MTL - Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself-Chapter 1769 Dry wood blowing snow sword

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Great harvest.

The heaven and earth treasures of this world can also be said to be spiritual materials, with abundant quantities and many types. Even the two great gods Ning Tao and Bi Mingzhu who have seen the world are surprised.

In the rich aura environment, everything is evolving, and quite a few things have spirituality, not only plants and animals, but also rocks and dirt.

Ning Tao didn't pick a place anymore, just sorted the collected spiritual materials in a ravine ditch next to the Yulong Basin, and then used the divine fire quenching treatment to prepare for the refining device.

Three women catch fish by a stream and prepare to make dinner.

Until now, the posture of the tide walking was a bit wrong. It was kind of uncomfortable, but it always felt a little uncomfortable to walk.


A tree branch flew out of Linger's hand, plunged into the water, and a big fish more than a foot long died instantly and was pierced by a living pair. A ray of blood melted away in the stream with a little blue.

There is no doubt that this fish also absorbs a lot of aura. It is a spiritual fish of spiritual level. If it hadn't died under Linger's hands, it would have evolved into a fish sperm if it had been given a hundred years to evolve.

It is also strange to say that the aura of this world is so abundant that ape people can make cannons, and insects have evolved into Kun people, but they have not seen a fairy. There should be, maybe just not met.

Linger lifted the branch with the big fish high, and said excitedly: "Sister Pearl, sister Tide, I catch a big fish!"

Bi Mingzhu smiled. When she probed her hand, each fish picked up from the water automatically and flew into her hand. In the blink of an eye, there were several big fish in her hand.

Linger put the branch in his hands awkwardly.

Tide said, "Sister Mingzhu, I'll help you get the fish."

Bi Mingzhu said: "You're inconvenient, I'll come."


This is not the first time that Bi Mingzhu has said that she is inconvenient, and she will feel embarrassed and blush every time she hears it.

Bi Mingzhu raised a bonfire near the stream, and three women gathered together to grill fish.

when! when! when……

Ning Tao also started to strike iron. A pile of spiritual materials, ore, leaves, flowers, spiritual soil, and miscellaneous things were smashed under his fist, and they formed a ball, and then shot blue Mars. Shenhuo has been burning, removing impurities and improving the quality of mixed materials.

Linger couldn't help but stand up and glanced, his eyes were full of worship and deep affection: "Brother Ning is so good, you can use your fists to hit iron."

Bi Mingzhu said with a smile: "Your brother Ning isn't hitting the iron, it's the refining machine, you just have to wait and he will make a real flying sword for you. In the future, if you have learned the fairy You can fly your sword and fly wherever you want to fly. "

"Wow, that's great!" Linger's eyes were full of longing again.

Tide's mouth also showed an excited smile, as if he was imagining himself flying on a flying sword.

That must be cool, right?

"Tide, I'll talk to you." Bi Mingzhu said.

The tide came to Bi Mingzhu: "Mister Mingzhu, what do you want to say to me?"

Bi Mingzhu's voice was small: "You have been married to the old send, we are still a family, but Linger has not yet entered the door, I think so ..."

Linger raised her ears. Although Bi Mingzhu's voice was small, after all, she was an awakened and completely penetrated heavenly martial artist. Even mosquitoes could hear her clearly.

Bi Mingzhu did not avoid Linger when she heard it, and she continued: "Sister Tide, you are inconvenient. How about letting Linger tonight tonight?"

Linger's face with his ears eavesdropping turned red all of a sudden, but he still tried to keep steady, pretending not to hear.

The tide gave Linger a glance with the light from the corner of his eye, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "No problem, I also like sister Linger, but it is cheaper for him."

Bi Mingzhu smiled: "Our women did suffer a little in that matter, otherwise your legs would not be inconvenient."


How long will you say this?

Bi Mingzhu beckoned: "Linger, come here, I will talk to you."

Linger was eavesdropping all the way. She could clearly hear every word that Bi Mingzhu and Tide said, but she pretended to be choked, and then passed, with a naive expression: "Sister Mingzhu, you have to follow what did I say?"

Bi Mingzhu knew that she had been eavesdropping, and the flushing on her face was still so obvious, but she didn't say anything. She said, "I promised you to let the old bride marry you through the door, but this wild country It ’s not good to have a wedding, and it ’s not appropriate to go back to the tribe. Do you want a wedding?

It is indeed inappropriate to hold a wedding in the tribe. Yesterday, we held a wedding for Ning Tao and Tide, and if we hold another one right away, and Ning Tao marries a wife, the people in the tribe do not know how to look at it. There is no light on Shun's face, so will the tide's face.

Linger didn't hesitate at all, and said, "I don't mind. There is nothing to do without a wedding. As long as I can be a sister with two sisters, I am very happy."

Bi Mingzhu reached out and patted Linger's shoulder: "Then you will sleep tonight, is that okay?"

Linger's face turned redder, and the wheat color couldn't be suppressed. She hesitated for a while before she came up with a word: "I ..."

Tide said with a smile: "It seems that Linger is not ready yet. She is so young and she has to prepare for a while."

Linger hurriedly said, "I'm not young anymore, not at all, I'm 19."

Bi Mingzhu said: "It's a bit small, then only I'm here, I'll send it cheap."

Linger was anxious: "I, I can, I just ..."

"What are you just?" Bi Mingzhu looked concerned.

Linger finally said, "I'm just shy."

"Giggle." Bi Mingzhu and the tide both laughed, both of them trembled with laughter.

Linger said, "You all bully me!"

"Giggle ..."

"Hahaha ..."

when! when! when!

Old delivery is still hitting the iron.

But at this time his slap eyes were not a mixed spirit, but a blue sword.

Beside him, there is already a sword that has been created. The blue light is shining. The whole body is crystal clear. It is like a sword carved from blue chalcedony. It is very beautiful. But it is not that simple and beautiful. The blade is extremely sharp, and a leaf is blown to the blade by the night wind, and it is divided into two without sucking. Moreover, the two leaves that fell to the ground instantly froze and were frozen.

This sword has the property of frost, and no one casts it so powerfully. Once the psionic energy is injected, its power can be imagined.

This sword, Ning Tao even took the name, it is called blowing snow.

when! when! when!

Under the iron fist, the blue Mars splashed.

Pieces of cloud pattern appeared on the sword body, and the part of the sword tip was covered in a blink of an eye, the sword tip was a bit cold and extremely sharp.

It's done.

Ning Tao engraved the rune with his finger on the sword, and the blue **** cloud was forced from between his fingers and landed on the sword. The thin strokes became a rune.

After a short while, the runes were carved.

Ning Tao grabbed the hilt of the sword and slashed at a stone beside him.


The rock that weighed at least a thousand pounds was split in half by a sword, and it was not Mars that sputtered, but flame! The fierce flame engulfed the two rocks in an instant, like a big fireball.

This sword has a fire property, which is completely opposite to the first.

Ning Tao thought for a while, and took the name again, this sword is called Qianchai.

At this time, the three women came over, one of whom was holding a fish that was grilled outside and tender.

Seeing Ning Tao holding a fiery sword in his hands, Bi Mingzhu's response was flat, but Linger and Tide were so excited that they couldn't wait to get together.

"Great sword, Brother Ning, is this a sword for me?" Tide asked.

Linger wanted to ask this sentence, but the tide had already spoken, and she would not say it.

Sisters must be polite to each other.

Ning Tao probed his hand, blowing a snow sword into his hand, and a cold air was released from the sword body, and the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped by 20-30 degrees!

Ning Tao held two swords in his hand, one was dry firewood of the fire type, and one was the snow blowing of the frost property. With his spine as the centerline, his body appeared two energy fields, one hot and one cold. Visible to the naked eye.

"Wow! This sword is so good!" Linger couldn't help the excitement in his heart, praised him, and wanted to reach out and take a look.

Ning Tao said with a smile: "These two swords are called Snow Blizzard, Frost attributes, and the tide is for you. Hold them."

He gave the tide to the snow.

"This fire is called Qianchai. Linger gives it to you. Hold it." Ning Tao handed Qianchai sword to Linger again.

Tide and Linger looked at each other with a snow-blown sword and one with a dry firewood sword, all of them couldn't help but look at it.

Where in their lives have they seen such a good sword, not to mention this is a flying sword forged by the Lord of the Three Realms.

Bi Mingzhu said: "Old send, don't you say you want to make a magic weapon, where is it?"

Ning Tao said: "It's all dark, I just prepared the materials and go back to make them."

Bi Mingzhu also saw a large piece of blue mixed spiritual material left on the ground. It had no metallic texture and looked like blue chalcedony.

"Then what kind of weapon are you going to make?" Bi Mingzhu asked again.

Ning Tao said: "In the past, I had an artifact called the Chaoduo pot. I could kill the enemy in battle, and I could cook at home. I think ..."

Before he finished speaking, Bi Mingzhu already showed a disgusted expression.

Ning Tao paused a bit: "But I don't plan to make a pot like that anymore ~ ​​ ~ I will make a hammer and take the warhammer at hand."

Bi Mingzhu smiled: "It's almost the same, you don't have to worry about it, I make it myself, and I'll tell you something ..."

Linger's heart was tense, holding Bi Mingzhu's hand.

Bi Mingzhu laughed and said, "What are you so shy, you have to endure it sooner or later."

Linger said shyly, "Don't say, don't say OK?"

Ning Tao said with a smile: "Let's go back, if you have any more words to say on the road, I guess Earl has returned and see if that guy has detected anything."

The voice fell, and a blue **** cloud emerged, and Ning Tao stepped up.

I don't know why, Linger's heart was lost.

Had known, she would not stop Bi Mingzhu.