MTL - One Hundred Ways to Become a God-Chapter 17 Overbearing patriarch fell in love with me

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After five years.

Xu Qing got off the plane and was greeted by the heat wave of the midsummer. This is a gentleman who has not lost his momentum. With elegant gold-tone glasses, the international line from head to toe is high, wide shoulders and narrow waist. The figure is very good, such a illuminator, naturally attracts the attention of passers-by.

Fortunately, in a few minutes, the friend who came to meet him would welcome him into the car.

The friend smirked and asked him: "How come back? The beauty of foreign countries is not suitable?"

Xu Qingwen couldn’t help but show a bitter smile. "Oh, don't bury me."

He originally planned to stay abroad for another two years before considering returning to China. However, he did not expect to be seen by the little daughter of the Lausett family six months ago. He pursued a crazy pursuit for him, and even after his repeated rejection, he even resorted to any means. The land is pressured by the family and wants to have a commercial marriage with him.

It can be said that this kind of person, on the surface, looks like a sinwen, but in fact, he has a strong desire to control. He does not say that he did not feel that woman. He used his own means to force him to do this. He will always be It is impossible to accept this woman.

But they still have cooperation with the Lausett family, so even if he is impatient, he can't directly tear his face, so he has to retreat to the next level and take the initiative to transfer to the domestic branch.

After being friendly and ridiculing him, he asked him in a gossip: "How was this planned? How long will it take?"

Xu Qingsi smiled and smiled: "I don't know, let's take a look at the situation here."

A friend has long been accustomed to his look of a smiling face, but he turned his eyes blankly: "I don't believe you can hide in the country for a lifetime."

Xu Qing seems to be false and replied: "Whoever said it is accurate."

It happened to be a joke by a friend. He came back this time. It is really a long-term development idea in China. Although Xu was born in China, he has always focused on foreign markets and has little energy in the country. . However, with the frequent changes in domestic policies over the past few years, he is keenly guessing that this may be a good opportunity to broaden the domestic market.

As the orthodox heir of the Xu family, it is recognized as a very strong ability. Xu Qing took the position of the general manager once in the country, and the prestigious Prince has not lived up to the expectations of everyone. After returning home, In just a few years, he led the original profitable branch to make great progress, so that people who had heard of his reputation were also amazed.

Of course, this is a matter of a few years. As the orthodox heir of the Xu family, since he returned to the country, the first thing Xu Gongzi has to do is, of course, to show his face at the banquet, first expand the circle of communication, so as to pave the way for the future.

This banquet is the birthday feast of the 90-year-old grandfather of Mojiamo. Because it is a whole life and has nine, so it is particularly grand. Xu Qing happened to join this pass and immediately plunged himself up. Go to the old man to pay attention to life.

The reason why he is alone is not because he can't find a female companion. In fact, as Xu Qing’s identity, even if he just returned to the country, he is still unstable. He wants to have more female companions. The daughters of the major families are willing to rush to get together, but Xu Gong’s wife is just a wolf-like woman. When I got out of it, I didn't want to have any close contact with this creature in a short time, so I went to the party alone. The friend who picked him back to China also went to this birthday party. He saw that he was alone and helpless. He had to go to the female partner with a headache and helplessly to accompany him to recognize him.

Because it is to give life to others, and the status of Mo’s family in China is obviously higher than that of their family. Xu Qing naturally does not dare to neglect, come early, and most of those guests are just like him. The idea, one is earlier than the other, the last guests are all arrived, but the host family has to wait half an hour to see.

Xu Qing looked at this luxurious venue, and couldn't help but sigh: Mo's family has developed better and better in the field of It. In the past, it has broken through several technical difficulties. Now not only in the country, even in the international arena, Mohs has already squeezed into the ranks of the top It company.

Before returning to China, he was also a million-year-old father. He must have a good relationship with the Mo family. Even if he can't do a good job, he must not commit evil. Even his father vaguely married the idea of ​​marrying his only daughter to the owner.

However, thinking of the news heard from friends, Xu Qing could not help but shake his head, his sister is indeed full of color, the identity of Xu Jia's palm is not low, but the problem is that the gender is wrong!

It took a long time for the guests to set up in twos and threes, and the host family appeared. The guests continued to celebrate their birthdays. Although Xu said that they have developed in the country in general, considering the development momentum of their homes abroad, everyone is also very face-to-face. Even Mo’s father is also kindly with him. Said for a while.

Ms. Mo is a long-lived man, but in the end it is old. He had a serious illness in the previous two years. He looked at the appearance of the body and it was obviously a little declining. It is estimated that he has not lived for a few years. Besides, Mo’s family is Mo Yitao’s power, and Mo’s father is only a Decoration, so even if the protagonist of this birthday feast is Mo Laozi, but the Mo family who stood behind Mo’s father is obviously the main compliment object of everyone.

It is reasonable to say that Mo Yitao is also a person of more than forty. He can't stand the handsome face of the people, and he is well-maintained, and his body is not a trace of shape. At first glance, it is a thirties full of charm. Mature males, looking at the appearance alone, there is absolutely no one who associates his age with the middle-aged CEOs who are full of beer belly and full of shine.

Xu Qing came back and forth and compared himself with the Mo family. In the end, he had to regret to admit that even if the Mo family was older than himself, his body was not inferior to his little meat, and from a certain From a perspective, the long-standing Mo family has more calm and calm than he.

However, in addition to Mo Laozi and Mo Jiazhu, the most interested in Xu Qing, is the young man standing next to the Mo family.

Xu Qing is not low in height. He himself has one meter and eight two. The young man looks a little lower than him. He can stand out in the southern city where the male height is generally low, but his height is close to one meter. In front of the Mo family, it was still a short half. The young looks are beautiful, the facial features are exquisite, a pair of large and clear round eyes, black lips and red lips, but the beauty is not surprisingly feminine. It is reasonable to say that the appearance of a teenager is not at the top, but it seems to have a strange magical power. When people look at it, they are unconsciously attracted. The more they look, the more they feel that they cannot move their eyes.

No wonder the Mo family will be so obsessed, a pair of young people who are not willing to marry their wives and children.

It seems that he was aware of his observations, and the young man suddenly looked at him sideways. Xu Qing coughed and immediately removed his eyes.

That look is completely inconsistent with the harmless appearance of the youth, light and indifferent, and it looks like a similarity to the Mo family who is as cold as an iceberg. Xu Qing thought thoughtfully, it seems that the little lover of the Mo family is not a simple character.

Because Mo’s father is in poor health, after a few guests’ chilling, he went to take a break. Mo’s family didn’t leave, but he didn’t seem to have any meaning of communication. He and the young people around him went hand in hand. rest area.

Sitting in the soft double chair, He arbitrarily leaned on the shoulders of the Mo family's hard-boned state, while holding the man's big hand to play, he asked: "Just that is the Prince who just returned from the Xu family?"

Mo Yitao also squeezed his long, white hands, and his voice was calm: "Why ask him why?"

I don’t know if it’s late for development. In the past few years, a thin and young boy slowly opened his mouth and faded away the baby fat that he couldn’t put it down. It became clear and handsome, even once soft and soft. On the small belly, there is gradually a firm muscle contour. Of course, such a young man also fascinated him. In recent years, the feelings of the two have been close and close, even if there is occasional discomfort, in the contempt of youth grievances, he will quickly lose his helmet and reluctantly go to the stubborn little guy.

What's more unexpected is that Mo Zhen is very talented in computer science. In the past few years, the company's achievements have more or less behind him. In order not to bury the talent of the youth, he had tried to let Mo Zhen go to work for the company many times, but he was rejected mercilessly by the youth on the grounds of "trouble".

He can see it now, this little guy is far from being so harmless, but it is deceitful and self-willed, but what about it? He just wants to spoil this person. Even when the youth makes a bad, he will feel cute. If he wants to come, he will be helpless.

He looked at him with a smile and smiled at him: "Let's pay attention to your competitors."

Maybe it was comforting for too long, forgetting things that didn't happen, so when I heard the name "Xu Qing", he still had some surprises.

Isn't this the true life of Mo Yuyu? It turned out that I returned to China at this time.

I just don't know that Mo Yuyu can still be related to this high family heir. You must know that in the original trajectory, Mo Yuyu entered Mohs, because the work had a meeting with Xu Qing, and this time, Mo Tiangao and Shen Cuiwei murdered He Wei’s business, but Mo Yuyu did not Therefore, the Mo family is angered, but it is impossible to enter Mohs again. Naturally, it is impossible to encounter Xu Qing through this route.

Just thinking like this, He Yan’s eyes suddenly flashed a familiar figure.

It is true that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived. He was just beginning to worry about his cousin's lifelong affairs. The Lord has arrived here. It seems that some things are really... fate.

He closed his eyes and suddenly his mind was a bit complicated.

When I noticed the teenager’s distraction, the Mo family couldn’t help but hold the juvenile’s hand tightly and frowned: “It’s not a field, it’s not about competition. What do you think, today’s so spirited?”

I don't know if it is his illusion. He always thinks that the teenager is too concerned about the Xu Qing? Be aware that in addition to him, young people are too lazy to waste energy on anyone.

At this moment, the Mo family suddenly had a subtle hostility towards the heir to the first time, the Sven Junxiu Xu family heir.