MTL - One Hundred Ways to Become a God-Chapter 25 My husband has a sick brain

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The situation of both people is not good.

When Xu Qing returned to the country of M, he and his younger brother fought bravely. The two men struggled for the position of the heir, and each had losses. There was no victory or defeat. However, He Wei feels that Xu Qing’s final win is not big.

Xu Qingben left a jealousy in the heart of Xu’s father because of the destruction of Xu Mo’s cooperation. Not to mention that Xu’s mother has become the second female host of Xu’s family, and gave birth to a grandfather. The old man took away most of the favor of Xu’s father.

Perhaps it is because the older the older, the more you want to get warmth from the family, the softer the ear roots. Since the mother's pregnancy, Xu has been caring for both the mother and the child. After the first love, he is also very kind to the child. , always take care of yourself. And Xu Wei is also a talented person. When he works hard and works hard, he will be very filial to him, and his first love is also quite a means. So after one year, the heart of Xu’s father has been biased toward Xu Wei. .

In this way, one day, one day, the lonely engine will fall to the position of the loser.

As for Mo Yuyu, after half a year in the villa that Xu Qing bought for her, she finally cheered up and went out to find a job.

However, because she and the former foreigner’s ex-boyfriend and Xu Qing’s gossip have already spread in the industry, many companies are worried about being hated. Even if Mo Yuyu did a good job in the original company position, he is not very willing to accept it. She finally hit the wall and found a job that was half the price of her original salary in a small company that had just opened for two years.

This time, Mo Yuyu seems to have been thoroughly polished, and he has not been able to make any achievements in the new company. He has become one of the countless ordinary white-collar workers in the city.

Very good, presumably these two people have no time to go to him and then disturb him to fall in love.

After reading the information, He Hao was relieved after the heart. In the blink of an eye, he did not care to throw these two people behind him. He opened the message box and continued to harass his object: "Big baby."

Mojiazhu: "Well?"

He Wei: "When is it coming back? It’s boring at home, I miss you. [When you fall, you have to kiss and get up.jpg]"

Mo Jiazhu: "I want you after two hours. [Give you a kiss, give another one.jpg]"

Therefore, this afternoon, the assistant who was forced to complete the half-day workload within two hours, still can only hold the torch in his heart with tears.

In the moment of seeing his palm, He Wei realized that this is not the real world. His palm is transparent, the edge of the body emits a faint white light, and the body floats like no weight.

This is a dark and vast space, and occasionally there are objects that carry the streamer across the distance. And surrounded by a sea of ​​fragments of stars and stars, he was very quiet and beautiful in the dark space.

That is his spiritual sea.

Will people see their spiritual sea after death?

He Wei thought indefinitely.

His second life is a natural death. He and Mo Yitao walked through his life as calmly and peacefully as most of his companions in the world. In the middle of the road, he adopted a child similar to his life to inherit the Mo family. After entering the old age, Mo Yitao and his age difference caused his lover to inevitably die a few years earlier than him. After a few years in the world alone, he ended quietly because of the laws of nature. lifetime.

Everything in the past flashed through his mind like a lantern, and was flooded by the torrent of time to the past years that could no longer be touched. He Yan reached out in a shackle, and when the illusory fingertip touched a piece of spiritual sea debris, the piece of debris suddenly flashed a soft wave of light. For a moment, the wave of light filled and wrapped around the pieces.

He Yan took out his hand and saw with amazement that after the wave of light was scattered, the original pieces were melted and turned into a piece of smoke with a shredded starburst.

This is the body before his spiritual sea is broken.

The spirit sea that was originally crushed into pieces before death was slowly recovering. Although the recovery was rare, he still saw hope.

He reached out and touched other spiritual sea debris, but this time nothing changed.

Slightly thought about it, He Yan formed a speculation in mind, the recovery of the spiritual sea should be the effect of absorbing some kind of spiritual energy, and this energy should be just obtained by him.

Naturally, He Zhen remembered a life he had just experienced. He couldn’t help but flash a bold guess. Is it...

At this moment, his thoughts suddenly became dull, and a strong gravitational force hit him, pulling him into the broken spirit sea. The transparent body was also shimmering in the shimmer like a fingertip. , classified as a vain.

Only the spirit sea shining with stars is still floating quietly.

It seems that after a long and vague dream, He Yan’s eyes open.

A piercing electronic sound screamed in his ear. "It has detected that your mental strength is unstable and you have forcibly disconnected the optical network link!"

At the moment when he heard the "spiritual power", He Wei thought that he had returned to the real world, but the huge amount of information that came into his mind in the next second broke his mind.

It seems that he has once again come to a completely strange world.

He Hao felt his heart and felt his own spiritual sea. He found that a small part of it had recovered to the state before the break, and he was generally seen in the mysterious space.

If he guessed it right, after his spiritual sea was destroyed, his spiritual body probably entered a special cycle, and at the end of each cycle, the mental power of his destruction would be partially restored.

He was crushed in the spirit sea in the meteorite belt.

The meteorite belt is a floating belt filled with a large number of high-density star fragments and dead stars. The outer stars usually operate at high speed. Most of the spaceships and star ships that break into them cannot escape the fate of being smashed into pieces. Became a "moving death sacred place." Once the starship enters here, if you don't pay attention, you may be crushed by the flying meteorite.

At the time, under the pursuit of the enemy, He Wei took the plunge and applied his mental power to the extreme. He was lucky enough to control the huge starship to escape the numerous numerous meteorites. When the energy surplus was 6%, the starship finally stopped. Come down.

6% of the energy can support more than 72 hours in the case of shutting down all functions and only maintaining the single-person nutrition cabin. When his team members return to the base, they will immediately pass the position of the battleship. He still survives. hope.

But unfortunately, there is a person with strong mental strength in the enemy chasing after him. The distance between several kilometers and the magnetic field of the meteorites weaken the mental power, and the hard sea has crushed his spiritual sea.

He Wei has a 3S spirit, but it is no exaggeration to say that the person who crushed his spiritual sea that day is at least ten times stronger than his mental strength!

Probably only those gods who appear in the network mythical novels can have such a terrible power.

I couldn't think of the result. He sighed and put the inner doubts down for a while and began to pay attention to his current situation.

After returning to life, he was obsessed with browsing the information in his mind, and immediately became involuntarily black.

This time is a very wonderful world. Human gender is no longer divided by men and women, but by pheromone is divided into three types: alpha, beta and omega.

Among them, alpha accounts for 15% of the total population, beta exceeds 75%, and omega only accounts for less than 10%.

Alpha is the most powerful existence in the world. It has excellent physical and mental strength. They are powerful, aggressive and in control. They are a group of people standing at the top of this world pyramid.

Beta is much weaker than alpha in all aspects. Physical fitness and mental strength are mostly average, but because they are the largest, they are the main constituents of this society.

Finally, it is omega, which is the rarest group of people. It is also a kind of very weak creature. The physical quality is far from the beta. The mental strength is slightly higher than beta. Most of them have beautiful faces and weak personality. Mentally sensitive, with special care from the government and society, most of them are combined with alpha in adulthood, raised at home, and rarely come out to work.

The reason why this kind of weak people have not been eliminated is that they are sought after and protected because omega has a strong fertility in the current low fertility rate, and the chances of giving birth to children are alpha and omega. High, compared with this, although beta also has fertility, the chance of conception is not high, and the majority of children born are mediocre beta.

In addition, alpha and omega have a fixed estrus period in adulthood. Whether they need both the physical and the psychological, mega will also surpass the alpha that marks their own.

It can be said that alpha is a natural predator, and omega is the prey that they play in the palm of their hands.

The body that He Yan wears this time is an omega, or a weak omega that is about to enter estrus.