MTL - Outside Of Time-Chapter 453 Shrine of God's Identity

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After eating the leaves, Qingqiu suddenly had doubts in his heart, and looked suspiciously at Xu Qing and the captain.

She felt that this scene was a bit familiar, and she thought of the hateful ghost hand and mad dog.

However, recalling the attitude of that Heitian **** son towards her, she thinks this is impossible, after all, the ghost hand and herself are not pleasing to each other, and they will not soften their hearts when they can kill him.

While thinking in Qingqiu's heart, Xu Qing looked up at the leaves, licked his lips and was about to pull off a piece, but the tremor of the ten intestine tree was too violent now, and the trunk that spread to the sky swayed and swayed. A strong wind swept across all directions.

Seeing this, Xu Qing could only regretfully put away this thought.

At this moment, the captain turned his head, looked at Qingqiu, and laughed.

"You want this fortune too? Well, it looks like...cough, I'll count you in later." As he spoke, the captain waved his hand, and he took out the devil's sickle and threw it directly at Qingqiu.

Qingqiu's mind was shocked, and after catching it, he felt the cries of evil spirits in his head, and then looked at the captain and Xu Qing.

With a wave of his right hand, Xu Qing threw Qingqiu's storage bag over.

Qingqiu breathed slightly short, took out a mask from the storage bag and put it on his face again. While calming down, he doubted the identities of Xu Qing and the captain again. She spoke suddenly.

"Who are you?"

"Bold, talk to my son of God like this." The captain glared.

Xu Qing had no choice but to cough to remind the captain not to play.

The captain smiled and stopped talking, but jumped onto the ten intestine tree in front of him, turned his head and waved at Xu Qing, and then jumped up.

Ning Yan at the side froze for a moment, doubts arose in his eyes as well, looking at the figures of the captain and Xu Qing, he fell into deep thought.

But before he could think about it for long, the rattan on his stomach was pulled, and his body moved involuntarily with the captain.

The sense of grief and indignation immediately dispelled doubts and permeated Ning Yan's mind.

Xu Qing looked as usual, rushed out in a flash, stepped on the ten intestine tree, and galloped upwards.

Qingqiu gritted her teeth and followed quickly.

In this way, as the waking breath of the real fairy ten intestine tree became stronger and stronger, and the swaying became more and more violent, the four of them rushed along a trunk at high speed, and rushed out of Baizhang directly.

From this position, you can see the jungle on the ground when you look down, but the height is obviously a bit short, so you can't see the edge of the jungle further away.

While looking at it, Xu Qing suddenly felt itchy on the back of his right hand, and his pupils shrank suddenly when he glanced away.

On the back of his right hand, there was a small bag bulging at this moment, and there was a slit in it, almost the moment Xu Qing looked at it, the slit opened suddenly.

That's an eye!

With deep eyes, he looked at Xu Qing.

At the same time, similar changes appeared on Qingqiu's body in the rear, eyes grew on her arms.

The same is true for the captain. Eyes appeared between the hair on the back of his head.

Ning Yan was a little better, but bulges appeared all over her body, and it seemed that it would turn into eyes in a short time.

"That's right, Bismujie really appeared!"

The captain laughed, and when he looked back at Xu Qing, there was a look of madness in his eyes.

"Little Ah Qing, the fate that the elder brother told you before will appear soon!"

During the sound transmission, the captain raised his hand, bit the newly grown eyes on his arm, swallowed it with a click, swallowed it while chewing, and continued on his way.

This scene caused Ning Yan great discomfort, as if thinking of some bad memories, his grief and indignation grew stronger.

Xu Qing looked at the eyes on the back of his hand, and the power of drug control in his body dissipated, and the eyes turned black in an instant, and they rotted and went blind.

Then he raised his expressionless left hand, and a dagger appeared, poking at the rotting flesh.

With a twist of the dagger, the piece of meat was dug out. In order to prevent more weird things from happening, he did not throw it away, but put it in the storage bag.

After doing this, Xu Qing continued to move forward. Eyes continued to grow on his body, and he died one after another under the poisonous pill, and was dug out one by one by him.

Gradually, the number and speed of eyes growing accelerated, and more and more wounds on his body.

Xu Qing frowned, feeling that the speed and number of eyes appearing had grown explosively.

At this moment, more than a hundred bulges appeared on the body in an instant, and then eyes were formed rapidly. In just seven or eight breaths, Xu Qing's arms, thighs, chest, back, neck, and even his face were all covered with eyes.

With the appearance of the eyes, his sea of ​​consciousness was also confused, and some inexplicable souls were added. These souls were exactly the same as his own, as if they were part of the body.

But their expressions are different, some are ferocious, some are crying, some are laughing, some are wailing, some are decisive and some are cowardly.

Feeling these souls in the sea of ​​consciousness, Xu Qing's face was gloomy. He found that every time an eye appeared, a strand of soul would appear in his sea of ​​consciousness.

These souls do not have the ability to take away, and contain different personalities, as if each independent personality is trying to integrate into his soul and influence it.

Once they succeed, Xu Qing will become a crazy person with countless personalities.

At this moment, the captain also has eyes all over his body, and so does Qingqiu.

Only Ning Yan was quite normal. No eyes appeared on his body from the beginning to the end. There were only bulges growing out one by one. Although there were gaps on them, his skin was too hard to open his eyes.

Even at the back, countless bulges overlapped, still

It was impossible to open it, and many eyes were suffocated and dissipated by themselves.

After feeling the specialness of these souls, Xu Qing did not hesitate, and the Ghost Emperor Mountain in the Sea of ​​Consciousness instantly radiated a suppressive force, and slammed down on the souls that appeared.

When Xu Qing obtained the enemy's golden elixir, Xu Qing's stealthy dao seizing skill would passively absorb some of the enemy's distracting thoughts, and the role of Ghost Emperor Mountain is to suppress these.

At this moment, with the light shining, all the souls of personality that appeared in Xu Qinghai immediately collapsed in batches.

Their collapse also gave Xu Qing a lot of benefits, causing his own soul to be nourished and strengthened rapidly.

This discovery made the eyes of Xu Qing's whole body light up. He simply stopped poisoning and let those eyes grow.

The methods of other people's handling are different from Xu Qing's, but they are ingenious.

The captain raised his hand to eat at first, but with most of the eyes, he did not know what to do, and countless big mouths grew out of his body, constantly wandering around the body, swallowing one eye after another.

Ning Yan was doing as usual, most of the bulges on his body were suffocated, and it seemed that he could not form a soul of personality. This made the captain very interested. He grabbed the rattan in his hand and pulled the trembling Ning Yan to his side, studying while walking.

As for Qingqiu...she didn't deal with it.

Personality is a great fortune for her, and her blood mood itself needs personality. At this moment, her eyes are shining strangely, and her breathing is slightly short. Obviously, the benefits she has obtained are amazing.

Even Xu Qing gradually exuded an air of surprise from her body.

However, the appearance of the eyes still has a limit after all. After a stick of incense, when they reached a height of eight hundred feet, the eyes no longer formed.

Xu Qing felt a little regretful in his heart, the poison spread, and he became a **** man in an instant.

Hundreds of eyes rotted and turned into black water flowing down.

It was also at this time that the captain who was walking in the front stopped.

He looked around, and pinched his fingers again to make the calculations, and then amidst the changes in the expressions of everyone, he raised his hand and directly opened his stomach, took out a piece of intestine, tore a piece and threw it on the tree trunk under his feet.

At the moment of touching, the captain's intestines melted into the tree trunk, and then he turned his head to look at Xu Qing, his eyes were bright.

Xu Qing was silent for two breaths, opened his stomach with a knife, cut off a piece of intestine calmly, and threw it on the tree trunk.

As the intestines were absorbed, the captain turned his head and looked at Qingqiu expectantly.

Under the mask of Qingqiu, others cannot see the change of expression, but in the end Qingqiu turned his head and did not cut his intestines.

The captain felt a little regretful, and Ning Yan on the side took another breath. Even though he had experienced a lot of weirdness along the way, he still felt that these two Heitian clansmen were insane.

Because on the next road, he saw that the two Heitian tribes cut off a section of intestines and merged them into the tree trunk almost every hundred feet, and he looked at the endless branches, and absurd thoughts arose in his heart.

"Is their intestines enough? Will they come to cut my intestines after they are not enough? It's okay, they shouldn't let it go... No, that Heitian clan is too dangerous, maybe he has other ways to cut my intestines."

Ning Yan's mind was a little messed up, and he became more and more sad.

In this way, everyone walked up along the tree of one intestine of the real fairy ten intestine tree.

Time passed unknowingly, dawn came, and the sun rose between the sky and the earth. From a distance, it seemed that the end of the sky was burning with fire.

But on the other side of the sky, in the capital of the Tianfeng Dynasty of the Shenglan clan, which is very far away from here, there is a wind blowing across the earth at this moment.

The sky is not the sunrise, but the red glow of the sunset.

Amidst the radiant red clouds, a black light that spread throughout the entire capital suddenly exploded from the central altar of the city and went straight to the sky.

This piece of black light contains supreme power, which can devour all light, devour all laws, and refine all light.

The sky, which was originally fairly bright, was covered by this black light in a large area.

From a distance, it looks like a black spot growing in the sky, and there is still a red glow in it.

Under the black spot, where the altar was, there is a temple.

This is the Temple of Hetian!

There was a bell ringing in the temple, which gave off a feeling of ancient times, as if echoing through the years. At the same time, the black spot in the sky slowly turned into a huge face of the Hetian clan.

This is an old man of the Heitian clan, his hair has turned white, his skin is full of wrinkles, and the red glow left on his face has been absorbed by him and turned into eyelids.

His appearance made all the Shenglan tribes in Tianfengwangcheng tremble, and knelt down one after another, with awe on their faces.

The emperor of the Tianfeng Dynasty and all the princes and ministers in the palace also bowed their heads and bowed respectfully to the sky.

At the moment when they knelt down, the face formed by the dark spots in the sky slowly opened its eyes as the red clouds rolled.

His eyes are deep, and countless dao marks can be vaguely passed away, and the black spots are also blurred, as if countless overlapping shadows from different times converge on this face.

Even in the sky around it, countless small worlds formed and dissipated, turning into scenes of shocking visions.

And in the end, these small worlds are like nutrients, turning into strands of black air, amounting to trillions, boundless, wandering around this black spot, spreading, swallowing light, forming blurred mountains and rivers, blurred land, and the formation of sentient beings. .

From a distance, all of these seem to have turned into a real big world that exists in the sky. UU reading

It's just that this big world is still in its infancy and is not stable.

It is conceivable that if one day this big world is stabilized, it will be carried on the shoulders of people.

When such an existence came to the world, it would no longer be a return to the ruins, but... a living Yunshen!

The world was silent, and all living beings in the capital bowed their heads. After a long time, the sound of vicissitudes spread throughout the imperial city.


"Here!" In the palace, the Emperor of Heavenly Wind responded respectfully.

"Go and welcome the Son of God!"

"Follow Hei Tian's decree!"

The Emperor of Heavenly Wind, his mind stirred up waves, and he spoke in a deep voice.

At this moment, between the heaven and the earth, the wind... is even stronger.