MTL - Otherworldly White Dragon Lord-Chapter 1155 Demon Countermeasures Division

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A murder case seems to be rare in a chaotic and distorted city like the Free City. Many murders, large and small, occur every day in the lower levels. No murders happened that day. Maybe it ’s good for living in this city. For people, that ’s a strange thing.

But when the murder was involved with demons, things were a little different!

Lu Luxiu walked along the position of the breath and finally locked a house on the edge of the intersection between the upper and lower areas. The weak abyss breath was emitted from this house, and the air was a little bit rotten The stench confirmed that the victim inside had been dead for several days.

I noticed that there was still a cat on the eaves who was scratching itchy with his short legs while still staring at himself. Lulu pretended to leave as naturally as a passerby passing by, and these small animals have the pervasive surveillance ability. It is impossible to see that the body was not found. The reason why it did not attract Yunokia ’s attention, I am afraid that these controlled animals can only pass the picture back to Yunokia, which is equal to the power of the abyss near the scene. Yunokia was undetectable.

Lulu Xiu, who returned to the Silver Wing Chamber of Commerce, immediately marked the location of the accident on the map and secretly ruled the investigator Lagwen Lux. Recently, Lagwen, who was troubled by Claire's clue, suddenly came to the spirit. Immediately took a few subordinates to 'pass' the house cleverly according to Lelouch's request and happened to find the dead body that had begun to decay.

Originally, Lagwen's men thought that this was just an ordinary murder, but Lagwen, who was told by Lelouch, quickly found that the victim had been brutally punctured from the wound on the extremity of the corpse, although the wound from the chest It seems to have been killed, but the victim was apparently fixed to the ground before he died. If it was just a simple murder, the prisoner did not seem to be so troublesome. Further investigation Lagwen soon found that on the ground Some traces that were wiped off but still remained a little seem to be some kind of irregular figure, and the victim should be fixed in the center of the figure when killed.

As soon as these clues came out, everyone, including several subordinates in Lagvin, immediately jumped out of the word sacrifice!

Someone killed and sacrificed in the free city, and some things happened in the free city and the kingdom of Belama not long ago. The subordinates of Lagwen suddenly changed their faces, and Lagwen as the investigator was excited. His body shivered and immediately let the security team be contacted with a communicator. Within 15 minutes, a large number of heavily armed security team members rushed to the scene to block the group. At this time, the cat who was still snoring nearby was Watching the human activities below meaningfully, the cat screamed like a dream and then ran away.

Soon after the cat left, just as the city security team was preparing to take away the corpse, a more professional team had arrived at the scene. From the perspective of clothing and clothing, it was clear that all were high-ranking mages.

This battle apparently frightened the security team, and this team was headed by a tall and plump woman wearing a black and white robe. Although she was veiled, her skin was exposed to a healthy wheat color. Everyone exudes a seductive atmosphere that looks like a female feline, not so much a mage, a woman who makes men have a few reveries, looks more like a lady walking in high society.

If a woman like her with a seductive beauty appears in a tavern or a prostitute-man for a pro-Fongze man, she can probably go from the east to the south!

Although the other party ’s identity is noble mage, members of the security team had to stop the other party before verifying the other party ’s identity. Fortunately, the mage ’s attitude was also very good, they just asked to talk to the person in charge.

The captain of the city security team, who had a good personal relationship with Lagerman, had to stand up at this moment and asked politely, "Is this yours?"

"We are the wizards of Her Majesty's Law School. I heard that this case involved sacrifice of cultists. We were entrusted by the city council to handle all matters related to demons and cultists. You can directly report to the city. The council verified this. "The masked woman, headed, said in a slightly husky and lazy tone.

"Ah, right? Just a moment, please."

The security team captain froze for a moment and let people get the communication magic device. After verifying to the upper level that there was indeed such a newly established department, it was finally released.

"Is the investigator His Excellency Lagwen?"

Compared to the captain of the security team accompanying him, the first thing the female mage was looking for was Lagwen, who had previously departed from searching Clare.

"His Excellency Lagwen is investigating the scene. Please wait a moment for me to let him know."

While the dispatcher went down to inform Lagwen, the captain of the security team also carefully asked: "I don't know what to call you."

The female mage looked at the security captain for a moment before she said slowly: "Layard, you can call me that."

"Okay Layad ~"

The captain of the security team nodded, and then saw Lagwen came over under the leadership of the team members. The two sides met briefly to introduce themselves, and then the female mage named Layard quickly shifted the topic to the business. This Lagwen also explained the situation in as much detail as possible and invited Rajad to the scene.

The entire scene has been blocked by the city security team, because the demon sacrifice is likely to involve the boy Claire who is at large, and this boy is the culprit who brought the demon into the free city. Now the upper city council of the free city and the big three are in Wanting him with all his strength, apparently already treating him as the number one dangerous person. When dealing with this suspicious case, the city security team did not dare to relax at all. In addition to the on-site search, many members of the security team and detectives have begun to search for the approaching See if you can find some clues.

As Lagwen entered the murder scene, although the doors and windows had been open for a long time to ventilate, some faint rancid odor remained in the air, but Layard did not seem to care that this was all in the center of the room.

"Ms. here, when we found the body, the body was lying on its side when we found it, and here we found that there were abnormal bumps on the ground besides a few traces. The victim apparently had a kind of lying when he died. The posture was fixed here, and further investigation revealed that some kind of trace was painted on the victim. "

Lagwen quickly introduced the situation. While listening, Layard opened the white cloth on the corpse that was set aside. Although it had been treated by the mage 'cold', there was less maggot nuisance, but Shan was still in a rotten state and some let The visceral corpse was revealed, and the corpse's abdomen was smeared and the traces could no longer be seen because of decay. Radya pressed the corpse with his disgusting hand and seemed to feel something.

"When did you die?"

"It should be two to three days based on the autopsy."

Rayad nodded and moved to the invisible figure in the middle of the room. The female mage took a small bag out of his pocket and pulled out a little powder like grit. Then she breathed softly. Falling slowly in the air as if being given life, the ambiguous figure is finally completed.

Lagwen took a deep breath and looked at the completed magic circle on the ground ~ Uh! It should be a magic array. Although this magic array is not a circular array commonly used by mages in the past, this irregular pattern is full of dense unknown text. I do n’t know why I do n’t even understand the consciousness of these texts, but I ’m pulling while watching the text. Gervin felt that his heart was filled with leadstone, and his heart was filled with a sense of frustration, loss, and blasphemy, as if there was a feeling of unpleasantness, but he was partial to his heart and wanted Use violence and fear to vent.

It wasn't just Lagwen. The members of the security team on the side seemed to have such feelings or turned their heads and didn't want to watch.

"Ms. Layard, let's take a record of the backup, oh! Please wait!"

Resisting the discomfort in his heart, Lagwen was trying to draw the figure, but Rayard had already started, but he just gently waved the figure filled with grit and disappeared.

Rayad turned his head and said in a hoarse tone: "Record? If you don't want to become a murderer and a fraudster in your next life, Mr. Lagvin, I advise you to have the fastest time to forget what you just saw."

"I see. Thank you for your reminder, Ms. Rayad."

Lagwen is not a fool naturally understands the female mage's suggestion. It is obviously no small matter that the array of people is visibly uncomfortable. If you observe the sky for a long time, you know what effect it will have on you. But the reason why you want to record is not really to back up, but the owner needs a detailed information, any information should not be let go.

Rajad is also very satisfied with the investigator's knowledge and prudence. He is dominated by curiosity and fool to pursue the truth. He has seen too much ~ ~ also It is annoying to deal with this self-righteous fool again and again. Obviously, the investigator's mind is so good that he should be more at ease in cooperating with him.

"It is indeed a sacrifice here." In the end, the commissioned expert gave the answer to the demon professional Rayad. In fact, without such a troublesome investigation, Rayad also knows the answer. After all, it is left in the air. A faint abyss has said it all.

Lagwen asked, "Did another demon enter the city?"

"No ~ This law formation is not summoning but devouring. The sacrificer devours this man's soul to nourish himself, killing others to devour the soul is a common method used by cultists."

"That's right, then I'll have the personnel conduct an exclusion investigation to see if the victim has been in contact with any suspicious people recently."

"If you have any information, please be sure to notify us as soon as possible."

Rayad took out a communication sharpener and handed it to Lagwen, but there was one thing that the female mage did not tell Lagwen that it was true to devour the soul, but from the residual wave of the power of the abyss, there were already demons stepping It is necessary to enter the main substance, and it does not seem to be one.