MTL - Pampered Consort of the Fragrant Orchard-v3 Chapter 82 People are all dead

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In a short while, Xia Wei and Bier will come to the medicine.

"Master, medicine is good." Xia Wei looked at Du Xiaoli's eyes red, knowing that she had just cried, and comforted: "You don't want to be sad, the princess will be fine."

Du Xiaoli nodded and took the medicine bowl.

"Wang Hao, the princess had all the syrup she had drunk before, or she just blew it out before she swallowed it." Bier said with some concern.

Du Xiaoli fed a small spoonful of medicine into the mouth of Han Mingxiang, and all of them flowed out along the corner of his mouth.

"The incense does not have the will to survive, even in the conflict, so the body also responds with rejection of the drug." Du Xiaoli said, "As long as she is subconsciously willing to drink medicine."

"But how about the princess..."

Du Xiaoli handed the medicine bowl to Xia Wei, then reached out to Han Fangxiang's shoulder and buried her head on her shoulder. She said in her ear: "The fragrance, I am Xiaoli. This medicine I let Xia Wei personally Oh, I will feed you, don’t be poisonous... I will pick you up according to our agreement. If you get better, let’s go back. The emperor’s body is very bad recently and can’t support it. How long has it been, if we don't go back earlier, maybe it won't even be seen on her last side. Mingxiang, can you drink the medicine? We have to go back to see the emperor, right?"

Du Xiaoli repeatedly said it several times, especially the bad things of the Empress Dowager.

"Wang Hao, the princess is crying!" Bier saw tears of Han Mingxiang who had no emotional fluctuations for a long time, excitedly said.

Du Xiaoli smashed in the neck of Han Mingxiang and said, "You can hear me talking, I want to drink the medicine, I am embarrassed."

After that, she took the medicine bowl and fed it to Han Mingxiang again.

This time the medicine did not flow out of the corner of the mouth.

Du Xiaoli gave her a spoonful of spoonful of medicine. Seeing this, Bier has been unable to speak at the side.

Only during this time did she know how difficult it was to feed Han Mingxiang to take medicine. When she saw her resistance to life, her heart was dying.

After Du Xiaoli fed the medicine, he rubbed his mouth with Han Mingxiang and said, "Xia Wei, you are here looking at the fragrance. Bier, you come with me to the outhouse, I have something to ask you." ”

"Yes, the master."

Du Xiaoli and Bier came to the outhouse. After she came, the other cockroaches in the house were all driven out by her. In this regard, Zhao Wei did not say anything, just let the cockroach go outside to wait.

"Bier." Du Xiaoli turned and looked at Bier and asked, "Who are the people around Youxiang, why are you alone?"

She remembered that there were several martyrdoms and sorcerers who had been married, and in addition to these, there were four maids who had been prepared for her by Han Ming. She has been here for so long, except for Bier, none of the other people have seen it.

Speaking of this, Bier’s eyes are red again, saying: “They are all dead. Except the slaves, everyone else is dead...”

"What are you talking about!" Du Xiaoli was shocked.

"The four of them are splendid. When a princess went to a temple outside the city to worship Buddha, he encountered a thorn to kill. Some of the guards who were married with him were also killed at that time." Bier said. "That time we all went to the suburbs, and suddenly a group of killers came out. They had a high martial arts. The splendid and the guards died so that a few of us could escape."

"Who did it?" Du Xiaoli asked coldly.

"We asked Hou Ye to check it out, but he said that it was just a group of killers. I didn't find out who hired it." Bier said.

"Well, you are a Zhao!" Du Xiaoli's palm is on the table next to it. The strength is so great that the table is directly split.

How could he not find out who was instructed? It’s just to protect that person!

"What about the rest?"

"The rest of the people... Since the main child was born, they drove everyone away and said that they let them go back. But they were killed when they were out of town." Bier said, "The princess also let the slaves Go, if it’s not a slave, it’s forced to die, but I’ve been sent away by the princess. But I didn’t expect it to escape. But now the princess doesn’t know that they are all dead, and the princess happens to sleep when the guards come over to talk. And told the slaves that the slave had not told the princess yet."

"Well, you are doing very well," Du Xiaoli said.

The reason why Han Mingxiang let those people leave, is that it is too dangerous to be around, so I want them to leave, but I did not expect them to be killed in advance.

Now Han Mingxiang’s situation is not optimistic. If she knows that her good intentions have harmed those people, she is afraid that she will not be able to withstand the blows. She will soon be able to wait for her to come.

"The most important thing is how the scent is produced in small quantities?" Du Xiaoli closed his eyes and only took the courage to ask this question.

"It was pushed down from the upstairs by the Liuli County owner," said Bier.

"The owner of Liuli County?" Du Xiaoli remembered the name, and remembered it.

"In fact, before the princess and Hou Ye have never had the same room, more than three months ago, Hou Ye did not know what was stimulated, drunk, and gave the princess..." Bier said with a gnashing, "The original was only that time. I didn’t expect it to be pregnant. The Liuli County owner was interested in Hou’s, and when he saw the grandfather’s princess, he always hated it. When he learned that the princess had a child, he would go out and push her upstairs. Go on."

"Zhao Wei..." There was no table around to vent, Du Xiaoli hand squeezed his fist. "What is the identity of the Liuli County Lord?"

"She is the youngest daughter of Zheng Wang. Zheng Wang is the brother of the Emperor of the North, except for Hou Ye." Bier said, "The Liuli County Lord is very favored by Zheng Wang. very."

"Yes, then look, is she more powerful, or..." Du Xiaoli did not say anything behind, but Bier knew that with her, the Liuli County Lord would not have any good end.

"Well, you should take care of the incense first." Du Xiaoli waved his hand.

"Yes, Wang Hao."

Du Xiaoli opened the door and went out. It was already late at night. The other cockroaches all drove out of the yard when she waited for the medicine in the evening. Now there is only a monsoon in the middle of the night.

When I saw Du Xiaoli coming out, the season winds three steps and walked over in two steps. I asked, "How about the Xiaoli, how is the fragrance?"

"It's very serious, but it's finally saved." Du Xiaoli said, "If it is two days later, I am afraid that we will see a cold body."

"Xiao Li, thank you." In the heart of the season, I was glad that Du Xiaoli was there, otherwise he would not be able to use it even if he came.

"Do you know that the disease of the fragrant incense is caused by small production." Du Xiaoli said.

“Small production?” The season winds the body and stepped back.

Du Xiaoli saw the reaction of the monsoon wind, and suddenly pulled his face and said, "Do you dislike the fragrance?"

The monsoon wind sees Du Xiaoli misunderstanding himself, saying: "No. I just didn't think she would be caused by a small production. How could a small production make her almost dead?"

"Someone is hurt, someone is in her body, so that her blood is not enough. And the doctor who treated the doctor did not handle it well, and the stomach was not cleaned." Du Xiaoli's body changed, "Whether he is the owner of Liuli County This is the right lord, this time I will definitely ask them to pay the price! Flowing wind, no matter what happens during this time, you have to be around the fragrant incense, since that Zhao Wei is so incompetent, then it is strange that we are not righteous!"

“What do you want to do?” asked the season.

Du Xiaoli smiled coldly: "I want to make them uneasy, **** debts!"

"What do you want me to do?" asked the season.

"You are mainly to protect the safety of the fragrance, when the time ..." Du Xiaoli let the wind flow to his side, told him what he wanted to do.

In the study, Zhao Wei has changed his clothes, no longer the body that Du Xiaoli fell in the day.

He looked at the piled up memorial in front of him, but he couldn't see it if he took the next one. After a while he put it back.

He did not expect that Han Xiaoxiang's small production would make her sick so serious, and even did not expect Du Xiaoli to arrive at this time.

However, it is also good for Du Xiaoli. Otherwise, Han Mingxiang is dead. They still have to find a way to explain to Fengming.

When I think of Han Mingxiang, I think of her eyes that are devoid of death. I don’t know why, there is some faint pain in his heart.

"Hou Ye, Ding Wang pleads to see." A guardian came in and said.

Du Xiaoli sees him? It seems that the situation of Han Mingxiang should be stable.

"Take her to the living room." Zhao said.

There are too many secrets in this study, she was caught by her, and maybe she knows what.

Du Xiaoli waited for a while in the living room and saw Zhao Wei coming in.

"A good fragrance?" Zhao asked.

"For the time being," Du Xiaoli said.

"Wang Hao is not there to accompany her now, how come to me?"

"I came here to ask you some things." Du Xiaoli said, "I think Hou Ye should know the answer."

"If I know, I should tell you, but you and I have different positions. I have to listen to the questions first." Zhao Wei did not say anything too full.

"Good." Du Xiaoli looked at Zhao Wei and asked: "At the beginning, I went to the city outside the incense. When I came back, I met the killing. You said that it was a killer organization. I want to know which organization?"

Zhao Wei did not expect Du Xiaoli to ask this question. He thought she would ask Han Fangxiang here. He thought about it and said, "There is no place. The biggest killer organization in Beiyuan."

“Nothing? The name is quite good.” Du Xiaoli said, “This killer organization will not attack them for no reason. Who is instructing? Don’t you say that I don’t know, I’m not like them. Lived."

What Zhao Zhao wanted to say was blocked by Du Xiaoli in the throat. Yes, she is not the female lord who lives in the squat. Even if she does not know her power, she knows that it is impossible to find out the people behind.

"Sorry, I can't say it." Zhao said.

"So you are going to protect them." Du Xiaoli said, "Since you don't say that I don't force you, but I will say here first, people who hurt the incense, I will not let go, you will Waiting for your Beiyuan Guofei flying dog!"

When she finished, she got up and planned to leave.

"Stand up!" Zhao Wei said.

Du Xiaoli turned back and looked at Du Xiaoli coldly.

"Ding Wang Yu, although you are a fabulous figure in Fengmingguo, but you are now in the Beiyuan country, not your Fengming country!" Zhao said.

"I know. But you should know that even if this is the case, I can let you pay the price!" Du Xiaoli said.

"I know that you have a high martial arts. Even if you are a thousand troops, you can escape. But don't forget, you are not alone, and the fragrance is still the lady of the present!"


Du Xiaoli smiled. "Do you think that I am coming, will you give me a chance to hurt the fragrance?" Xiangxiang once wrote a letter to me saying that you once got along very well, she even has some friends who treat you as friends. Meaning, but what about you? I don’t want to live with him for nearly four years, even if you didn’t do anything that promised me, let her fall into such a situation. As a husband, you don’t have a husband. Responsibility; as a friend, you have not done your duty as a friend."

Friend? Zhao Wei did not expect to hear this word.

"When I am waiting for my wife, I am willing to treat it. It is a matter of the present." Zhao said.

Du Xiaoli sneered and said: "But don't forget, she is also the Princess Changle of Fengmingguo. And this Wang Hao is the king of Fengmingguo, her nephew. Zhao Wei, I put the words here today, at the beginning The person who stabbed the fragrant incense, the glazed lord of the fragrant scent, and the one who gave her the squat, I will not let go. If you want to stop, then you can trap me, or I will You are in the midst of Yongzhou City!"

After that, she went out without going back.

A black shadow appeared next to Zhao Zhao, saying: "The master, this Fengming country's attitude is very tough!"

"Not only Feng Mingguo’s attitude is tough, but the person who sent this time is her.” Zhao Wei muttered. "Since she said that she will definitely do something, you send two people to follow, look for Two martial arts highs."

"Yes, the master."

Du Xiaoli came out of the courtyard of Zhao Wei and then went back to Han Mingxiang in the yard for a while. When he went back, the monsoon was sitting in the outhouse, and the inner house Han Mingxiang was still in a coma.

"Xiao Li, you are back." The monsoon wind stood up.

"Wake up in the middle of the incense?" Du Xiaoli asked.

The monsoon winds worrying and shakes his head.

Du Xiaoli sighed and said: "In theory, it should be awake when it is late in the evening. It seems that although she drank medicine, she still didn't want to wake up."

"What should I do?" asked the season.

"Let's wait, let's see if she will wake up tonight." Du Xiaoli said, "You should pay attention to it tonight. There may be a situation. I have to go outside, I am not there, the three people in the back room will pay." I am giving you."

"Do not worry."

Du Xiaoli changed a man's outfit, went out from Han Mingxiang's yard, and went to a courtyard wall and jumped out. After a while, the two shadows also came out of Houfu.

"How no one?" Two masked people saw the shadow of Du Xiaoli, and asked questions.

An embroidery needle flies out of the dark and kills one of them directly.

The other one looked at the darkness, and Du Xiaoli slowly came out from the inside.

"Go back and tell Zhao Wei, if he is sending someone to monitor me, I will see one killing a person, seeing a pair of killing a pair, I would like to see, how many people in this Wuyi ride are enough for me to kill!"

When she finished, she quickly flashed in front of the man, hitting him on the shoulder, throwing him back into the high wall, and then grabbing the body and throwing it in.

The two men’s martial arts are good, but unfortunately, Zhao Wei underestimated her strength.

Du Xiaoli waited for a while in the same place. A maid's appearance came out of the courtyard wall and fell down in front of Du Xiaoli. He said, "See the teacher."

"You are the person of the water moon?" Du Xiaoli asked.

"The subordinate is the wooden incense of Fengge, sent to Houfu to protect the Princess of the Devil." The woman said, "Under the work of the subordinates, ask the Lord to punish."

"You must get up first." Du Xiaoli said, "Is it the person who sent you the news that the scent is dying?"

"Yes." Muxiang said, "Houfu is heavily guarded. At the beginning we had several people together, and finally only two people came in."

"Is there still one person?"

"It was dead when the princess was assassinated," Muxiang said.

"I know, you go back first, continue to secretly protect the fragrance. Pay attention to safety."

"Teacher, do you want me to take you to see the owner?" Muxiang asked.

"No, I will go by myself." Du Xiaoli said, "The people in Houfu are very vigilant. If you go out for a long time, I am afraid that you will expose yourself. Go back first."

"Yes, the subordinates retire." Muxiang said after leaving, jumped in from another place. Du Xiaoli listened to the ear, and the footsteps of a group of people passed, sounding like a patrol.

It seems that Muxiang has already clarified the time and place of the patrols of the government guards.

The person who thought of her saying that she was dead was also dead, and the four donkeys and other guards that Han Mingyu gave to Han Mingxiang, it seems that the thorn killed a lot of people.

"No Corner Court..."

After a while, Yangge held a small white ball and a woman walked in the darkness.


The little white ball saw Du Xiaoli and suddenly rushed into her arms.

"Master." Yangge and the woman came to Du Xiaoli.

"Feng Gege main wind Xiao Xiao has seen the leader." Wind Xiao Xiao Chao Du Xiaoli salute.

"Free." Du Xiaoli said, "Yangge, have you said anything to the Fengge master?"

Yangge nodded.

When you arrive in Yongzhou City, you will be separated from them. According to the contact method of Shuiyuetian, you will find someone who is in the water.

"Teacher, this is not the place to talk, let's leave and talk."

"Well, go."

Several people disappeared at the end of the street.

Zhao Wei looked at the person lying on the ground, and a corpse next to him almost did not see where there was a wound.

"See one kill one, see a pair to kill a pair?" Zhao Wei repeated the words of the guard, waved and said: "Go on, let him be buried."

"Where is the king?" asked the guard.

"It seems that she is really getting angry this time. You are not enough to kill her, forget it." Zhao said, "The king is also happy for a long time, I don't know how she planned to fight with him this time. It..."

------Off topic ------

The claws are frozen.