MTL - On Our Wedding Night, His Highness Can’t Continue His Acting After Reading My Mind!-Chapter 8 008: How about helping her?

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  Chapter 8 008: How about helping her?

  Lin Yanran had exquisite makeup and was wearing a pink palace attire. She looked like a flourishing peony, delicate and gorgeous. She pursed her lips with an aggrieved expression, "My daughter knows."

  Qin's face was full of kindness, "Good Yan'er, you are the one who is going to be a princess, and in the future you will be the mother of the world, how can you lose your reputation? If you can't bear it, you will make trouble, huh?"

   "The veteran is ashamed, and I am here to plead guilty!"

   "The unworthy girl Lin Wanyue was so bold and obsessed with ghosts that she did something like Li Daitao's death! It was the old minister who was negligent, please punish me."

  At this time, Lin Qianqiu's voice came from outside, as if he deliberately wanted to be heard, the voice was loud and spread far away.

  A gloomy look flashed in Lin Yanran's eyes, did the **** come out? She didn't even want to lift the car curtain to take a look.

  Yun Ran pushed Nangong Mo to stand on the steps, glanced at the crowds gathering around her, and glanced at Lin Qianqiu, who was pretending, and raised her crescent eyebrows lightly. Is the dog scum daddy here to blame her?

   "Oh?" Nangong Mo just raised his eyebrows lightly, without any extra expression.

  He just sat there casually, with a lazy posture and a nonchalant expression, but a natural aura shrouded his whole body.

  The faint sunlight fell on him, the light and shadow blurred, that face was as perfect as a sculpture, without any flaws, it was so beautiful that it was not ordinary.

  The woman in the crowd stared at him obsessively, as if her heart and soul had been captured and she forgot to regain her senses.

  Lin Qianqiu was a little surprised, his reaction was so calm? Could it be that you didn't understand?

So he cleared his throat and said loudly, "Your Majesty, the person who married you yesterday was Lin Wanyue, the eldest daughter of the humble minister. I have already entered the palace to report this matter to the Holy Majesty. He even ordered someone to redo the wedding book and put Lin Wanyue's name on it."

   "The old minister is not strict in teaching his daughters, and he has neglected to observe. Please come down to the crime."

  Yunran thinks this bad old man is really bad!

  He said he was here to plead guilty, but he was actually here to kill people!

  A little interpretation of those words is:

  The emperor didn't even punish me, how dare you?

  I just came to inform you that the matter between you and Lin Wanyue has been settled, Lin Yanran, don't even think about it! The emperor has spoken, you have to admit it, and you have to admit it.

  【Bird, Lord Dog is so pitiful! 】

【and then? 】

  【How about you come out? Turn into a dog and bite Lin Laozi to death? 】

【Ah! Want to deceive this fairy bird? Believe it or not, this bird made you turn into a beast and throw Nangong Mo down? 】

  【Broken bird! It's enough! roll! 】

【roll? This bird can help you roll into Nangong Mo's arms. do you want? 】

  Yunran: "..."

  Nangong Mo: "..."

   "Unworthy girl! Hurry up and kneel down to apologize to the prince!"

  Lin Qianqiu suddenly yelled loudly, which startled Yun Ran, and then he heard him say:

   "His Royal Highness Qin Wang, although she is the daughter of the minister, but since she did such a wrong thing, even if the prince punishes her, the veteran will never complain."

  Looking at Lin Qianqiu's upright and awe-inspiring expression, Yun Ran wanted to rush over and give him the sole of his shoe.

  【His grandfather's! Old Scum Lin is really wicked! 】

  【The sweetheart has been dropped, the emperor is eccentric, Nangong Mo is probably depressed and wants to kill someone at the moment, the girl is already a scapegoat and her life is in danger, and he still adds fuel to the fire? ! It's because I'm afraid I won't die fast enough! 】

  【Bird, why don't we run away? 】

  Nangong Mo squinted his eyes, glanced at Yunran sideways, and said casually, "Oh? Let it go? How about killing it?"

  Yunran: "???"

  Lin Qianqiu was also shocked, but quickly regained his composure, "That was her fate too. It was her own fault, and she has no one else to blame."

  Yun Ran couldn't help curling her lips into a sneer, feeling a little sorry for Lin Wanyue, seeing this righteous and awe-inspiring look, heh... how ironic.

   "Your Highness..."

  Suddenly, there was a soft and charming call that was about to drip water, Yunran's body numb and almost couldn't stand still, and when he looked up, he saw Lin Yanran approaching gracefully.

  Neon clothes and gorgeous clothes, ringed with ding-dong, lotus steps lightly moving like a weak willow supporting the wind, the beauty looks sad, and tears seem to glisten in her eyes, which is very pitiful.

  I saw her walking in front of Nangong Mo, bowing gracefully, with a lingering and sad tone:

"Your Highness, please don't execute my sister! She just fell in love with you too deeply, so she made a big mistake in a moment of confusion. It is Yan Ran who is not blessed, and her relationship with His Highness is shallow in this life. Now that this is the end, Yan Ran begs His Highness to treat her sister well. , let Yanran alone bear the responsibility for all these crimes! If you want to punish, punish me."

  【What a white lotus swaying in the wind! If I didn't know that she was shouting "stop thief", I would have been moved to tears by her! 】

  【Does she not know that Nangong Mo is blind? Who is the affectionate look for? 】

  【Although you can’t see it, you can hear it! She even plays in her voice! Hey, Lord Dog is probably thinking about the 108 ways to die for this girl. But I can only accept the death method of being smashed to death by silver coins. 】

  Nangong Mo: "..."

   How about helping her?

  Lin Yanran never thought that the **** would ignore her!

  Hearing her voice, there was no change in his expression! Indifferent and indifferent like a sculpture! As if she was some kind of irrelevant person.

snort! He must be carrying it on purpose! Because she was ashamed, because she felt resentful, because she didn't marry him.

  Hiding the contempt and disdain in his eyes downcast, when he looked up again, his eyes were bright and sad.

"Sister, I know that you admire His Highness King Qin, but I never thought that you are so obsessed with it! You will marry him at the risk of deceiving the king! If you had told me earlier, even if you were reluctant, I would help you and Your Highness!"

"But now, you are doing such a foolish thing. You are deceiving your highness, you are deceiving your emperor, you are deceiving your father and me... Forget it, who made you my sister! As long as you get what you want, you will be happy for the rest of your life. I recognize everything."

  Yunran: "..."

  It seems to see a white lotus flower illuminated by the holy light...

   Resisting the urge to roll her eyes, she casually raised her eyebrows, "How about I change you back?"

  Lin Yanran was stunned, "What?"

   "You bastard! Marriage is a major event, and the etiquette has already been fulfilled. How can you change it at will? Besides, the Holy Majesty has already decreed that you can be concubine Qin."

Yunran glanced at Lin Qianqiu coolly, then turned to look at Lin Yanran with a smile, "Yes, it seems that you can't be a princess! However, with your deep affection for Nangong Mo, you don't think you will care about these false names, how about How about entering the mansion as a side concubine or concubine, and staying with him forever from now on?"

  Shocked by these words, Lin Yanran could barely hide the anger and resentment rolling in her eyes, she could only lower her head in a sad gesture to cover it up, "Sister, what nonsense are you talking about?"

   "What? Don't want to?"


  Damn little bitch! How dare you humiliate her like this! Concubine? Concubine? He also deserves that crippled Nangong Mo? ! He is not worthy to lift her shoes!

   Thank you little cuties for the recommendation tickets~~ I love you~~ Bixin(`) Bixin~~

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  (end of this chapter)