MTL - Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself-Chapter 1756 Takejo Adult

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Latest website: "Why do you agree or not agree?" Shun looked at the tide, and the baby girl's reaction made him wonder. In all fairness, Ning Tao and his son-in-law are satisfied. Nothing about a talent is important. What is important is the strength of the person, and Xia needs such talents.

"I ..." The tide stopped talking.

Shun sighed.

He remembered his dead wife, and it was this virtue.

Obviously want, but he said no.

The fire said, "The tide is unwilling."

As soon as she said this, Tide followed, "I do."

Blazing Fire: "..."

The tide followed, adding: "But the army of the Great Ape Empire is marching towards Dragon Belly Gorge, ready to destroy our tribe. After the war is over ... I will marry you again."

Ning Tao nodded his head: "I'm yours, and I'll marry you after the war."

Good things were finalized, and a smile appeared on Shun's face. His eyes moved to Bi Mingzhu and Ling'er: "What are these two girls?"

Ning Tao said, "I'm here to introduce you to my father-in-law, this is my wife Bi Mingzhu, this is my wife Linger who hasn't been through the door. She is a member of the hot spring tribe and the only master-level spiritual warrior in the hot spring tribe. "

哐 Dang!

It wasn't just Shun's chin that fell to the ground, even the fiery chin hit the ground.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly froze.

Shun looked at Ning Tao with a strange look. Although he didn't say anything, his eyes seemed to say a lot.

You are my daughter, Xia's maiden, and a princess after the founding of the People's Republic of China. How could you marry a man with a wife?

Moreover, this is not the most irritating, the most irritating is that this Ning Tao actually spoke without hesitation and integrity. The thickness of his skin is almost no one before and no one comes.

The fire's reaction and feeling are similar to Shun.

She has seen shameless and arrogant, but she has never seen shameless and arrogant like Ning Tao for the first time!

The tide is also a little embarrassing, and he did not expect Ning Tao to speak out the identity of Bi Mingzhu and Linger in such a straightforward manner.

However, Ning Tao also felt that the fire was not too hot, and added: "It is my wife who is my wife. There is nothing to hide. I like them. I like the tide. I will give them happiness."

"You really shameless!" The fiery fire couldn't help it, and yelled out: "Since you have married a wife, why did you come to marry the tide, the tide is our Xia tribe and the princess of Xia Kingdom in the future? ! In her capacity, what kind of man can't be found, you actually want her to give you a side room! "

Ning Tao frowned slightly, and he didn't like to listen to this.

Shun said: "This dear thing ..."


A violent explosion sounded suddenly in the valley, and then a blaze of fire rose to illuminate the night sky. Several people in the room could see the fire through the window.

"What happened?" Shun was taken aback and walked towards the door.

Ning Tao and others followed.

In the sky, a group of giant flies swooped down from the mountain on the west, but the shells were not fired from the giant fly, but from a mountain on the west.

Da da da!

The ape-man's machine gun on the back of the giant fly fired, and the bullets pour down the tribe.

Houses were broken through, and thatch and bark flew in the air.

"Abominable!" Tide said angrily: "I didn't expect the Apemen to launch an attack tonight, are they so eager to destroy our home?"

Shun San legs rushed to the wooden bridge.

Ning Tao stepped forward and held him: "Master Yue, you ..."

Before he could finish, the fiery sword came out of the sheath instantly, and a sword was poked on his ass.

This was the third time the fire had poked him with a sword.

Ning Tao did not even look back, and then said, "Master Yue Zhang, don't panic. These ape people dare to commit crimes. When Xiao Xi kills these ape people, it is a gift to Master Yue Zhang."

"Relax, those apes are killing my people. I'm going to call the soldiers to fight!"

But Ning Tao did not let go.

The fiery fire held the hilt of the sword and pushed hard into Ning Tao's buttocks, but that hip seemed to be as thick as the wall of the city, and could not hold it in.

Linger said angrily, "You woman, are you really bullying us? You repeatedly beat your sword with my brother Ning, and my brother Ning doesn't care about you a lot, but you don't have to go into the inch, put the sword Take it away, or I'll be polite to you! "

Although she has just entered the realm of the Grand Master, she is not the opponent of Lie Huo, but Lie Huo can't bear it with her sword holding Ning Tao's ass.

The fire returned the sword to the scabbard and said nothing.

She actually reacted instinctively. Ning Tao's hand was smooth. She didn't think of anything, and drew her sword directly. But it was this stab, she even had the heart to die. Thinking of her grand master, she stabbed Ning Tao with a sword three times today. She didn't fight back and let her stab.

At this time, a large group of tribal warriors appeared on the river bank, lighting their torches and making noises, and some people were shouting the names of the fiery fire and Shun. This sudden air strike obviously frightened them, and they were a little bit of a god.

Ning Tao then let go of Shun's hand: "Master Father-in-law, just stay here, Xiao Xi, come and go."

Ning Tao suddenly returned her hand, grabbed the hilt of the fierce chasing sword of the fiery fire, drew it with a snap, and snorted, and the large glittering sword came out of the scabbard.

"What are you doing?" It wasn't until Ning Tao pulled the sword out that the fire responded, slowing down more than one beat.

"Kill the enemy with a sword." Ning Tao said, his legs kicked on the ground, the whole person suddenly shot from the ground, and blinked to a height of 100 meters, leaving a pale blue in the void. Colored phantom.

The fire of Shunhe was stunned again.

This person ...

Birds ca n’t fly so fast!

But this is just the beginning.

Ning Tao set foot in the void, struggling across a distance of tens of meters without a trust, and struck a giant fly at the front.

A blue sword gas tore through the void and instantly split a giant fly. The giant fly was divided into two by the sword gas. The ape man on the giant fly's back screamed and the giant fly's body fell to the ground.


A cannonball flew suddenly.

It was not Ning Tao, but the landing point was a densely populated area of ​​the tribe.

Ning Tao probed a move, the shell suddenly changed direction, and went straight to a group of giant flies. The giant flies had just arrived over the tribe, and were about to open the killing ring, but they did not expect that one of their own artillery shells whistled. The frontal giant fly and the ape-man on the fly's back had not seen anything clearly, the cannonball Just hit me.


There was a flare of fire in the sky. The fragments of the bomb and the shock wave of the explosion swept several giant flies, and there were many flesh fragments in the sky. "This ..." Liehu couldn't help blinking. She thought she was dazzled and had hallucinations, but what she saw after blinking was still true. Ning Tao's figure floating in the void was wrapped in a blue energy light, so eye-catching, he could see clearly every move on the ground. The blaze of the explosion has not disappeared, and the dead fly and ape-man corpse fragments are still flying in the air. These are so real.

"Xi'er, you ..." Shun's voice was a bit sloppy, "Where did you meet this person?"

Tide said: "The baby met Brother Ning in the hot spring tribe. At that time, the child was seriously injured. If it wasn't for Brother Ning's treatment, I'm afraid I won't be able to return."

"He, what state is he, and how so terrifying?" Shun asked again.

The tide said: "He is ..." A word of God almost came out, but thought of Ning Tao's instructions, she swallowed that word again, "Father, I don't know, but I know he is really powerful, He can destroy a city by himself. You can rest assured that Father Ning is here. The ape-man can't beat him at all. "

"The army can't beat it?" It was fiery fire.

The tide nodded: "Ape-men all over the world can't beat each other."

The fire was a little disbelieving, but at this time I just saw Ning Tao throwing out her sun-chasing sword, and the sun-chasing sword was shining blue, as if it had a sword spirit possession, flying around in the void, a A giant fly, and the ape-man pilot on the back of the fly were chopped off. The little bit of disbelief in her heart was gone, and with the experience she had just experienced, there was a little more awe in her heart.

However, her mind was still full of confusion.

She herself is the realm of the heavenly warrior, which is the highest state known. She asked herself that she could not kill the enemy in the void like Ning Tao, and it was as easy as walking in the courtyard. It's like killing. So what is his realm?

She thought of a possibility, but then denied it.

She thought of God.

But how is that possible?

When he was thinking about this, the last giant fly was also killed by Ning Tao, and he himself was hundreds of meters away from the chasing sword.

In the tribe, on the bank of the river, the tribe's people were all embarrassed.

More than a dozen shells whistled from the mountain peak.

Ning Tao probed a move, and the chasing sword flew back to his hand. He threw it out, and the sword broke through a distance of hundreds of meters and hit one of the shells.


The shock wave of the explosion was propelled in all directions, and each shell was detonated in the air and exploded into a ball.

However, there is still a fish missing the net, looking at the small island in the river and flying.

When Ning Tao probed his hand, the cannonball suddenly hovered, and then he waved his hand, and the cannonball flew back. After blinking, a violent explosion came from the mountain to the west. Then there was a series of explosions. The ape-man's vanguard managed to airlift dozens of small steel cannons to that mountain peak, but as soon as Ning Tao stunned his soul, it was destroyed for nothing.

The chasing sword flew back to Ning Tao's hands, and Ning Tao returned to the island in the middle of the river with a sword.