MTL - Overturned Tower-v2 Chapter 78 Bad: I feel like I missed a season

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Grey, dull, dull.

The gray filter like an old movie covers the whole world, giving people a sense of quiet and distant memories.

It's as if what's happening in front of you is not the present...but the "past" being performed by pantomime.

The low, depressed, and stagnant color gave Macivila a strong sense of security at this moment.

Because he immediately recognized the holder of this psychic ability.

— Silence.


"The bad..."

Mahavira murmured unconsciously.

—Be quiet and listen to my voice.

The young man's spiritual energy proclaimed so ostentatiously.

All this is like the scene I saw when I was a child, except that there is a difference between the enemy and ourselves.

The overwhelming drones are like moths to a flame in front of the man.

Mahavira opened his eyes slightly.

There is no doubt that it is the psionic power belonging to the man of the "inferior".

Even if you strangle yourself, you can't hear your own voice. "Our great hero, ah..."

The low and magnetic voice of the inferior one seemed to be reciting a modern poem: "Mahavira... a good name. Better than strangling... or rather, much better."

As a matter of course, there is only one person who can speak out in the domain of silence of the inferior.

Naturally, the listener cannot resist the speaker.

With the clear and incomparable sound of the lighter scraping, the surrounding sound waves roared and spread, making the whole world blurred. It's like the smoke floating above when grilling food.

The next moment, the drone swarm that came again burst into pieces again.

The metal debris was like falling black snow. And more drones are like swarms of locusts, rushing towards the inferior.

Following the direction they came from and the starting point of the invisible ripple, Mahavira saw the figure of the inferior.

The poor man was reaching out his hand to cover his mouth, using a lighter to light a cigarette methodically for himself. The flame rose in the palm of his hand, and in the black snow, the drone still approached him.

Mahavira raised his hand subconsciously, wanting to protect the inferior with the Aphotic Shield.

But the bad guy just raised his eyes and glanced at him, the mockery and approval in his eyes made the strangling hand pause slightly.

"Thanks. But no need."

The inferior man bit his cigarette and said indistinctly.

As the inferior buttoned his metal lighter casually, the crisp knocking sound echoed far and wide.

It seems that instead of buckling the lighter, it seems that the triangle iron has been knocked hard. The melodious voice echoed in the gray-white world... The farther away he was, the sharper and more violent the voice became. It's like the howling of a microphone, or like a bomber getting closer and dropping a bomb.

The invisible sound wave turned into a shock wave with shape and quality, which instantly slapped and dispersed the falling black snow. The black metal debris was nailed to the surrounding building walls. Together with the group of drones in the sky, they were also torn apart by the distorted force in the blink of an eye and thrown around.

Just buttoning up the lighter, the dark sky directly above the inferior one, covered by drones, was suddenly pierced with a huge round hole—straight to the gray sky.

When the human sea tactics are inferior to a certain extent, the inferior will lose all meaning. For the inferior, it is just small actions such as snapping fingers, walking, and flicking a lighter, and the sound waves can be multiplied to destroy these dregs.

When watching the drone swarm attack for the third time, the inferior showed impatience on his face.

"Have they always been so fond of futile work?"

The inferior sighed: "Can you get out? Do you have some brains, gentlemen? It's useless to do this kind of trash ten times more."

Just plain whispers.

But his words seemed to be understood by the drone swarm.

As if the annealing device recognized the identity of the inferior,

It seems that the board of directors has issued an evacuation order... In short, after being easily destroyed by the inferiors for three waves, those drone groups hovered for a long time, but they really dispersed like this.

Hang Kill finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the radiance radiating from his body gradually extinguished.

He looked at the inferior, hesitant to speak.

The bad one looked back at Stretch, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised. The gray curtain that covered the entire world faded away, and the inferior was taken back into the shadow behind him.


With a cigarette in his mouth, the poor man looked over with a half-smile: "What's the matter, Lion? With this expression... do you have something to say?"

"...No, nothing."

The expression of Maciviluo froze slightly, he took the initiative to look away and changed the subject: "When did you come back?"

He had heard the bad guy laughing at him before, and thought that the bad guy was really hiding aside to watch the fun, and he waited until he was in danger before finally deciding to help.

But now he looked at the stains on the inferior man's body, and then he suddenly reacted.

The bad did not hide. The man who feels uncomfortable if he doesn't mock others is just a habitual oral hi.

The inferior one is now standing on the street opposite the prosthetic body hospital, that is, behind Hang Hang, without moving a step.

He was here before, and he wasn't hiding. It was only because he was too focused before the strangling, and put all his attention on Xiaoya, the prosthetic hospital and the drone, that he didn't see his colleague standing in front of him at all.

"Oh, just now. Not long ago, I was lamenting my brother's incompetence—until I struggled to come back, you couldn't find me. If I really count on you to save me, I'm afraid I won't be able to see it until I become a sausage your turn."

The bad guy raised his eyes and mocked.

His last words were gossip among the rioters on Happy Island. It’s a slang term, but it’s now harmless and turned into a joke-oriented meme—a popular meme among rioters and some “rebel culture lovers” in uptown schools.

Usually, when threatening to kill the other party, they would say something like "make you a sausage"...probably similar to "Sinking Tokyo Bay" and "One person at the bottom of the West Lake".

When Hang Sha heard this, his expression became a little weird.

"...Don't talk about sausages," Hang Shake shook his head, "it's not good for people to hear."

"Huh? You mean... there is such a thing?" On the contrary, the inferior one was a little surprised.

He was just joking around and didn't take it seriously.

In the end, the strangulation had such a big reaction?

"Well, about ten years ago. It was quite popular."

Hang Shou sighed, with a complicated expression: "Before I saw you for the first time...the me at that time also threw a living person into it."

Because the rioters of Happy Island all live in the lower city, that is, the automatic factory area.

There was a time when the power in the lower city was very chaotic. As far as the number of attackers goes, they more or less have their own backstage and organization, and no one dares to use their own body to try the opponent's backstage. However, there are also special cases where the opponent must be killed, assassinated, or silenced after robbery knowing that this is the case.

At that time, it is necessary to find a way to dispose of the other party's body. It is unreliable to throw it in the garbage area, and it is easy to be dug out to check the traces. In the era when strangled his father and opened an underground boxing ring, some people liked to throw all the corpses into the sausage factory to destroy them... The perpetrators were also happy to disgust the residents of the upper city. Some of the people who were kidnapped uptown and had their tickets ripped off ended up in the sausage factory—and occasionally sent back a video and a sausage.

It's easy to get in the news. And once it hit the papers, it would act as a deterrent to other Uptown residents whose family members had been kidnapped.

In that era, rioters basically followed the chain of contempt of "big organizations are dogs for companies", "small organizations are dogs for middlemen", and "one who fights alone is not as good as a dog". Kidnapping is an industry that everyone can do... Some are kidnapping opponents for company executives to fight for business, and some are picking up second-hand mercenaries who don’t know who Party A is.

Lists, some are simply tinkering with something for yourself.

"I'm not saying that today's rioters have any noble morals..."

Hang Hang shook his head with a complex expression, and said in a low voice: "But more than ten years ago, it was much more depraved than it is now. At that time, the downtown area just began to become lawless... it was truly disorderly. "

To be precise, it was the group of "older-generation perpetrators" who strangled my father, with cruel methods and twisted minds. When they ruled the lower city, the rioters in the lower city would definitely slip through the net by shooting three at a time.

Later, the mages appeared.

These young people can communicate and learn in the dream world, and their spells are not like psychics who use too much psychic power and easily lose control. The first thing the young wizards do is to kill these "old things".

Later, after the three pillars of discord, malt wine and strangulation, the lower city became a lot cleaner. Since then, most of the dead bodies have been thrown directly into the garbage disposal plant. Of course, it doesn't rule out the case that the older generation of rioters who hate Uptown will throw their bodies in the sausage factory-but it doesn't make sense at all. In fact, it can only disgust them mentally.

Because the sausage factory's extremely complex detection, separation, sterilization, and cooking systems can make any "material" into a sausage with the same texture and taste. Not to mention throwing a corpse in, it's useless even throwing **** in. All unused waste will be automatically separated and discharged.

In fact, before strangling, he didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

——The gentlemen in the upper city don't treat these rioters as human beings, so they don't need to be polite to these rioters who have no education, no job, and no family. They are completely opposite.

After tying someone up, if it is found that the other party notifies the execution department, then it is reasonable to throw him into the sausage factory, or directly record an 18G video and send it back as punishment and revenge.

…but these days, strangulation is getting a little tense.

For some reason, he didn't want Xiaoya to hear such things. The traitors on Yongquan Island lived a life that he envied... Even those scaleless people who were reduced to coolies and slaves were not bitter at all in terms of strangulation. Compared with Happy Island, this place is indeed a paradise on earth.

If the dark jokes of Happy Island were told, it might scare Xiaoya.

The inferior looked at him a little strangely, and sighed in amazement: "In the end, I really... saw an extremely rare scene.

"It turns out that you can also sacrifice for someone you just met. It's amazing. You can't be in love, right?"

"Huh? How is it possible, are you mocking me?"

Hang Kill frowned: "It's my fault that I couldn't find you, and I was saved by you because of my lack of ability. If you want to laugh at me, let's make a long story short."

—There are still some urgent matters.

Mahavira said in a low voice, stretched out his hand and pinched his neckline with some discomfort.

It's ironic... When I wanted to live before, I was always cursed and told to die soon. Now they are all ready to die, but people cry and say they want to live.

When Xiaoya yelled his name hoarsely at the end, the voice made Macivira worry.

As a result, he is actually not dead now.

If she found out about this, would she feel that her feelings were wasted?

Hang Hang looked at the hospital with some hesitation. Want to go in but dare not go in.

— Forget it, let's go in and have a look.

He still wanted to know what was going on with Xiaoya who was directly thrown in by him.

Before the situation was urgent, he had no time to think about it. But now that the alarm was lifted, Strangling couldn't help but wonder whether Xiaoya would twist her neck when she landed, or just fall into a faint; whether the prosthetic doctor could treat such a wound, or whether he Not here at all now, just going out?

Compared with non-urgent matters such as "how did the bad guy escape back" and "why can he talk again", the human life that is right in front of us is more important. He must be sure that Xiaoya is really being raped

Doctor rescue.

He didn't want to give up his life to save a life, but ruin it again because of a strange little negligence.

If the doctor is really not there, he must take Xiaoya to another hospital immediately.

"No, I'm serious... I underestimated you. I thought you, a brainless lion, were also a 'scum,'"

The inferior man had a cigarette in his mouth, and his expression was a bit complicated: "As a result, you actually chose to save other people as a priority compared to your own life... This is not the ruthless 'strangling' I know.

"Or, should I just call you Mahavira from now on? Is the name Mahavira... a great hero? Or should I call you Daxiong?" "...It's up to you."

Stretch bared his teeth, and the lion's face was terrifying enough: "I'll talk about your long-winded things later...I'll go and see how the situation is."

"Oh, then you go."

The inferior one just stood there motionless, watching Mahavira take some hesitant and cautious steps, and approached in two steps at a time. It seemed that it was not a hospital, but an enemy camp full of ambushes.


He took a deep drag on his cigarette, and looked at the back of Macivira with a puzzled expression.

The poor also know the details of the strangulation.

Although he doesn't know enough about spells, he can also see that the Aphotic Shield activated before the strangulation is definitely fueled by "love". Only the emotion of "love" can be so bright and stable, and can be attached to the In the two people, and with the separation of the two, the sacrifice of strangulation became fierce at the same time.

Love between the victim and the rescued...

...I just left for a day, UU Reading What is going on? Is it possible that there is love born in "one day" in this world? The most unbelievable thing is that it still fell on the bloodless and tearless villain?

Could it be that I have been in a coma for half a day, but for half a month?

The poor are full of doubts.

He felt like he missed a season.

"...Alright. The most powerful thing about love is its ability to influence."

He sighed, and whispered a poem that Russell had read: "I would rather walk with those who walk than stand and watch the procession pass by,..." He looked around, intending to find a good door, and quickly opened it Tell Qunqing about this news.

—The lion has finally come to us now.

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