MTL - One Hundred Ways to Become a God-Chapter 31 My husband has a sick brain

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Being touched to the most sensitive part, He Wei’s body twitched a little, but he couldn’t move because of the man’s suppression.

Alpha whispered, his tongue slid up the skin, and his ear was bitten. "The smell of your estrus is really sweet, just want people to tear you apart."

This small omega pheromone is a sweet milky taste. He always doesn't like to eat desserts. But when he smells the pheromones emitted by He Wei, he suddenly feels that he may fall in love with this kind of sweetness. Greasy food. In fact, during the whole process of visiting the school, the sweet and delicious way that the little omega exudes has been firmly tempting his sense of smell. He used a lot of willpower to control his reaction, not in public. Omega made some rude things.

Although omega is like a small follower all the time, he can see it, but he can see that this little cute seems to have a little emotion, and the whole day is covered with a delicate and beautiful face, not too The way he was happy, not as he had imagined before, came together to come and follow him.

He knows who the loyal old man who is eager to confide in his willingness to give his grandson to him, but he has always had an interest in those delicate and sensitive omegas, and he is so annoyed that he is too close. Throw them directly to the side. So before he came, he thought that he had to face such a creature, he was still a little intolerant, but after seeing this little cute, he actually felt interested.

I don't know if this little omega is so perfunctory about the family's mission to him. Will it be embarrassed to go back?

Omega is obviously anxious, and his teeth are sharply shouted: "Fuck, metamorphosis, let go!"

Alpha stroked the position of his back gland with sharp canine teeth, and satisfactorily heard omega making a sigh of sorrow, screaming and screaming at him, just wanting to speak again, but suddenly felt the spirit deep There was a sharp pain in the room, and he was so relieved that he immediately loosened the omega's restraint, rubbed his head and took two steps, and fell to the ground.

He Yiyi was free, immediately turned around and smashed the emperor's knees, and then repeatedly wiped the place that had just been rubbed by the sleeve with his sleeves. I thought it would not be deflated, and went back and licked two feet!

Going to his waiting time, today he is going to blow this abnormal dog!

He simply and rudely inserted his mental power into the spiritual sea of ​​alpha, ready to leave the honorable emperor with some unforgettable lessons.

Adrian fell pale on the floor with a pale face, and a few drops of cold sweat ran down the forehead.

In order to prevent the omega from making any noise, the Emperor’s majesty had opened the completely closed mode of the room before the omega came in, so even if he had been tragically attacked and fell to the ground, his loyal officers still could not I am aware of what happened to their emperor.

Half a minute later, He Yan took a look at his dog's spiritual filaments, and his mood was hard to say.

Fuck, why is this metamorphosis of the spirit of the sea core like their home?

No, it’s not exactly the same. If you have to say it, it may be that the spirit of the emperor’s spirit is a little bit more spiritual.

But the familiar feeling can't be faked.

He squatted down, looking down at the pitiful pain to the unconscious emperor's armpit, reached out and patted the alpha full of cold sweaty cheeks, and licked his soft blond hair, his expression was unpredictable.

"Cough..." Adrian frowned, painfully coughing twice, and a sick red blush on his cheek. After opening his eyes, there was obvious anger and tyranny in the dark blue eyes.

He looked at the emperor with a look at the eyes: "..............." The complex complex retracted the claws of the emperor's noble hair.

Adrian grabbed his wrist and stared at the omega. Somehow, suddenly there was some distraction, and he simply turned him to the ground and pressed him firmly with his body.

He stared at the jaw of the omega who dared to attack his spiritual sea. From the top down, he looked at the pale face that was licked by him. His eyes were sluggish and he said: "Your spirit is not S."

This omega actually broke his mental barrier so easily...

Be aware that even when he is unprepared, the S-level mental power is impossible to break his mental barrier. In fact, before Omega came here, I had already passed several layers of authentication without knowing it, so this person in front of me must be undoubtedly no one, then there is only one possibility: this little omega is unknown. The reason for the reason hides the true mental strength of oneself.

However, "I still stunned this metamorphosis" and "I don't think this metamorphosis seems to be my object. If I have a mental illness and then become a mentally retarded person, what can I do?" The two entangled thoughts are slightly irritating, not I want to take care of this sick man.

"Little cute," see He Yan's attitude of refusing to cooperate. Al's hand released his chin from the fingerprint, slowly sliding up, pinching his cheeks, forcing him to open his mouth and close his ears. On the other hand, the language threatened: "Do you know how long it will be judged to attack the royal family members?"

Like the fear of pain, Adrian's strength was not great at this time. He turned his head and broke the big hand of alpha. He said: "You are sexually harassing me first."

Although he was so angry that he wanted to kill when he was suddenly attacked, but now he just thinks that this person is his lover of his past life. He is inexplicably irritated, and in a word, it is soft, people can’t understand whether it is angry. Still spoiled, compared with the momentum just after hitting people, it can be said that it is very embarrassing!

Adrian naturally noticed the omega's sudden softening attitude, watching him look awkward and with a little bit of blame, and the suffocation between the eyebrows dissipated a lot. He kept his one-handed position, picked up the omega's chin, and bowed his head down.

Adrian's kiss is as aggressive as his people.

When Alpha kissed, He Wei still felt a little awkward, but after feeling the familiar kiss technique, the awkwardness of his heart disappeared silently, and slowly indulged in this kiss, with alpha Teasing and gradually starting to respond.

As the breathing of the two became more and more rapid, the smell of air pheromones began to become richer. Adrian's pheromone is a very cold mint flavor, mixed with the sweet flavor of his body, like a strange chemical reaction in the air, while stimulating the senses of the two.

"Sweet," Adrian took the initiative to end the kiss. He kissed gently in the wet corner of the omega. He looked at the person under his eyes and was gentle. He whispered: "This time. Forgive you.” As the fingertips had touched the neck of the omega, it impliedly rubbed his gland.

He Wei’s head is a little hot, but he also feels the danger intuition. He wants to push the alpha that is tightly pressed against himself, but he has no choice but because of some emotions, his arm is soft and has no strength.

"I want to mark you."

Alpha stared tightly at the neck of the prey's slender white, and there was a greed in the eye that was bound to gain.

Then he reached out and turned the omega over and bite it accurately against the position of the posterior gland. The sharp canine easily pierced the delicate skin there, and the pheromone flowed into the omega gland along the saliva.

Alpha's cold pheromone flowed into his blood vessels, causing a burning heat that burned his sanity.

He Yan’s body suddenly stiffened. The gland of the omega neck is an extremely sensitive part. The feeling of being bitten there is a kind of soreness that makes people want to scream out. It belongs to another person’s pheromone. Bringing him a scalp numbness, he suddenly woke up in chaos for a moment, with some strength not knowing where to come, struggling to hit the alpha with his elbow, but the alpha has completely disappeared at this time. The warmth, unrelentingly grabbed his wrist and pressed it to the ground, continuing to inject pheromones into the glands of omega.

I don't know how long it took, and He Wei only vaguely felt that the sharp-edged canine teeth had pulled away from the gland of his back neck, and instead he calmed down on the wound.

He Yan’s body is still shaking physically, but he has gradually recovered from the dizziness and found that he did not know when he had been put into the soft big bed in the room.

Alpha circled him in his arms and gently stroked his back. He kissed his hair cherished from time to time, and he did not just like a beast to force him to complete an incompletely marked savage appearance.

In order to declare ownership and drive away competitors, Alpha usually uses pheromones to leave marks on omega, which are divided into three categories. The first type is a temporary mark, usually produced by a kiss or other intimate behavior. This mark is usually short-lived, a few hours long, two or three months long, and the alpha will remain in the omega pheromone. Dissipating clean; the second is incomplete labeling, which refers to the behavior of alpha injecting pheromone into the gland of the neck after omega. This marker lasts for a long time, and the pheromone entering the omega blood circulation is completely expelled. It takes half a year, during which time the marked omega will have a strong taste of his alpha.

The last and most durable type, permanent marker, refers to the behavior of alpha and omega that have been incompletely labeled, complete a true crossover, and form a knot in the genital cavity of omega. Permanent markings generally last a fairly long time, but this "permanent" is only for omega. Because in normal terms, an omega can only be permanently marked by an alpha for a lifetime, while alpha can permanently mark multiple omegas.

This society's requirements for omega are very demanding. Although physiologically, only the permanent mark has the final effect, in fact, in the secular concept, once the omega is bitten into the gland to inject the pheromone and complete the incomplete mark, it will be defaulted to the alpha. Everything is gone.

For omega itself, incomplete marking will also give them a sense of surrender and dependence on alpha.

The gland of the posterior neck is still faintly painful. He carefully recalled the contents of "Omega Basic Physiology" and looked at the salty pigs who had touched his hips with a cold face. He whispered: What means?"

The Emperor thought that his little omega was shy, so he gently grabbed his hand, pulled it up and kissed it gently, and whispered comfortably: "Don't worry, little cute, I will marry you." of."

Alpha, who finished marking, felt that the whole heart was filled with this little omega in front of her eyes. The heart produced an unsatisfied sense of satisfaction and stability. From the beginning of adulthood, he was entangled in his estrus anxiety. Soothed.

It seems that those alpha physiology textbooks are not all exaggerated nonsense, marking the beloved omega is indeed a happy thing.

He is in this position, naturally there will be a variety of omega initiative to lure him, but I don't know why, when he smells the pheromone that the omega deliberately emits, it will reflexively generate disgusting emotions, even when it is encountered. It’s disgusting, let alone mark them. It was only when he saw this little omega in his arms that he had the urge to inject his pheromone into another omega gland for the first time.

He Yan also showed a smile, but there is no shame in the alpha imagination. "Are you asking me before you mark?"

Alpha feels that things seem a bit bad, isn't it that when omega is marked, it will become full of dependence on marking his alpha? Why is his omega a look like he wants to settle with him in the fall. He frowned and wisely chose to soften: "Dear, I am not right, but you don't want to..." His little omega also shyly responded to him when he kissed!

He Wei continued to smile, quietly releasing the spiritual filament: "What do you think?" I knew that the pro will be marked, and he will definitely give him a slap in the face of the alpha pro.

Go to the **** mandatory mark!

Go to **** marriage!

Damn, can't bear it, today he is going to kill this stupid person who can't understand people!

When the Emperor's armor was tied to his bed by his own sheets, he was still thinking about a question: How many words in the book "Alpha Mark Guide" are true.

Chapter 17 of the Alpha Marking Guide focuses: omega is usually over-reliant on alpha within a few days after being incompletely labeled, often satisfying your inner dependence through crying, coquetry, and physical contact, partially sensitive Omega will be extremely disgusted with the other omega's breath in alpha during this period, and will have an overreaction. As a responsible alpha, you should patiently accompany your omega during this special period and give them a sense of security.

But his little omega, after being marked by him, not only did not have a red face, snuggled in his arms, shyly pulled his sleeve and refused to let him go, but immediately turned his face and used his mental power again. Attacked him!

The most terrifying thing is that in the case of his intention to guard against, his mental barrier only hindered the omega for a few seconds, or was broken by the imposing spiritual filaments.

The feeling of being forced into the spiritual sea is not good. Even if you know that the two have established incomplete marks, omega can't cause very serious damage to his spiritual sea, but the feeling of being invaded by the territory still makes alpha not Consciously wrinkled his eyebrows, especially the spirit of omega also turned into a circle in his spiritual sea core.

He has always been a man who has a strong desire to control and lacks trust in others. One of the reasons he has always refused to approach omega is that he does not want another person's mental power to invade his own spiritual sea.

But now, his instincts tell him that his little omega seems a bit angry, he better not to do it with him.

What is this called? Um... the little fun between lovers?

Alpha quietly moved his wrist, felt the flexibility of the sheets, carefully controlled his strength, and prevented him from breaking the sheets inadvertently, so his omega would be more angry.

Omega tied him up with sheets and sat directly on his waist.

I felt the beautiful touch of omega's soft buttocks sitting on my waist, and the alpha body immediately stiffened.

He Yan slaps on the chest muscles of the alpha hard state. "You count."

The Emperor’s majesty moved his body in disarray.

Although He Wei consciously this slap has been very hard, but for the alpha of the physical SSS, this slap is not only painful, but even more like a flirt, but also want to be beaten a few more.

With such thoughts, the emperor crouched down under the small armpits and stood up silently. The top of the trousers topped the omega touch.

Hehehe smiled, calmly reaching out and touching the big cockroach behind his buttocks, and when he was squinting with a comfortable expression, he unexpectedly poked his spirits in the spirit of alpha. a bit.

His Majesty the Emperor who was poked for a moment of weakness: "....................."

He looked at the ugly smile on omega's face and finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Baby", alpha euphemistically soft: "I am really wrong, but promise me, don't make fun of the happiness of our next life, okay?"

He Yan poked him again, and his face was indifferent to his indifference: "What is your relationship with me for the rest of your life?"

Looking at the expression of “face of daring and daring to speak”, he smiled slightly. “Don’t worry, we will play slowly.”

The game initiated by Omega unilaterally lasted for more than an hour. Looking at the face of alpha being tossed, omega barely suffocated and ended the "punishment."

He is just an anger to mark him without his consent, but in the case of alpha, the gas will be lost. In any case, the lover now has a sick brain and can't care too much with him.

When Alpha's hands were liberated, he immediately hugged the omega sitting on his body, slammed him in his arms and kissed him for ten minutes. After the kiss, he gasped and whispered in the ear of omega: "It’s a bad sin."

He retaliated with a bite in his lips. "No you are bad!"

Alpha touched his hand and squeezed his hips.

His spiritual power did not withdraw from the spiritual sea of ​​alpha. When alpha held him warm, these spiritual filaments began to move again, but this time it was not bad, but gentle and alpha spirit. Entangled together, for his shallow combing.

In this world, the spiritual sea of ​​normal people is divided into two parts: the kernel and the periphery. The most important part is the spiritual sea core. Here is the source of peripheral mental power. If it is hurt, it will cause a devastating blow to the spirit sea. Therefore, in addition to absolute trust of relatives or friends, the average person will not easily face people. Open here.

Normally, the connection between them by incomplete marking is not enough to get him into the spiritual core of alpha, but alpha has very low defense against him, so he sneaked in and carefully observed it.

Adrian's spiritual sea is very strange.

There is a huge spiritual light and filaments on the periphery of his spiritual sea, although it seems to be a bit confusing because of the unmanned reason after adulthood - this is one of the reasons for his current personality problems - but it is indeed very powerful However, in the core of his spiritual sea, there are only a few empty spiritual light balls, although a little more than the previous one, but overall, it is still not moving to the table, and the spirit of the spirit outside the sea. The force is not proportional.

But the spiritual strength of the periphery is indeed extended from these small **** of light. It can be seen that the use of Adrian's mental power is very high, and the use of this average mental power is only zero percent. A point in the world that cannot be imagined.

He Yan slowly produced a vague conjecture.

The situation of Adrian's spirit sea is very similar to his.

Most of his spiritual sea is broken. He can mobilize and use only a few thousandth of his total mental strength, but because his original world human brain is being developed to a very high degree, people are spiritual. The force utilization is also higher than this, and I don't know how many times, so the mental strength that he can actually use has reached the SSS level of the world.

Does a man come from the same world as him, and still secretly loves himself? Otherwise, there is no way to explain his behavior of stalking himself in the first world.

Where is the feeling of someone coming so awkward? Even if it is love at first sight for the first time, is it love at first sight for the second time?

Moreover, he can feel that although Adrian has no memory of the last life, he still has a special trust to indulge him. An imperial emperor, still a grumpy, gloomy emperor, was not so angry with him when he was so bullied. It is obvious that he really loves it deeply.

However, he has been single for many years, and there are no friends who are particularly close in private. He is thinking hard, thinking about breaking his head, and thinking of a suspected object...

Alpha whispered his thoughts in his ear: "Dear, your spirit is so cute and soft."

He Wei: "........................" You are afraid that you will want to be abused again by my lovely mental power!

The breathing sound of the alpha of the ear gradually became uniform, and the expression on the face was calm and calm, and the whole person fell into a comfortable shallow sleep.

The alpha that sleeps so is actually very charming. It is not inferior to his darling brother. He licked and touched the soft blond hair of Alpha, and silently commented in his heart, and the hair feels really good.

The mental power of Alpha Spirit Sea is like a huge woolen group. He spent a long time and only gave him a small part. He was also harassed by the spirit of alpha, and finally with those who were restless. The spiritual filaments struggled for a while before they took their mental power out.

Alpha woke up, opened his eyes lazily and kissed him on his face. "Tired?"

"Crap." He Yan rolled his eyes, then suddenly thought of something, the expression on his face became subtle. "Wait, what time is it?"

The Emperor lifted his wrist and looked at the light brain. He said: "Twelf and a half."


He was scared to sit up from the bed.

He actually tossed the emperor here for more than seven hours! !

No, it doesn't matter. What's important is that their school dormitory will close at 11 o'clock in the evening!

It has been more than an hour and a half now!

The Imperial Military Academy has strict management of students. The dormitory is locked at 11 o'clock. There is no leave to go back late or the night is not to be announced by the whole school. This article is said to be the iron law of the college. Many of the family's children have been on the notice board, and lost face in front of the teachers and students of the school. It can be said that it is very selfless. Therefore, even if he is a young master of the family, the college may not see a half-point in the face of their family.

He Wei has imagined that his name appeared on the school announcement and was watched by the whole school classmates.

The Emperor’s majesty also climbed up, grabbed his waist, and took a sigh of relief on his back through thin clothes. The voice was still lazy: “What?”

He slammed the Emperor's hand and licked his waist. "Let me go out, I have to go back to the dormitory."

"But", behind the emperor's awkward voice: "We should be in the lift near the back garden of the palace."

He Wei: ".................."

When he didn't know, what did he do with his head in the brain?

He finally did not return to the dormitory, but stayed in the palace of the emperor.

Because his brain sick person still has a very heavy identity, and with this identity, in front of him directly dialed a communication to the principal, and did not change the color to express a wish to give a A bit of omega please take a night of willingness.

After the door is banned, the principal is not only not angry, but even smothered. It is guaranteed that there will be no problem at all, and even a few days is not a problem.

The Emperor’s majesty said that it would not take so long, then add another morning.

Say good is not accommodating? Spicy Chicken College.

Adrian took an iron fist policy when he was in the upper position. After more than ten years of operation, now the senior generals of the entire military are almost all emperor factions. The power of the parliament, the principal of the military academy is one of the emperors’ loyalty, or It’s reasonable to be so respectful to him when he was hand-picked to this position.

The Emperor’s majesty carefully put a band-aid on the skin of the gland that was bitten at the back of the omega, and said: “Don’t touch the water these days.”

He licked his hair. "Know it, I have to sleep, no more small tricks."

I noticed that his little omega seems to have an extraordinary interest in his hair. From time to time, he wants to reach out and touch two. The Emperor feels that he should not let Omega touch his head so comfortable all day, but he never makes a living. Get angry, and finally can only help him with him.

I feel that dawn.

His Majesty the Emperor took the lead to wake up in the morning light.

Although it was tossed up late yesterday, the spirit sea was gently combed by omega and it was filled with warm feelings. The arms were small omega soft body, and even the nose was omega sweet pheromone. So he had a bad night's sleep very well last night. When he was young, he had problems with insomnia. When he was a child, he added estrus anxiety and mental confusion. He rarely ate a complete good feeling like last night.

Because I have already taken a morning leave for omega, so the emperor is not anxious to wake up his little omega, and does not want to disturb his sleep, so quietly watched for nearly half an hour, his little omega finally squinted Woke up.

The Emperor kissed him for the first time.

"Hey..." He Wei pushed him away, covered his mouth, and sulking and sulking: "Don't make trouble, I haven't washed it yet."

The two of them got up for a while and got up and washed.

Because he didn't know the taste of He Wei, the Emperor's Majesty let the kitchen do a little bit of food for all tastes, each with a small amount. The Emperor squatted down and ate the omega-preferred taste. The small dessert was the most flopped, followed by the crayfish.

After the two men had finished the meal in a meticulous and warm manner, when the Emperor’s Majesty was planning to take his little omega to his garden, a guard came in to inform him, “Your Majesty, Aaron’s Highness to seek.”

The expression on the face of the emperor's face stagnate, turned to look at his little omega, the face could not help but chill.

He almost forgot, he mentioned in the information he had received before, his little omega in the college is crazy to pursue his emperor. It was only that he was not interested in omega before, and felt that these things were not related to him. Therefore, the results of the investigation were also swept away. I didn't care about it. Now I heard Aaron's name and vaguely remembered it.

The omega that has been tagged by myself has liked another alpha not long ago, which is something that can't be tolerated for any alpha!

He looked back innocently.

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