MTL - Omni-Magician-v8 Chapter 689 The strongest totem method: returning to the battlefield

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The Emperor War Shadow completely integrated the spirit of anger and the great sword. The time only happened in a few seconds. The horrible giant sword in his hand exudes a more cold and evil atmosphere than the original, and the spirit of anger owns it. The consciousness has been directly obliterated by the emperor, and its power has completely become a part of the giant sword. This has a brand new name.

"Black anger!"

The Emperor War Shadow instantly named the sword. His eyes looked indifferently toward the leaves, and the black anger was directed at the leaves: "The magician, this is a battle of fate. [Free novels read】"

"No, this is not the end. You have no ability to end the fate between me and you. At best, you are the whetstone that I faced the battle of the emperor at the end." Yeh listened to the mysteriousness of the other party, and of course this moment Can't fall off the wind, so he shouted.

He once again waved the sword of destruction and killed the shadow of the demon.

The Sword of Destruction uses the power of [Destruction Rule], and the Shadow of the Emperor does not dare to fight this power. His figure suddenly flashes a bit, avoiding the sword front between the destruction, and the figure appears in the leaf drop. On the side of the body, the anger of black inflammation slammed his head toward the leaves.

Ye slashed and handed out several barriers, and the figure was teleported to one side, and the sword of destruction in his hand swept, with the overwhelming power to the shadow of the demon, the body of the demon warrior jumped up and escaped the sword of this horror. .

From a close look, the confrontation between the two seems to be a simple attack and dodge, but their attacks, especially the "destruction rules" of the leaf drop, each sword seems to have the power to destroy the earth, here The film has already been on the vast land, leaving a horrible rift.

The two races of the Terran and the Orcs are far from the sidelines. They are completely incapable of this kind of duel. Whether it is the most powerful Sal in the Orcs today or the Los Angeles in the Terran, they are very powerful fighters, but In such a battle, it is a situation of being killed in minutes.

Gloria stood with Lil and Effie, and looked anxiously at the picture on the battlefield. She bit her lip tightly and tried to inspire her own Titan power. However, after trying for a long time, she could not launch it. .

Suddenly she thought of using the Titan power several times when she was hanging with the leaves, so she put Liir in her arms and looked around and said to Efia, who stood next to me: "Effia Miss, please try to touch my chest."

Effia: "...ah?"

"Please hurry, I may have a way to help Mr. Hammer!" Gloria's face was reddish, but the tone was very serious.

"..." Effie Rao is very smart and absolutely can't think of anything that has anything to do with helping Ye Ding, but she said that Gloria said so solemnly, she finally nodded and then reached out with a little hesitation. On the chest of Gloria, Gloria immediately prepared for the attack in front of the battlefield.


"Hey? Why don't you use it?" Gloria looked at Effia and looked down at Efeia's hand on her chest. "Why don't you feel so shy, this..."

Effia: "...because I am not a hammerhead, and I have no interest in Lily."

"That's right, what should I do..." Gloria said that she was helpless.

Effia turned his eyes and thought about Gia. Isn't this a slap in the face? At this time, Efia suddenly found something: "What about Lil?"

"Lille?" Gloria quickly looked down and looked at her. She found that Lill didn't know where she was going. She was so surprised that she looked around and screamed, and the dragon that was originally not far from them. Suddenly whistling, a little bit of riding is sitting on the back of Longbao, it is Lil!

Gloria and Effia have changed their faces at the same time. This little thing has to let Longbao take her to help Ye Hang!

"Lille, don't come, come down! Longbao, you fly back to me!" Effia yelled in a hurry.

However, Longbao has already carried Lier to the sky above Ye Hang and the battlefield of the Emperor War Shadow. Where can I hear the cry of Gloria, Lier is bent on helping Ye Ding to deal with the Shadow of the Emperor!

Of course, although the elf is sometimes childish, it is not all unprepared. Her arms are full of weird balls, which she used before she took off. The fruit of the blasting plant that was born by the treasure blasting magic.

At this time, on the back of Longbao, flying to the sky and the shadow of the Emperor Warrior, Lier picked up a blasting plant fruit from his arms and approved the shadow of the Emperor, throwing the fruit with a bang Go on.

With a bang, the fruit was accurately picked up on the right arm of the Devil's Shadow.

Because the fruit looks light and fluttering, the Demon War Shadow has noticed the closeness of this thing, but did not care. Then, when the fruit touched the body of the Demon War Shadow, it burst instantly and exudes a powerful The power of blasting, the body of the Demon War Shadow was instantly covered by the smog. He quickly got out of the smoke and fell aside. The armor of the arm was covered with cracks and flesh and blood.

His face was surprised and he looked up at the sky.

Then another burst of fruit bursts one after another from the sky, and smashed into the shadow of the devil!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Throw you! Kill you!" Lil sat on Longbao's back and was not happy. "It seems that the bursting of the No. 3 plant is very good."

In the shadow of the Emperor's battle, he screamed and leaped into the air, and he and the Lier, who flew into the air, fell from the sky and stopped in front of him. It was Ye Sai who drove the sword of destruction.

Ye Li saw that Lill came over to help. At first it was a little angry, but when she saw that Lier’s bursting plant fruit could have such a powerful destructive power, she couldn’t help but look out. When she discovered the demon war, she had to attack Lil and When he was in Longbao, he rushed to intercept and continued to entangle with the Shadow of the Emperor.

Here, Lil in the sky is more proud. She has an elf talent and a good shooting ability. Although the figure of the demon warrior is ghostly, it is not difficult for Lill to throw him. It is not wrong. Attack to the leaf.

Originally, the leaf hangs and the devil's battle shadows are almost indistinguishable. Now, with Lier helping out from the side, it makes the leaves sway.

But soon, when Lier dropped a fruit, she went to the arms and found that the bursting fruit had been used up. So she immediately patted Longbao and let Longbao fly back to the position, waiting for her to continue to burst the plants. - Lil's elf plant magic can only produce plants on the ground, which is an important prerequisite.

Longbao immediately flew back to the Terran camp, and Lier’s wrath of the demon’s battle shadow revealed a grimace.

This undoubtedly makes the Emperor War Shadow more angry.

He understands that although the elf's attack method seems to be noisy, it poses a great threat to him. In particular, most of his current energy is used to fight against the lobes. Lil's bursting fruit is deadly to him. So he decided to launch a big move.

"Sorcerer, do you know where my body came from?" After a sword shunned the leaf and separated it from the leaf, the voice of the demon warrior was cold and his body suddenly lit up. There are a series of lines, those lines are exudes a pale green radiance, this is the unique totem pattern of the orcs!

Suddenly, Ye Ding thought of what Saar had said before. He felt the familiar homologous power from the Shadow of the Emperor, and the power of homology with Thrall, in addition to the totem technique, and...

"Ner'zhul!" exclaimed in the mouth.

"Yes! I know that you met Ner'zhul in the Emperor's Trial, but that Ner'zhul is just a phantom, and the power is only one percent of the real Ner'zhul, and my The body is created by the bones of Ner'zhul, but I use the full power of Ner'zhul!"

In the shadow of the Emperor’s war, the cold voice said that when Ye Hang immediately attacked him and interrupted something he was doing, the Emperor’s war shadow suddenly inserted the black anger of his hand into the ground. The cold voice said: "This is the strongest technique that carries the heroes of countless orcs - [Immortal spirit returns to the battlefield]!"

With the magic sword inserting the giant sword into the ground, the earth suddenly began to vibrate, and then there was a crack. A decaying palm stretched out from the cracks and slowly climbed out of it. .

They are all made up of rotten meat and exposed bones. It seems to be a rotten corpse. It is very tall and looks like a human body. It should be judged from the style of armor. It is the body of an orc warrior. It looks disgusting, but at the same time it has a very special texture. It feels like it is not true, but it is formed by a special force.

In the past few years, every respectable orc warrior, after their death, they will merge with the spirit of the element and become an illusory heroic warrior. The powerful orc shaman can reconvene these heroic warriors to fight for themselves. At the beginning of the trial of the Emperor, Ye Dang had seen the totem technique of Ner'zhul. However, at that time, there were only dozens of heroic warriors summoned by Ner'zhul, and the magic car was given by the leaves vertically. I rushed back.

Now, with the bones of Ner'zhul and the book of youth, the orcs who are summoned are full of tens of thousands!

They returned to the battlefield with immortal glory!

In the orc camp, Thrall saw the spirits crawling out of the ground all over the sky. His blood suddenly burst into a stir. His power came from Ner'zhul, so he had some wonderful connections with these spirits. He seems to be able to perceive these heroic thoughts -

"The orc's immortal spirits...they...they are crying!"