MTL - One Piece: Wudang Baiye, Deputy Captain of the Straw Hats-Chapter 380

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There is also the strength of the two Charlotte brothers that Sanji learned through testing.

Although it was much higher than Bai Ye's estimate, but fortunately, it didn't hurt the future plan.

The only thing that Bai Ye didn't expect was the strength of the Tianlongren Shield and the accident that happened to Kuzan.

Bai Ye blamed himself very much when he thought that he almost caused the death of his partner because of his underhandedness. ω

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At the beginning, he shot with all his strength, if Kuzan didn't arrive in time.

Bai Ye couldn't imagine such an ending.

Starting from the Chambord Islands, Bai Ye's plan has never failed, which made him involuntarily have a sense of superiority.

But now, this sense of superiority almost killed his partner.


"You don't look like the vice-captain this old man knows."

Just when Bai Ye was feeling annoyed, a wine glass was handed to him.

"Jinbe...I just..."

"I know what you want to say."

Jinbe interrupted Bai Ye:

"You want to say that your plan almost killed us, you blame yourself, you are very annoyed, and you are very scared."

"But you don't have to do that at all."

Jinbei's tone was very relaxed, as if he was talking about a very small matter.

It was precisely this tone that made Bai Ye feel unspeakably uncomfortable.

He could have accused Bai Ye, he could have raised more demands with righteous words.

But now, this man whose chest was almost crushed, came to comfort himself on his own initiative.

"You came up with the plan, but it was agreed by everyone. You don't need to blame yourself for making mistakes in the plan." ω

"You're missing the most important point."

Jinbe smiled and looked at Bai Ye, as if he was looking at a junior in confusion.

"The plan cannot be 100% successful, and everyone knows that."

"The reason why people want to carry out your plan is not because you are the second-in-command of this ship, or because you are the only one who can come up with the plan."

"Because of-"

"Everyone trusts you."

"Because of-"

"The bond between you and everyone."

"When executing the plan, there is a possibility of encountering danger or even death."

"Everyone has thought about it a long time ago, and has already had this kind of awareness!"

Hearing this, Bai Ye suddenly raised his head.

He found that other than Jinbei, other partners did not know when they came to him.

"Wow! You look like this, but you are not Su~per~ at all!"

Franky posed his classic poss and shouted at Bai Ye.

"Because of Bai Ye, I can meet and travel with everyone, so I will participate in the future plans!"

Mei Li skillfully sat on Bai Ye's shoulder.

"Yohohoho~ I died once decades ago, so I am very familiar with death."

Brooke, as always, cracked one-liners.

"Although compared with Master Usopp, your plan is still immature. But with the protection of Master Ben, you can let it go in Bai Ye!"

Usopp, as always, does not forget to brag.

"I am the ship's doctor on this ship, no matter who is injured, I will rescue them!"

Chopper clenched his fists and made a promise to Bai Ye.

"Hehe, the current Bai Ye is more like a teenager, a little cute."

The corners of Robin's mouth curled up, and an aunt's smile appeared on his face.

"Don't think that you are superior to others because you are the first officer, idiot. I don't need you to be responsible for my life."

Sanji lit his cigarette, took a deep breath and exhaled a puff of smoke.

"Next plan, hand over the toughest enemy to me."

Sauron said expressionlessly.

"Okay, okay, you guys, don't overcomplicate things, and plan to your heart's content in the future. After all, compared to Luffy, you are the most reliable person on this ship."

Nami pressed Luffy's head and said to Bai Ye.

And Luffy also raised his head at this time, looked at Bai Ye and smiled:

"It turns out that Bai Ye lost his appetite to eat because of this incident."

He stood up, and his temperament changed accordingly:

"Bai Ye, you are the vice-captain I recognize."

"No matter what the situation is, I will agree with your plan."

"No matter what happens to the plan, I, the captain, will be responsible for everything."


Looking at the people around me, looking at everyone's sincere eyes.

Bai Ye laughed.

"You guys, stop being handsome."

Byakuya suppressed his tears, and held up the wine glass that Jinbe handed him.

Everyone also looked at each other and smiled, raising their wine glasses at the same time.

In the next second, the sound of wine glasses colliding sounded.

On the other side, after seeing this scene, all the members of Barto Club shouted excitedly.

It was as if he had witnessed something extraordinary.

"This is the bond called Friendship of the Straw Hats!!"

Bartolomeo hugged the people around him with tears streaming down his face and howled.

"Hey, you bastard, you stained my clothes!"

Cavendish looked disgusted, thinking

To push Barto away.

But Barto was clearly emotional, holding Cavendish tightly and refusing to let go.


"Who cares about you idiot!!"

Cavendish became more and more frantic: "Get off me quickly!! Otherwise, I swear I will hack you to death!!"

Beside these guys, Kuzan slowly ate the food in front of him.

Huoshaoshan said at this time:

"The lucky fruit of Tezolo's cadres and the Momo fruit of Walder are all left by Bai Ye, is it okay? Compared with these two fruits, the five animal fruits collected in the Golden City and Tezolo's gold The fruits don't seem to be very useful."

"Especially Wald's Devil Fruit, if given to the lieutenant general of the Liaoyuan Army, he would have already become a strong man comparable to the commander."

Facing the problem of the burning mountain, Kuzan didn't respond at all, and even chilled his own drink.

"Now that we know the hidden strength of the World Government, do we still want to hand over such an important thing to the Straw Hats?"

"They have been targeted by the world government, Kuzan, you..."

Just when Huoshaoshan was a little anxious, Kuzan finally spoke:

"It is because of this that we should give these fruits to the Straw Hats."

He looked at Huoshaoshan: "I hope you understand that the Straw Hats are the most important allies of the Liaoyuan Army and Xinghuo, and they are also the ones we should do our best to help."

"Of course I know this." Huoshaoshan said with some lack of confidence: "I have no complaints against the Straw Hats, but facing the world government and the pirates in the new world, the Liaoyuan Army needs stronger strength."

"Only in this way can the sea be liberated faster."

After hearing this, Kuzan finally put down the wine glass in his hand.

He turned his head to look at Huoshaoshan with a serious expression.

"You don't understand at all, Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan."

Huo Shaoshan was taken aback by Kuzan's sudden posture, he didn't understand what he said was wrong.

"Why do you think the World Government has repeatedly targeted the Straw Hats? Why do you think Spark has been able to live in peace with the World Government until now?"

"Let go of the arrogance you once had as a navy. The concept of [Only we can save the sea] does not belong to the Liaoyuan Army."

"Xinghuo exists so that no one will be enslaved in this sea, not to rule the entire sea."

"To unite all forces that can be united and to defeat imperialism aloft is our goal."

"The Straw Hats not only provide economic, technical and even political assistance to Xinghuo free of charge, but also use the rainbow fog world to build a defense line for Xinghuo, so that the Liaoyuan Army can speed up the cultivation of strong people."

"Now, you actually want to take away the spoils that belonged to the Straw Hats?"

"Find this out for me, Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan."

"It is not the Liaoyuan Army that has been fighting the world government on the front line, but the Straw Hats."

"It is not the spark that awakens the free will of the sea, but the Straw Hats."

"Now, they not only have to fight the world government, they are also declaring war on the emperor of the new world."

"Who is the one who needs more power?"

Kuzan, who has always been lazy, was firing questions like a cannonball at this moment.

He was very disappointed. He thought that Huo Shaoshan left the navy because he had seen through the world.

From the looks of it now, he just felt that the Liaoyuan Army was more in line with his own justice and style of conduct.

The superior character of the Navy has long been ingrained.

"It seems that the teaching scope of the Political Department is about to change."

Kuzan muttered to himself, no longer caring about Huoshaoshan who was in deep thought.

In the past, most of the people who participated in the courses of the Political Department were soldiers of the Liaoyuan Army.

Except for Smoker, whom Kuzan designated, very few general officers attended the class.

Thinking about it now, it is time for these military officers who have power to raise their ideological awareness.

Especially those who have been in the Navy.

Their justice may be okay, but some ideas still need to be reversed.

This sea does not need another navy.

Thinking of this, Kuzan turned his head to look at Bai Ye not far away.

"Did you think of this when you proposed to open a political department to teach?"

"Tianshi Baiye, who are you?"

