MTL - Ostentatious Zhao Yao-Chapter 50

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The old lady Zhou brought her to her. I took a look at the scholar. He was arrogant to his mother. He was estimated to have been so alive when he was alive. Even now he can’t get rid of that identity.

Zhou asked him if he liked me or not. If he likes it, it will be fixed. He will use my birthday characters to write a red book, and he will give me a gift.

I was behind Zhou, but after Zhou asked the scholar, the scholar looked up and shyly looked at me. It was a shy look like a big girl. When I was touched by my eyes, he Make a trip.

I stared at him coldly. I opened my lips behind Zhou and gave me a face with three words: "I like it."

The bookman swallowed his mouth: "His"

Zhou smiled and opened his hand, but I tried to take my hand. I avoided it and turned and said: "Go, go straight to the red book."

Zhou is very happy: "You see your wife, still anxious."

She walked with me all the way with her son, talking about the past of their family, saying that they were rich in the village before their death, doing good deeds, doing a lot of good things, the only bad thing is that the child died early, week The hard-working pull of his son grew up, and finally got a scholarship. It was when he was going to take the exam. The village in the mountain was robbed by a band of bandits, and both mother and son were killed.

The old lady had no other wishes before his death. The only thing he was unwilling was that his son did not have time to get a wife when he was alive. So I have been searching for a few days in the ghost market, picking the eight characters, picking the appearance, picking whether it is a virgin, poor and stubborn.

Now meet me, Zhou is still picking: "You have lived for too long, and you are born a little older, but it doesn't matter. You were a cultivator during your lifetime. You are a cultivator, save more people, kill more people, and better. My son is honest..."

I stared at the scholar who didn't dare look up at me and looked at me like this.

I bookmarked him with him, and went back to the soul shop with them. Before the return to the soul shop, when Zhou was about to lift his foot in, Muir asked me: "I am only enough to buy you an hour of yang. Dan, you have to tell me first, what do you want to do with Yang?"

I didn't change my heart and didn't jump with her. "I had a martial art before my death. I suddenly died. I didn't have time to explain it to my people. Now I plan to be a relative in the land. I want to go back and make a break. By the way, I will tell you People, let them give me some paper, and I will take care of you and your son in the future. You let me stay in the world for a long time, I will let more people help me burn and burn more."

Zhou listened: "Then I will buy you two!"

She wants to enter the store, I follow behind her, the ghost of the green face at the door put Zhou into the door, but stopped me at the door, I did not move, Zhou quickly came back to explain: "This is my daughter-in-law."

For the first time in this ghost city full of discrimination against the wicked, I stepped into the soul shop.

Zhou and the treasurer bought two pieces of Yang Dan, the treasurer said behind the black cloth: "Yang Yangdan can only return to his body, what is the appearance of skin, it is your own problem. We only guarantee that Yang does not guarantee the quality, and the skeleton can't climb up. We are not responsible. It is buried in the soil and the coffin is too tight to be covered. We don't care. When the time comes, no matter where you go, The body disappears and returns to the original place. The soul returns to the ghost city and continues to be a ghost."

I think the most expensive thing in this ghost market is probably one of their most irresponsible goods...

But it doesn't matter, I said, even if it is a bit of a bone, I have to climb up to kill Luo Mingxuan.

I didn't wait for the return to the soul shop, no matter what Zhou said about me, I looked up and two of them were swallowed into the stomach.

When I was stunned, my mind was dizzy, everything in front of me began to become blurred. Zhou’s voice became a scream in my ear. She seemed to be arguing that I was too anxious to eat.

The chest suddenly rises and swells the pain of tearing my soul, tearing my heart, and it is even more difficult than any pain I suffered before my death.

I clenched my teeth, and when I was trembling and twitching, I only thought of one thing in my mind—hope that the clown and the eight blame did not nail my coffin too tightly.

It’s a big joke to make this time still yang but not climb out of the coffin.

"Boom" roared, as the whole world in the brain exploded, and I fell into the darkness.

It seems that my five senses disappeared at this moment. All my consciousness no longer exists. The body is like floating in the void, sinking and floating...

I don't know how long it took. I finally felt the existence of heaven and earth slowly. I felt that my body had weight, I felt the coolness in the air, and I slowly smelled the smell that floated into my nose.

It is not the smell of earth, but a subtle sweet taste...

I slammed my eyes open, and all the darkness receded. The gloomy city of the ghost city was left behind by me. It was a white snow world, and the snow and ice became an icicle hanging from the zenith.

I took a deep breath and felt that my back was empty. I fell off the wall and fell to the ground with my limbs.

I wheezed for a moment, looking at the hand on the ground, I raised a hand, turned it, looked at the lines of the palm, and examined my skin color. Yes... is my body.

It is the body that I used to sway and use to deter the world.

I have not turned into a bone!

I turned my head, but I saw behind me a cold ice wall with a human-shaped depression on the ice wall. I was on that wall. Or... in the wall?

I am at a loss and somewhat ignorant.

what happened?

Am I not buried under the grass grave in the forbidden land of the Dust Mountain? Didn't I drift over the grave for five years? But why is my body here now?

Did not turn into a bone, no rot...

Where am I, where is this, and who put my body here? Why are you here? How is it placed here?

I am in the end...

Dead or not?

Numerous problems swarmed out, and I sat back, cold and cold, and passed from the flesh to my brain, let me calm down.

No, now is not the time to think about these things!

I only have two hours, no matter what the answer to those questions is, I have only one thing to do now - let Luo Mingxuan continue his sleep.

Waiting for Luo Mingxuan to seal again, I will slowly explore these problems of my body.

I stood up and shook my fist. This is my body. I am familiar with every inch of my body, my breath, my blood, my strength, all my pride and pride.

I was still wearing the set of clothes that I had in the past, and the black and red robes that I wore at the time of the sword, I shook off the frost on my shoulders and turned my neck. Laughter with a lip can't stop.

The ice in front of me showed my appearance, black hair, black hair, full of magic, I bite my fingers, let the lips dye the shocking red.

I am a devil.

The devilish road to the wind has been swaying, I have been there for a long time... I have no activity.