li that the cave the witch was talking about was not far away. At this time, Lu Li suddenly woke up. Before, the witch only said the west side, not even the specific location. He came out, and he found the vicinity with a strange perception. I was afraid that the witch had used some means. From this, it can be seen that the horror of the witch has exerted an influence on herself without knowing it.

"The gap is a bit big..." Lu Li frowned. Although he has that kind of extreme control, the gap between him and the witch is really too big. This is not something that can be smoothed out by control.

After regaining consciousness, Lu Li sensed his entire body, smoothed out some discordant areas, made sure to remove any influence exerted by others, and then continued to search for the cave mentioned in the mission, just burying the witch's manipulation of himself. to the bottom of my heart.

It didn't take long for Lu Li to find the cave that the witch said about. The cave was quite large and spread diagonally downward. There was a disgusting smell coming from the inside. There were some white bones at the entrance of the cave, which could not be distinguished from human beings. Still animal.

Lu Li, who has dark vision, doesn't need to worry about the vision problem, but the smell is really uncomfortable. Although Lu Li's ability can block the sense of smell, the smell will still enter the body between breaths, which is unpleasant just thinking about it. matter.

Lu Li, who walked into the cave, frowned, full of displeasure. What he wanted was interesting things, not such disgusting things, but there was no way. For the sake of future fun, if he didn't want to finish the task and hang it here, Still can only pinching his nose to recognize, this feeling further made Lu Li unhappy.

After walking a short distance, the cave was completely dark. The light outside was not much blocked by the trees, and even less when entering the cave. Basically, it was close to a dark environment, and Lu Li's strength could be maximized.

One of the skill bars attached to Lu Li lit up, Lu Li's shadow magic was absorbed, and two figures appeared in front of Lu Li in an instant. In the surrounding environment, it was almost equivalent to being invisible. They knelt down in front of Lu Li on one knee, pressed against the ground, and lowered their heads to wait for Lu Li's order.

"Go in and kill all the living creatures in this cave except me..." Lu Li's voice just fell, the two figures flashed, and with a strange pace, they reached the distance in an instant, two dark There were also pieces of pitch-black darts in his hands.

Lu Li felt the connection between the two figures in front of him. He chuckled and thought about walking ahead. Before, he refreshed the game store and wanted to find some modules to make up for the shadow clone skill he developed, but after refreshing, he found A special module. Before this, Lu Li had never seen a special module in the store, and even there was little information on the special module on the forum. If Lu Li himself had a special module, primary intelligence, he would not know it at all. Know that there are special modules.

And the special module he refreshed in the store is called: Arms Assassin, and the introduction is as follows:

[Special module · Arms Assassin, this is a special Assassin template. Note that this template only has information and needs to be filled with corresponding things. Arms come with stealth, throwing, assassination, and weapon generation. Purchase requires 200 game points. 】

Lu Li bought it the first time he saw it. This module is indeed suitable for Lu Li to use, but this special module is too partial, and the usage conditions are also harsh. If there is no corresponding module to fill, this arm module is useless. Yes, that is to say, if you want to use this troop module, you need at least a humanoid movable filler. If it is just like this without the smart module, you will not be able to exert the power of this troop module.

He optimized and adjusted the module of this skill and added the arms module. Today's skill module has taken out the redundant control module and changed it into module magic + module will + module manipulation + module endowment + module fixation + module intelligence + module assassin arms, That is to say, this skill does not actually have a control module, but is manipulated by the will of two rule modules, combined into an effect similar to the control module. UU Reading

It can be said that at this time, this skill is already a good skill, and the skills of many players who have experienced several instances of the game are not necessarily comparable to Lu Li's.

Just thinking that this module is particularly suitable, a flash of thought flashed in Lu Li's eyes. Some things are too coincidental, so it's not a coincidence. It's just that it's useless to think about it now, so Lu Li just let go of his thoughts.

The two shadow assassins moved at a strange pace, without making a sound, but at an extremely fast speed. A centipede just crawled, and a dart nailed it to the wall. The next moment, the dart disappeared, and the shadow assassin's hand reappeared. Appeared in a dart, they generated their own weapons, each shadow assassin can generate eight darts, and a short knife, these weapons are composed of shadows, but extremely sharp.

Lu Li walked behind the two shadow assassins, sensing their extermination actions in the cave. These shadows were all manipulated by Lu Li's will, and completely obeyed Lu Li's orders. Following the induction of the shadows, Lu Li's expression changed, and the shadow assassin found the human form. The monsters have begun to lurk, looking for the opportunity to assassinate, their assassination ability is not to talk about.

Lu Li sneered, the shadow wriggling behind him, after a long period of practice, if he only controlled one person's shadow, he could already deform the shadow more delicately, so he would separate two shadow assassins and use his own strength. maximize.

Now he is in a bad mood, very bad, very bad, people, if you feel bad, you have to vent, Lu Li strode forward, showing a cold smile, the shadow behind him wriggled, emerging from the shadow, like a li Like an arrow, he pierced a creature lying on the top of the cave. Looking at the monster's pale skin and dog-like face, Lu Li said, "It's like a dog, think about how it died..."