MTL - One Useless Rebirth-Chapter 95 Back road

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"Xiantu" was finalized in the eleventh, and it was finalized in an exclusive broadcast of the high-profile TV station. At the same time, V&G's new commercial and promotional films were officially launched on the market, and Di Qiuhe's face began to be screened in major shopping malls and billboards.

On the Internet, Di Xisong jumped off the building and was rescued because there was no public relations and guided public opinion. Various malicious guesses emerged in an endless stream, and the depth analysis of the skin was frequently posted, and the heat could not be lowered. The paparazzi smelled like fleshy flies, and the young master who was once caught was slammed on the door, and chased and intercepted Qin Liwei around the hospital, trying to dig more secrets.

Qin Li was annoyed, and her temper was getting worse. In the end, she no longer went to the hospital to visit Di Xiasong. She only hid in the small apartment where Dibian used to settle Qin Mingqiang, and turned all kinds of news about Di Xisong on the Internet. I cursed myself.

"Nonsense! Xia Songcai has not changed to eunuch! You are all nonsense! Nonsense!"

The things on the coffee table were swept away again, and a series of harsh sounds were heard on the ground.

Qin Mingqiang, who was unattended in bed, frowned and shivered. "Shut up! I knew you were useless. I should have let you go to prison and leave your brother outside! Go cook! Then please A new babysitter came over, a little old age, no waste, garbage! Even the money to hire a babysitter has not been harvested, you look at what you are now, like a shrew!"

Qin Li was beaten up, turned to look at him with no expression, and his hands slowly tightened.

"You look at me like this! I don't want to do anything!" Qin Mingqiang lifted the only arm that could move, picked up the photo frame on the bed and smacked her. "I have lived for so many years, but I will not leave a little behind myself." There is no brain at all! Go! Find someone to contact Yan Jia! I am the grandfather of Qin Yunze and Qin Yunyu, they should raise me! Follow you and you can only suffer, you roll yourself!"

The photo frame smashed to the ground, the glass on the top was broken, and the photos of Dishason and Di Chunhua were scattered, mixed with the things that had been dropped on the coffee table, like a waste paper that no one wanted.

Qin Li’s clenched hand suddenly loosened.

"Yan Jia? Dad, are you thinking too naive?" She stood up, took care of the skirt, and looked around the apartment that she didn't even look at in the past, but now she feels very good looking. There was a smile on his face. "Dad, you are right, people should always leave some way for themselves... Is this apartment that was forgotten by Dibian a good way to go?"

At the beginning, Di Bian simply transferred the apartment to them in order to get rid of the Qin family earlier. Later, she and Zeng Peizhong received the certificate and re-closed to Dibian. This apartment became the place where Qin Mingqiang was supporting the elderly. Now that the emperor was bankrupt, Dibian went to the sanatorium, and Zeng Peizhong died. This apartment, which was used to house Qin Mingqiang, was ignored by everyone, including herself.

Fortunately, this house has been neglected before. Fortunately, it has not been excused by Zeng Peizhong’s lawyer for the debt. Otherwise, where is this now?

It doesn't matter if you don't have money. If you sell the house, isn't there? The apartment is small, but the location is OK. According to the price of the B city, you should be able to put a lot of cash.

Qin Mingqiang was shocked by the strange smile on her face. He asked, "What do you mean? I tell you, this apartment was originally created by Dibian in order to resettle me. You don't want to think about it!"

"But Di Di was the plane that was assigned to my name." Qin Li walked over to the bed, gently covered him with a quilt, then crouched down, his eyes turned around at the bottom of the bed, and finally fell on On a box in the corner, I smiled even more brilliantly. "Sure enough, Dad, you are such a careful person, you will always leave something for yourself. You can’t use it now, but my daughter will laugh."

Qin Mingqiang blinked, he couldn't believe it, but he couldn't help but stop. "What do you want to do? No! Don't move the box! Don't move!"

The box is not big, there is a password lock, Qin Li guessed it by guessing, there are some jewel gold that can be realized, and there are small antiques. It should be a lot of money to get the auction.

Qin Li was very satisfied with the harvest. She took the box and took a look at Qin Mingqiang, who was so angry that she was very angry. "Dad, Xia Song and Chunhua are your grandchildren. You can’t watch them. Hard times, you can rest assured that I will find a nursing home to settle in. You will be at ease. When I have placed both Xia Song and Chun Hua, I will come back to pick you up and give you a good time."

"Animals! You are a beast!" Qin Ming was so angry that his chest was violently ups and downs, his eyes were fierce as if he were going to eat.

Qin Li did not care about his drinking, and smiled and asked, "If I am a beast, then what are you?" After holding the box and turning around, he left.

The apartment, the scooter that was originally set up to facilitate Qin Mingqiang’s babysitter to buy and sell food, the gold jewelry in the box... Qin Li folded all the things that can be immediately discounted, and then found a home nursing home to put Qin Mingqiang I went in and paid for a year's money and rushed to the hospital to meet Di Xisong.

"Mom has money, so I will go to you to ask the best lawyer, and try to make you a light sentence." Qin Li touched Di Xisong's pale face and promised, "Reassure, your injury can be cured." I will find a reliable hospital abroad, and pick up your sister by the way. I don’t know how much she has been in the sanatorium arranged by Zeng Peizhong, and whether she has been bullied."

Di Xiasong, who has not responded at all, finally turned her head and looked at her. His eyes were faint and mad. "You have to leave me to find my sister? Oh, too, I am already a waste person. It is more important than the madman. You Qin’s mother and daughter are deeply in love, and my family named Di is naturally not comparable.”

"Su Xiong!"

Qin Li drank him with a letter, and saw that his expression became more gloomy, busy and eased, and he calmed down. "What stupid thing you said, you and Chunhua are the same in my heart. Crazy... Others say your sister, because they are all broken, but you and Chunhua are brothers and sisters, how can you follow this! The main purpose of my trip abroad is to ask you for a lawyer and a hospital, domestic Those lawyers and hospitals are too easy to be bought by Fan Da and Zeng Peizhong. Mom doesn't worry. If you are sick, Mom will come back to accompany you soon, don't be afraid, huh?"

Di Xisong squinted and suddenly shifted the subject and asked, "Where are you coming from? Didn't you still be debted by Zeng Peizhong's lawyer for a while before, how can you have money now?"

"It's a little savings for your grandfather." Qin Li vaguely replied, seeing the time is not early, and comfortably touched his hair, picked up the bag and turned and hurried away.

Di Xisong left her back and her eyes were darker and darker. "I will believe you last time... the last time..."

Time went to October, Di Xiasong was discharged from hospital and was taken into custody again. Qin Li promised that the lawyers and hospitals he had found for him were not realized. Even the people were completely gone, and they completely broke contact with the country. Even Zeng Peizhong’s Lawyers are unable to contact people.

After learning about the incident, Di Xisong only faintly pointed out that people became more and more silent, and no longer asked about Qin Li.

A remote town in the country of Y.

According to the clues, Qin Li finally found Di Chunhua, who was secretly transferred by Zeng Peizhong, in a dilapidated small hospital. At this time, Di Chunhua’s thoughts are somewhat unclear, and there is a heavy violent tendency to become a real madman.

"The condition has worsened." The doctor said with a cold accent in a local accent, and then said, "Your daughter's hospitalization and medical expenses have been in arrears for a month. Please go to the downstairs hall to pay the arrears." Disdain to leave.

Qin Li holding her daughter who is constantly struggling with her expression in her arms, hates her eyes, "Zeng Peizhong, your heart!"

Di Chunhua, who was shrunk in her arms, was stimulated by her sharp voice. She suddenly grabbed her arm and took a bite. Qin Li ate a pain, screamed and opened her, looking at the blood in her hand. I finally cried out of the crash.

After coming to Y, she was dragged by the disappearance of Di Chunhua and missed the best time to help Di Chasong. Now Di Chunhua is... and her two children are all finished.

The first day of the broadcast of "Xiantu" was affected by the festival and the ratings were slightly lower. After the festival ended, the ratings of "Xiantu" began to grow steadily. By the time of the broadcast, the history of the TV station had been steadily broken, and the record rate was recorded at the same time. After that, it hit a new high and was far ahead of other stations.

The name of Di Qiuhe began to be known to audiences of all ages. The public’s impression of him slowly changed from small meat to a new generation of powerful actors, no longer wearing colored glasses that “this person is eating by face”. he.

After the heat, it is very easy to bring big black. The criminal Shaofeng quickly released most of the gossip news about Di Qiuhe on the Internet, and strictly prohibited Di Qiuhe from using He Bai’s Weibo show and love. Qiuhe’s name and private life faded out of the netizens’ eyes, leaving only the works on the TV screen, and the audience was crazy.

"From now on, your Weibo account will only allow you to send things related to landscape photography, and all other content will be yelling at me!" The criminal Shao Feng was very serious and said, "You should not go out and sway during the filming. Don't be afraid of being photographed by the paparazzi. From now on, every time Di Qiuhe's appearance must be accompanied by works, the best news of lace news is not to be done, to act low-key, understand?"

He Bai seriously nodded his notes and was very obedient. "Okay, I will change the password of the Weibo account and hand it over to Li, and I will ensure that I will not mess things up. "The Wolf Poison" has entered the high-intensity shooting period. Autumn Crane didn't have time to wander outside."

Di Qiuhe, who was not allowed to speak, sat on his side with a sullen face and buried his head to give him a white peeling nut.

Shou Shaofeng glanced at him, solemnly and slowly, and smiled on his face. He said, "With you, I am relieved. In addition, invitations for the major awards ceremony at the end of the year have been sent over, internal news, "Cheng Jiajun" and "Xiantu" has been selected as the best male lord of the two awards ceremony. You are mentally prepared and come back as soon as possible. The team will take the time to arrange the styling for you."

Di Qiuhe heard the action of peeling the nuts, and looked up at the Shaofeng wind opposite the video call, raising his eyebrows slightly.

He Bai was very surprised and asked, "Are you sure of the finalists? Who are the opponents? Is the competition strong?"

"The specific shortlist has not yet come out, I can only confirm that we have been short-listed." Peng Shaofeng replied, turned over a document in his hand and analyzed, "But I can roughly guess other works that were shortlisted." What is it, in general, the competition is still a bit intense, but it is not hopeless, let it be."

He Bai nodded and said that the emotions were still a little excited.

In the past, Di Qiuhe took the Emperor of the Year with "Xiantu" and shocked a underground bus. He got the nickname "Learning Little Prince". Although the "Xiantu" in this life has been played in advance, the result should be similar. Now there is another "Family Army", if you can get another movie emperor... depending on Emperor Plus, the two most important awards in the TV drama industry and the film industry, if Qiuhe can get it together... It’s awesome!

Di Qiuhe smiled at him and fed a nut to his mouth. He simply hanged the conversation after talking with Shao Feng, and hugged him in his arms, and he blinked at him. Soft hair, a thief flashed in his eyes.

The awards ceremony... seems to be a good place to announce things?

When the first snow fell in winter, Di Chasong’s case was finally sentenced to 15 years in prison. It was not light or heavy, and it was a moderate sentence. Qin Li did not appear until the end, and Di Xisong’s heart was completely cold.

In mid-December, "Steller's Poison" was filmed in advance, Di Qiuhe and He Bai rushed back to B City and began to prepare for the awards ceremony at the end of the year.

A few days later, Qin Mingqiang’s death message came out.

"I heard that I was abused by the nursing home of the nursing home and starved to death." He Bai put down the tablet computer, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and some could not bear it. "What did Qin Li think? The son was sentenced and his father was abused in the nursing home." She can hold back and stay abroad and not come back. You are not saying that she has a small amount of money in her hand. Why doesn’t she give Qin Mingqiang a better nursing home?”

Di Qiuhe put down the milk, bent down to help him pull the blanket on his leg, kissed him and sat down against him, and replied, "She didn't dare to come back. After she came back, the money in her hand would be forcibly taken away. Used to repay the debts that Zeng Peizhong left for her. Now Di Chunhua is in a bad state of mind, and her condition is serious. She needs to spend money to nurse her. She does not dare to mess up. As for Qin Mingqiang... Qin Li was not prepared to take care of his life. ”


"In any case, you have to go to jail. If you can only hungry in the prison, if you can only take care of one of the two children, Qin Li will definitely give priority to foreign foreign affairs, because there is still one in Di Chunhua who can't be found. Secret, she did not dare to put Di Chunhua in the hands of others for too long."

He Bai brows more wrinkled, and he grew up in a happy family. He couldn't understand Qin Li's friendship. It should be considered as a priority. If necessary, he would ruthlessly give up.

"Don't think about it, drink milk and go to bed early, and go to see my grandfather tomorrow." Di Qiuhe licked his eyebrows, put the milk up in his hand, and took away the tablet in his hand, not letting him again. Pay attention to these.

He Bai also felt that paying attention to these would only affect the mood, so he obeyed the milk and climbed into the bed.

Fan Zhai.

Put the latest report on the cover, Fan Da looked at Hu Zhao and asked, "Autumn crane and Xiaobai will come over to eat tomorrow, is the menu ready?"

Hu Zhao nodded and handed over the menu he had prepared.

Fanda took a glance and glanced at it, then nodded a few more greasy meat dishes and said, "They have stayed abroad for too long. After returning, they may not be used to eating a big cockroach. Better."

"I was negligent." Hu Zhao wrote this point down and took it back to the menu and screened it again.

"Qin Li over there..." Fan Da suddenly spoke and rubbed the corners of the report file and said, "Let the New Year, the solution will be solved, don't affect the mood of the autumn cranes." On the other side of Di Xia Song, the knives from the loved ones are the most embarrassing. Qin Li and Di Bian should have a good taste."

Hu Zhao nodded hard, and immediately called to arrange his instructions.

The next day, Di Chunhua suddenly became ill in foreign countries, and the news that the cause was suspected to be a genetic defect caused by her close relatives made a headline.