MTL - Omni-Magician-v8 Chapter 675 You are the man who will fight with the devil in the future.

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"You can rest assured that this omnipotent method I just researched, so I am not skilled, and although you and Freya have said that they have touched the edge of the rule power, the power from the real control rules is still too bad. Far, when you completely control the Supreme Rules, I will borrow your strength and you will not feel exhausted."

In the palace of the Ashenvale Forest, Ye Ding explained the previous events to Debbie through the magic sound.

He was like a collapse, and he was so tired that he sat down on the throne. Gloria was standing on the side of Lill and borrowed the power of Gloria, but Gloria did not feel tired at all. Because she has a complete power rule, but she does not use it.

"It turned out to be such a thing, no wonder that Dajinsi has not been affected." Debbie said on the other side of the magic sound, replaced by other people, and they are close to each other. If you hear the leaves, you can borrow their power at will. Anyway, it will certainly be a little unpleasant, but Debbie and Freya and others don’t have that kind of thinking. Debbie only regrets, "It seems that I and Freya must work hard to comprehend the rules. Power, you are the man who will fight with the devil in the future. It is best to help you improve your strength."

"For this kind of omnipotence, I only mastered a trace of fur, and I have to speed up my understanding." Ye said with a smile, then he said something about what he is going through now, from the mouth of the mouth. Knowing that the evil elf born from the sacred tree disappeared, this ended the communication.

In the hall, Thrall and Legolas are still entangled with a few wooden spirits. This can't be blamed for the lack of strength of Thrall and Legolas, mainly because the wood spirits were originally real elf warriors, and the power is really extraordinary. Although it was more than half of the time that Goliaa was killed in one fell swoop, it was only the reason why Goliath’s power was too strong. The remaining ten wooden spirits were equivalent to standing elf warriors, before the elf magic in their bodies was exhausted. They can also be very difficult.

Ye Hang is not anxious to shoot, sitting on the throne and recovering his strength, while watching the orc and the elf prince and the wood spirits entangled, this is mainly to hone Sal, so that he can master the shaman faster through actual combat power.

I hope that Sal can understand the good intentions of Ye Hang.

"...well, this hammer is very good, powerful and accurate, and it also calls the power of the shaman totem. It's not bad. I rely on it. The arrow from Legolas is really good. Gloria, you see no, his arrow will turn, is there? Oh! This hammer is really delicate, and it directly turns the arm of this wooden spirit into slag. It seems that he has begun to gradually master the destruction. The strength of the hammer, I feel very happy..."

"Mr. Hammerhead, don't we help them?" Gloria looked at the fight there, and Thrall and Legolas now have the upper hand, but in a short time there seems to be no way to completely take down a few wood spirits. This made Gloria unable to worry a little, and felt that their two gestures of watching this kind of drama were a bit too much.

"Nothing, let them deal with it slowly. Thrall realizes that the shaman's strength to get the Doomhammer can still have no chance to actually fight it." Ye said with a smile.

After Illidan's death, the wood spirit he created with the elf magic did not disappear, they will continue to fight until the magic of the body is exhausted, and the leaves look at the battle scene in front of them while the mental power spreads out to explore the entire palace. He was looking for something. Soon, Yet found what he was looking for: there was a hole under the palace, which was the huge spar that Illidan was sealed, but with the death of Illidan, this huge The true **** of Illidan within the spar has also become a team of powder, completely dying.

Ye sighed, and Illidan was considered a powerful elf, but unfortunately fell into a demon, and then Ye Hang suddenly thought of what Illidan said before he died to give a gift to the leaf, then I don’t know what the gift is. ?

Illidan had previously robbed Lier's life rules. When Ye Sheng was reclaiming Lier's thoughts, he did not know whether he had already robbed the rules of life. The rule power is a mysterious and mysterious thing. It is also uncertain whether Lill is still a royal elf.

At this time, he suddenly felt Lier in his arms tremble a little, and quickly regained his mind and looked at Lil in his arms.

The elf's eyelashes trembled a little, then slowly opened his big eyes, and when he saw the leaves, he showed a sweet smile: "Dad, I just had a long dream, there is a bad uncle. Take me away, it’s terrible..."

"Reassured, you have now been returned by Dad, the bad uncle has been killed by his father." Ye sighed and comforted, and thought again checked Lil's spiritual world to confirm that she has no problems now.

She is just too tired now, and she can fully rejuvenate after a break.

During this period of time, the battle between Thrall and Legolas and the wooden spirits has come to an end. I saw a huge bang in the mouth of Sal, and the totem pattern on his body instantly lit up, and he jumped up. The Doomhammer slammed into the head of Muling with a roaring sound. Under the sawdust, the wooden body shook, and eventually it fell to the ground.

This is the last wood spirit.

Next to Legolas, with a bit of exhaustion on his face, he looked at the throne. He didn’t know what happened before, but he already understood that Illidan had been wiped out by the leaves. Wang Liancao even directly lost the eternal life of the two Elf Kings only to seal Illidan, and the seal is not complete, so that the Elf royal family did not dare to set foot on the Godu pasture for thousands of years.

But now, the horrible fallen elf is so cleaned up by the leaves.

Legolas originally had the pride of the Elf Prince, and did not put the leaf drop in his eyes, but now he found that his view of the leaf has to be changed.

His eyes suddenly swept to Lier in the arms of his arms, revealing a strange look, and seemed to be saying something about stepping forward.

At this time, a huge figure from the hole above the palace suddenly jumped.

The palace was previously smashed directly by a stalwart of Gloria's Titan, and the person who jumped from the hole was not someone else. It was the Grom Hellscream that had been influenced by Illidan and wanted to chase the chef's dream.

The reason why the orc warrior is named after Hellscream is because his talent skills are very powerful and can increase the morale of the orc soldiers by 30%. Now he holds the **** blood that leaves the leaves to him, descending from the sky. The bang slammed into the ground, and a pair of fierce battles were about to start. The eyes immediately looked around and looked for their opponents...

Then he found that all the enemies had been killed.

Ye Ding: "..."

He gave me some praise for this appearance, but is it late?

Grom was sucked up by life before, and became extremely negative. Wherever there was a warrior, but before the group of people was playing underneath, the ground was broken and a hole was broken. He stood next to the hole with blood. The scene below is not clear, but vaguely knowing that a fierce battle is taking place, and the sound of Thrall’s snoring is constantly coming up. Grom is the most sober one among the orcs trapped in the Ashenvale Forest. And Kara continued to give him psychological counseling next to him. In the end, he finally broke through the **** of his heart and waved **** battle axe.

The fierceness of the orc warrior is unveiled...

Although it is a bit late.

Grom also soon discovered that the enemy had been completely wiped out. He was directly on the spot, and it was impossible to say that it was within the palace.

At this time, Ye Ding felt that he had to take responsibility to eliminate the current embarrassing atmosphere. This is his unshirkable duty. He stood up from the throne with Lil and asked Grom in a friendly way: "Your previous roasting Is there any waist?"


After solving Illidan, the orcs immediately recovered some vitality. The original orc was a strong race, and it was extremely negative to continue to be absorbed by Illidan. When Illidan died, they could not use it for half an hour. Vitality, under the advice of Ye Hang, Grom is ready to make a perfect ending for his chef's dream. He personally rectified a rich banquet.

At this time, Sal only officially met with Grom, indicating that his true identity is the son of Durota, the orc prince of the Steel Teeth tribe.

Grom is the orc chief after the Durota, but he is a very loyal orc. When he sees the lost prince returning, he is delighted to think that the steel tribe is about to re-emerge, but now the steel tribe is Gul Dan is holding it, and it is not so easy for them to regain their glory.

"We only have a hundred orcs." Grom said with a helpless glass in his hand. "Although Mr. Hammer is willing to help us, the recent battle between Orcs and Terrans is imminent. I am afraid that Mr. Hammer can’t make the guy of Rhine. To help us return to the Horde, we need more orc warriors."

"I can find more orc warriors."

Thrall said, when he found that other people were looking at him, he continued: "I was raised by the slave trader Black at an early age, and I have seen many camps where he held orc slaves, and the orc slaves in those places. At least there are thousands of people We can save these orcs first and increase our strength."

"This is a good idea!" Yep down nodded and agreed that he had issued a decree that could not sell orc slaves. Of course he knew that some slave traders would certainly not take his decree as one thing, if the slave trader obeyed the law. It is not called a slave trader, and it is appropriate for Thrall to save this orc slave.

"This thing is left to you to do it. I will also go to the storm camp with Lil and Gloria." Ye Hang continued.

At this time, Legolas, who had been sitting on one side, suddenly said: "Mr. Hammerhead, there is something I want to ask you."

"Okay, let's talk." Ye squinted and looked at Legolas. He knew what Legolas was going to say.

"I want to ask Miss Lill to go to the dark forest as a guest..." Legolas said with hesitation.

The original Elf King of the Dark Forest has been turned into a demon, and is now completely killed. The prince of Legolas, his royal blood is also the rule of life, and now the dark forest has no real Elf king, and the elf The sacred tree is closely related to the Elven king. Fortunately, the dark forest is the largest forest in the world, and the dark elves will not be destroyed.

However, the dark elves are also struggling to make their elves holy trees not wither, but no elves have been born from them for thousands of years. This is an imminent event for the dark elves. They can’t wait for the new Elven royal family. ......

"Guest?" Ye sneered and looked at Legolas. "Why are you so nice? You are the blood of the royal family who loves Lil and wants to let her join your dark forest elves, right?" . ↗ This book comes from the basket? Color? Book, update fast, no pop-up window.