MTL - On Our Wedding Night, His Highness Can’t Continue His Acting After Reading My Mind!-Chapter 385 386:

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   Chapter 385 386:

  The man just pondered for a moment, and said noncommittally, "Yes or no, tomorrow will tell."

   "The person sent to investigate the situation has come back?"

   Coincidentally, as soon as he finished speaking, a man in black entered the camp and knelt down on one knee to report respectfully:

   "Reporting to the master, King Qin sealed off the camp after he was wounded and returned to the camp. The gate was heavily guarded and it was difficult to approach."

   "During this period, several senior officials entered the tent one after another, but they have never been seen coming out. As for the King of Qin, he has never shown up, and he should have been in the tent all the time."

   "It seems that the injury is serious this time."

  The man hooked the corners of his mouth with a half-smile, and still stood with his hands behind his back. His figure was a bit dark and ghostly under the flickering candlelight, which was daunting.

   The two kneeling on the ground looked at each other slightly, and buried their heads lower.

  The man seemed to be in a good mood, he waved his hand casually, "Back off."

   "Yes! This subordinate resigns!"

  The two of them relaxed, as if they had received an amnesty, and quickly disappeared into the night.

  The man turned around slowly, looked at the burning candle, sneered and said to himself, "Hehe... Nangong Mo, you must be feeling very uncomfortable right now?"

   "It's always easy to recover from physical injuries, but hard to heal from heart injuries. How does it feel to be stabbed by a woman you like?"

  "You can't blame other people, if you want to blame, you can only blame yourself for liking someone you shouldn't like."

   "It is said that wise men don't fall in love, but you just...hehe..."

  The light in the room was dim, and the slightly flickering candlelight made his shadow look like a ghost, and the sluggish laughter had an indescribably eerie feeling in this situation.

   At this moment, a female voice came from outside the door, "My subordinate Styx pays homage to the Lord."


   After Styx entered, he knelt down and saluted immediately, and then reported everything he knew.

  The man turned around suddenly, changed his previous casual and careless demeanor, and there was an obvious strangeness in his tone, "You said, she returned to Beijing?"

   Ming He met his eyes in the darkness, his heart trembled, and he quickly lowered his head, not daring to look directly at him, "Yes! This subordinate also just heard the news of her return to Beijing."

  The man narrowed his eyes slowly, his expression was gloomy and difficult to understand, "Is the news accurate?"

   "This... although my subordinates haven't seen her return to Beijing with their own eyes, but..."

  Styx did not hide a word, and told everything he had seen and heard in detail.

  After finishing speaking, I attached a sentence of my own opinion, "To sum up, Lin Wanyue has returned to Beijing in all likelihood. However, my subordinates are willing to investigate this matter."

  The man didn't know what he was thinking, his expression flickered from bright to dark, as if he didn't hear Styx's words, and ignored her.

  Styx didn't wait for the instructions, so he couldn't help raising his head and glanced at him quietly, but just met his dark and cold eyes without a trace of emotion.

  Styx was so frightened that his whole body trembled, his heartbeat seemed to be frozen, and he lay down suddenly, with his hands and forehead touching the ground: "Damn this subordinate! This subordinate overstepped! Please punish me!"

  The man just glanced at her casually, his eyes were as cold as looking at an ant, "Quickly find out where she is, and you must give an accurate answer."

   "Yes! This subordinate will do it now!"


  When Yunran woke up, it was as if the world had just opened, and her mind was in chaos.

   Don't know where you are? I don't know what year it is? Don't even know if it's night or day?

  (end of this chapter)