MTL - On Her Lips-Chapter 14

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"You seem to have something on your mind."

As Dao Lei asked, he took out a lighter and lit Mu Fei's cigarette.

Mu Fei looked at the fire core, turned sideways, and took a deep breath, which seemed to not be able to ease the unsettled mood she had just started.

This anxiety made her feel very uncomfortable. "It's too stuffy in the room, come out and get some air."

Trying to explain her strange restlessness, she looked out the window.

"Do you think these guys are suspicious?" Dao Lei looked at the list circled by the red pen in his hand, which was the name of the people that Mu Fei instructed the person in charge of the manor to look up last night.

It is suspected that these people may have had illegal transactions with the Campbell family, and many of them are three border smugglers trying to make a fortune from it.

Of course, a judgment cannot be made without conclusive evidence.

Mu Fei shook his head. Although she suspected that there was a problem with the manor's funds and the leaked list from her, it was not this matter that made her uneasy.

She always feels-

"The mansion."

Mu Fei confided two words.

Dao Lei immediately reported, "Before your meeting, that is, an hour ago, Aunt Dai has already reported that everything is fine in the mansion."

"Okay." Mu Fei put away his inexplicable worries when he heard Dao Lei's answer.

Then she tilted her head slightly, and a powerful ball almost hit the back of her head from above.

Mu Fei smoked a cigarette, turned around and raised his eyes to look up at the guy who didn't know whether to live or die.

Above the hotel, two aristocratic children whose legs were so frightened covered their eyes in horror and dared not meet Mu Fei's eyes.

"Are you rushing to get rid of your heads? Mom, I can't save you." A beautiful woman in a long dress appeared from behind the two children, a boy and a girl. She held one of their back collars in one hand, and then Jumped directly from the stairs on the second floor.

Under the gazes of everyone, you could even see the black silk-trimmed **** of this unrestrained woman when she landed.

Then the woman forcibly held down her two children and bowed her head to admit her mistake to the indifferent woman in the black dress in front of her.

"I'm sorry, Your Excellency, we knew we were wrong!"

Mu Fei looked at these two little devils who immediately admitted their mistakes with a pair of icy eyes, and snorted, "Ms. Qi, this is your education method."

Ms. Qi Qiongen from the Qi family is Mu Fei's business partner. She is a frequent visitor to this manor, her age is unknown, and her strength should be lower than Mu Fei's.

However, the exposed clothes and unrestrained personality made the cold-hearted young head of the Mu family unable to resist, and such a nobleman was actually the mother of two children.

"Oh, the two little guys really didn't mean it. They said that the Southern Fanli Amusement Park, which belongs to the human realm, is open. They have to come over. It is clearly the extreme cold realm (the dark park established by the blood clan) that is more suitable for them. Yes." Qi Qiong'en explained a little annoyed, of course, her bright eyes were still watching Mu Fei's every move.

After all, no one could fathom Mu Fei's temperament.

And I heard that she doesn't like children very much, and the crying of children will make her unhappy. She was almost offended by her two children just now, which really made her terrified, Qi Qiongen sighed in her heart.

Mu Fei took a breath and stared at the pure-blooded children hiding behind their mothers. Although they were only a few years old, they were much stronger than the poor little ones in her mansion.

That weak and stuttering little thing.

After a few seconds, her expression returned to normal, and she asked back, "Is that amusement park fun?"

"Huh?" Qi Qiongen glanced at Mu Fei a little strangely, one of the most mysterious and youngest patriarchs of the five families, the other party would actually ask such a question.

They looked at Mu Fei's terrifying eyes.

Qi Qiong'en immediately nodded and smiled, "Ah... It is said that it is not bad, and it is very good in human reputation."

"Oh," Mu Fei blinked his cold eyes and looked down at the two shivering children hiding behind Qi Qiong'en, with a look on his face that he was about to cry.

What, does she look scary? I didn't want to be punished.

She stretched out her left hand and put the ball that rolled not far away in her palm in an instant. She originally wanted to hand the ball toy to the two children, but the force was too strong, and the ball exploded directly in her palm. .

Mu Fei: "..."

Dore: "...!"

Qi Qiong'en: "...!"

The two children were frightened and cried on the spot, and they swore they would never dare to play in the manor again.

"Ah, what Mu Fei Guigong taught is that you really shouldn't play in the public rest area." Qi Qiong'en responded, and immediately laughed dryly, and then cleared the scene that attracted attention.

Mu Fei's eyes were gloomy, the quality of this ball is so inferior, I really wonder which factory produced it.

"I will send someone to your house to compensate for the same toys later." Mu Fei responded coldly, then glanced at the two frightened children, and turned away.

Qi Qiong'en originally wanted to say no, but after seeing the other party's undeniable attitude, he swallowed it.

Really unpredictable guy.



"Why do you keep staring at me?" Mu Fei stopped and stared at the most loyal old fox.

Dao Lei coughed, he didn't dare to say that Mu Fei seemed to have changed so much, so he pointed to the cigarette in the other's hand, "Master, I'm wondering if smoking is bad in front of children. "

Mu Fei snorted coldly and looked at Dao Lei with a smile.

Dao Lei was horrified by Mu Fei, and immediately overturned the sentence just now, "Of course, I think they are not too small."

Mu Fei paused for a few seconds and then threw the cigarette into the ashtray. After part of the discussion meeting, she declined the invitation of Mr. Gao, the main person in charge of the manor, although the holographic projection discussion was more in line with her wishes, but this time, There were other families who came. As the new head of the Mu family, Mu Fei had to obey the "last words" of his sleeping old father and personally come to the destination to solve some difficult things.

All I can say is that some of them targeted her with the leaked list, and she was one of the few young people in this meeting, so the morning meeting was considered very unpleasant.

She wanted to come out to relieve her boredom during the half-finished film gap.

However, even the bitter cold wind could not dispel the anxiety in her heart.

And this unfamiliar and burning anxiety will make her whole body sink slowly like a deep swamp—

"Contact the mansion."

Sitting in the house, Mu Fei gave an order, and the image of Aunt Dai appeared in front of him.


Mu Fei raised his eyebrows, stared sharply at Aunt Dai's forcibly calm face, and asked without any fluctuating voice, "Why are you sweating all over your face?"

Under the pressure of Mu Fei's powerful eyes, Aunt Dai did not dare to hide anything.

"Master, I'm really sorry, everything is my fault, You Ran... she disappeared."