MTL - Pampered Consort of the Fragrant Orchard-v3 Chapter 55 The village chief is jealous

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When Du Xiaoli came to the village chief's house, the village chief's daughter-in-law was tearing her eyes in the house. The son of the village chief just ran back from her home and saw her father's eyes closed, her lips pressed, and she was anxious.

Hearing the movement at the door, he hurriedly greeted him and saw Du Xiaoli, saying, "Xiao Li, come and show me."

"Tiger brother, don't worry, I will check it first." Du Xiaoli's voice calmed Li Hu.

Du Xiaoli and Bai Ning Yuan Xia came to the village chief's house, and the newly renovated house also had the smell of wood.

Because everyone planted grapes and oranges, they also made a lot of money in these years, and many people have renovated their houses. The village chief’s family directly rebuilt it because of some savings.

"Xiao Li, you will show me a man, what is wrong with him?" The village chief said with tears.

"Li Wei, don't worry." Du Xiaoli came to the bed and checked Li Mingfu.

"Yeah, Li Jiazi, you first let Wang Hao give Li Ge a look!" Shi Da said.

"Hmm, look first." Li Jia's wife wiped the tears on her face.

When Du Xiaoli gave Li Mingfu a pulse, his heart suddenly slammed.

"What's wrong?" Bai Ningyuan was next to Du Xiaoli and saw her look and asked.

"Xiao Li, is it that I am a man, he is not saved?" asked Li Jia's wife.

Du Xiaoli put down Li Mingfu's hand and said: "Li Wei is not anxious, the village head is not a serious illness."

When I heard that it was not a serious illness, the people in the room were relieved.

"However, who did the village chief have seen recently?" Du Xiaoli asked.

"A few days ago I went to the city and said that I had a mouthful with a village person. I also pushed a few times. At other times, I have been in the village and have never seen anyone outside." Li Hu said, " Is this going to be a coma?"

"It is very possible," Du Xiaoli said. "Because the village chief is not sick, it is not because of poisoning, and - Lieutenant."

"Lieutenant? How can we use people here? Isn't that used by Miaojiang people?" Li Hu said with surprise.

Because Zhou County is not very far from Miaojiang, so there is a certain smell for the mysterious Miaojiang.

"Is it because they have violated here?" Bai Ningyuan said.

"This is going to go back and discuss with the Ming Dynasty and then make a final decision." Du Xiaoli said, "I will explain the village chief first, and wait until he wakes up and say."

"Are you able to solve the problem?" Bai Ningyuan looked at Du Xiaoli and said that he would go to Li Mingfu to solve the problem and hurry to hold her. "This technique is different from poison. I am called a poison king. I can't do anything about it. Don't fool it."

"You don't know how to swear, but also go to Miaojiang with me?" Du Xiaoli looked at Bai Ningyuan and asked.

"When you go to such a dangerous place, of course I have to follow." Bai Ningyuan said.

Du Xiaoli smiled and said, "Don't you know, have I studied 蛊 好 for a long time? Although it is not as good as poisonous techniques, but the general 蛊 is still difficult to beat me. And this person is obviously the lowest level. The method of solving the problem is also very simple. Tiger brother, you and the dog are going to get wormwood back, and licking the soup to the village chief to drink."

“It’s that simple?” Li Hu asked.

"Well, it's that simple. You are going, give the village chief a drink and wake up early." Du Xiaoli said.

Although there is some doubt, in addition to believing Du Xiaoli, they have no other way, so Li Hu and the dog are carrying a piggyback and carrying a sickle.

Du Xiaoli, they are waiting for them to come back in the house. I think that Li Hu said that Li Mingfu only had a mouthful with someone from another village. If he gave Li Mingfu a slap, how could the general villagers use it? If this is what someone else has given him, who is it?

It seems that all this must wait for Li Mingfu to wake up and know that the person who argues with him can find a clue.

In the back of the mountain, because the fruit trees were developed and planted, the grass on the mountain was cleaned, so Li Hu got the farther mountain to find wormwood. When they came back and drank the wormwood into a soup for Li Mingfu, the sun was already west.

After Li Mingfu drank the wormwood soup, he suddenly turned over and spit out the water he had just drank before the bed. In the water, everyone saw a black bug.

Du Xiaoli touched the remaining water in the bowl with his hand and bounced toward the mites. The worm stopped in the water after a few moves.

"Cough -"

After the mites spit out, Li Mingfu, who had been in a coma for a long time, finally opened his eyes.

"Hey, you woke up."

"Baby, hey, what do you think now?"

Li Mingfu sat up from the bed and licked his head and asked, "What happened to me?"

"You are in the middle, just after the locust attack, you fainted." Li Jia's wife said.

"Lieutenant? Fainted?" Li Mingfu licked his head and seemed to remember how he fainted.

"Yeah, fortunately, Xiaoli has just solved it for you. You see, the locust is still on the ground." Li Jia's wife said.

When Li Mingfu heard it, he quickly thanked Du Xiaoli: "Thank you for your help."

“The village head doesn’t have to worry about it.” Du Xiaoli said, “But I want to ask, do you know when you were squatted?”

Li Mingfu recalled for a while and said: "I haven’t been out of the village recently because of the busy farming. I went to the county town a few days ago, and the rest of the time is basically in the village."

"The tiger brother said that you have a dispute with whom?" Du Xiaoli asked.

"It was a dispute with the village head of Sanhe Village. Because the vines only we will breed vines, so he wants me to tell him the technology. I don't agree, he pushed me a few times." Li Mingfu said "Is it going to be related to that?"

"There is no relationship, let people know about it when they investigate." Bai Ningyuan said.

"The martial arts have always been Miaojiang people. How can Zhou County also have it?" Li Mingfu said, "When I entered the city, I heard people say that several counties outside Miaojiang had Miaojiang people coming out to make trouble. But we are so far away from Miaojiang here, how can such a thing happen."

"In fact, we will come to the southwest this time because of the Miaojiang thing. Now that we have encountered it, it is natural to check it out. Now the locust has been forced out, and the village chief has no problem. You should rest well. We will go back first." Du Xiaoli said.

"Thank you, Wang Hao."

Du Xiaoli nodded to the people in the room and left with Bai Ning Yuan Xia.

On the way back, Du Xiaoli seemed to have some troubles.

"What are you thinking about?" asked Bai Ningyuan.

"Yes." Du Xiaoli nodded. "If this is done by the head of Sanhe Village, how did he learn the trick? If it wasn't for him, then when did the village chief swear?" Will the person extend the claws to such a mountain village? If this is Han Hyun-hong’s plan, what is his purpose? Is such a small mountain village not useful?”

"This really needs to be considered, but you are not in a hurry now. Go back and let the king hand go down and check it." Bai Ningyuan said.

"It can only be like this now."

After returning to Han Ming, they were playing chess in the yard. When they heard the voice of Du Xiaoli coming back, they all looked at the courtyard door and saw that her look was wrong. Q: "What?"

"The village chief fainted because he was shackled." Du Xiaoli said.

"Heck? This is not a place outside Miaojiang. How can anyone kneel down?" said Cold.

"So I need you to check it out." Du Xiaoli came to Han Mingyu and sat down and said, "The village head of Sanhe Village, you should check this person. The village chief's embarrassment is probably his next." ”

"Cold one, you bring along a few other people." Han Ming said.

"Yes." Cold one should, seeing the cold two still looking at the kitchen, said: "Come back to eat."

"Women, remember to give us dinner!" Cold second shouted at the kitchen, and then left with cold one.

They have already smelled the smell of dinner, but now they go to Sanhe Village, the **** Sanhe village chief, it is best to be honest, or they must ask him to taste the taste of ecstasy.

"Continue." Liu Mochen said faintly, put the chess pieces in his hand.

Late at night, they were cold, and they brought back the village head of Sanhe Village.


Han Mingqi and Du Xiaoli are waiting for them. They see that they brought back the village head of Sanhe Village and asked: "How did you bring him back?"

"The master, we can't speak, just take it back and look at it." Cold two said.

"Can't you ask?" Bai Ningyuan came to the village head of Sanhe Village and said, "It's stupid, no wonder I can't ask."

"It's stupid. When we went, his family said that he had been in this for two days, and he didn't talk and stayed." Cold said. "We are thinking that maybe Wang Hao has a way, so I will bring people back."

Du Xiaoli came to the village head and carefully checked it. He said, "He is also lieutenant, and the poisonous attack will be like this."

"Is there still a save?"

"Yes. Xia Wei, take the silver needle out."


After a while, the village chief of Sanhe Village, who had been stupid, spit out a worm. After the worm came out, the original gaze was slowly getting a focal length.

"You, who are you?" Seeing a strange house, a stranger, Wang Xiangzi was so scared that he sat on the ground.

"Is you swearing to Li Mingfu?" Cold asked.

"You, what do you say?" Wang Xiangzi's face changed suddenly, his eyes turned around.

"Look at what is in front of you?" Cold second sneered.

Wang Xiangzi noticed that there was a dead worm in front of him. When he saw the worm, he was scared and used a few times.

"Look at you like this, you should know what it is? This is what you got from your body. Since we can get it out, we can get it in again." Cold II threatened, "You should have already experienced it yourself." What is the feeling of sputum poisoning in your body? Do you want to come again?"

"No, no, no, no!" Wang Xiangzi quickly shook his head and said.

"Then you still don't explain?"

"I said, I said, don't give me a kneel!" Wang Xiangzi was very courageous, and he was scorned by the cold two, and he explained it at once.

It turned out that this locust was given to him by someone he did not know. When he entered the city, he encountered an injured person in the middle of the road. The man asked Wang Xiangzi to save him, he would pay him, so he saved him back.

The man lived in Wang Xiangzi's house for a few days. The very serious injury was quickly restored. This speedy recovery made Wang Xiangzi's family scared to death.

One day, the man said that he would give him a reward. Wang Xiangzi originally thought that he would give them some money. After all, he said that he would pay him.

However, I did not expect that the man just took a few small black **** to him. He also said that he heard Wang Xiangzi say that there are several enemies. Just put the meatballs on others and you can do it.

Later, he tried it. I didn't expect that the man would die soon. He asked, the talent told him that the ball was a locust, and the man was shackled and naturally died.

Wang Xiangzi said at the time that he didn't want those balls, but the man said that his body was also shackled. If he wanted to live, he would use all the balls, otherwise he would die and let him see it. The appearance of the worm.

Later, the man recovered and said that he would come back to solve the problem when he used all the mites, but he did not expect that the person would never appear again after leaving. It was the last one for Li Mingfu. I didn’t expect his own embarrassment to happen in two days. Then he didn’t have consciousness and knew that he woke up here tonight.

After listening to Wang Xiangzi’s words, the room was silent for a while, and I was thinking about Wang Xiangzi’s words.

"The man should be a Miaojiang person." Cold two said.

"But what is the purpose of his doing this?"

"That, that person is a bit like him." Wang Xiangzi pointed to Han Mingqi, weak and said.

"When did you save him?" Liu Mochen suddenly asked.

"Probably, about a month ago." Wang Xiangzi said, "There is almost no more than 20 days in a month."

"It's a bit like a long-term look, and knows how to swear. It was seriously injured more than 20 days ago. If I didn't guess wrong, it should be the rebellious king Han Honghong." Liu Mochen said.

"How do you know that he is?" Bai Ningyuan asked.

"Because his injury is what I beat." Liu Mochen said, "Is it not only the wounds on his body, but sometimes it is all icing?"

"I didn't see it when I was frozen, but I saw him all over the body with ice slag." Wang Xiangzi said.

"That should be right." Liu Mochen said

"I think that since Han Honghong wants him to use those locusts, there is definitely a purpose. It seems that the locusts are definitely not ordinary cockroaches." Du Xiaoli said. She looked at Wang Xiangzi and asked, "Who did you give that person to?"

"Give, give me some dead rivals..." Wang Xiangzi said a few people came out.

"Mysterious, I think of it. I used to say that it is a very sinister cockroach. It is planted when people are alive. When waiting for people, using corpses as nutrients will mutate and multiply more locusts. These locusts continue to harm people." Du Xiaoli said, "I think that Han Honghong's heart will definitely not do useless things, so it is very likely that this is the case."

"Cold one, go to the county magistrate, let him take the servant to dig up the tomb of the dead, see if there is that kind of locust." Han Ming 熠 commanded.

"Yes." Cold together.

"Wang Hao, if there are really locusts, how can we clean up?" asked coldly.

Wang Xiangzi heard the word Wang Hao and was scared to faint. This person is actually Wang Hao, then the man around her is not the prince? !

"Use fire to burn. It is necessary to burn all the mites. I don't know what this locust will look like after mutating. All you have to be careful." Du Xiaoli snarled.

"We will be careful." Leng Yi said, "Subordinates retire."

I only have to come back for a while and leave. I don’t have time to eat the dinner for them. I feel some hungry stomach, forget it, or do business first!

"What about this person?" Bai Ningyuan looked at Wang Xiangzi.

"Let the cold one take them to the county to pay a county magistrate to dispose of it." Han Mingxi said.

So, cold two, they have not gone down the hillside, and they were called back and took Wang Xiangzi away.

When they arrived at the county's grandfather's house, it was already in the middle of the night. Because of the emergency, they went directly to the county magistrate's room and caught the county grandfather who slept.

"Bold, who dares to swear by the official residence?!"

Sun Zheng had a good performance. He was transferred from Zhou County a year ago. Now the county magistrate is a fat man with a big fat ear. When he sees himself being taken out of the bed, he is screaming loudly.

Cold Seven put the token in front of him, and the sleepy county magistrate glanced at him. The whole person was immediately awake, softly squatting down and said, "I don't know if there are any important things for the cold guards coming late at night?"

Seeing him like this, cold one, they resisted the urge to slap him, saying: "Go to the county to call up all the servants, there is something for you!"

So the county grandfather quickly put on his clothes, took everyone to the county, and called all the servants who slept in the county.

------Off topic ------

Today's train, I have to go home tomorrow night, Lunjia will be on the train code (ˇ?ˇ)~