MTL - Overturned Tower-v2 Chapter 10 Holy Order: Skepticism

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Chapter 10 Holy Orders: Skepticism

The Bird in the Cage of the Overturned Tower Chapter Ten Holy Order: Skepticism Ignorance is a clear-cut reformist.

In other words, at least 60% of the angels can only be reformists.

This is because of their origins—the ability to become mechanical angels, that is to say, they chose the power of the church during the battle of teaching law, decided to stand on the side of the church, and voluntarily donated their personality and consciousness, just to end the war.

As a thank you for helping him assemble the prosthetic eye, and also for helping Russell, Wuming finally spoke and told about the history that only those who experienced it know.

Because during the Second Shariah War, the Church was the one that was suddenly attacked.

The primitive church was first born in 452. At that time, they were not a unified church, but existed in the form of different churches and different sects... People respected those saints who had great virtues and miraculous powers of healing the dead, and built around them. Organizations arose to imitate their actions, follow their teachings, and derive divine power from all kinds of good deeds.

That's the original church.

But even saints with the same outstanding virtues have conflicting ideas. And unlike villains with flexible moral values, righteous people are unwavering in their own way. So the sects clashed with each other.

Until the first mage war-the elves gained the dominion of the world, and the giants, who were also immortal species, were wiped out. All mage factions and sects participated in this war. Countless people were forced to abandon their respected virtues in the war and chaos, and the Holy Order no longer recognized them.

Nearly all denominations lost the power of Holy Orders during that decade. The church calls it.

It wasn't until later that the church finally understood the operating logic of the power of the holy order—when they personally violated the precepts they believed in, the power of the holy order they had obtained would inevitably be stripped away. So they formulated a unified scripture, began to unify teaching history, and compiled common teaching methods. The scattered sects gradually gathered and formed a force that cannot be ignored.

Compared with aloof mages, churches based on principles have a broader mass base. And the mages are still enemies with each other, but the church has been united and will be further united.

So the mages took the initiative to provoke the war-their demand was that the church must limit the size of the congregation and disarm. Candidates for bishops and above must report to the local lord. And only with the consent of the lord, the church can carry out appointments, promotions, transfers, and demotions involving local clergy, and the church's operating income must be paid to the local lord.

And everyone knows that those lords seem to be subjects of the monarch, but in fact they are all mages.

Because it is the military power controlled by the lords. At that time, almost all high elves were high mages at the same time-that was the era when half of the ministers were elves. And those few human lords and human ministers also hope that they or their children can become mages, possess extraordinary power and long lifespan, which means that they must show favor to the elves—they ask the elves.

And the best among them will be sublimated into elves and become real immortals.

Wuming sneered and said:

The Church could not accept this request. This is the origin of the Second Mage War—the War of the Shariah.

When the war started, the mages had an absolute advantage. The power of holy orders lacks aggressiveness, and except for a very small number of living saints in the church, none of them have the power of high-level holy orders, and their high-end combat power is less than one-tenth that of mages. The reason why the church has not been completely defeated after three years of war is entirely because the mage himself is also fighting among himself.

In fact, if Father Andrew hadn't invented the God-falling device, the final result would indeed be like this.

In this case, those who are willing to participate and become the first generation of mechanical angels are those who have ideals and dreams and have seen the most difficult generation. At that time, there was no Internet, these messy information, and no popularized psionic chips. They couldn't understand what it meant, and they all dedicated themselves with the determination to die. That said, all angels are necessarily idealists.

Because only voluntary and pure experimenters can complete the divine descent. Even the slightest doubt and reluctance in my heart could not complete the personality fusion. They have seen the most painful and difficult time, and the pain that people are enduring now seems a bit artificial to them.

And those, they will immediately try to change when they see it, and usually they can really do it, and the effect can be said to be immediate - this kind of action and ability means that they only need to treat the symptoms, and they don't think about going. As for the root cause, if the suffering has not been eliminated, it will only be because their work efficiency is not high enough, there are not enough people, and they are not hardworking enough.

Just as it is not easy to develop farming technology in the tropical rainforest where food is inexhaustible. Human beings only think and seek the essence when they encounter obstacles.

Mages have participated in all kinds of intrigues in the dream world, but the team of angels is absolutely pure. Normally, they would be easily used by others—but before they could be used by others, they were directly frozen for a hundred years.

When they wake up, the world has become strange.

The real appeal of ignorance, it is. Among the upper echelons of the church, there are only a few who awaken the power of the holy order, let alone living saints who are as powerful as angels. Not counting Paradise Birds, there are only ten such people, and all of them are elves.

After being frozen for a hundred years, the angels have generally become unable to recognize the control and jurisdiction of the now secular Cyber ​​Church. The Church is apparently in parallel with the Seven Giants, but in fact they have more or less admitted and condoned it. part sin. The reason why the angels are still willing to obey the orders of the church is because the eleven saints are still willing to obey the pope; it is also because the pope himself is the most senior angel.

The Eleven Saints plus the Pope—the Twelve—are the final link between the Church and most of the angels. Compared with others they recognize, they usually respect the wishes of these twelve people unconditionally and obey their orders.

But there is a difference between ignorance and those other angels.

He was invited by the first Tower of Babel as early as the Islamic War. And he is not a civil volunteer, but the bishop of the church—he has read the history of religion.

Therefore, he knew that the church itself was not a good thing. The famous elves at the top of the church are the same as the famous elves at the top of the mage.

Director Amirus himself is someone who can be respected by angels; Chairman Sai Lun is a living saint with the strongest holy order in the world today. They were the main supporters of the church during the Sharia War. If he is a normal angel, then he must be full of respect and trust for these two people-the ignorance does not exist through the power of the Holy Order, which is condensed.

He has always been suspicious of these elf directors at the top of the church. He also doesn't trust the Pope, who is also an angel.

—Because of the power of the holy order carried by ignorance, it is.

Just like Wuming's understanding of the power of the holy order-he believes that the power of the holy order is not for those people, but for those people. He does not regard the power of the Holy Order as an inviolable sacredness, but as a kind of power.

This is consistent with the underlying theory of the Fuji Society, that is, good people and good deeds should be encouraged.

The Relief Society is more worthy of his devotion than the Church; the words of the Ultramarines are more worthy of his obedience than the Twelve Saints.

And his behavior of questioning the director of Amirus for the sake of outsiders is undoubtedly a move within Mechanical Angel. generally

People cannot understand this heavy price, but this has indeed touched the bottom line of the angels—it is a more radical move than rebelling against the church, and it is basically equivalent to denying the sanctity of the Pope.

It can even be said that when he did not submit the meeting application through the channel of the church, he went directly to the director of Amirus

It can be considered that ignorance has betrayed the angels - such actions are no different from trying to assassinate the Pope.

The pain in his heart was beyond A Zhan's comprehension.

The reason why he didn't wait for the Paradise Bird and didn't notify the horn, he did this kind of thing alone. On the one hand, it was to avoid fighting with these two people; . No matter which side they are on, it makes ignorance unacceptable.

—It is enough that I am the only one who bears the guilt.

From this point of maybe I have already joined the Tower of Babel.

Since the crime I bear is equivalent to assassinating the Pope, if Russell's result is bad, should I really take advantage of the situation and assassinate Amirus?

In the middle of the night.

Wuming, who swam silently to the door of Director Amirus's house like a pitch-black snake, fell into his final thoughts.

And just as he stretched out his hand, intending to knock on the door.

Suddenly, a warm hand touched his shoulder behind him.

Wuming was startled suddenly, because he didn't notice the other person's approach at all—looking back, he found that it was a tall and plump woman with a beauty like the sun.

The woman showed a cheerful and friendly smile, and asked carelessly:

Wuming immediately recognized the identity of the other party—the identity is only lower than the Pope's permanent clerk, the highest authority within the Cyber ​​Church.

The moment he intended to assassinate Director Amirus, he appeared behind him.

What this means is self-evident.

Sure enough, my actions and intentions have been completely exposed. Sure enough, Ah Zhan is being monitored by the board of directors at all times...

When Wuming bowed his head and saluted, he felt the bitterness at the corner of his mouth and the fear deep in his heart.


As the business gradually emerged, another decision in his heart became clearer.

Ignorant and neither humble nor overbearing replied.

Chairman Sai Lun nodded cheerfully:

After all, she directly opened the door of Amirus' room without knocking, and walked in first.

Wuming was silent for a while, then slowly but firmly swam in. Previous chapter table of contents bookmark back page