MTL - On Our Wedding Night, His Highness Can’t Continue His Acting After Reading My Mind!-Chapter 424 must be pretending

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  Yunran held the pillow in his hand, pinched it again and again, wanted to smash it at his head, but held back.

  She knew it was useless, unless he was really killed, otherwise, it would not be able to stop him from talking nonsense.

  Yun Ran simply ignored him and stopped looking at him. She read the medical book in her hand again, completely ignoring him.

   Regarding this, Nangong Mo raised his eyebrows, a little dissatisfied.

   "Aren't you a little genius doctor? You have rejuvenated hands, flesh and bones, and superb medical skills. Why do you have to stay up late and study hard?"


  Yun Ran ignored it without raising her eyelids.

   "Actually, Master is also very interested in medical books, and has read several classics. How about we discuss them?"


  Yun Ran still ignored him, her white fingertips were slid across the yellowed pages, her eyes were shining, she looked at ten lines, looking for the answer she wanted, even if it was a clue or a little inspiration.

  She was immersed in her own small world, ignoring all the sounds from the outside world.

   It wasn't until the man who had already loosened his coat took a long leg and stepped onto the bed forcefully with one foot that Yun Ran suddenly woke up, raised his hand and slashed at his leg.

   "Get down for me. Who allowed you to come up!"

  The palm wind roared, and the murderous aura was cool. It was obvious that he had used his internal strength. If he was hit, he might hurt his muscles and bones.


  Is this girl serious?

  The corners of Nangong Mo's mouth twitched slightly, he dodged to avoid the murderous palm, looked down at Yun Ran, and sighed faintly, looking very hurt.

   "It's really ruthless! I just want to go up and read a book with you, but you want to murder your own husband. Sure enough, the most poisonous beauty!"


  Yunran rolled his eyes back at him, and his eyes swept across his legs coldly, "You deserve it! Let you move around! If you are restless, you will directly beat him!"

  Nangong Mo: "..."

  He raised his hand and gently rubbed the center of his brows, and said earnestly: "You are a girl, can we not be so violent?"


   Didn't expect Yunran to agree so simply, even Nangong Mo was taken aback for a moment, he just said it casually.

  Especially seeing her crooked brows and eyes, sweet smile, sweet and well-behaved appearance, Nangong Mo raised his hand to touch her forehead, "Yun Xiaoran, are you sick?"


  Yunran's small face froze, resisting the urge to slap that hand away, with a shallow smile and a soft voice, "No! I decided to be a gentle lady in the future and stop hitting people!"

  The corners of Nangong Mo's mouth twitched slightly, and he looked at her strangely, with a sentence written on his face: I believe you, you idiot!

  Yunran took out a few small porcelain bottles in front of him, and some silver needles, and dipped the silver needles in the small bottles one by one.

  When it was taken out again, Nangong Mo could clearly see the luster of different colors such as orchid, light purple and bright red shining on the tip of the needle.

   Is that... detoxified?

  The corners of Nangong Mo's mouth twitched lightly, and he realized in an instant, "So, you said you don't want to beat people anymore, but you want to...kill them directly?"

Yunran held a few shining silver needles with her fingertips, and looked at him with a bright smile, "I thought about it, beating someone is indeed a bit violent, it doesn't fit my temperament of a gentle lady, poisonous needles are better, flick your fingers In a short time, she directly silenced her, elegant and elegant, how in line with this girl's image!"

  Nangong Mo: "..."

   "Don't underestimate these silver needles, these are highly poisonous, as long as a little pierces the skin and enters the blood, the blood will seal the throat, and there is no way to recover."


   "Do you want to try it? Feel it?"


   "By the way, what color do you like?"


  Although she knew that she must be talking nonsense, the poison could not seal her throat with blood, and she must have an antidote, but Nangong Mo was still a little worried.

   "Yun Xiaoran, put away the poisonous needle so you don't accidentally hurt yourself, if you don't go, just go."

  He didn't come closer to the bed, but he didn't go out either.

  Yunran knew very well that it would not be easy to drive him away, so he simply ignored him.

   Anyway, he can't get close to the bed, and he will definitely leave by himself after a while.

   Unexpectedly, he found a place to spread his coat on the floor, then lay down and fell asleep.

   Yun Ran was stunned by his actions, and was speechless for a long time.


  【He... just fell asleep like this? ! You don't really plan to sleep like this all night, do you? ! 】

   No quilt, no pillow, just sleeping on the ground, the cold winter, the night is as cold as water, it seems a bit... pitiful...

  Yunran didn't know what to say for a while...

   Time passed bit by bit, the room was quiet, and he seemed to have fallen asleep.

  Yunran: "..."

  【Definitely not asleep! It must be pretending! This is a bitter trick! Don't be fooled! 】