MTL - Painting of the Nine Immortals-Chapter 2802 ten years

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The setting sun is like blood, spilling the afterglow.

The smoke of cooking is small, the village is quiet and peaceful, and has no dispute with the world.

At the village entrance, an old man with white hair was sitting on the rock, rubbing a child's head, and chuckling, "What story do you want to hear today?"

"Grandpa, I want to hear the stories of those heroes." The child looked at the human-shaped statue not far away.

There are a total of six statues, carved from ordinary stone, rough and poor, invisible and deityless.

If the human form is not faintly visible, these are the six big stones, not counting the statue.

"Okay, grandpa will tell you a hero story today."

"Ten years ago, the seven ancestors broke through their doors and wanted to destroy the universe and to kill all souls."

The old man was silent, looking at the six rough statues, and said, "At the time of the crisis, six heroes came forward to kill the ancestors and save the universe."

"Grandpa, what's their name?" The child was curious, her pure eyes twinkling with longing.

"I only know two people, one is a Buddha who crosses the world and does nothing."

"The other is Ling Xian, Emperor Ling."

A touch of respect flashed in the old man's eyes, and he sighed, "You must remember this name, and you will not forget it until you die.

"I remember."

The child nodded strongly, his face showing distress: "Grandpa, I want to know what he looks like."

"When you get older, you can go to the capital, where the statues are lifelike and wonderful."

"Our village has limited abilities, but no matter how rough it is, we have to build statues of six heroes."

The old man's words were sloppy, and he looked at six statues that were not even clear, saying, "They die for the universe. The only thing we can do is remember them and never forget them."


Similar conversations appear in every star and every corner of the universe.

The same is true of the statues of Ling Xian and others.

The Zongmen family, the capital of the dynasty, and even small villages have statues of Ling Xian and others.

They are the heroes who saved the universe. They have a life-saving grace for all living beings, and the statues are naturally spread throughout the universe.

The purpose of building statues is to make the world remember them.

As the old man said, the only thing they can do is to let Ling Xian and others linger for centuries and enjoy a long history.


Yongxianxing, Wang family.

The patriarch's boudoir, a picture hung on the wall, the figure with swords and eyebrows, white clothes like snow, just like Lingxian.

A red-haired woman stared at Lingxian infatuatedly.

It is the palace lock heart.

Lin Qingyi was standing behind her, her skin was as fat as she was, and she was as charming as a fairy.

After Ling Xian fell, she returned to Yongxian Xing, first met the Seven Princesses, and then accompanied Gong Suoxin.

"It's been ten years. It's been ten years. Why hasn't he returned?"

Gong Suo turned and looked at Lin Qingyi seriously, and said, "Tell me the truth, is he really not dead?"

"If he is dead, do you think I can laugh?" Lin Qingyi smiled slightly, his eyebrows glowing, and the mark of life and death appeared.

Once the deed of life and death is concluded, it is irresolvable. If Ling Xian falls, she will not escape.

She lived well, which meant that Ling Xian wasn't dead.

"Although I don't like your eyes, I never doubt that your feelings for Lingxian." Gong Suoxin sighed, saying for ten years whether it was long or short.

For others, it is only closed once in ten years, or even a blink of an eye, but for the palace lock heart that misses Lingxian day and night, it is longer than ten thousand years.

"The mark of my brows is called the deed of life and death."

"If Lingxian falls, I will die, and my company with you for ten years is enough to prove that he was not dead."

Lin Qingyi Lizu smiled and said, "My husband is a hero who stands up to the sky. The four great ancestors can't be killed. How can they fall easily?"

"Ten years have passed. If he hasn't died, why didn't he show up?" Gong Suoxin's eyebrows frowned slightly, and years left no trace on her. She still dumped sentient beings and was beautiful.

But, a lot has been cut.

Missing the bone erosion, naturally the garter is getting wider, and people are better than yellow flowers.

Lin Qingyi did not abate, not because of her love for Lingxian, which was not as good as that of Gong Suo, but she determined that Lingxian was not dead.

"I don't know, but I believe he will return."

Lin Qingyi shook his head lightly, looking at Ling Xian on the painting, and said, "The promise he made has not been fulfilled and he cannot die."

"I wish he was dead now." Gong Suo snorted heartily, hearing Lin Qingyi's name Ling Xianfu Jun, and speaking of the wedding affair between the two, she was furious.


Lin Qingyi smiled and said, "You, when Ling Xian comes back, I will let you accept you."

"I'm not rare." Gong Suo's heart was cold and cheeky, but Qiushui's eyes flashed with joy.

Infatuated with Ling Xian for 100 years, she dreamed of marrying Ling Xian, even if she shared it with Lin Qingyi.

Lin Qingyi didn't mind, there would be discomfort, but she could not bear the suffering of the palace locks, let alone Lingxian.

"If you're not rare, treat me like I didn't say it."

As soon as Lin Qingyi drew the blue silk to her forehead, she smiled lightly: "When Ling Xian returns, I will live in seclusion with him. It is difficult for you to meet him."

"Knowing my mind, but still teasing me, is it interesting?" Gong Suoxin glared at Lin Qingyi.

"Who made you stiff?"

"I finally managed to convince myself to share Lingxian with you, and I wouldn't appreciate it. I was still ridiculous."

Lin Qingyi smiled, there is no woman who is willing to share her husband with other women. If she did not want to make Ling Xian difficult, she would not agree.

"There is more than one woman sharing Lingxian. God knows how much his romantic debt." Gong Suoxin glanced at Lingxian's portrait resentfully.

"No matter how many, just follow him if he wants."

"Who told you to love me in this life?"

Lin Qingyi smiled and said, "Well, wait patiently, one day, he will return."


In the galaxy, the mushrooms walked in the wind, looking for Lingxian's bones.

Ten years ago, she retreat in a hidden world, impacting the state of supremacy, I did not know the birth of the seven great ancestors, nor did Ling Xianshe become a demon.

After leaving the customs, she learned of this matter, and she was mad to find Lingxian's corpse, and she had already looked over the seven stars.

Although it didn't make sense to do so, the mushroom just wanted to do it, and for her, whether or not she could find Lingxian's bones was a comfort.

In other words, the meaning of living.

In addition to revenge, the only thing left in Mushroom's life was to look for Lingxian's bones.


The crescent moon is like a hook, and the night is cold like water.

Mass graves, rough loess piled with loess, gusts and weirdness.

A young girl in black sits cross-legged, her eyebrows faint, she spit out yin, and the venom of the five poisons is looming.

Poisonous into the body, the girl's cold sweat and direct current, Qingxiu's small face twisted, against the mass grave post, especially terrifying.

Her practice gradually improved, and after two hours, she broke through to the sixth layer of gas refining.

The shadow of the five poisons disappeared, and the girl opened her eyes and said to herself, "In 30 days, I can reach the seventh layer of gas refining and participate in the big contest."

After speaking, she stood up with a hint of hatred flashing in her eyes.

Just then, the girl heard a word and couldn't help stopping.

"In three days, you will die."


There is no third chapter.