MTL - Otherworldly White Dragon Lord-Chapter 1136 Summoned in the void (on)

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A low-level district was born, relying on usury to make a living in black streets and gradually became the leader of a small gang organization. In the process, more than forty borrowers were killed by his persecution, including several pairs of wives and daughters. He persecuted and trafficked into the hands of brothels and slave traders, and several families were pursued to commit suicide by the whole family, while he went from a small gangster in the lower district to a gang leader and finally became a large team leader after collecting money into the upper tier. The person in charge is specifically responsible for lending and collecting money for the civilians in the lower-level areas. Those who continue to restructure the old industry will be trapped by the money, and then eat it like a poisonous insect.

But today, this man's life full of sin came to an end, as cursed by the countless people killed by him, and one day he will eventually go to **** for what he did!

It's just that maybe this man can still play for one hundred and eighty years after he went to hell. After all, as a mortal, he was dominated by one of the demons in the abyss, and the fallen master Bellismy was carefully selected by his contractor Claire. The first offering. It is not the first time that Claire has killed, but the boy's heart is still restrained by a certain degree of ordering thought. He can kill the slave dealers, the black streets, and the guards in the city without hesitation. The other civilians in the city, Claire, did not touch them from beginning to end, and did not even harm the interests of the poor in the lower quarters. Even when he was most lonely and suffering, he chose to endure rather than go. Use a gem to control a noble and beautiful woman to vent her distress and physical desires.

His contractor still needs some metamorphosis, and this change can't touch the bottom line that makes him unbearable from the beginning, and start with some characters that make him feel "evil and evil" and "dead to death". And then induced him to lower his bottom line little by little until he gradually realized that anyone in this city except himself could be sacrificed, even the beautiful noble girl who had a crush on his heart. .

The fallen master watched with a smile as Claire had killed the sad mortal in front of him with dagger. The force in the gem forcibly broke the blockade from the locked plane, and the power of the void spread into the main material plane and was locked by the circle without leaking out. .

The man's soul as a sacrifice will be polluted by the filthy power under the curse and then captured by the twisted void. His consciousness will be split out and fall directly into the void. The painful wandering in the oven of souls will become an abyss Part of it, and the essence of his soul will be decomposed and compressed to nourish Carlisle, so that the boy ’s mental strength and physical body can grow as fast as possible.

Claire also quickly felt this benefit. At the moment when the man died, he felt as if he had been invaded into the hot spring with an indescribable comfort, even the weak spirit brought by the use of a little gem power. Fatigue also passed away.

lt; this city is shrouded in strong negative feelings, and the power of the abyss is quite abundant ~ My contractor can try to summon a demon into the main material plane to become your hound. gt;

"Hey summons the demon ~ won't it be found?"

lt; a small test, as long as you have the gem in your hand to cover up the devil's breath is very simple. gt;

"Can I control it?"

Claire is particularly cautious about calling the demon, and may not have enough experience in some cases, but the boy also knows that his power comes from the gem in his hand, and Misty is the fallen dominator Bellis Mi. You can't hurt yourself by signing a contract, but the demon summoned by yourself can no longer be restricted by the contract. What if the fallen master secretly let them back to bite themselves and change, it may be OK to have their own spell level against ordinary city guards. , But it ’s stretched against extraordinary powers such as demons.

lt; Use gems to build a contract that is completely dominated by Ru, so that no matter what kind of demon is afraid to disobey Ru's orders. gt;

"Is that so?"

Claire's proposal for the fallen master began to be a little dubious. On the ground, the blood of the man had drawn a weird magic circle. Each step of the fallen master carefully instructed, and he also answered some questions about Claire without hesitation. While receiving guidance, Claire was also careful to use the power of gemstones to appraise in a wonderful mentality, and finally in the demon summoned to establish a slave contract not affected by the soul contract, and in the call, the demon's body preceded the void and the In the gap between the main material plane, it is correct to wait until the contract is completed to make it completely reach the main material plane. The fallen dominates and intends to deceive himself with lies and conspiracy.

lt; some mortal mages have summoned a lot of demons, but some mages carelessly killed instantaneously when they summoned demons that could not be controlled by themselves. The safest way is to temporarily Let it fully step into the main material plane. In the gap between the void and the main material plane, the demon can temporarily exist and establish a connection with the summoner. At the same time, it cannot interfere with the main material plane, so that the summoner can After establishing a contract with the demon safely, he releases it into the main material plane. gt;

Having determined the possibility and security, Claire also put aside his heart and began to cut a part of the plane with gems according to the instructions of the fallen master. I have to say that the Free City is worthy of being known as the city of evil and distortion. The instantaneous meeting point of the locked plane is formed in the center of the circle.

If the ordinary wizard and the summoner have opened a meeting point with the help of the magic circle, the psychic power of the mortal can only weakly sense the dense and wicked atmosphere of the void. If no special offering is prepared to seduce you to summon Demon, then you can only lock a vague atmosphere and call it like playing a betting game. It is possible from the bottom cannon fodder to the high-level abyss.

Claire is not the same. The boy ’s mental power easily penetrated the blockade of the plane under the power of gems. The fog that had been enveloped by the devil like the mist disappeared, and the demons who were hovering on the edge of the twisted void were all exposed to In front of Claire.

"Uh-huh" Claire was suddenly shocked, and even some weakened emotions were reactivated by the horrifying sight in front of her.

As if the blood-soaked crimson earth was full of bones, countless strange appearances of demons lingered on the ground like predators of weak flesh and strong food, not only those weaker demons, some demons even their own kind Relentless predators do not seem to have the concept of the same race in their hearts. All except themselves are enemies and food.

Claire wanted to gag, and he was literally a **** like a meat grinder in front of him. These demons quickly began to change after swallowing the same kind. Some limbs grew stronger and some bodies extended with barbed tentacles. , Some arms extended with sharp claws like sickles, all the devils that swallowed the opponent will try to make themselves more aggressive so that they can carry out the next predator more effectively, but even these demons will soon encounter At the attack of the same evolved companions, here countless demons were killed and more demons from the distant skyline seemed to endlessly infuse new sources into this huge ground meat ground. flesh.

Only those strongest, craziest, twisted, and cruelest demons can survive here!

Claire once believed that the distorted city of the free city is the embodiment of **** in this world, but today I only understand what is called real hell. Absolute chaos, absolute disorder, and abandon all rules and rationality. Beast-like primitive instincts are weak and strong.

lt; A group of sad beasts that are disorderly and ignorant, although scornful, they cannot be denied. Perhaps Zengwu was also one of these disorderly beasts. gt;

The fallen master Bellismy said quietly with a trace of meaningful tone.

Claire didn't think much but left the barbaric killing place with the help of his dominating force. It was like jumping across tens of thousands of kilometers in an instant and came to another land, a land with white bones, countless like beasts. Creatures are lingering on the ground, carefully avoiding invincible enemies, and preying on demons that are weaker than themselves.

reason! Although the same is a world of weak meat and strong food, the demons here have some sense, unlike those beasts who only knew crazy killing and devouring.

At the suggestion of the fallen master, Claire aimed at a demon that was like a goat, but with black fur and human hands and feet, exuding foul and dirty body fluids. The bones splashed by the body fluids were like When dripped into strong acid, it usually melts quickly.

Claire focused on the jerky mantra to forcibly guide this not-so-strong low-level demon into the gap between the main material plane and the void. According to the introduction of the fallen master, Claire learned that this is an unholy demon. The filthy demons of the order can only be said to be better than the disordered beasts in self-consciousness. They emit an unbearable stench, and their body fluids are also highly toxic and corrosive. As long as the combat effectiveness can be ignored, The stench from their bodies is that ordinary soldiers can be careful to kill them.

It is naturally unqualified to treat such an unholy demon as a hunting dog, and the fallen master obviously does not intend to let the unholy demon serve as his covenant, calling it only to help Claire become familiar with how to build a contract to enslave demons, and The unholy spirit is not so courageous. When Claire threatens to drag it into the main material plane and break its retreat ~ ~ After discovering that Claire can really do this, the unholy spirit immediately chose Succumb, but after Claire controlled it with the contract, the next command of the fallen master Bellismy was to kill Clare, and then use the power of gems to extract the contaminated souls and condense them to seduce more. A powerful demon comes.

The unholy demon was killed by Claire in the struggle, in fact, it was not killed. Claire slightly interrupted the gem's connection to the unholy demon and the void, and then the sad low-level demon was crushed to ashes by the law of the interface.

lt; a trivial bug is not suitable as a hound, as a hound of ru needs to have sufficient ingenuity to assist you and the ability to move freely in this city, come on my contractor, this time the defiled defiled soul To communicate the depths of the abyss in the media, I will guide the demons of the Seventh Level Desire of Desire to the border. gt;

Claire nodded and did what the Fallen Master said, communicating deeper into the void. In fact, he relied more on the guidance of the Fallen Master Belizem. All he did was suppress the planes by destroying the jewels. With the blockade and seeing through the demon's real body, the use of this power exerts little load on the body.

And soon there was a phantom in the middle of the French formation, strictly speaking, a beautiful phantom quickly appeared in front of Claire.