MTL - One Punch Man: Eight Strange Skills at the Beginning-Chapter 271

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Feirut was a little nervous, but Tidi Laogao's heart finally fell.

After heaving a sigh of relief, he smiled.

"It turned out to be like this. It sounds really good. In fact, if it wasn't for this guy, I wouldn't even want to be a king."

"So if he doesn't object, then I'll join you too. Anyway, the odds of winning four by one fight are slim, so it would be better to just admit defeat."

As Feirut agreed to the alliance's affairs.

The rest of the people, including their respective knights, turned their attention to Reinhardt.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that although Reinhardt looks humble, he actually controls everything about Felt.

At this time, Feirut himself pointed it out.

So people have no more scruples.

However, Reinhardt, who suddenly became the center of attention, did not feel the slightest embarrassment, and smiled calmly as always.

His gaze was directed towards Luo Yu.

"As a knight, I will never decide the master's decision, and will always follow the master's decision."

"But it's good to form an alliance like this, but there must always be someone who is in charge of the overall situation. Otherwise, what happens when no one is convinced?"

"I think it's still necessary to continue to compete, but it can be more gentle with each other. It's not like the previous ones, even the way to kill the opponent may have to be used."

This time, the situation was reversed.

The four of them, Emilia, all looked at Luo Yu.

The four of them had already been frank and honest one night, and they already knew each other's existence.

And under the urging of Luo Yu, they all agreed that Emilia was the leader.

However, it is Luo Yu who really makes the decision at the moment.

For example, this alliance action was proposed by Luo Yu.

The four of them obeyed very obediently.

But it did not take into account that the alliance will run for the chairman again.

After all, the other three have already defaulted to Emilia.

So I didn't think about it, Feirut would have objections, and what to do.

Plus what Reinhardt said is reasonable.

At this time, it's really not for Emilia to make up her mind.

It can only expose Luo Yu, and all eyes are on him.

But this is just a small scene.

Facing everyone's gaze, Luo Yu acted as if he didn't exist, and focused on meeting Reinhardt.

"In that case, let's have a test. But we have already selected representatives, so the final test is for you to compete with us as a whole."

"It's up to you to choose what you want to compete against, so as not to say that we bullied you."

This is undoubtedly a very arrogant declaration.

But Reinhardt knew that the other party was absolutely arrogant.

Whether it is strength or resourcefulness, it is unimaginable for him.

After all, it has now been spread out, and four candidates have already elected representatives.

Combined with Emilia's previous performance, it is possible to know what this means.

Despite the pressure, Reinhardt was still a little unwilling.

After gritting his teeth, he looked directly at Luo Yudao.

"There can be many matches, but for me, I think there should be a fight between the knights. Although the knights don't represent anything, it is also one of the portrayals of the strength of the candidates."

"As for the other competitions, I don't have any more ideas. You should ask Lord Feirut more."

Although Reinhardt said it very implicitly, Feirut obviously had no chance of rejecting it, and everyone knew this in their hearts.

However, Reinhardt would make such a request, which was quite surprising to Luo Yu, because he had already shown his muscles before.

However, in the original book, Reinhardt seems to be in the top five in combat power.

Although it is impossible to treat the three big monsters as toys like Luo Yu.

But it is not impossible to kill these monsters.

With such a high level of strength, it is understandable to want to fight a duel.

Maybe he had not played against an equal opponent for a long time before that.

As for Felt, after taking the right to speak, he quickly shook his head indifferently.

"I'll forget it. I don't have anything to compare with, just fight like a knight. I also want to see what kind of power Mr. Luo Yu used to save me that day."

Feirut's eyes were placed on Luo Yu.

As for Reinhardt, it was as if he had been completely abandoned.

In other words, at this time, she is the one who can finally make her own decisions after she has freedom.

Even though he was the master of Reinhardt, he had expectations for other knights.

And her own knight had nothing to explain.

This made Reinhardt feel very uncomfortable, as if his loved one expressed his interest in other men to his face, but he was completely ignored.

The scalp is a little uncomfortable.

But fortunately, chivalry still made him strong.

It was only a little uncomfortable for a while, and his eyes became firm again.

Even though Feirut on the side had never been interested in him, he still followed Luo Yu to the martial arts field with a chivalrous demeanor.

Chapter 380 Fight against Reinhardt

On a flat martial arts arena.

The breeze kept blowing, and the dust kept rising.

Luo Yu and Reinhardt stood face to face.

And standing in the distance, were Emilia and the others who were watching the battle.

At this time, Reinhardt pressed his hand to the hilt of the sword almost immediately, with an unprecedented serious expression.

However, Luo Yu suddenly took out a short knife, and after pulling out the knife, pointed directly at Reinhardt.

"You'd better use the sword first. If you wait for me to use the sword, you won't even have a chance to shoot."

Reinhardt had expected a serious duel.

But I didn't expect Luo Yu to take out such a short knife. Who is this looking down on?

Even if the strength gap is huge, there is no need to humiliate people, right?

Reinhardt thought to himself that he was in a good mood, but he couldn't help but get angry.

"What do you mean by this short knife? Do you usually view duels so casually?"

"Hasn't anyone told you that no matter who you are facing, you have to go all out?"

Luo Yu sighed helplessly.

"I understand that a tiger beats a rabbit with all his strength."

"But I really don't need to play any tricks, and I don't need to deliberately humiliate you. The main reason is that my strength is too strong, and I will accidentally hurt you with a normal sword."

"After all, it's a real test. You should also understand the reason that swords have no eyes. Didn't you say that the test should be gentler?"

Seeing that Luo Yu's attitude remained the same.

Reinhardt gritted his teeth for a while, and a sharp glint flashed in his eyes.

"That's fine, but the person who was injured may not be me. If you don't treat the competition with a correct attitude, you will inevitably lose the competition!"

Although he knew that the difference in strength was huge, Reinhardt instinctively felt that no matter how big the difference in strength was, it was impossible for him to lose against this dagger!

The opponent is so careless in this battle, maybe it is his chance, this wave may be able to win!

Although I don't know what the outcome of beheading Luo Yu will be.

But if it can break the current situation, it is undoubtedly very good!

At this time, Luo Yu had actually seen through Reinhardt completely.

Knowing that he even had murderous intentions.

However, this little thought was not taken into account, and he still looked indifferent.

"Who will lose, depends on their performance~"

"Hehe, let's see then!"

As Reinhardt said, he drew out the long sword whose hilt at his waist was like a golden dragon's head, and whose body was so white that it could clearly reflect his face.

For a while, a surging momentum surged up from him, like a turbulent sea, completely converging on the sword.

Rao is already extremely compressed energy, but it is still as thick as a water tank.

The astonishing energy shot straight into the sky along the blade, pierced through the clouds, and made a huge hole in the clouds.

The dazzling rays of light are scattered like thousands of stars, making Reinhardt look as mighty and extraordinary as if the gods had descended into the world.

"What a strong aura...Is this the full strength of Reinhardt? I'm afraid the earth will be torn apart by him... Mr. Luo Yu can really deal with him, can he show all his strength?"

Julius, who was also a knight of the kingdom, couldn't help swallowing, watching the scene in front of him in shock.

I always felt that the fight against Reinhardt was like a child playing at home.

Feel cheated.

"No matter how powerful you are, in front of that guy, you are not as weak as a child. You even lied to me and said that I lost a little bit, but it turned out to be solved with one finger..."

Anastasia couldn't help but muttered in a bad mood.

Because all raw rice and cooked rice are not her resources.

So she couldn't take this breath, and after the event, she wanted to find out the truth of the rumor about Yurius' loss to Luo Yu.

At first, she learned that Yurius only lost to Luo Yu, who was slightly inferior.

I don't believe in exaggeration at all, after all, it's too magical.

But after she was betrayed, she became more concerned about it and started a comprehensive investigation.

Because of the influence of Luo Yu's influence, Yurius would know everything almost immediately.

But it also let her know how exaggerated and powerful Luo Yu was.

So seeing Reinhardt's exaggerated power, he didn't take it to heart at all.

Just a little speechless, Yurius, Luo Yu's defeated general, has no confidence in Luo Yu.

If it wasn't for someone else around, she would probably have slapped Julius directly.

This despicable villain, even if he doesn't cheer up and cheers, he is still talking slander here, it's really hateful!

Anastasia scolded, as if she woke up Julius immediately.

Let his eyes become sharp at once, and he immediately nodded and bowed his head.

"Lord Anastasia, you are right, I was just a little worried, so I said something bad."

Anastasia said angrily.

"Hmph, if I find out that you slander my husband again, be careful that I will tear your mouth apart!"

Yurius quickly wiped the beads of sweat from his forehead.

"Understood Anastasia-sama."

the other side.