MTL - One Hundred Ways to Become a God-Chapter 32 My husband has a sick brain

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"Let him wait in the living room." The emperor gave the order calmly under his face.

The guards retired in a respectful manner.

"Now," the Emperor looked down at his own omega, his eyes fixed: "Dear, I need an explanation."

After the mark is completed, not only will omega be over-reliant on the alpha that marks them, and alpha's possessiveness to omega will peak at this time. The emperor's reason for this moment was almost burned, and he tried his best to control himself. He did not immediately drag his little omega back into the room to complete the permanent mark, so that he could completely become his own omega!

He is really innocent.

It is the original "He Wei" who is madly pursuing Aaron, but now the pot wants him to come back.

"I really didn't like His Royal Highness Aaron." He Yan immediately stated his position firmly. "I don't like the kind of alpha. I used to fight against his grandfather before I went to chase him... you just don't believe it." Me?" The last sentence also brought a bit of anger and grievance.

He can't pick up this pot.

After all, their emperor’s majesty is not only a bad-tempered person, but also a very careful person. Although he loves him with alpha, even if he knows that “he” once liked Aaron’s estimation, he would not really do anything to him, even cold face. I won't be willing to put on for a long time, but in the depths of alpha, I will definitely be mad at this point, and then one person will be perverted in silence.

Although the subject's brain is sick, he has been irritated several times, but He Wei does not have the heart to let him alone.

The coldness of the emperor's underarms was scattered, but the tone was still somewhat lost: "I am not blaming you, baby... I am just suffering."

He Yan thought about it and said, "If I lie to you, then we will have no **** in the future!"

"..........................." The emperor's face was full of complexities, and for a time he did not know what kind of response he should make to this sentence.

"Okay," Omega took the initiative to grab his neck and kissed his chin. "Don't think too much, although you are arrogant and like to make your own claims, I only like you."

His Majesty the Emperor looked at his omega deeply, sighed and took his waist up, and caught the omega's lips and kissed him warmly.

Omega's mouth also has a faint smell of sweet cake, which makes the emperor feel that his omega seems to be sweeter.

A little reluctant to let him leave like this.

Although the Emperor’s Majesty did not want to be separated from his little omega, he still told his most trusted butler to send He Wei back to the school, and then went to see the emperor in the living room with a touch of sorrow.

Since the 19th year ago, in the Great Patriotic War, the emperors and empresses of the then empire were both behind, and the entire royal family was left with two brothers, Adrian and Aaron. In the 19 years since Adrian was in office, the image of the two in front of the people has always been intimate and fraternal, but in fact, the relationship between them is far from being as close as they are.

Adrian was very lonely when he was a child. It seems that he was born with a lack of desire to be close to others. He had almost no communication with his only younger brother. After his succession, his character became more and more biased and prepared for others. It is also increasing, and even the only relatives are no exception. Therefore, even though Aaron is the second most honorable person in the palace, he has no privilege in this palace except his own palace. Just like now, even if you want to see your own emperor, let the attendant first report, even during the waiting period, there will be a waiter to monitor his every move.

However, in addition to being too prepared for him, Adrian is doing the same thing as a brother, and it is impossible to pick a mistake.

Aaron sat in the living room gracefully, thinking of some information conveyed to him by the power behind his little boyfriend, could not help but look at his movements, but then quickly adjusted his expression, not letting himself There is a hint of suspicion here.

If those people are telling the truth... then his emperor is really not suitable to stay in that position again.

Aaron carefully rummaged through his own memories. Among the few memories of the emperor's brothers, he considered the subtle details of the alpha that was unintentionally revealed, and gradually got a vague idea.

This time Aaron waited a little longer, a cup of tea was cool, and his emperor was late.

Immediately, he respectfully bowed to the emperor as usual, and looked up to the emperor's smile with a sunny smile. "Emperor brother, good morning."

But the emperor's majesty was unmoved, and his expression seemed to be more indifferent than usual.

"If I remember correctly," the emperor said with a blank expression, "Now is the class time, what are you doing here?"

Aaron’s smile was slightly stiff, and it’s a pause, with a hint of embarrassment in his expression. “The emperor is actually the verdict of General Cheshire...”

Stayed! Adrian’s expression changed suddenly, and there was a sternness in his voice: “There is no room for this matter. He is guilty of treason. If it is not discovered early, he does not know how much confidential information will be revealed. The court’s decision has been made and he cannot be saved from death. ”

"Sorry," Aaron said with a sly look on his face. He hesitated and continued to speak slowly: "I am not thinking of pleading for General Cheshire. He is guilty of sin. It is only his fault. Why do you have to involve the whole family? It’s already a peaceful age, and such a heavy judgment is a bit harsh.”

General Chesil is a highly respected general of the empire. He was already a major general when he was in the throne. He also has a high degree of support among the people. No one can think of such a countless contribution to the country. The general did not know what was tempted, and he was prepared to join a researcher at the Imperial Research Institute to steal the imperial armor information of the empire!

If a professor in the research institute discovered the clue and immediately reported the matter to the emperor, the information is now in the hands of the enemy.

When General Cheshir’s attempt to steal the secret information of the Empire was reported by the media, it could be said that the country was in a state of utter disappointment. Soon, the court’s decision on the case came down. Among them, General Cheshire and the researcher were sentenced to death and executed immediately. His wife and daughter, who knew not to report, were sentenced to life imprisonment because they were exempt from death as a result of omega, and they were not allowed to commute; in addition, several people in the Chess family were exiled to the border of the mine, and the rest There are also some big and small penalties. Counting down, the entire Cheshire family was convicted of at least 200 people.

"Is it?" After hearing Aaron's words, Adrian smiled slightly, but the smile was not pleasant, but it was an evil atmosphere. "I think it is given by the court. The judgment was still too light." He glanced at the younger brother who was filled with grief and sighs in front of him. All of them sarcastically said: "Probably you were still young at the time, so some people couldn’t remember, when the Great Patriotic War began, The reason why the empire lost and lost countless elites was because some people leaked confidential information on the front line. The criminals of treason should be nailed to the shame of history, and their families should also bear the burden of their own people. The evil."

Aaron opened his mouth and said: "But we can't live in hatred forever..."

In any case, at least for omega, the punishment for life imprisonment is too serious. The estrus without alpha is very painful. It will cause irreversible damage to the body of omega in the long run. It is not difficult to imagine how much pain will be experienced by Mrs. Cheshire and Miss in prison for the rest of her life. He really couldn't watch the cruel thing happen.

Of course, this kind of mood, I am afraid that his eldest brother, who has always been disgusted, is incomprehensible.

"Okay," Adrian interrupted his words, and his expression returned to indifference. He was too lazy to talk nonsense with him. He was slightly decapitated: "If you are not satisfied with the verdict, you can appeal directly to the Cheshire family. Will not stop you. Now, please go back to class, I have to go to the meeting, not to accompany." After that, he turned and strode away from the living room, leaving Aaron standing alone.

Looking at the slender back and back of the alpha, Aaron’s hand on his side couldn’t help but silently. He tried to control his facial muscles, not letting himself reveal a distorted expression, and quickly walked out of the room with a sullen face. . .

Quickly stepped into his own floating boat, Aaron's expression immediately sank, and a pair of blue eyes filled with resentment.

He has always been a proud person. He has just been scorned by his own brother in front of a group of guards, pointing at his nose with mercy. It really annoyed him.


Adrian’s reaction was in his vision.

Thinking of this, Aaron’s inner anger suddenly replaced by a secret pleasure.

Isn't he coming to try to test his emperor again? It seems that Adrian is like a mad dog, and he is not sick.

He cautiously opened his mind and returned a message to an anonymous account via the advanced encryption channel:

[Yes, but I need to see your sincerity first. 】

What the empire needs is a wise and sober monarch, not such a violent madman!

He Wei is in the empire general knowledge, this is an extremely boring lesson, plus there is no deep content, the end of the end of the book can basically be tested, so the students are basically not patient, the class is big Some people are sleeping, and a small number of people are playing with the light brain. Although he is not sleepy, he is still infected in this atmosphere full of sleep, and his head is drowsy.

Suddenly, the sound came from the brain, and he was scared to wake up.

The tone was a bit loud, not only was he woken up, but even the teacher on the podium noticed the movement he had sent here, and cast a dissatisfied look at him.

He bowed his head and waited until the teacher's gaze moved away.

He remembers that he clearly opened a completely silent mode?

A message pops up on the 3D projection screen:

[From special tips] Husband: I just met a stupid, unhappy, and asking for comfort.

He Wei: "??????????"

It seems that the Emperor's Majesty not only opened his light brain and added his own contact number when he was asleep, but also changed a very shameful note and set a special tone for himself. going to the palace to kill the intellectually disabled person and say that the breakup is still too late?