MTL - Pampered Consort of the Fragrant Orchard-v3 Chapter 79 Resolve cold poison!

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A month later, Ding Wangfu banquet seats to celebrate the full moon for Xiao Wangye and the young county.

This time, Han Mingqi changed the low-key before, and invited a lot of people to make the palace a lively event. However, Du Xiaoli took the child out for a turn, so that everyone saw the two children and then returned to the backyard.

She now finds that sitting on a moon is not something that ordinary people can bear. From pregnancy to the present, she deeply understands that it is not easy for a mother.

It’s true that raising children knows their parents.

And compared to her parents, she still has a large group of niece. Now her father has to go to work. Although she has asked for a babysitter, it is very hard for her mother to take her alone.

Du Xiaoli discharged the two children to the bed and reached out with both hands to let them hold their fingers. The face was filled with a happy smile.

Mom, I am also a mother now. Did you look at me like that?

The banquet was scattered, and Han Ming’s drunken drink came back, kissed Du Xiaoli’s face, and then went to kiss two children.

"Don't get drunk and get kids," Du Xiaoli said.

"The child won't dislike me." Han Mingyu said while undressing, Du Xiaoli came forward to give him a wide coat and hung his robe on the shelf.

"They are still small now, waiting for them to be big, you see if they will dislike you!"

"When they grow up, maybe they love me more!"

"Poor mouth!"

"Ha ha……"

After the month, Du Xiaoli and Han Ming chose one day, took two children into the palace and walked around, and collected a lot of gifts.

However, when I went to the Forbidden Palace to see the Empress Dowager, Du Xiaoli found that the Queen Mother was not very good, and she checked her and adjusted her diet.

When she left, she couldn't help but look back and saw the largest sweet-scented osmanthus tree in the middle of the osmanthus forest.

With the children's days cumbersome and happy, they will be five months old without knowing it. When they play with them, they will catch their hair.

Du Xiaoli accidentally found that after the birth of the child, the body seems to have undergone some changes, and her blood seems to faintly emit a faint scent. On a certain day, the children were asleep. She went to the pharmacy and used her own blood as a primer to make the antidote to the cold poison.

During the pregnancy, Han Mingqi did not allow her to do it, so she was not allowed to worry about it. She put her energy into the study of cold poison. After returning from Miaojiang, it took almost half a year before and after. Above, now using her blood, finally developed the cold poison antidote.

She dragged the moon to make Liu Mochen come to the capital for a trip, and then let Xia Yu send the antidote to the past, seeing him with the antidote.

After eating the antidote, Liu Mo's body was frozen by the cold, and the people in the room were nervous.

"You don't have to worry, my family Wang Hao said, this is a normal situation." Xia Wei prevented Liu Mo from coming forward.

"Normal?" Yin Yuexuan looked at Xia Wei, who was already dressed as a woman, and her heart was blocked.

Xia Wei nodded and said: "Wang Wei said that this antidote will trigger a full-scale attack of cold poison, and then it will be completely solved when the cold poison attack occurs."

"But dust him..." Liu Mozhen still has some concerns.

"Liu Dianzhu has a strong internal force, and these ice can't be hiss. And this antidote is also strong, and will protect his internal organs from frostbite." Xia Yu explained.

Xia Wei said this, and other people will once again observe the state of Liu Mo.

The ice slowly frozen the whole body of Liu Mo, but his body revealed blush under the ice.

After a while, the ice on his body slowly melted, and the water formed wet the sheets under him.

Then Liu Mo's brows were wrinkled and his body was a little distorted. He seemed to suffer great pains. He slowly recovered after he had touched the small half hour.

Liu Mochen felt that he had been going through a long, long time, and the coldness of the bone seemed to freeze his breath. Just when he thought that he couldn’t pass this time, a burst of warmth spread from his body and he reached the limbs, and the warmth gave him a familiar feeling.

"Liu Dianzhu, what do you think now?" Xia Wei’s voice interrupted his thoughts and let him slowly open his eyes.

"Dust, how do you feel?" Yin Yuexuan asked.

Liu Mochen nodded to them and signaled that he was fine.

"Liu Dianzhu, please let me take the pulse for you." Xia Wei said.

Liu Mochen will extend his right hand, Xia Wei stepped forward to give him a meeting, then put down, back, smiled and said: "Congratulations to Liu Dianzhu, the cold poison on your body has been completely solved, and you will not have to suffer cold again. The pain of poison."

"Thank you, Lord, thank you, Wang Hao." Liu Mochen said.

Xia Wei nodded and said: "Since the cold poison of Liu Dianzhu has been solved, Xia Wei will go back to Wang Hao to return to his life.

"I am going to send her." Yin Yuexuan said.

The two men came out from the backyard of Mingyuelou. When they arrived at the door, Yin Yuexuan asked: "When are you getting married?"

"At the end of last year." Xia Wei replied.

At that time, Du Xiaoli was not so serious. He said that he had to find a time to do her and the cold one, so that people would see the day, just at the end of the year, they would inform Xia Hong, and then they would have a wedding. .

Of course, with the songs and cold weddings, their weddings can be seen, especially if there are still brothers, it is more difficult to meet the difficulties.

However, the cold one itself is close to Han Ming, the ability is much better than other people, and has his own brother to help out, although the process is very difficult, but still back in the summer before the end of the Kyrgyz time.

"That, your husband is..."

"You have seen, cold one." Xia Wei said, "You will send me here. If you go out and be seen, it is not good to find that it is your place. Leave a message."

When he came to the door, Xia Wei declined Yin Yuexuan to continue sending, and he left the door to leave.

Yin Yuexuan looked at Xia Wei out, and the shadow of Qian Qian slowly disappeared in front of his own eyes. He squatted for a while and went up to close the back door.

"Well, I wish you happiness in this life."

He had a feeling for her at first, but when he was not sure if he liked her, she married a woman and told him that they were not a person of the world.

He touched his heart, but fortunately, it is still here...

After Xia Wei went back, he told Du Xiaoli about the situation of Liu Mochen.

Du Xiaoli is sleeping in Fu Fulin and Fu Xi. Hearing that Xia Wei said that his poison has been completely solved, he said: "There is one thing. Right, Wang Ye?"

"Wang Ye seems to go to the military camp, saying that he will come back at night." Xia Wei said.

"Oh, then let's go first," Du Xiaoli said.

Xia Wei went out, Du Xiaoli looked at the two little guys who were already asleep, but his face was clouded.

In the evening, Han Mingqi came back. I heard that Du Xiaoli asked himself in the day and came to the room and asked, "What happened, are you looking for me today?"

"Well, I have something to say to you," Du Xiaoli said.

Han Mingxi looked at Du Xiaoli's face is not very good, asked: "What?"

"You send someone to find some snow ginseng to come back." Du Xiaoli said.

"Do you want to eat?" asked Han Ming.

Du Xiaoli shook his head and said: "When we went to the palace after the full moon of Xie, I saw that the grandmother's body was not very good. I checked her and found that her body was shrinking. I specially entered the palace for her this morning. After checking it, I found that the situation is even worse.” Seeing Han Ming’s face changed and said: “It’s not the harm of others, it’s natural aging.”

"You mean, grandmother..."

Du Xiaoli took Han Handi’s hand and said: “The emperor’s grandmother is already high, and she has been eroded by the mites. Although she has been helped by her, she still hurts her body.”

“Can you take snow ginseng?” Han Mingxi restrained his emotions, but the slightly trembling voice still showed his fear.

"I have been conditioning the emperor's grandmother for the past few months, but when I entered the palace today, I found that the emperor's body was very aging. I think this may be related to the fact that it was too much in the middle. If you take snow ginseng, you can delay it. It depends on the specific situation, and I dare not say it absolutely useful."

Speaking of it, when they went to Zhuangzi last year, the Empress Dowager said that if she went, the altar would be given to Mengu.

Didn't she start to feel that she was running out of time?

Han Mingqi slowly digested what Du Xiaoli said and said, "Then I sent people to find snow ginseng."

"I'm sorry, I know, if I can find it earlier..."

"This does not blame you. You have been following me all the time in the past few years, and I am pregnant again from Miaojiang. It is already very hard to have children and bring children." Han Mingwei comforted. "Is there any requirement for the snow ginseng?" ”

"The year is not too high. If it is too much, the grandmother's body can't stand it," Du Xiaoli said.

"Well, I will go to arrange people to look around."

"That, when you enter the palace next time, you will also tell the emperor, maybe he knows where there is." Du Xiaoli said.

Han Minglu touched the face of Du Xiaoli and said, "I will. I will go first."


Han Mingqi left and went to the palace that night. He knew that Du Xiaoli didn’t really think that Han Mingze might know where it was, but let him go to the emperor Han Myeongze. The Empress Dowager may not have much time, let everyone do more. Good psychological preparation.

Du Xiaoli looked at the back of Han Mingqi’s departure, and there was a deep loss and self-blame in his heart. She can cure the disease, can bone, can detoxify, but can not prevent the progress of the years, can stop the disease, but can not stop the elderly.

Internal forces can delay the aging of the body, so those who are not very young in the martial arts. However, the Empress Dowager did not practice martial arts, had no internal force, and was eroded by locusts for several years. If it wasn’t for Du Xiaoli to help her in these years, I was afraid that it would have passed away.


She leaned against the door and looked at the thick night, a long sigh.

Since the discovery of the aging of the Empress Dowager, Du Xiaoli often went into the palace to check the body for her pulse.

On this day, when the pulse was taken, the Empress Dowager suddenly said: "The old bones of the Laughing House are not much time?"

Du Xiaoli’s heart burst into a heart and said with a smile: “What is the emperor’s grandmother saying, your body is still good, and you will live for a hundred years.”

The Empress Dowager rebelled against Du Xiaoli’s hand and said, “You should not lie to the mournful family. The mourner’s body knows this.” You have recently ran to the mourning home. This mourner checks the body and mourns. The family has prescribed a lot of medicines. Those medicines, the mourning family have eaten them, and often change them, indicating that the body of the mourning family is incurable."

Du Xiaoli was silent for a while, and the Empress Dowager looked at their abnormalities. Recently, she had been in the palace for more time, and Han Mian and Han Mingyu had more time to see her. She lived for a lifetime. What else can't understand.

"The emperor grandmother..." Du Xiaoli clenched the hand of the Empress Dowager, and hated the passing of time. "Emperor grandmother, do you believe in my medical skills?"

"Nature." The Empress Dowager patted Du Xiaoli's hand. "If there is no you, the sorrower may not be able to steal these years!"

"So, Xiaoli will make the grandmother live a hundred years old." Du Xiaoli said with a smile.

She knew in her heart that she had no end to this. However, she can't be discouraged first, so that the Queen Mother can't see hope.

The Empress Dowager is so fine. He smiles and laughs at Du Xiaoli’s words. He does not refute it. He just leans on the back of the chair and says, “Actually, since the emperor’s death, the mourner has lived for so many years and has lived many lives. It’s been a long time. Even the white-haired people have experienced the black-haired people. When the emperor died, the mourners were almost incapable, or they said that Fengmingguo still needs to mourn, they still need to mourn. The mourners thought that the emperor had just left, the emperor was succeeded, and the Fengming country was in turmoil. If the mourner did not look at the point, the ancestors had lost the Jiangshan defeat, so the mourners came over like this."

Du Xiaoli listened to the Empress Dowager, and took the cup that Meng Gu handed over, and then handed it to the Queen Mother.

"Now the Fengming country has settled down, and the national strength has been strong. Even if there is no mourning, there will be nothing." The Empress Dowager drank a cup of tea and said, "So, the mourners also miss the emperor, not I know if he wants to mourn below."

"Emperor grandmother, we all need you." Du Xiaoli said, "As the saying goes, the family has an old, such as a treasure. Fulin and Fuxi have not grown up to serve you."

"Oh..." I thought of the two little dolls that were chubby, and the Empress Dowager laughed and said, "Xiaoli, although I don’t believe in the fate of the goddess, but I can see you, it’s a mess. Fortunately, it is also the luck of my royal family."

Du Xiaoli did not expect the Empress Dowager to know this statement, but think about it, Han Mingze may not have said it to her.

"Oh, the mourners think that there is nothing to owe to this Fengming country. The only thing that is sorry is the fragrant scent." The Empress Dowager said, "And the pros look like scenery, but the mourner knows that these princesses are at the husband's house. Actually, it’s not good. But the things of the fragrant incense and the pro, the sorrow is the default. For the Fengming country, the owe to the hoe! The lover’s life does not know if she can see her again. If she can’t see it, If you have a chance to meet in the future, remember to say anything to the mourner, and the grandmother is sorry for her."

The Empress Dowager said that she had slept, and now her body is getting worse and worse, and she often falls asleep.

Du Xiaoli looked up and her eyes were a little wet. I thought it was just mentioned that Han Mingxiang was sad.

She reached out and wiped the tears from the eyes of the Queen Mother, and said softly: "The emperor, the glass to bring back the fragrance, is it good?"

“Wang Hao.” Meng Gu took a thin blanket and Du Xiaoli put the blanket on the Queen’s Queen’s Queen and turned to Meng Gu and said, “Dream, let’s go outside.”

Meng Gu followed Du Xiaoli, and the expression on her face was quite worried.

"Wang Hao, the master has her body really no way?"

"I will let the emperor go and ask my two masters to take care of the emperor, I hope they can do anything." Du Xiaoli expressed his meaning.

Meng Gu is silent.

"Dream, this time, you have to pay more attention to the situation of the emperor's grandmother. If my master has not come yet, you will let Shen Shijie come and watch."

"Wang Hao, you really want to..." Meng Gu looked at Du Xiaoli.

Du Xiaoli nodded and said, "I am ready to bring back the fragrance. In any case, let the emperor see the fragrance, can not let her leave regret."

The body of the Empress Dowager has become a fixed position. The general doctor or her side is almost the same, and it has no effect. In the past half year, she often mentioned Han Mingxiang, which shows how much regret she has in her heart.

"If you can, you can let the emperor send a letter to the North Yuanguo, let the princess come back." Meng Gu said.

"Well, it can only be like this now, I am afraid it is not so easy..." Du Xiaoli remembered Zhao Wei's appearance, and his heart was very low. I don't know if I can do it. "Dream, I will go to the emperor to discuss it, and the emperor will give it to you."


Du Xiaoli glanced at the Queen Mother who was sleeping in the palace, turned and left the Forbidden Palace, and went straight to the Imperial Study Room.

"See Wang Wei." Sha Gonggong was outside the royal study room and saw Du Xiaoli coming over and saluting.

"Sha Gonggong, is the emperor inside?" Du Xiaoli asked.

"The emperor is discussing things with the generals of the season." Sha Gonggong said.

"Trouble you to inform the emperor, I said that I am in a hurry to report to the emperor." Du Xiaoli said.

Sha Gonggong hesitated for a moment and said: "The emperor said that he was not allowed to disturb. Wang Hao waited for a moment. The slaves went in to inform, can't know if they can do slavery."

"The trouble is the father of the sand."

After Sha Gonggong entered, he would come out in a short time and said, "Wang Hao, the emperor declares you to go in."