MTL - Old Chapters-v2 Chapter 2 Detailed skills

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"A regular skill usually consists of several parts: energy module; manipulation module; rule module; and form module." The fire said on the post: "Of course, this is just a conventional one, and there are some special modules."

"For example: melee skills: heavy attack, this type of skill usually uses a few modules, thank me, I will give you a free skill template! You must know that even the simplest skill template requires 100 game points ."

"The energy modules for heavy blows are generally physical strength or fighting qi, internal strength. If you are a newcomer, you should choose physical strength. After all, you basically have no such thing as fighting qi internal strength. This kind of thing needs to be formed into a training skill to extract. The role of energy module physical strength is Extract your stamina and use it as energy to activate skills."

"Then there is the control module. This module determines how you control the energy. The skills that are about to be activated. If you hit hard, you can use physical actions. Of course, you can also use language. If you don't mind the language before you activate the skills. ."

"If you have energy, you can control it. The next step is how to make energy form special abilities. For example, if you hit hard, it will actually increase the strength of your attack, so here we use the rule module Power, your physical strength will pass through. Rules, directly strengthen your power."

"The last is the form module. This module seems to be unnecessary in the skill of heavy attack. Some people are greedy for cheap and do not choose to load the form module. He will find that his heavy attack is actually not powerful, because The power transformed by the rule module has no form and is scattered, so in fact, a form module is still necessary, and the form module is actually condensing the power."

"Then is the composition of skills. Skills don't need to put several modules in the skill box, then you will explode! The link between modules requires special settings, which is equivalent to programming. Of course, the operation is very simple, just use awareness. The construction data of the heavy attack is as follows: 1 unit of physical strength is absorbed, activated through the charging action, and injected into the power rule module with a delay of 0.3 seconds, and then injected into the shape module. Issue, this time depends on the individual, within this time interval, the longer the delay, the more concentrated the power, and the greater the power, but the launch is slower, and it is easy to be resisted and restrained, the specific choice depends on the individual."

"Just a reminder, it's better for newcomers to build their own skills, and don't buy other people's templates. First, other people's skills are easy to be seen and targeted, and second, it is not good for their own promotion in the future. And the best skills It can be combined with the strengthening of your own foundation.”

"Then this is the entire content of this post. Finally, I advise all newcomers to cherish everything around you, maybe one day you won't be able to see it!"

The post was followed by a large number of replies, most thanks, and inquired about the detailed data of the smashing skill. Lu Li swiped it at random, and left the post feeling unconscious, then continued to flip through the forum and found that the fee was paid to. The posts have written the general content, most of which are things that Lu Li can't understand. At this time, Lu Li thought of the cultivation skills mentioned in the post of Huo, so he searched and found a lot:

The grass on the tomb is three meters high: "The template for the extraction of internal energy, which I composed based on the Ten Yang Divine Art, only requires about 300 modules! Come and discuss in detail."

Please call me Lord Bishop: "Bright magic training template, suitable for newcomers, only ten wooden blocks! Posting charges 500 game points."

A certain dead pigeon who should be sent a blade: "The Cosmos Sutra, the supreme secret book, the one who knows the goods enters..."

Moon Shadow Yifeng: "Newcomer's Spiritual Power Extraction Template, a super-simple version, only needs three modules! Watch it for free!"

Lu Li's eyes narrowed, and he took a look all the way. Even if the training skill templates are used by newcomers, most of them need about ten modules, and these skill templates are all too expensive. I didn't expect to see a small fresh here. I saw that the teacher on the podium was still talking about his "two questions", so I held it and looked at it without blowing it, anyway, to pass the time.

Click on Lu Li and you will first see the skill template sent by the landlord: "Rule Module · Soul + Rule Module · Quiet + Rule Module · Extraction, the specific parameters are: Soul Mode is connected to Quiet after 9 seconds, you need to put aside distractions when using it. Recite 9 to 1 silently, and then the soul will fall into a state of silence, please set the extraction time after 60 seconds, and the extraction time should not exceed 10 seconds!"

"This skill can definitely be used. As long as it is connected to Jingjing, it can guarantee absolutely no distractions. Please, please tell me the data after using it. I will cooperate with you if you have any questions!" The replies are all negative:

"Oh crap, it's basically impossible to keep a mind free of distracting thoughts for nine seconds, right? Whoever uses this skill will die. Is this revenge on society?"

"You're right upstairs. Without any protective measures, you can directly use the rules to contact the soul. Ordinary people are afraid that they will become fools directly, or they will fall into a quiet state and can't get out."

"Let's learn about it. At least auxiliary measures are needed to extract spiritual power. Otherwise, in all likelihood, it will hurt the soul, ranging from an idiot to an idiot."

"Thank you upstairs, newcomer, I almost used it."

"Use it, use it, die one is one!"

In short, the following replies are like this, and it makes sense, that is, this skill does not have any security measures and auxiliary extraction measures. In short, whoever uses it will die. Lu Li is quite interested, but unfortunately he has not decided to leave yet. Which way, maybe he is a melee type, then his mental power will be useless.

Silently bookmarking this post, Lu Li left the forum. The teacher on the podium saw that the sun was about to go down, and finally finished his "two questions", so he picked up a test paper and said, "The department representative will send the test paper to the Come on, everyone will finish it tonight, pick it up tomorrow morning, and I'll talk about it in class!"

"God, today's fourth card, please spare me!" The students in the third year of high school couldn't afford to be hurt and cried in pain, but the cruel teacher showed no mercy. The pain now is for your happiness in the future. , I am the first expression in the world of Tactics of the Sea of ​​Viet Nam.

When the department representative sent it to Lu Li, he pondered for a while, and then sent it to Lu Li. Then the teacher said that the get out of class was over, everyone went back to their respective homes, and each went to his own mother. Lu Li picked up the test paper and glanced at it. With an expression on his face, he tore it up and walked out of the classroom with an empty schoolbag. He wanted to go back early, choose his own strengthening direction, and repair his terrible left hand with low flexibility...