MTL - Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself-Chapter 1757 Fist forged sword

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The latest website: From the attack to the end, the entire process took just over a minute. I have n’t seen the addiction in the theater, the spirits are still immersed in the depth of shock, the enemies in the sky, and even the invisible artillery are dead. The real meaning is still endless, and some even hope to come back to a large group Ape-man flying soldiers, and then they can watch the show again.

Lin Tao flew to the island in the middle of the river with his footsteps, and the night breeze blew his long hair and a coarse coat, both of them rising back, hunting and dancing in the wind, don't have a sense of the sword fairy returning from the sword .

The fiery fire said excitedly: "Is this the legendary flying sword?"

Ling'er and the tide also looked dull, and felt that the fiery fire was a knowledgeable woman, and it was worthy of Brother Ning's unique skill. But Bi Mingzhu, who stood next to him, showed a disgusting expression, and did not hide her disdain.

Really a frog at the bottom of the well.

The old master of the Three Realms, playing Feijian, is playing with clouds.

Where did you know that the fiery fire followed up with a sentence: "I know, he is the legendary sword fairy!"

Shun Zhang opened his mouth this time: "Wow! I have also read it in an ancient book, flying with the sword, that is the sword fairy!"

Bi Mingzhu sniffed again, it was really scary to have no knowledge.

That sword is not a flying sword weapon, the sword fairy can only cut fruit.

Does the old send need a flying sword to make the royal sword fly? If you don't need it, even if you give him a piece of paper, he can fly it.

However, she did not bother to talk to these frogs at the bottom of the well.

Ning Tao flew over the heads of the people, closed the sun-hunting sword, set foot in front of the fiery fire, and handed the sword to the fiery fire.

The fiery fire was dumbfounded.

The sword is still chasing the sun, but the blade has broken several gaps, and even the blade is not straight, and it is obviously bent.

The heart of the fiery fire is bleeding. This is the best sword. The deceased teacher sees it as treasure and inherits it from her. She sees it more important than her life, but now it has become like this.

The chase of the Sun Sword is actually not difficult to predict. Ning Tao used it to slash flies and Ape-man, which was no problem, but he also used it to snip shells. It wasn't considered blown up, it was already fatal.

When Ning Tao saw the fire and did not reach out to pick up the sword, he smiled and said, "If you have a poor quality sword, if you can trust me, you will give it to me. I will go back and forge it for you. I will give you a better one. Sword. "

The scorching fire has never been away from the body, even holding the sun-chasing sword while sleeping, and has never given it to others, but now this situation she could not agree and there is no way, she hesitated before saying: " When you're forging, I want to watch by, is it feasible? "

Ning Tao nodded his head: "OK."

Until then, Shun returned to God, a little unwilling to look at him: "This is over?"

Ning Tao looked at his old husband with a strange look. What Yue Zhang meant was that he couldn't understand.

The tide said, "Father, do you want the ape-man to come and attack us again?"

"Uh, huh, I don't mean that." Shun smiled and stretched out and held Ning Tao's hand. "Xiang, go, let's have a drink, my husband is happy today, our grandpa is not drunk."

Two red clouds appeared from the tide of peach blossoms.

Is this called Hyun?

Reluctant just now.

This is the inevitable result of strength.

If Ning Tao didn't have such a crushing force, killing the ape man like killing a chicken, would he marry his baby daughter to Ning Tao?

The ape-man raid destroyed several houses and killed a few people in the tribe, but compared to the loss of the ape army, it is worthless. Except for those who lost their loved ones, the entire tribe was immersed in a cheerful atmosphere . After all, Ning Tao killed the ape-man's flying brigade in the void, and the whole tribe saw it. Everyone was relieved and happy.

As a result, a number of bonfires were lit on the open space in the middle of the tribe, and men and women danced around the bonfire, making it like a festival.

Shun was really drunk and was helped by the tide to go back to sleep.

Ning Tao had no sleepiness at all, but the tribe's wine was really unpleasant, not only turbid, but also a sour taste, which was simply incomparable to the fine wine he had drank.

Bi Mingzhu didn't drink much, and she also thought that the wine was too bad.

It was Linger, who was drunk without much drink, and fell asleep on the desk.

The tide returned and said, "Brother Ning, Sister Mingzhu, live in my house. I will show you the room."

Bi Mingzhu said, "Okay, I want to rest too."

After that, she gave Ning Tao a look.

This is the signal to start the human-shaped crystal machine. Ning Tao understood it and grinned. However, when he got up and wanted to leave, the blaze stopped him.

"You can't go," Lie Huo said.

Ning Tao froze slightly and said, "Do you still want to drink?"

Lie Huo said, "What you said, repair me the sword to chase the sun tonight, and you promised me to watch beside you, so soon you forget?"

All her heart is her sun-hunting sword, she doesn't want her sun-chasing sword to spend the night with this stinky man.

Ning Tao smiled bitterly: "Pearl, you take Linger back to the room first, and I will come back after repairing the sword."

"Then you come back earlier." Bi Mingzhu said, holding Linger along with the tide.

The blaze rose from a few days before the case: "Come with me."

Ning Tao said, "Where to go?"

Lie Huo said, "Don't you have to forge a sword, of course you have to go to the Forge Sword House, where there is a stove."

Ning Tao smiled: "I don't need a stove for the sword."

The fierce fire snarled: "Are you making me laugh, and you don't want a stove forging?"

Ning Tao didn't explain. He picked up the chasing sword beside him, wiped it with his hand, and a blue faint flame suddenly rose from the sword.

This is the magic fire.

The life in the past was golden and extremely high, but that was the reason in the virtual world, with special effects added. This is the real world. It is not surprising that the **** crystals have become blue heaven-made energy crystals.

Here at Ning Tao, this is just a preliminary operation, sparse and ordinary, but the fiery fire is stunned, and a pair of black eyes are full of surprise and excitement.

Ning Tao did not pick a place, so he placed the blue chasing sword on the stone brick on the ground, then raised his fist and began to beat the sword.


With one punch, Mars was splashing, the blue magic fire wrapped his fist, and the sense of sight of the flame magic fist.

The fiery fire's mouth opened and could not be closed.

Ning Tao hit the sword with a punch.


Mars shot in bursts, the curved sword body slipped straight, and the gap disappeared a little under the fist. Cloud patterns appeared on the beaten sword body, and the color continued to shift to blue.

Dangdang ...

The tide also came, staring at Ning Tao, who was stunned.

Forging a sword with her fist, she was the first time in her life.

Ning Tao had no intention of pretending to be compelled, but how can he now be so charismatic, pretending to be unpretentious.

Dangdang! Several gaps in the chasing sword completely disappeared, and the edge of the sword flashed blue, and it looked sharp and sharp at a glance.

Ning Tao said while beating the sword, "The quality of your sword is too poor. As long as you don't mind, I will give you a boost."

The blaze came back to him, and said hurriedly, "I don't mind."

Ning Tao smiled indifferently, a movement of divine thought, and the aura in the void gathered from all directions, and was again introduced into the sword of chasing the sun.


Ning Tao continued to beat, and Mars shot from the sword had a little more aura.

The tide and the fierce fire could not help but approach Ning Tao and watch the change of the chasing sword.

The Sun Sword was just a sharp sword before, but after injecting the aura and forging it with the divine fire, it gradually got aura. To the two tribal girls, this one seems to have life, even the soul!

so amazing!

But the most amazing thing is this man with a fist and a forged sword.

Tide couldn't help but glance at Ning Tao, she didn't know why she thought Ning Tao looked more and more beautiful.

Lie Huo also stunned Ning Tao with the light from the corner of his eyes. The focused man had a taste of it, he couldn't tell the way, but he was deeply attracted to her.

Dangdang ...

Ning Tao stopped beating and withdrew the magical fire. The sword was blue and blue, like a sword made of blue gems. The fire shone on the sword, and the sword was covered with clouds, exuding a faint blue light, very beautiful.

The fiery fire can't wait to bring the sun-hunting sword to appreciate it, but then heard Ning Tao say, "Without materials, this can only be the case. It's still too bad. However, I can help you carve a rune into it Would you like a flying sword? "

"Feijian? The legendary Feijian?" Lie Huo's voice shook terribly.

Ning Tao nodded his head: "You probably can't control Feijian, but Feijian has sword spirit, and you get along with this sword day and night, after all, it is good. Of course, the power is definitely much greater than that of Feijian."

"I'm willing!" The fiery fire can't wait to be authentic, afraid that Ning Tao will change his tongue.

Ning Tao smiled and raised his finger to write a rune on the sword.

There was blood pouring out of the fingertips, and the blood was also blue, but it was mixed with heavenly creation energy and the blue light on the sword. The two tribal girls could not see that he was writing runes with blood, only Seeing his fingers passing by, mysterious runes were completed.

After the rune was written, Ning Tao threw out the chasing sword, and the sword flew around in the room as if it had grown wings, flying around the fire for a while and flying around the tide for a while. During the flight, the blade buzzed, as if following what was being said.

Finally, the chasing sword flew in front of Ning Tao, his sword trembling.

Ning Tao said lightly: "Okay, go back to your master ~ ~ Yin!

A sword screamed, and the chasing sword flew to the fire.

The fire reached out and grabbed the ice, and that hand trembled.

Ning Tao yawned: "I'm sleepy too, I'm going back to bed to sleep."

Yawning is fake, and sleeping is also fake. It is true that he wants to produce a heavenly energy crystal.

The two tribal girls stared at him dumbly, one stranger than the other.

Ning Tao took two steps and looked back and said, "Tide, do you want to come together?"

Tide's face turned red all of a sudden: "You're not serious again, we are not married yet, I ... how can I go to bed with you in the room, and if you treat me so lightly, I will ignore you."

Ning Tao smiled, and then left contentedly.