MTL - Pampered Consort of the Fragrant Orchard-v3 Chapter 62 Snakes

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Du Xiaoli looked at Xia Wei and Xia Wei took out some medicine bottles from his baggage and said, "These are the powders that I and my master and Bai Gongzi made overnight, and they have the effect of preventing insects."

As she said, she distributed the medicine bottles to everyone.

Du Xiaoli saw everyone holding a medicine bottle and said: "When everyone goes in, they will sprinkle the powder on themselves, and the general poisonous insects will not come close."

Smell this, everyone sprinkled some powder on themselves, and the careful people also found that this powder has a faint scent.

After everything was ready, they entered Muliangshan under the leadership of the old Miao doctor.

As soon as I entered the mountain, the road suddenly became rugged. The mountain roads that entered were even smaller than the small intestines. Many places could only be sideways and slowly moved over the cliffs.

It is no wonder that the old Miao doctor said that how much can be entered, this is a natural road, it is really not the average person dare to go. If you don't pay attention, you may fall from here and fall into the abyss.

Du Xiaoli, because they have martial arts, so the road is rugged, but there is not much problem for them, but I did not expect the old Miao and the pharmacy to walk safely.

After passing the natural danger, they came to a slightly flat place. The old Miao doctor said that he would rest temporarily here tonight and go on the road tomorrow.

"Doctor, now it's still early, why don't you go?" Rain smiled.

"We have passed the first natural danger today. We will go through Wulongling tomorrow. There are many poisonous weeds and there are more dangerous than natural disasters. If we are on the road now, it will be even more dangerous to go to Wulongling." The old Miao doctor explained.

"There is no road there? As long as we are on the road, should we be alright?" Bai Ningyuan asked.

"Where there is a road there, Miaojiang is almost isolated from the outside world, and few people will come out, even if there is a road, it will become nowhere." The old Miao doctor shook his head and said.

Du Xiaoli is dumb. In the past, he only heard Lu Xun’s sentence: There is no road in the world, and there are more people to go, and it has become a road. I didn't expect to be here, but it was the original way, because no one left, so there is no way.

"Doctor, when we were in danger, we see that you and Aya are very stable. You don't have martial arts. When you go, you are not afraid?" Liu Mo asked.

The old Miao doctor took out a long smoker and said, "When I am afraid of something, there are many places on our side. I have been used to it. Although I have no martial arts, balance is better." As for Aya, he is young, but he has practiced with them."

Han Mingxi saw that the old Miao doctor had put the luggage down and started to smoke the smoke. He knew that he had made up his mind and said, "German, otherwise we will have a rest here."

Du Xiaoli nodded and said, "Okay."

Han Mingqi looked at them coldly, and they put down their luggage and went to clean up the open space in front.

"Don't pack it up, we went there tonight." The old crop medical rod refers to the cliff they have just walked through, and there is a cave below.

Everyone looked at the old Miao doctor without words. Since there were caves, why didn’t they say it at first, they thought they were going to sleep in the open air tonight. Because they had to take their own gifts, they didn't bring a tent.

Seeing everyone's resentful look at themselves, Lao Miao doctor smiled and said: "I thought that you have martial arts, you must have found out."

"Let's go inside and see." Cold said to other people.

When they entered the cave, they looked at it and determined that there was no danger inside, let Xiaoli enter them.

"This cave is really big." Rain smiled and saw that the cave could accommodate so many people, and exclaimed.

"This was excavated by the ancestors of the past." The old Miao doctor said, "Because some people have to come out before, this road is safer, and someone slowly built the cave here."

Du Xiaoli went in and saw that there were traces of artificial excavation inside. These traces were somewhat old and some were relatively new.

"It’s good to sprinkle some anti-insect powder in the hole at night when you sleep." The old Miao doctor said.

Although the time is relatively early, because I don't know much about Miaojiang, everyone stays in the cave to rest, and in the evening, take out the dry food in the bag.

The old Miao doctor said that this would not be any danger. Everyone should rest, but they insisted on taking turns to stay vigil.

Nothing happened overnight.

On the second day of the morning, everyone packed up and went on the road. The more they went inside, the denser the trees and the bigger the bigger.

"Everyone is careful, don't touch the plants casually, they are likely to contain highly toxic."

"Don't touch, it's a kiss!" Du Xiaoli saw that Liu Mozhen wanted to reach out and touch a rattan wood with long leaves and quickly stop the road.

Liu Mo's hand shrank back and asked, "What is a hook kiss?"

"Poisoning will cause paralysis." Du Xiaoli said simply, "The master said that many of the plants here are poisonous. For example, this is the heartworm, and the abdominal pain of the food is not limited. If it is not detoxified in time, it will die and die."

Seeing a group of broken intestines with long feet at the foot, the person on the water moon immediately evaded the other side.

"In short, you don't want to touch any plants, just take your own path!" Du Xiaoli said.

"Well, we know." Liu Mo nodded and said nod.

The old Miao doctor and the drug boy lead the way in the front, Du Xiaoli and Han Mingyu walk behind, and Bai Ning far comes together, and from time to time, they discuss the poisonous plants they saw with Du Xiaoli.

Others behind them, I heard Du Xiaoli and Bai Ningyuan, you talked about me in a word, excited to say that eating this will break the bowel, which can be used to refine what poison, this will make people embarrassed, that will It makes people diarrhea, everyone feels cold and has the urge to stay away from them. If they are taken to try the medicine, it will be terrible!

It's no wonder that the poisonous kings talked about changes in the rivers and lakes. They just listened to them and felt cautious. If they were really poisoned by them, I don't know what to expect!

At noon, they turned over several mountains and went to Wulongling in the mouth of the old Miao. According to the old Miao doctor, there are not only many poisonous plants, but also many poisonous insects.

I heard that there are only some poisonous insects here, and there is no other danger. Du Xiaoli, they let go of their hearts, because there are small white balls, these do not have to worry.

Xiao Baiqiu was thrown into the arms of Xia Yu by Han Mingyu. When he arrived at Wulongling, perhaps he felt that there were a lot of poisons here. It had to be stringed into the arms of Du Xiaoli.

The old Miao doctor heard that the white ball had such a role, and was amazed. Although Du Xiaoli said that it was true, he still doubted it until they safely went out of Wulongling. During the period, even the most common snakes were not. Seeing, he believed in the ability of the white ball.

In the evening, they went to a valley, and the old Miao doctor said that they could go to Miao Village by turning a few more mountains. However, because the road ahead is not good, I have to rest in the valley for one night tonight.

Because I knew the ability of the white ball, everyone was relaxed this night, surrounded by fire, and slept by the big tree.

In the middle of the night, Du Xiaoli and Han Mingyu Liu Mo was the first to wake up, and then Liu Mozhen and Bai Ningyuan, cold ones, they also woke up one after another, listening to the sounds getting closer and closer, stood up and watched vigilantly. .

Others woke up, but at this time they were surrounded by swarms of snakes.

"How can there be so many snakes?" Liu Mozhen asked, "Can the white ball not allow the poison to automatically avoid it?"

Du Xiaoli holds a small white ball, calms the arrogant, looks at the eyes of the snakes and says, "These snakes have been trained as locusts, and their minds are not under their control, so they are not afraid of the power of the white ball."

“Is someone controlling them?”

"It should be." Du Xiaoli looked around and said, "The man should be hiding not far away."

"But how did he control these snakes?" Rain asked puzzledly.

"Use the sound."

"Sound? We didn't hear other voices?"

"It should be controlled by a special instrument. The frequency of this instrument is relatively high, so we didn't hear it." Du Xiaoli said.

The whistle that she used to contact the small white ball was developed with reference to the Miaojiang musical instrument. As long as the whistle is blown within a certain range, the white ball will be heard.

"Hey--" let me kill them!

The little white ball was twisted in the arms of Du Xiaoli, and he wanted to jump, but he was pressed and held.

"Don't move!" Du Xiaoli screamed at the little white ball, closed his eyes and listened for a while, then opened his eyes and said, "We will deal with these snakes in a while, and you will solve the problem of hiding behind."

"Hey--" I am going to kill him!

Xiaobaiqi and Kuo and Du Xiaoli reached a consensus, Du Xiaoli threw it out, it made an arc in the air, and then quickly broke into the jungle and disappeared.

Perhaps the action of the white ball stimulated the vipers, and they began to besiege to Du Xiaoli and others.

Du Xiaoli and Han Mingyu were surrounded by people from the water and the cold, and they did not need to do anything to deal with such a situation.

Most of the snakes were cut in half, but even so, the remaining heads continued to attack them, as if they had not been hurt.


The voice of the little white ball did not know where it came from, and it echoed twice in the entire valley.

As the white ball screamed, the poisonous snakes that had been cut into two halves all fell down and no longer approached them. The few remaining snakes were quickly solved by them.

Du Xiaoli looked at it. There were probably hundreds of poisonous snakes. A pile of poisonous snakes were lying in front of them. Some of them were blown up by internal forces and looked very disgusting.


The little white ball came out of the woods and suddenly fell into the arms of Du Xiaoli.


Xiao Baizhu showed off his achievements to Du Xiaoli, but Du Xiaoli found that his mouth was stained with black things.